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Exercise 2.

Explain Me
1. Organizing A Community Pantry. This program was based on the policy “Kumuha Ayon
sa Pangangailangan, Magbigay Ayon sa Kakayanan” with its goal to assist those people
who were affected by the pandemic. For those who lost their stable jobs brought by the
consequent lockdowns to mitigate the spread of the deadly virus. Those who have extra
can give or drop it on a pantry and those who are in need can get it.
2. Educational Assistance. This program is intended for students who have their Blended-
Online Learning. The SK provide educational kits such as ring light, power bank, flash
drives, and load assistance to assist them in their blended learning. This assistance is a
great help for them especially for those students who cannot afford to buy but it is a
necessity already during the blended-online class.
3. Free Printing and Internet. Another SK project wherein it provides free printing for those
students who don’t have their printer. The free internet is also an assistant for learners
who find difficulties looking for a stronger and reliable internet connection.
4. The DA (Department of Agriculture) provides seeds of vegetable plants like eggplants,
tomatoes, pechays, and others including live stocks such as chickens and pigs to
encourage each household to do home gardening and raise live stocks which will help
them have enough food even if there is pandemic.
5. The LGU provides monetary amounts to those displaced workers due to the pandemic.
This program aims to assist those individuals who lost jobs in the midst crisis or
pandemic and help them to have the capital to build their own small business which is a
great help in times like this.
Exercise 3. Essay Writing

"A healthy community is a sort of living democracy in which people work

together to address issues that are important to them."

A Community Action Plan is a list of goals and issues that a group of people
comes up with to develop a list of their community's needs. A Community Action Plan is
an important community document that assists a community in prioritizing community
needs, establishing a list of community activities, and assisting local and state
governments in understanding community needs. When creating plans that affect the
shire and the communities within the Pyrenees Shire, local government refers to all
community plans. As a result, the plans, as well as the community funds, play an
important role in the process.

The community action plan is one of the participative instruments for increasing
community members’ capacity to act in response to the community's issues, needs, and
potential. It's a blueprint for bringing about community change and delivering critical
services by laying out what will be done, who will do it, and how it will be done. The
plan outlines what the community wants to accomplish, what actions must be completed
within a certain time frame, and what resources (money, people, and materials) are
required to achieve success.

A community action plan serves as a framework for carrying out actions that the
community has decided on. The emphasis is on the process of understanding and
resolving problems to rebuild people's lives, rather than on physical development, such as
building houses, providing health services, or providing recreational facilities.

It is critical to recognize that the community should be the primary actor in the
development of their community action plan. The action plan assists individuals in taking
practical and specific measures toward participatory development planning to improve
services that are relevant to them. This technique raises awareness of the talents and
resources already available in the community by bringing everyone together to think
about and discuss resources and group involvement.
Activity 5. Engaged

The Department of Health in partnership with the Local Government Units, Agencies,
NGOs, IATF are collaborating for the national roll-out of covid-19 vaccination. They are
encouraging all Filipinos to have their shots of covid-19 vaccines to protect their selves and the
people around them.

Now that effective COVID-19 vaccinations have been produced and are being delivered
to the general public, people must understand the benefits of the vaccines and why they much
outweigh any minor potential side effects or inconvenience.
According to Michael Saag, M.D., professor of medicine at the University of Alabama at
Birmingham Division of Infectious Diseases, the possibility of serious complications for anyone
who contracts the virus, as well as the public health consequences of the pandemic continuing,
are compelling reasons to get vaccinated. But what else should the general people be aware of?
The COVID-19 vaccine can assist you from contracting the virus.
COVID-19 vaccinations have been licensed after being tested in clinical trials and demonstrating
that the vaccine considerably reduces the risk of catching the virus. Even if you receive the virus,
the COVID-19 vaccination may help you avoid becoming extremely ill, based on what has been
proven regarding vaccines for other diseases. Getting vaccinated may help protect individuals
around you, especially those who are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 sickness. The full worth
of the vaccine, according to Saag, may be recognized when we examine what would happen if
the vaccine development had failed.
The COVID-19 vaccine is a vital instrument in the fight against the pandemic.
Stopping a pandemic necessitates the use of all available tools. Wearing masks and keeping a
safe distance from people can help minimize your risk of contracting the virus or spreading it to
others, but these precautions are insufficient. Vaccines work with your immune system to ensure
that if you are exposed to the virus, you will be prepared to fight it. The best protection against
COVID-19 is a combination of getting vaccinated and following CDC advice to protect yourself
and others. Ending the COVID-19 pandemic will put an end to the virus's expanding detrimental
impact on education, the economy, health care, and countless other aspects of society.
Activity 2. Picture Analysis
1. Problem: Mismanagement of Solid Waste
Solution: Penalize those who are caught dumping their solid and plastic wastes in
public areas especially in canals that cause floods. Conduct a webinar that
talks about Solid waste management activities and how this solid waste
affects the life of humans and another organism. That these wastes when
are not properly disposed of can cause diseases.

2. Problem: Food Scarcity/Malnutrition

Solution: Improving agriculture in order to increase income. Farming is a common
source of income for the poorest people. Many smallholder farmers, on the
other hand, live far from markets where they may sell their produce for a
profit. They encounter obstacles such as a lack of credit, money, and the
necessary skills to improve their yield. To ensure that farmers have access
to economic opportunities through agriculture, we collaborate with a
variety of partners, ranging from the private sector to universities and civil
society organizations, to ensure that smallholder farmers have the support,
know-how, and resources they need to succeed. By investing in agriculture
and bringing partners together, we're helping developing countries
establish stronger food systems that give possibilities for rural populations
— from fields to markets to tables — through Feed the Future.

3. Problem: Deforestation
Solution: Once upon a time, the planet was covered in trees. However, as man
evolved, the amount of forest cover shrank dramatically. Deforestation
refers to the reduction in the number of forests and trees. Deforestation has
had a devastating effect on all forms of life on the planet. Deforestation
reduction or prevention is easier said than done. This is due to the fact that
trees are cut down due to a pressing requirement. As a result, in order to
avoid deforestation, we must make smarter choices in paper usage, city
design, migration, and other areas.
The importance of plant life in the forest cannot be overstated. To secure a
more environmentally friendly future, we must all work together to reduce

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