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“S/Center for Research and Consultancy in Economics and Business University ofthe West of gland NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY EC CRCEB UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND CALL FOR PAPERS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “The impact of Covid -19 on Logistics in Vietnam” Dear ... akeseruessusenaycessnasteneee The world economy is faced with unprecedented severe damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It also has had widespread and obvious impacts on the entire Vietnamese economy, including supply chain and logistics services. The lockdown happening all over the world has led to the disruption of the supply chain which causes a series of consequences such as stagnation of operations, a slump of revenue, shrinking of production scale, and increases in unemployment. ‘The National Economics University will organize the International Conference “The impact of COVID-19 on Logistics in Vietnam”. The Conference has the participant of experts in the field of Logistics from the University of the West of England, Korea Valuation Association, research institutes, universities, enterprises. The Conference offers a collaborative environment to academicians, researchers, managers, and practitioners to exchange and share experiences and research results on Vietnam’s Logistics industry as well as finding sustainable solutions for Logistics development in Vietnam in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Conference’s Organizing Committee is pleased to invite prospective authors to submit their original manuscripts to the Conference. Refereed and practice-based papers on but not limited to the following topics are welcomed for submission: 1, The impact of Covid-19 on Logistics in Vietnam and other countries Logistics enterprises in Vietnam respond to Covid-19 International experiences in Logistics management in the context of Covid-19 Challenges for Logistics in Vietnam in the context of Covid-19 Opportunities for Logistics in Vietnam in the context of Covid-19 Covid-19 response solutions for Logistics in Vietnam Full submitted papers must be in English, not more than 6,000 words not including references, the title of the paper, and affiliations. Prospective authors will submit their full papers to the email address; cc by October 15, 2020. Detailed instructions for formatting the paper are available on Submission Guidelines at hutp://crceb, AeAWN September 10", 2020 : Deadline for topic submission October 1544, 2020 : Deadline for Full papers November 124%, 2020 : Conference date Address: National Economics University, Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam. ‘Accepted papers are edited and published in the Interational Conference's Proceedings with ISBNy-—— For further information, please contact: On Behalf of the President 1. PhD. Tran Thi Mai Huong — Mobile: (84)912827997 2. Mr. Chu Tien Doan — Mobile: (84)944474385 Center for Research Constancy in Economics and Business, National Economics University Room 1506, Building Al, 207 Giai Phong Road, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi University of the ‘West of england TRUONG DAI HQC KINH TE QUOC DAN EC Trung tam Nghién cru Tu van Kinh té va Kinh doanh ae DAI HQC WEST OF ENGLAND THU MOI VIET BAI HOI THAO KHOA HQC QUOC TE Chi dé: “Tae dng cita Covid -19 dén hoat ding Logistics & Vigt Nam” (The impact of Covid -19 on Lo; in Vietnam) Kinh git Ca thé gidi dang d6i mat vi nhimg tac dong nghiém trong tir dai dich Covid -19 vé con ngudi cing nhu kinh té. Covid -19 cing céc bién php ngin chin dich da gay ra nhing anh huéng nang né dén hoat dong Logistics, gay gian doan chudi cung img va hu chuyén thuong mai, dinh tré cdc hoat déng kinh doanh, sut giém doanh thu, kim ngach xuét khdu cing nhu thu hep quy mé san xuat va cat gidm lao dng. Truong Dai hoc Kinh té Quéc dan td chire Hi thio khoa hoc Quéc té véi su tham gis ctia cée chuyén gia trong linh vuc Logistics dén tir: Dai hoc West of England (UWE), Higp héi dénh gid doanh nghi¢p Han Quée (KVA), Vign Nghién ciru, Trung Dai hoc, co quan va doanh nghiép hoat déng trong linh vuc Logistics. Hi thao véi myc tiéu cip nbdt, chia sé va trao di nhing két qué nghién ciru, kinh nghiém tg phé véi dai dich Covid - 19 va phét trién mang luéi chuyén gia vé Logistics. Ban té chi trin trong kinh mdi Quy vi tham gia viét bai va dong gop y kién cho H6i thao. Chi dé bai viét tap trung vao cdc noi dung cy thé sat 1. Tac dong ctia Covid -19 dén hoat dong Los & Vit Nam va quéc té. Thyc trang tmg phé dai dich Covid -19 tai cdc doanh nghiép Logistics & Vigt Nam. Kinh nghiém quéc té trong quan tri hoat dng Logistics trong béi canh dich Covid -19. ‘Thach thite d6i véi hoat ding Logistics ciia Viét Nam trong béi ciinh dich Covid - 19. Co hdi cho cdc doanh nghigp Logistics & Viét Nam va thé gidi trong béi cnh dich Covid -19. Giai phap img phé voi Covid -19 cho hoat dng Logistics & Viét Nam. Bai tham dy H6i thao viét bing tiéng Anh khong qué 6000 tir (khong bao gdm Phu luc, danh mye Tai ligu tham khdo). Bai viét trinh bay theo quy dinh huéng din tham khdo tai va giti ti email ce: ‘Thdi gian nhan dang ky chii dé bai viét : truée ngay 10 - 9 - 2020 ‘Thoi gian giri bai true ngay 15 - 10 - 2020 Thoi gian dy kién td chite HGi thao ingay 12 - 11-2020 Dja diém: Truong Dai hoc Kinh té Quéc dan, 207 dung Giai Phong, Quan Hai Ba Trung, Ha NGi. Cac bai viét duge chap nhjn sé duge bién tap va ding trong Ky yéu H6i thio c6 ma sé xudt bin ISBN. Se Thang tin chi tiét vé Hoi thao xin vui long lién he: 1, TS. Trin Thi Mai Huong - Mobile: 0912827997 2. Chu Tién Doan - Mobile: 0944474385 ‘Trung tm Nghién ctu Tu van Kinh té va Kinh doanh Phong 1506 — Nha A1, 207 Giai Phong, Ha NGi. Seay

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