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BQ GIAO DYC VADAOTAO | CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM TRUONG DH KINH TE QUOC DAN Doc lip - Ty do - Hanh phic Ha thing 7 nim 2020 GIAY MOI VIET BAI HOI THAO KHOA HQC QUOC TE “KINH TE VA THUONG MAI QUOC TE TAC DONG TOI DOANH NGHIEP VIET NAM” Kinh giti: Cée nha khoa hoe HGi thao khoa hoc quéc té “Kinh té va throng mai quéc té tic dng toi doanh nghiép Viét Nam” sé duge t6 chit tai Truéng Dai hoe Kinh té quée dan vao ngay 03 thang 12 nam 2020. fy 1a hGi thao quéc té thudng nién do Vign Thuong mai va Kinh té quée té chii tri, 1a co hdi dé cdc nha khoa hoc gap g@, trao ddi hoc thuat va chia sé tri thite vé cdc chi dé ign quan dén kinh té va thuong mai quéc té va tac dong dén et trong dio tgo va nghién ciru khoa hoe véi céc trurbng dai hoc ho cde co quan quan ly nha nuée cae cdp dé dap tmg yéu cau vé khoa hge va thy doanh nghigp Vigt Nam. Déng thoi, hdi thao cling tao co hi dé gap g6 va ting cudng hop té co quan nghién ciru, cdc doanh nghigp, cdc hi 4 mang luéi nghé ngh tign hign nay. Xin tran trong kinh mai cde nha khoa hoc quan tam giti bai cho Héi thao. Nhing théng tin chi tiét hon vé H6i thao, xin vui long xem Thw moi viét bai (Call for papers) bing tiéng Viét va Tiéng Anh dinh kém Kinh mong nh4n duge sur quan tam va eng tdc clia cdc nha khoa hoe. Théng tin chi tiét vui long lién hé: TS. Nguyén Xudn Hung, Chénh van phong, Vien Thacomg mai va Kinh 18 quéc té, DH KTQD Emait: Scanned with CamScanner THU MOI VIET BAI HOI THAO KHOA HQC QUOC TE “KINH TE VA THUONG MAI QUOC TE TAC DONG TOI DOANH NGHIEP VIET NAM” Ngiy 03 thang 12 nam 2020, Ha Noi - Viét Nam Gidi thigu Nam 2020, nén kinh té thé gidi néi chung va Viét Nam néi riéng dig truée nhiéu bién dong, dit cdc doanh nghiép truée nhiéu thir thach cam go, dc biét 1a nhiing anh huéng ning né tir dai dich Covid-19. Nhiéu nganh kinh doanh bj anh hung nang né, nhiéu doanh nghiép da hoac dang dimg truéc nguy co phd san; nhhung ciing cé nhimg doanh nghiép da thich nghi tt véi hoan canh va tim kiém duge huéng 48 vugt Ién. Trong béi cénh kinh té - xa ic bigt ctla di va co hOi kinh doanh mi nam nay, vige cp nhat cdc ndi dung ly thuyét va thy tign, trao déi hye thuat vé kinh té va thuong mai quéc té va cdc tac dong dén doanh nghiép Viét Nam 1a can thiét dé gitp cdc nha khoa hge, ede gidng vign ting cong nang lye nghién citu khoa hoe vi ning Iyc gidng day, dép img yéu cdu ca thye tién. Nhim tao ra dién dan hoc thudt va thy tién cho cdc nha khoa hoc, nha nghién dé, ciru, cde nha quan ly kinh doanh, giang vién c6 quan tam tai c ganh, dja phuong, doanh nghiép, cdc trudng dai hoc, vign nghién ctu trong vi ngoai nu Trudng Dai hoc Kinh té Quéc dan t6 chite H6i thio qué té véi chi dé “Kinh té va thong mai quéc té tic déng toi doanh nghiép Viet Nam” Noi dung hdi thao Ban té chite h6i thao tran trong kinh moi cdc nha khoa hoc tham gia va déng 6p bai viét cho H6i thao tp trung vao, nhung khéng gidi han béi cde chu dé chinh sau diy: - Xu thé phat trién cia kinh té va thuong mai quéc té trong béi cnh h6i nhép va toan cau héa; - Cac Hip dinh thuong mai ty do thé hé méi va téc dong dén cdc doanh nghiép; - Tac dong ciia dai dich Covid-19 dén nén kinh té thé gidi, khu vue va Vigt Nam Scanned with CamScanner trong ngdin han va dai han: - Tac dong cita dai dich Covid-19 dén hoat dong cita cdc doanh nghiép quéc va Vigt Nam, dic biét 1a cic doanh nghigp hogt déng trong linh ve xudt nhap khdu hang héa, dich vy, logistics, van tai, chudi cung img. - Xu huéng dich chuyén cae dong thuong mai va dau tu trong béi cnh kinh té méi; é - Chién tranh thuong mai va co hdi, thach thite déi véi nén kinh té va cae doanh nghigp Vigt Nam; - BOi can kinh té méi va cdc co hdi, thach thire d6i véi cde doanh nghiép Viet Nam; Cée chi dé ign quan khdevé kinh té sé, kinh doanh s6, kinh té chia sé, kinh té tuin hoan... va cde ndi dung c6 khac. ‘4 kinh doanh duong dai nhu chuyén doi Thoi gian va dia diém tién hanh hdi thao ~ Thai gian: 03/12/2020 - Dia diém: Tring Dai hoc Kinh té quéc dan, sé 207 dudng Giai Phor Hai Ba Trg, Ha Noi, Vigt Nam. Quy dinh giti bai hdi thio ~ Huéng dan chi tiét vé ky thudt trinh bay bai viét duoc cung cap 6 myc Hiréng dén nop bai tai duong link: Bai viet tiéng Viét: quin B - Ngén ngit: Bai clia bai viét bing ca tiéng Anh va tiéng Vi vie ig Anh: ét bing tiéng Viét hode tiéng Anh, phan tiéu dé va tém tit . Dung lugng bai viét khong qua 10.000 tir (di bao g6m tiéu dé,tén téc gid, dia chi email, t6 chite cong tie cua te gid, t6m i tham khao); + GiGi thigu vé tac gia: Tén tac gid, chire danh, chite vu, don vi cOng tac, sé dign thogi, dia chi email. + Tiéu d&, tom tit bai viét (khong qua 250 tir), tir khoa (khOng qua 5 tir) + Néi dung bai viét (Cac tiéu d8 nhé duge danh sé 1, 2, 3... va in dim) + Tai ligu tham khdo(trich din theo quy dinh). ~ Dia chi email giti bai:; va CC hongktqd2020@gmail,.com: ghi 16 tiéu dé: Giti bai cho HTKH. Scanned with CamScanner ~ Tho han giti bai: ngay 08/11/2020. Cac bai viét durge chap nhan sé duge bign tap va ding trong ky yéu hdi thao c6 86 xuit bin Quéc té (ISBN). Phi ding ky Phi ding ky’ cho cae tée gid di bao gdm phan tiép dén, tham dy buoi trinh bay cia din gia, ky yéu di thio. Cae tée gid khéc VND 1,000,000/bai Can b6 Dai hoc Kinh té quéc dan VND 500,000/bai Cae moc thii jan quan trong 08/11/2020 Han cudi ngp bai viét hoan chinh 22/11/2020 Thong bao két qua xét duyét 28/11/2020 Han cu6i dang ky tham dy hgi thio 03/12/2020 Ngiy dign ra hdi thio Cac théng tin vé h6i thao durge cng bé tai portal cla Trudng Dai hoc Kinh te quéc din va website cia Vign Thuong mai va Kinh t& quéc té: hutp:// Cac yéu cdu va thong tin khée vé Hi thao, xin vui long lién hé dai dign ctia Ban 16 chite va Ban thr ky hi thao: TS. Nguyén TI TS. Nguyén Xudn Hung, 0983531222; Thay Héng, 0961 261 666,; Scanned with CamScanner CALL FOR PAPERS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “TRADE AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC IMPACTS ON VIETNAMESE FIRMS - TEIF” December 03, 2020, Hanoi, Vietnam Introduction In 2020, the volatility of global economy is putting businesses in tough challenges, especially the severe effects from the Covid-19 pandemic. Many businesses were seriously affected, were bankruptcy or on the verge of bankruptcy . In the contrast, many ones have adapted well with the new situation and found new directions and opportunities. In this context, it is necessary for researchers, lecturers and students to update the theoretical and practical knowledge to strengthen their research capacities. To create a forum for scholars from different academic fields of economics, business and management to exchange knowledge and present their research, the intemational conference on “Trade and International Economic Impacts on Vietnamese firms - TEIF” will be organized by National Economics University in Hanoi, Vietnam. Topies The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: = Latest trends in international economies and trade in the context of integration and globalization: = New-generation free wade agreements (FTAs) and their effectson to businesses; ~ The Covid-19 pandemic and its short-term and long-term effects on the international, regional and domestics economies; - The Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on intemational and Vietnamese businesses and industries, especially in export ~ import goods and services, logistics, supply chain, transportation and so on; = Trends in moving trade and investment flows in the new economic context; ~ Trade wars and the opportunities and challenges for Vietnamese economy and businesses; Scanned with CamScanner + Other contemporary economic and business topics such as digital transformation, digital business, sharing economy, circular economy and other related topics. Time and Venue - Time: 3 December 2020 - Venue: Conference Venue, National Economics University, 207 Giai Phong Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. Submission = Detailed instructions for formatting the paper are available at: For papers in Vietnamese: http: dinh-huong-dan-gui-bai.372883.aspx For papers in. English: _httpz/ papers.372637.aspx - Language: Full submitted papers can be eithor in Vietnamese or English, with the title and abstract are both in Vietnamese and English. Papers are not more than 10,000 words including references with title of the paper, authors” name, email addresses and affiliations. - Suggested structure of the paper: + Authors information: authors’ name, email addresses and affiliation; + Title, abstract (not more than 250 words) and key words (not more than 5 words); + Content of the paper; + References. - Full papers please send to: vientmktav@neu.eduvn; and CC; with email’s subject is: “Submission to International Conference - Deadline: 08/11/2020. ‘Accepted papers are edited and published in the Intemational Conference's Proceedings with ISBN. Registration Fee ‘The registration fee for the authors includes reception, attending keynote speeches and all sessions and conference proceedings. Non — NEU author ND 1,000,000/paper ‘NEU author ND 500,000/paper Scanned with CamScanner Important dates 08/11/2020 Deadline for full papers 22/11/2020 Notifications of paper acceptance 28/11/2020 Deadline for registration 03/12/2020 Conference date Contact information All information for the conference could be found at NEU portal and School of Trade and International Economics website: http:/ For any detail information, please contact: Dr. Nguyén Thi Thiy Héng, 0961 261 666,; Dr. Nguyén Xuan Hung, 0983531222; Scanned with CamScanner

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