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Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS)

Application Form

Technical Description (Part B)

(ERASMUS Standard Budget-based + LS Type II)

Version 1.0
25 February 2021

This document is aimed at informing applicants for EU funding. It serves only as an
example. The actual web forms and templates are provided in the Funding & Tenders
Portal Submission System (and may contain certain differences). The applications
(including annexes and supporting documents) must be prepared and submitted online
via the Portal.
Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021


What is the Application Form?

The Application Form is the template for EU grants applications; it must be submitted via the EU Funding & Tenders Portal before
the call deadline.
The Form consists of 2 parts:.
• Part A contains structured administrative information
• Part B is a narrative technical description of the project.
Part A is generated by the IT system. It is based on the information which you enter into the Portal Submission System screens.
Part B needs to be uploaded as PDF (+ annexes) in the Submission System. The templates to use are available there.

How to prepare and submit it?

The Application Form must be prepared by the consortium and submitted by a representative. Once submitted, you will receive a
Character and page limits:
• page limit normally 40 pages for calls for low value grants (60 000 or below); 120 pages for all other calls (unless
otherwise provided for in the Call document/Programme Guide)
• supporting documents can be provided as an annex and do not count towards the page limit
• minimum font size — Arial 9 points
• page size: A4
• margins (top, bottom, left and right): at least 15 mm (not including headers & footers).
Please abide by the formatting rules. They are NOT a target! Keep your text as concise as possible. Do not use hyperlinks to show
information that is an essential part of your application.

If you attempt to upload an application that exceeds the specified limit, you will receive an automatic warning asking you to
shorten and re-upload your application. For applications that are not shortened, the excess pages will be made invisible and thus
disregarded by the evaluators.

Please do NOT delete any instructions in the document. The overall page limit has been raised to ensure equal treatment
of all applicants.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021


Part B of the Application Form must be downloaded from the Portal Submission System, completed and then assembled and re-
uploaded as PDF in the system.
Note: Please read carefully the conditions set out in the Call documentProgramme Guide (for open calls: published on the Portal).Pay
particular attention to the award criteria; they explain how the application will be evaluated.


Project name: Development and restructuring of master's studies in

higher education institutions of Azerbaijan in terms of
modular system.

Project acronym: DACMA

Coordinator contact: Ismat Ahmadov, Baku State University

ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS (PART A) ........................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION (PART B) ........................................................................................................................................... 3
COVER PAGE ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
PROJECT SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1. RELEVANCE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Background and general objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Needs analysis and specific objectives ........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Complementarity with other actions and innovation — European added value ........................................................................ 7
2. QUALITY ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 PROJECT DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Concept and methodology ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1.2 Project management, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation strategy ................................................................... 8
2.1.3 Project teams, staff and experts ................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1.4 Cost effectiveness and financial management ........................................................................................................................ 24
2.1.5 Risk management .................................................................................................................................................................... 25
2.2 PARTNERSHIP AND COOPERATION ARRANGEMENTS ............................................................................................... 26
2.2.1 Consortium set-up ................................................................................................................................................................... 26
2.2.2 Consortium management and decision-making ..................................................................................................................... 26
3. IMPACT ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.1 Impact and ambition .................................................................................................................................................................. 27
3.2 Communication, dissemination and visibility ........................................................................................................................... 27
3.3 Sustainability and continuation.................................................................................................................................................. 28
4. WORK PLAN, WORK PACKAGES, TIMING AND SUBCONTRACTING ....................................................................... 30
4.1 Work plan ................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.2 Work packages and activities .................................................................................................................................................... 31
Work Package 1.......................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Work Package … ........................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Overview of Work Packages (n/a for Lump Sum Grants) ...................................................................................................... 75
Events meetings and mobility ................................................................................................................................................... 78
4.3 Timetable ................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
4.4 Subcontracting ........................................................................................................................................................................... 84

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

5. OTHER ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
5.1 Ethics .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
5.2 Security ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
6. DECLARATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 87
ANNEXES .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 88


Project summary (in English)

The presented project seeks to address the development and application of a modular system at the
master's level of higher education in Azerbaijan. The project presents a comparative analysis of the
traditional and modular approach, the principles and goals of modular education, its advantages for both
students and teachers, and for education managers. The literature on the development and project
management of modular learning materials was reviewed. These materials are used as the basis for the
development of the project. According to the developed model, project management should be
considered as a set of planning control methods that require systematic planning and control of time,
quality, information, organization. The module development process consists of the following steps:
developing a general description of the course; developing a course plan; production and testing of
written, audio-visual and software course materials, readers and test/exam tools, and alignment of
materials/course with learning support requirements; course project development; development of the
final version of the course; and publication and dissemination of training modules The available data
from World and EU universities indicate that modular learning meets the needs of today's learners more
adequately than traditional learning, both in terms of learning quality and content. Given its adaptability
to large student populations and its emphasis on individual learning, modular instruction has become
one of the most promising alternatives in higher education today. The project examines the
opportunities, conditions and the first experience of international standards implementation of module-
credit system in Azerbaijan higher education. Given and develop of the three options modules: a module
as part of the curriculum, a module as part of the individual disciplines, the module as a principle of
organization of educational process was given.


1.1 Background and general objectives

Background and general objectives

Please address all guiding points presented in the Call document/Programme Guide under the award criterion
Describe the background and rationale of the project.
How is the project relevant to the scope of the call? How does the project address the general objectives of the call?
What is the project’s contribution to the priorities of the call (if applicable)?

The current system of higher education in Azerbaijan does not include a modular system in the curricula
of education, unlike the universities of the world and the EU. The proposed project is aimed at
restructuring and upgrading master studies at national level in the Azerbaijan in order to harmonize
them with; European standards, to promote internationalization, research cooperation, MS excellence
and employability. The use of a modular system in the curricula of most universities in the world is an
innovative teaching technology. It has long been viewed as an alternative to traditional teaching.
Training highly qualified personnel, increasing their competitiveness in accordance with the
requirements of the labour market, educating creatively thinking specialists are closely related to the
learning process established in the educational and methodological strategies of universities. The credit-
modular system, that is, the process of organizing learning, is an assessment model based on a
combination of modular learning technologies and credit measurement. Its implementation as a whole is
a multifaceted and complex systemic process. In the credit-modular principle, great importance is
attached to two main issues: ensuring the independent work of students; assessment of students'

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

knowledge based on the rating.

Recently, the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan has been interested in the fact that in higher
educational institutions in many countries more and more attention is paid to a modular approach to
learning. The modular approach is a new trend in educational thinking that is changing the traditional
teaching method to a results-based learning paradigm. The modularity of education is based on the
principle of dividing the curriculum into small discrete modules. A module is an almost autonomous unit
of work in a course of study and a teaching method based on the formation of skills and knowledge in
discrete units. Students accumulate credits for modules that can lead to qualifications that require a
certain number of credits. Thus, a module is a course that, together with other related courses, can
constitute a specific area of specialization. A module is a group of courses that allow and provide an
understanding of a specific subject area. Curricula are assembled as a set of separate, autonomous and
coordinated learning units (modules). Each module is an independent, formally structured learning unit
with a consistent and clear set of learning outcomes and assessment criteria. Each module has a credit
value and undergraduate students usually study modules for a total of 60 credits per academic year.
Each module ends at the end of the semester (no later) with a course exam and subsequent credits.
This provides direct feedback on the student's progress.
A module is a complete unit with thematically defined outcomes, a defined workload (credit scores) and
clear assessment criteria. A module can consist of one or more courses and one or more exams (credits
and / or subject exams).
Modules in curricula enable students to develop and diversify their skill set for future employability and
can improve their career prospects. Most undergraduate and postgraduate study programs consist of
three types of modules: compulsory, elective, and research modules.
As a result of this approach, especially in the field of education, a bridge between universities and
educational institutions, industry could contribute to solving urgent and emerging problems in the field of
education at the master's level and solve the following tasks:
1. Sustainable training of specialists in this field of science and practice.
2. Organization of educational processes based on a new innovative system
3. Increasing the efficiency of research work
4. Evaluation of students' knowledge based on the rating score.
5. Create an opportunity for students to draw up their own curricula on an individual basis.
6. Increase the share of independent education in the educational process.
7. Convenience of educational programs and the possibility of changing due to the demand for a
specialist in the labour market.
As a result, the professional skills of specialists facing the above needs should be aimed at:
• development and management of practical solutions.
• solving educational problems, both at the practical and at the theoretical level

Benefits of modular learning

1. For students lie in their ability to offer flexibility, choice, accessibility and mobility.
2. Modular learning structures can be beneficial for universities as they potentially enable institutions to
respond to employer needs, expand student markets, develop more efficient use of resources, and
expand opportunities for expanding curriculum.
3. Students learn time management and planning. Students learn to value their time.
4. Modular learning teaches students about values, not specific lessons that are repeated.
5. More time for reflection. Starting a semester with fewer modules and then gradually increasing the
number of modules can help increase the learning curve in a healthy way.
6. Less pressure. By dividing the semester, students do not have to cram in all the information they have
learned over the past year, but they can easily generalize and memorize information, which reduces the
pressure on them.
7. Modular learning is a method used in education (and self-study) in which each student progresses
individually and is not required to follow a standard class pace or sequence.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

1.2 Needs analysis and specific objectives

Needs analysis and specific objectives

Please address the specific conditions/objectives set out in the Call document/ Programme Guide, if applicable.
Describe how the objectives of the project are based on a sound needs analysis in line with the specific objectives of the call.
What issue/challenge/gap does the project aim to address? The objectives should be clear, measurable, realistic and achievable
within the duration of the project. For each objective, define appropriate indicators for measuring achievement (including a unit
of measurement, baseline value and target value).

The development of a modular curriculum as an educational process through which meeting the needs
of students leads to improved learning. When developing a modular curriculum, regardless of the theory
or model used, as much information as possible was collected. This information will include desired
outcomes or expectations for a high-quality program, the role of assessment, current student
achievement status, and actual program content. The information also takes into account the concerns
and attitudes of teachers, administrators and students.
The proposal specifically addresses the theme “Modernization of policies, governance and management
of higher education systems” and relevant Azerbaijani priorities category B (Bologna process type
reforms) and category C (Internationalization of HEls and Development of research and innovative
capacities). The link with these priorities can be clearly seen in the project objectives and its main
results? Including the establishment of master schools and collegium, the development of standards for
master education, a National Management Platform, a Guide for MS students and MS students”
When designing a modular curriculum, it makes sense to conduct a needs assessment to best ascertain
the perceptions, concerns and desires of each of the stakeholders in the process. The key issues that
will affect curriculum development are:
• teachers may be dissatisfied with old content and methods in light of recent research.
• test scores may be declining or below expectations in some or all areas.
• teachers may not have the materials or may not know how to use the materials to improve
• teachers may want to make greater use of technology to enhance learning.
• teachers and others may wish to relate the content of the program more closely to current issues and
• teachers can look for ways to increase the amount of interdisciplinary work in which students
• students may express a need for different and enriched learning opportunities.
The development of a modular curriculum includes a structured needs assessment to gather information
and guide the curriculum development process.
The information will usually be collected through surveys. This information includes structured
discussions and test data such as:
• teacher review of the existing curriculum to identify strengths, weaknesses, omissions and/or
• examples of lessons illustrating the implementation of the curriculum.
• assessment samples illustrating the implementation of the curriculum.
• identifying what teachers at each level of instruction see as the most critical issues in the curriculum.
• detailed analysis of state and local test data.
• suggestions for changes and improvements made in meetings with teachers, university advisors and
Consequently, project DACMA is improving the quality of education and teaching (priority b) because it
is providing the Azerbaijani HEIs with the capacities to promote the quality of their research and to
develop high standards. Indeed, DACMA aims to support the development of the MS students’
professional skills in order to increase excellence and employability. It also contributes to improve the
management of Azerbaijani HEIs (priority c) through the internationalization of master studies, thus
leading to an increase in education collaborations. Besides, the set-up of national and international
conference days has been planned, while the consortium intends to discuss diploma recognition. As the
structuring of the Azerbaijani model is of prime importance, different models of master education were
presented for identifying the most suitable one. Finally, DACMA is developing the higher education
sector within society at large (priority d) by linking MS students with the wider social and economic and
social environment in Azerbaijan (HEIs, R&D structures, companies, industry etc.)
The specific objectives, which the project will achieve are:
Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

• Building up a modular curriculum to deliver advanced course to increase professional skills of

master students in Azerbaijan
• Application of a new teaching methodological approach based on EU experiences
• Introduction of a specific modular curriculum for education course in education for the
modernization of the higher education system in AZ.
• Fostering the creation of a new skill in higher education for the students attending the
specialization courses
• Promoting internationalization by application of modern modular curriculum methodology

1.3 Complementarity with other actions and innovation — European added value

Complementarity with other actions and innovation

Explain how the project builds on the results of past activities carried out in the field, and describe its innovative
aspects (if any).
Explain how the activities are complementary to other activities carried out by other organisations (if applicable).
Illustrate the trans-national dimension of the project; its impact/interest in the EU area; possibility to use the results in
other countries, potential to develop /cross-border cooperation among Programme countries and Partner countries, if
applicable, etc.
If your proposal is based on the results of one or more previous or ongoing projects, please provide precise
references to these projects.

The evolution of master system in the Azerbaijan higher education toward a system having more
compliance with those of the European universities will facilitate and recognition master students. The
needs of the Azerbaijani institutions in term of modular curriculum studies restructuration have been
clearly identified by the main stakeholders of the master studies organization in Azerbaijan. The
expertise of the European universities is a strong asset, and the transfer of knowledge and experience is
targeted by the Azerbaijani HEIs and authorities (especially the Ministry of Higher education). The
“European Standards” will be developed within this project with an exchange of the European good
practices (the DACMA project gathers a wide European consortium). The model developed will highlight
the “internationalization of the master studies” that will allow the setup of future collaboration between
Azerbaijan and Europe. The development of such activities needs to have outside eyes for reaching
these challenges and could not be feasible through national, regional or local funding.



2.1.1 Concept and methodology

Concept and methodology

Please address all guiding points presented in the Call document/Programme Guide under the award criterion ‘Quality of the
project design and implementation’.
Outline the approach and methodology behind the project. Explain why they are the most suitable for achieving the project’s

The project consist of 9 work packages which leaders have been identified for each work package and
are closely linked. When activities imply a tight exchange of knowhow between Europe and Azerbaijan,
a lead organization from each part has been designed. All the activities will be conducted in parallel
with two objectives: reducing the costs and optimizing the time allocated to the project. This will be
possible as all the partners will participate to all the work packages.
The activities that will be developed are the following:
Firstly, the activities will be dedicated to the state of art on the organization of modular curriculum
studies in Europe and in Azerbaijan. Existing surveys will be used and supplemented to reach this
objective. A critical analysis of the results will permit to identify in detail the concrete measures to be
taken. This will be held during a joint meeting with WP2 and WP3.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Immediately after having identified the concrete measures to be taken, the consortium will start working
on how to adapt the European modular curriculum studies to the needs of HEIs in Azerbaijan.
Therefore, WP2 is dedicated to two crucial activities: structuring of master studies and organization of
the master Schools in a common higher structure.
Due to the importance of the issue, this work package will be developed along the two years of the
project. Meetings on this issue will gradually conduct to a proposition of the scheme that can be adopted
by Azerbaijan. Intermediary video conferences will ensure the follow up of the work.
The structuring of master Education will be efficient only if high-quality master studies are conducted.
The aim of this work package is to address some determining factors to reach high standards in master
education. Exchanges on commitment on quality recruitment (to link M and D), on quality of supervising
master studies, on quality to conduct master studies will lead to an agreement to address those issues.
A report will be dedicated to the cooperation between master school, research laboratories, faculties
and research institutions and on the integration between Research and Education: the European model
will serve as example.
WP 4 is dedicated to the improvement of the master student’s skills in order to improve excellence and
employability. To reach this objective, we propose to exchange on the possible actions and then to take
decisions on the model to be adopted by the HEIs in Azerbaijan. This work plan will be finalized at last
meeting with the aim of generating innovative ideas on how to build bridges between universities and
companies. To encourage excellence the setup of awards will be organized by HEIs in Azerbaijan.
WP5 concerns internationalization. All the aspect of international research in the frame of doctoral
studies will be addressed: set up of conference days, promotion of collaboration between Europe and
Azerbaijan through joint-supervision, and how to enhance mobility. A survey is being prepared on the
state of master studies’ internationalization.
WP 6: This WP will be dedicated to the Quality plan of the DACMA Project. A Quality charter will be
annexed to the Consortium Agreement, and it will be the base. An Evaluation committee composed by 3
consortium members has been already identified and the main activity of this committee will consist in
the monitoring of the yearly internal evaluation of the project (Quality tools and documents to be used for
the evaluation). An analysis of the results will be provided to the partner in the frame of a transnational
meeting (meeting organised in the frame of another WP). Every two months, this committee will
organise an online monitoring meeting with two WP leaders in order to have a continual view of the
project quality. The External evaluation of the project will (Quality evaluation) will be organized by this
WP7: An example of a management portal of master studies will be presented to the consortium and the
program country will decide on the tools to be acquired to set up a National Management Portal in
Azerbaijan. The training of managers of the portal is planned.
WP8 The dissemination and exploitation of the results will be made via (a) a practical guide designed
during the project; (b) the organization of dissemination days in Azerbaijan to go in contact of students
from HEIs not involved in the project.
WP9: This WP will concern the Management (day to day management) and the coordination of the
project. This will include the Financial issues aspects as well as Governance organisation within the
consortium. The project coordinator (BSU) will take the responsibility of this WP and a “Steering
Committee” will be appointed as second Management body of the project (3 partners will include this
committee). The several tools dedicated to the project management/communication will be developed in
this WP (Project website especially) and the management organisation (decision making process,
validation of report etc…) will be formalized by the signature of the Consortium Agreement by all the
Legal representatives of the consortium partners. The Reporting to the EACEA is also included in this
WP and the communication with the EACEA will be done by the project coordinator. The coordinator will
be also responsible for providing to the EACEA all technical, administrative, financial and legal issues.
The Kick-off meeting and closure meeting is also included in this WP.

2.1.2 Project management, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation strategy

Project management, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation strategy

Describe the measures foreseen to ensure that the project implementation is of high quality and

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

completed in time.
Describe the methods to ensure good quality, monitoring, planning and control.
Describe the evaluation methods and indicators (quantitative and qualitative) to monitor and verify the
outreach and coverage of the activities and results (including unit of measurement, baseline and target
values). The indicators proposed to measure progress should be relevant, realistic and measurable.

The role and responsibilities of the partners have been decided before the project submission. Only the
Steering Committee will be discussed and elected during the Kick-off Meeting. This Committee will
include 3 partners (1 European HEI and 2 Partner country HEIs) in order to propose a balanced
repartition of the governance within the “management team”.
The project coordinator (BSU) is responsible of the grant and will directly be in contact with the EACEA
on behalf of the project partners. DACMA project involving 5 partners with ambitious objectives, we have
considered as important to give a high level of involvement and responsibility to all the partners and
particularly in Azerbaijan. Therefore, each WP has one or two responsible that coordinate the planned
activities. In case of dysfunction of the WP management, the WP leader will have to contact the project
management board (Project coordinator + Steering Committee) that will refer to the Consortium
Agreement and the EACEA rules.
The structuration of the project management will be framed by the Consortium Agreement signed by the
legal representatives of all the partners. This document will be first discussed during the Kick-off
meeting and then negotiated by the project partner. The content of this contractual document will include
the following items:
-Financial management of the grant
-Intellectual Property issue
-Decision Making Process
-Measure put in place for the resolution of conflict
-Formalization of the WP leaders
-Formalization of the management structure
-Commitment to the Quality plan
Moreover, this document will allow ensuring the ownership of the project and it will be provided the
EACEA as soon as the coordinator get all the signature and before the 6th month of the project.
The Project management also includes the reports to the EACEA. This activity will be the responsibility
of the coordinating institution that will write this report in cooperation with the partners through a
questionnaire. Once the coordinator will receive the feedback of the EACEA, an analysis report will be
presented to the partners during a transnational meeting.
The other tasks and activities dedicated to the project management are linked to the organisation of the
Kick-off and closure meetings, the day-to-day management (Scientific coordination and administrative
management) and the setting up of the project website.
The allocation of resources linked to the project management has been done according to the role of
each partner in the project. The Project coordinator will take in charge the day-to-day management in an
administrative point of view; therefore, a full time Staff (Administrative category) has been budgeted.
The WP leaders will have some coordination activities that have been foreseen in the category
“Manager”. The division of tasks between the partners has been planned according to the competences
of each of them. Their complementarity is also a key aspect that we want to highlight in the
management of the project. Indeed, some WPs are leaded by two partners (1 programme country
partner + 1 partner country partner) and it is due to their complementarity and their level of existing
cooperation. This strategy will allow the project to avoid some management problem and to respect the
project calendar.

2.1.3 Project teams, staff and experts

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Project teams and staff

Describe the project teams and how they will work together to implement the project.
List the staff included in the project budget (budget category A) by function/profile (e.g. project manager, senior expert/advisor/researcher, junior
expert/advisor/researcher, trainers/teachers, technical personnel, administrative personnel etc. and describe shortly their tasks. If required by the call,
provide CVs of all key actors. If required by the Call document/Programme Guide.

Name and function Organisation Role/tasks Professional profile and expertise

He will act as a coordinator of the He is associate professor of Department of chemical

Dr.İsmat Ahmadov Baku State DACMA project and will be in physics of nanomaterials. HE graduated from the
University, charge of the project management Physics Faculty of the Azerbaijan State University
Coordinator of
Project (BSU), with the following tasks: (Baku State University) in 1974. In 1975-1978 he
-Education coordination of the was a graduate student of the Leningrad (St.
project manager PIC Number: project. Petersburg) Institute of Agrophysics, established on
990855874 -Overall management the initiative of AF Ioffe, and in 1979 he defended
Azerbaijan (administrative and financial his dissertation on biophysics and received a
management) scientific degree. From 1974 to 1992 he worked as
-participation to the evaluation of a senior researcher at the Department of Plant
the project. Physiology of the Azerbaijan Scientific-Research
-To ensure the contact between the Agricultural Institute. He was invited to Khazar
EACEA and DAMAC consortium University in 1991 and took an active part in the
-To organize the reporting for the establishment of this university. Starting his
EACEA pedagogical activity in 1991, he gave lectures in
-Prepare the external audit of the English on biophysics, astronomy, medical biology
project (financial audit) and ecology. IS Ahmadov worked as a department
-Create the project website head at Khazar University from 1992 to 2009. In
He is responsible of the WP8 1994, he trained at Cornell University in the United
(Management) and co-coordinates States under the Fulbright program, in 2001 at the
all WPs, will attend and organize University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom
the project meetings. He will be under the TEMPUS program on innovation and
prepared reports on the activities modular education programs in higher education. In
done under its coordination. 2008 he completed an 8-month course on modern
methods of environmental education at the
University of Russe in Bulgaria under the
ERASMUS program. He was involved in
pedagogical and scientific activities in the
ECONANO education and research project of the
ERAZMUS European program (2013-2015). At now
he involve as pedagogical and scientific activities in
the ITACA project of the ERAZMUS European
program (2019-2023). He has won grants from the
Swiss National Academy of Sciences' SCOPES
(2010) and Italy's TWAS (2011) research programs,
and has conducted research on nanotoxicology at
the EPFL Institute of Materials Science in
Lausanne, Switzerland. 1 textbook of IS Ahmadov
for university students (Medical and biological
physics, 2006, 446 p.) And 5 textbooks were
published. His more than 135 scientific articles have
been published in prestigious journals and journals
included in the Web of Science system.

Dr. Shahin M. He is an education and sustainable development

Panahov Baku State As an expert, he will analyse the (MDG/SDG) specialist and manager with more than
University master curricula, confirm their 20 years’ experience in international organizations,
senior expert/advisor practicality, monitor the accuracy of such as IREX, ISAR, World Bank and UNDP,
(BSU), information, participate in the including UNDP SDA-Sustainable Development
PIC Number: organization of meetings, play a role Adviser for 3 South Caucasus countries – Armenia,
990855874 in resolving issues related to the Azerbaijan and Georgia, and Learning Manager,
Ministry of Education. ICS11 & secondment at UNDP HQ OHR Talent
Management Group. He is 2 times Fulbright
Professor/Scholar (1995-Texas Univ at Austin and
2019/2020-Princeton Univ, USA) and has earned
Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

his bachelor & PhD degrees in Geography at

Moscow State University (MSU) and graduated with
distinction from UNDP Virtual Development
Academy (VDA). He managed education process at
various universities, e.g. Azerbaijan State
Pedagogical University (1984-1991, Deputy Dean,
2017-2019 Dean) Khazar University (1992-1995,
Dean of all departments), and Baku State University
(since 2019).
His Learning Courses/Workshops/Seminars
(total more than 100)
His some learning Courses/Workshops/Seminars
(total more than 100):
1.University Teaching Technologies” Courses by
Prof Florent Pratlong, Université Paris, Sorbonne,2-
6 Oct 2018
2.Assessment of MDGs, UNDP RBEC Workshop,
Dushanbe, April 2007
3.UNDP Learning Manager Forums, New York-June
2000, Moldova- Jan 2002, Kuala Lumpur- Feb 2005
4.Creating Effective Environmental Education” at
Flatford Mill (UK), 5th-12th September 1997.
Publications (total more than 50)
1. "MDG & SDGs in Azerbaijan: achievements &
challenges", Transactions of Int Conf, Baku, 2017
2. Geography of the World. Secondary school
textbook (in Azeri and Russian, coauthor) Baku,
3. Guidelines for Environmental Volunteers- Ecology
Atlas of Azerbaijan. Baku, ECORES, 2001
4. Atlas of Biodiversity of neighboring areas of
Azerbaijan and Georgia. Baku-Tbilisi, ECORES
5. Environmental Security of Caspian Sea.
”Zerkalo”, Baku, March 20, 2000
6. Ecological-Geographical Atlas of Azerbaijan for
Secondary Schools, ECORES, 1999
7. Maps of Shirvan and Ismailly State Reserves,
UNDP Azerbaijan, 1997
8. Sustainable Development of Azerbaijan - "Human
Development in Azerbaijan"(Chapter#5),
9. Strengthening Environmental Policy. Surviving
Together, Grassroots Cooperation in Eurasia, Vol
14/4, 1996, USA
10. Imperatives of Sustainable Development of
Azerbaijan - "Green Azerbaijan", 1996, #1,
12. "Formation and Development of Natural
Complexes of The Caspian Seashore" (PhD
dissertation defended at MSU). Advisors: Prof., N.
A. Gvozdetsky (MSU) and Prof., A.D. Armand
(Institute of Geography, Academy of Sciences of the
USSR). MSU, Moscow, 212p.1987
Contract: E-Mail: or ; Phone: Work:
(+994 12) 538 53 57 GSM: (+ 994 50) 214 35 22

Dr.Shahla Hajiyeva She is Deputy Dean for Scientific Affairs and

Baku State She is responsible of the collection master’s studies at Faculty Physics of Baku State
junior expert/advisor University and analysis of information on how University. Associate professor of department of
the master's degree is organized in Optics and Molecular Physics, PhD in biophysics.
(BSU), the Faculty of Physics, provides this Courses taught: “Mechanics”, “Molecular Physics”,
Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

PIC Number: information as a deputy dean, “Modern Problems of Molecular Physics”,

990855874 ensures the selection and “Molecular acoustics”.
application of subjects for modular Books:
Azerbaijan curricula. Participates in rallies and 1. Problems in Molecular Physics and their
practical classes of modular system solution-translation (textbook), Baku, 2017;
education 2. Physics workshop Mechanics, Baku, 2019.
1. Gadzhieva Sh.N., Kulieva L.N., Akhmedov N.A.
Structural organization of analogues of the
cardioactive molecule Asp-Pro-Lys-Gln-Asp-Phe-
Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 / "Pharmaceutical science and
practice: problems, achievements, development
prospects" Kharkiv, 24-25 Bereznya, 2016, p. 24-25
2. E. A. Masimova, B. G. Pashaeva, Sh. N.
Gadzhiyeva Determination of the conformation and
size of polyethylene glycol macromolecules in
aqueous solutions by viscometry. Journal of
Physical Chemistry, 2019, Volume 93, No. 6, p.
3. Akhmedov N.M., Sh.N. Gadjiyeva, Abbasli R.M.
Structural organization of Asp-Pro-Lys-Gln-Asp-
Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-Nh2 molecule // Current Topics in
Peptide and Protein Research, 2010, v. 10, p.57-62
20. Gadzhieva Sh.N., Akhmedov N.A., Massimov
E.A., Godzhaev N.M. Spatial structure of the Thr-
Pro-Ala-Glu-Asp-Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 molecule //
Biophysics, 2013, v. 58, no. 4, p. 587-590
13. Gadzhieva Sh.N., Abbasly R.M., Akhmedov
N.A. Structural and functional organization of the
cardioactive nonapeptide molecule Ser-Pro-Lys-
Gln-Asp-Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2 / Russian
Allergological Journal, Moscow, 2010, No. 1, issue
1, p. 40-41
14. Gadzhieva Sh.N., Akhmedov N.A. Spatial
structure of the Asp-Pro-lys-Gln-Asp-Phe-Met-Arg-
Phe-NH2 molecule // Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri,
fiz.-riy.elm. Seriyası, 2009, No. 4, s.104-110

Contact: E-mail: Mobile

Phone: (+994)557069955

Phd Lala Gahramanli is a researcher at the Baku

Lala Gahramanli Baku State She is responsible of the collection State University. In 2014-2016, she was engaged in
University and analysis of information on how the synthesis of nanocomposites based on
trainer/teacher the master's degree is organized in
(BSU), semiconductor nanoparticles under various
the Faculty of Physics, collects this technological conditions, investigation of their
PIC Number: information as a teacher and physical and structural properties at the Nano
990855874 researcher of faculty, ensures the Research Center of Baku State University. In 2022,
selection and application of subjects she received a Ph.D. scientific degree in the
Azerbaijan for modular curricula. Participates in specialty "Physics and technology of nanostructures
classes of modular system ". Since 2021, she has been engaged in scientific
education research related to the supercapacitors. She is the
author of over 10 scientific publications. In 2018 she
won travel grant announced by Azerbaijan Youth
Foundation. Since 2019, she has started her
teaching experience in Faculty of Physics at Baku
State University.
Contacts: E-mail:
Mobile: +994503536131

Safiyaxanim T. She was born 16 March 1994 year, is specialists in

Babanli Baku State She is responsible of the collection Biophysics, holder of Bachelor's degree (2012-
and analysis of information on how
Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

trainer/teacher University the master's degree is organized in 2016) and Master's degree (2017-2019, honors). At
the Faculty of Biology , collects this now she is doctarant of Baku State University and
(BSU), information as a teacher and works as a senior laboratory assistant at the
PIC Number: researcher of faculty, ensures the Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry. She
990855874 selection and application of subjects teach the subjects "Biophysics" and "Genetic
for modular curricula. Participates in Engineering" in English at the Faculty of Biology.
Azerbaijan classes of modular system Contacts:
education E-mail: , Mobile: (051)

Dr. Eldar Aslanov Eldar Aslanov studied his bachelor’s degree in

senior expert/advisor Azerbaijan As an expert, he will analyse the political sciences at Baku Social Management and
State master curricula, confirm their Political Science Institute (now The Academy of
Pedagogical practicality, monitor the accuracy of Public Administration under the President of the
University information, participate in the Republic of Azerbaijan). He graduated his master in
organization of meetings, play a role State management and he got his PhD in Turkey.
ASPU in resolving issues related to the He was awarded with the name of Associated
PIC Number: Ministry of Education. Professor. He was a chairman of Student Scientific
934204091 Society when he was a student at Baku Social
Management and Political Science Institute. In
2000-2003 he was a responsible person on the
project “Strengthening civil society in Azerbaijan”
implemented jointly with the Government of
Azerbaijan by UNDP. He worked at various
positions and was awarded different Diplomas and
Certificates. He appointed as an acting rector of
Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University. He
has attended nearly 20 locals as well as
international seminars and conferences.
Dr. Mahire Mahira Naghi gizi is head of the Department of
Huseynova Azerbaijan She is responsible of the collection Modern Azerbaijani Language of the Faculty of
senior expert/advisor State and analysis of information on how Philology of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical
Pedagogical the master's degree is organized in University,Dean of the Faculty of Philology of the
University the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University,Vice-
University, collects this information Rector for International Relations of the Azerbaijan
ASPU as a teacher and researcher of State Pedagogical University .
PIC Number: faculty, ensures the selection and In 2003, she won the Republican competition
application of subjects for modular "Exemplary Teacher of the Year" and received a
934204091 curricula. Participates in classes of diploma of I degree. Since 2009 she has been a
modular system education teacher at the Department of Modern Azerbaijani
Language of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical
University. She successfully defended her
dissertation entitled "Philological issues in the works
of Hasan Mirzayev" in January 2012, received the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Philology. In May
2015, she was elected associate professor of the
Department of Modern Azerbaijani Language. In
December 2015, she was elected Head of the
Department of Modern Azerbaijani Language.
Mahira Naghi gizi Huseynova (Nagiyeva) defended
her dissertation at a high level on May 2, 2017 at
the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of
ANAS and she received the degree of Doctor of
Philology in 2017.She was the dean of the Faculty
of Philology of ADPU in 2018-2021. By the relevant
order of the Minister of Education, she was
appointed Vice-Rector for International Relations of
the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University from
April 2021.
Gunay Her duties include disseminating information and
Maharramova Azerbaijan She will act as a project coordinator advice to the university community about the
project manager State on behalf of the ASPU team, different international programs available within the
Pedagogical coordinate the activities of project scope of higher education, promoting student and
University participants, organize a travel and teacher mobility to and from foreign institutions,
ensure the mobility of project within the framework of programs such as

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

ASPU participants. Oversees the Erasmus+, Mewlana Exchange Programme,

preparation of reports from time to scholarships and ASPU cooperation programs,
PIC Number: time, organizes the dissemination of advising students on documents to be handed upon,
934204091 information about the project providing ASPU teachers with the information on
teacher exchange and international cooperation
programs, preparing drafts and negotiate
international cooperation agreements, ensuring
presence of ASPU at international educational
meetings and forums. Gunay also participated in
Erasmus+ KA2 projects (1) Establishment and
Development of Quality Assurance Centers in
Azerbaijan Universities (EQAC), (2) Enhancement
of internal quality assurance of education in
teaching, learning and assessment in HEIs of
Azerbaijan and Russia (IQAINAR), (3)Promoting
Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Azerbaijani
Universities (PETRA), (4) Establishment Rectors
Conference in Azerbaijan (ECAR), and DAAD
project named as Pedagogical Professionalism and
Internationalization – Dialogue with the Post-Soviet
Islamic Educational Space .She also participated in
trainings carried out University of Applied Sciences
in Vienna, University of Jyvaskyla in Finland and
Gazi University in Ankara, Alicante University in
Spain, SMK Social Sciences University in Lithuania.
She was academic advisor of Master students and
senior assistant of Foreign Language Department at
Azerbaijan Teachers` Institute.
Khalida Hamidova Khalide Hemidova has been working in different
trainer/teacher Azerbaijan She is responsible of the collection workplaces since 2003, she was the director of
State and analysis of information on how "Nargiz" nursery-kindergarten LLC in 2013, she
Pedagogical the master's degree is organized in worked as a methodologist in kindergartens such as
University the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical "Magic Land", "Emerald", "Baby Hall" and others in
University, collects this information 2014-2016. Her current position is a head of
ASPU as a teacher and researcher of Teaching and Learning Center and works as a
PIC Number: faculty, ensures the selection and lecturer at ASPU.
application of subjects for modular She had participated as a trainer and organizer in
934204091 curricula. Participates in classes of more than 30 projects such as "Development of
modular system education modules", "Training on the application of preschool
education curricula".
She has participated in more than 45 trainings since
2011. These include "Project Writing and
Management", "Innovative Educational
Technologies of Finland", "Support to education"
project the slogan "Learn, Educate, Change",
"Teachers professional development: Education
based on Universal Human Values"
Dr. Catarina Sousa European Head of international relations office at European
Lopes Business She will act as a project coordinator Business School (ISAG), she has been coordinator
project manager School on behalf of the ISAG team, of outgoing mobilities (2016-2017), professional
(ISAG), coordinate the activities of project internship – IEFP. She got BSC degree in
Portugal participants, organize a travel and International relations at University of Minho (2013-
ensure the mobility of project 2016), MSC degree in commercial direction and
PIC Number: participants. Oversees the marketing at ISAG - European Business School
949336285 preparation of reports from time to (2017-2020). She is spicialists in the area of
time, organizes the dissemination of management of international mobilities of students
information about the project and projects, attraction of international students,
conception and development of academic courses.
She is responsible for the implementation of the
internationalisation strategy of ISAG - EBS. She
participated in the treinings such as Mini -MBA (e-
courses ISAG), training actions promoted by the
Erasmus+ Education and National Agency, course
of Mendeley Software, training course in Quality
Management System A3ES and ISO. She speaks

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

and writes fluently in English and Spanis

Contact: Phone:

Prof. Manuel José European He was born in 12th October of 1964, Professor in
Costa de Carvalho e Business Professor Manuel Jose will develop the area of Tourism, subarea of Planning and
Sousa School a strategy for the creation of Development by the Higher Institute of
senior expert/advisor (ISAG) master-level modular curricula in Administration and Management, in Oporto.
Portugal the project, analyse the application Professional experience:
of this system in Europe, and assist 2016 – 2022 Project Management at r+d –
PIC Number: in data collection and discussion. Arquitetos Associados Company.
949336285 2015 – 2022 – University teacher in Polytechnic
Institute of Viana do Castelo, teaching Art of
Gardens and Vegetal Material.
2014 – 2022 – University teacher in Superior
Institute of Administration and Management,
teaching Tourism.
2010 – 2014 – Executive Secretary of Intermunicipal
Community of Ave.
2010 – 2014 – Executive Director of Energy Agency
of Ave.
2007 – 2010 – Project Management at Póvoa de
Lanhoso Municipality.
2000 – 2007 – University teacher in an agriculture
school and in a technology and management school
(Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo), teaching
environment, landscaping and land planning.
1989 – 2022 – Professional in landscape
architecture, planning gardens, urban spaces and
land management.
1994 – 1998 – Profissional in nature conservation
working at Nature Conservation Institute (ICN).
1989 – 1994 – Profissional in nature conservation
working at National Service of Parks, Reserves and
Nature Conservation (SNPRCN).
Contact: E-mail:
Phone: +351 966 930 477

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Dr. Elvira Pacheco European She was born in 20th September 1977, holder of a
Vieira Business She is responsible of the collection Bachelor’s Degree in International Economic and
junior expert/advisor School and analysis of information on how Political Relations, Master’s in International Sectoral
(ISAG) the master's degree is organized in Economics and PhD in Applied Economics from the
Portugal the EU universities, collects this University of Santiago de Compostela, in
information as a professional Spainecomo, she is currently the General Director
PIC Number: teacher and researcher, ensures of ISAG-EBS, located in Porto, where she is also a
949336285 the selection, analyse and Coordinating Professor and Researcher. She is also
application of subjects for modular President of the Board of Directors and Executive
curricula. Participates and give Director of the Consuelo Vieira da Costa Foundation
propose in the discussion of (FCVC), Scientific Coordinator and Researcher in its
modular system education Research Centre in Business Sciences and Tourism
(CICET-FCVC), and Adjunct Professor at the
Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC).
Author of several articles, papers, book chapters
and 2 books, in the areas of Social Sciences,
Economics and Management, Business Sciences,
and Economic and Social Geography.
She seeks to set my own mark in all the projects
where I am involved, through innovation and
distinction, focusing on the quality and excellence of
the work developed. Her from some academic
experiences: coordinating Teacher, Member of the
Teaching Staff Evaluation Committee, member of
the Scientific Committee of Master’s Degrees ,
member of Jury for selection of candidates (e.g.,
master's degree, special applications, applications >
23 years old, prerequisites, etc., president of the
Jury of Master's thesis, coordinator of the Master’s
in Business Management (2014 – 2015), president
of the Pedagogic Council (2007 – 2009), guest
Professor of the Master’s in Social Economics
(School of Economics and Management). Her
teaching activity are monetary and Digital
Economics – Master’s in Business Administration
(2020 - present), Investment Project Management -
Master's in Marketing Management (2007 - 2009),
Experimental Immersion - Master's in Marketing
Management (2007 - 2009), Informal Economics –
Master’s in Social Economics - School of
Economics and Management (2007-2008). She was
supervision of 17 master's thesis and 3 dissertations
Contact: E-mail:, Phone
contact: (+351) 91 620 18 38

Dr. Ana Sofia European She was born in August 12, 1980, assistant
Pinheiro Pinto Business She is responsible of the collection Professor (areas: Economics and Management)
Borges School and analysis of information on how holder of a Bachelor’s Degree Lusíada University of
advisor//teacher (ISAG) the master's degree is organized in Porto, in Economics, PhD in Economics, Economics
Portugal the İSAG and EU universities, Faculty of University of Porto. Participated technical
collects this information as a courses such as: Third Summer School on
PIC Number: professional teacher and “Economic Analysis of Heterogeneity in Social
949336285 researcher, ensures the selection, Organizations” from the CORE Center for
analyse and application of subjects Operations Research & Econometrics - UCL
for modular curricula. Participates Université Catholique de Louvain. The school
and give propose in the discussion consisted of lectures by Pierre-André CHIAPPORI,
of modular system education Columbia University, Avinash DIXIT, Princeton
University, and Nobel Prezi Jean TIROLE, IDEI,
Toulouse (homepage:
63348.html); Entrepreneurship Course, Porto
Business School; General English plus Work
Course form the English Language Centre -
Brighton & Hove (University of Brighton); Core
Analyst School (Q Center – Saint Charles –
Chicago). Client Engagement Readiness from the

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Center for Professional Education - Chicago - EUA

of the Accenture, Consultores de Gestão, S.A. She
was member of Pedagogic Council, coordinator of
the Master in Business Management , now is
member of the Scientific Committee of the Masters,
coordinator of the Executive MBA , coordinator of
the Postgraduate Degree in Business Management,
president of Jury of Master's thesis, advisor of
Master's thesis. She was supervision of 27 master's
thesis and 2 PhD dissertations.

Dr. Bruno Miguel European He is assistant professor –ISAG - European

Pacheco Vieira Business He is closely involved in the Business School, was born 12 June 1982 year.
advisor//teacher School implementation of the project, PhD candidate in Informatics MAP-i at the
(ISAG) participates in the discussion and Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto, with
Portugal analysis of master courses and international partnerships, namely with the
curricula. University of Texas in Austin and with Carnegie
PIC Number: Mellon University, within the scope of the CMU-
949336285 Portugal program conferring a double degree in
Informatics. Master’s in informatics teaching from
the University of Minho, master’s in mathematics,
Technologies and Informatics from the University of
Vigo. Professor at ISAG - European Business
School. Develops business consulting activity in the
area of Management Information Systems with
particular focus on Web Content Management
Systems. Currently, he is the coordinator of the
scientific area of Computer Science at ISAG -
European Business School and coordinates the
Higher Professional Technical Course in Digital
Marketing Management and the Post-Graduation
program in Digital Marketing Strategy.
He is assistant professor – UNEC Azerbaijan State
University of Economics, Teacher in the Master of
business administration program, Coordinator of the
distance learning project “ISAG e-learning platform”
with a special focus on training teachers in
preparing classes and using the platform's
resources, computer science teacher – ministries of
education and science - Portugal, ict consultant and
trainer – institute of employment and professional
training – Portugal
Contact: E-mail:,
Phone: (+351) 964452710, (+351) 220303200

Dr. Jelena Mazaj European She holder PhD in Economics and Statistics,
junior expert/advisor Centre of She will use local experience in University of Palermo (IT), topic – Networks for
Studies and education / mobility to promote Sustainable Innovations
Initiatives cooperation in higher education, to Master of Knowledge Management, Vilnius
implement partnership reforms and Gediminas Technical University (LT)
CESIE structural reforms for higher Over 15 years of her professional experience
education transformation. She combines research, training, administrative work
PIC number coordinates curricula on the and consultancies on capacity building and
949677628 different topics: capacity building for knowledge management for higher education
a master's degree in higher institutions, R&I networks for innovations,
education, internationalization and responsible research and innovation and non-formal
the application of sustainable education. Her expertise in the sector covers
innovations. responsibilities as a lecturer, international relations’
officer, project coordinator and local expert for
study/mobility projects. Currently, she runs
responsibilities of the HE&R Coordinator of the one
largest NGOs in Italy. She is an active contributor to
TEMPUS IV and Erasmus+ CBHE projects, more
than 10 projects implemented

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021 in all three

directions: Fostering access to cooperation in higher
education, Partnerships for transformation in higher
education and Structural reform projects.
She coordinates research under the topics: capacity
building for HEIs, internationalisation, sustainable
innovation, rural development, resilience, digital
learning, STEM and others. Her recent research
works concentrate on the analysis of the impact of
the exogenous factors on the organisational
performance, for example: the EU policy impact on
the EU R&I inter-organisational network dynamics
(PhD thesis); COVID-19’S impact on EU R&I
Healthcare Public Private-Partnerships (PhD
thesis); The World of Changes: COVID-19’s impact
on retail - the Path towards Sustainability (book
chapter for Springer in collaboration with Bocconi
University). She is a member of: Società Italiana di
Management, Accademia Italiana di Economia
Aziendale and International Sustainable
Development Research Society, an author/co-
author of over 10 scientific publications and
contributor more than 15 project deliverables.

Ms. Alessia Valenti European Alessia Valenti is Quality Assurance Specialist for
project manager Centre of She will be responsible for local and international projects. She has more than
Studies and implementing the project strategy as 10 years of experience with European-funded
Initiatives a Quality Assurance Specialist. projects and since 2017 she has been working in
Participate in the development and the Higher Education & Research Unit of CESIE,
CESIE analysis of the module curriculum. being in charge of QA for Capacity Building and
She will assist in defining, Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education projects
PIC number evaluating, and developing the and supporting proposal-writers in determining
949677628 project's implementation procedures for QA compliance of new projects,
procedures. Through his detailing the evaluation scope, methodology and
participation in the project, he will approach.
assess the effectiveness and She is experienced in outlining and implementing
organizational effectiveness of the QA policies and procedures, overseeing project
project, identify opportunities and implementation and leading and conducting
areas for improvement, and suggest evaluation activities and missions. Through her
solutions. work, she assesses effectiveness and
organizational efficiency in project implementation,
detecting opportunities for improvement and
problem areas, identify workflow and development
issues and proposing solutions. Her responsibilities
typically include elaborating guidelines for collection
and reporting quality data, documenting quality
assurance activities and creating reports on results
and supporting project partners and staff in quality
improvement methods (through creation of training
materials and operating manuals and mentoring).
Her field of expertise covers professional
development and lifelong learning, better access to
education and training, guidance and counselling for
disadvantaged groups, international mobility for
training purposes, ICT for education and e-learning.

Mr. Mauro Cardella European Mr. Mauro Cardella is the Financial Manager of the
administrative Centre of He will be responsible for CESIE CESIE’s Finance Unit.
project financial management, risk
personnel Studies and - Master’s Degree in Environmental Quality
Initiatives analysis and prevention, financial and Business Management Systems
reporting and monitoring. (UNINFORM/ANGQ).
CESIE - Master’s Degree in Business Economy.
Mr. Cardella is responsible for financial and
PIC number administrative management of EU funded
949677628 programmes under different DGs including DG

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

EAC, DG Justice, DG Home Affairs, DG External

Cooperation, DG Research and DG Employment.
He has strong skills in project finance management,
risks analysis and prevention, financial monitoring
and EU accountability.

Mr. Alberto European Mr. Alberto Provenzano is ICT technician and

Provenzano Centre of He is responsible for the graphic designer, he leads the Communication and
expert/advisor/resear Studies and dissemination and exploitation of Visibility Department at CESIE. He manages the
cher Initiatives the projects' results visual image of CESIE and is responsible for
dissemination and exploitation of different
CESIE international, European and local projects' results.
He is experienced in development of online tools (e-
PIC nurber learning programmes, websites, online surveys,
949677628 platforms, etc.), social media management data
management, online privacy in response to ethical
issues and protection of personal data.

Prof Dr. Nezihe Eskisehir Prof. Dr. Nezihe Ayas, who started her duty at
Ayas Technical She will act as a project manager r Anadolu University in 1991, continues in the
project manager University, on behalf of the ESTU team, Department of Chemical Engineering at Eskişehir
Turkey coordinate the activities of project Technical University, which was established by
(ESTU) participants, organize a travel and leaving Anadolu University with the Law No. 7141
PIC number ensure the mobility of project published in the Official Gazette dated 8 May 2018
905429332 participants. As a professional and numbered 30425. She is currently the Head of
teacher and researcher, ensures the Department of Basic Operations and
the selection, analyse and Thermodynamics and, the Head of the Department
application of subjects for modular of Chemical Engineering.
curricula. Participates and give To date, 18 master's theses and 2 doctoral theses
propose in the discussion of have been completed under her supervision, and 2
modular system education master's theses and 7 doctoral theses are still
Oversees the preparation of reports ongoing. She contributed to the literature by writing
from time to time, organizes the 3 book chapters in order to convey her knowledge
dissemination of information about and experience. 40 of her studies in the field have
the project been published in international peer-reviewed
journals. 72 of the studies in this field were
presented at international congresses and published
in the proceedings book.
Prof. Dr. Nezihe Ayas, who started her duty at
Anadolu University in 1991, continues in the
Department of Chemical Engineering at Eskişehir
Technical University, which was established by
leaving Anadolu University with the Law No. 7141
published in the Official Gazette dated 8 May 2018
and numbered 30425. She is currently the Head of
the Department of Basic Operations and
Thermodynamics and, the Head of the Department
of Chemical Engineering.
To date, 18 master's theses and 2 doctoral theses
have been completed under her supervision, and 2
master's theses and 7 doctoral theses are still
ongoing. She contributed to the literature by writing
3 book chapters in order to convey her knowledge
and experience. 40 of her studies in the field have
been published in international peer-reviewed
journals. 72 of the studies in this field were
presented at international congresses and published
in the proceedings book.
Contact: e-mail :,
Phone : +90 (222) 321 3550 / 6500-6501

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eskisehir She was born in 17 December 1973, holder of a
Yeşim Güçbilmez Technical She as a professional teacher and Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD degree in Chemistry
senior expert/advisor University, researcher, ensures the selection, from the Middle East Technical University. At
Turkey analyse and application of subjects present she is Associate professor of the
(ESTU) for modular curricula. Participates department of Chemical Engineering of Eskişehir
PIC number and give propose in the discussion Technical University, specialists in the higher
905429332 of modular system education education. She is supervisor for the master and PhD
Papers published in international refreed
A1. Y. Gucbilmez, I. Calis, “One Pot Oxidative Ethyl
Acetate Synthesis Using Palladium Activated SBA-
15 Type Catalysts”, Advances in Energy Research,
under review.
A2. Y. Güçbilmez, Y., M. Ammar, “Mn-MCM-41
Türü Katalizörler ile Model Atıksulardan Fenol
Giderimi”, Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, Vol.
32, 1113 (2021)
A3. Y. Gucbilmez, A.S. Yargic, I. Calis, “A
Comparative Characterization of the
HPA-MCM-48 Type Catalysts Produced by the
Direct Hydrothermal and Room Temperature
Synthesis Methods”, Journal of Nanomaterials, Vol.
2012, Article ID 210437 (2012)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Elif Eskisehir She was born in 25 September 1987 , holder of a
Kaynak Technical She is responsible of the collection Bachelor’s in Chemistry of Ege University ,
advisor/research University, and analysis of information on how Master’s in Nanotechnology of Anadolu University
Turkey the master's degree is organized in and PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from the
(ESTU) the EU and Turkey universities. Eskisehir Technical University. Assistant Professor
PIC number (Full Time) at Eskisehir Technical University,
905429332 Department of Chemical Engineering, Eskişehir
Turkey. Instructor (Computer Programming in
Engineering, Textile Chemical Processing,
Chemical Engineering Laboratory I and II). Deputy
Erasmus+ Coordinator. Deputy Accreditation
(MUDEK) Coordinator at Eskisehir Technical
University, Technical Textiles and Flammability
Laboratory. Laboratory Quality Representative
Scientific Papers Published in SCI, SCI-E
Indexed Journals
1. Elif Kaynak, Mustafa Erdem Üreyen, Ali Savaş
Koparal, Adem Mutlu (article in press). Flame-
retardant treatment of wool and wool-rich blends: A
study of bath composition. Journal of Engineered
Fibers and Fabrics, doi:
2. Üreyen Mustafa Erdem,Kaynak Elif,Yüksel
Gamze (2019). Flame-retardant effects of cyclic
phosphonate with HALS and fumed silica in
polypropylene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,
48308, Doi: 10.1002/app.48308
3. Üreyen Mustafa Erdem,Kaynak Elif. Effect of Zinc
Borate on Flammability of PET Woven Fabrics
(2019). Advances in Polymer Technology, v2019, 1-
13., Doi: 10.1155/2019/7150736
Contact: E-mail:
Ph: +90 5384014001

Prof. Archil Georgian He is a Chief Researcher and Director of the

Chirakadze Technical Organizing and managing all Institute for Problems of Engineering Physics, a
project manager. University activities foreseen within the project Chief Researcher at the Scientific Research
(GTU), (Content and Finance) at GTU. Institute, Techinformi”, a Senior Researcher of the
Georgia Develop and deliver ToT; conduct V. Chavchanidze Institute of Cybernetics of the

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

PIC multiple in-house trainings for Georgian Technical University and a Researcher at
number*: researchers and academics, the E. Andronikashvili Institute of Physics of the
983636358 supervisors of BA, MA and PHD, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. He has
program coordinators of electronics been working at the P. Lebedev Institute of Physics
engineering direction Engage in of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR,, at the
formation of skills development Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (as a
canter at GTU Senior Researcher and Teacher at the Educational
Laboratory of Semiconductors and dielectrics), at
the Research Laboratory of the Ministry of
Communication Devices of the USSR (as a Head of
Department), at the Ministry of Education of Georgia
(as the First Deputy Minister) and as the Member of
Supervising Council of Zestafoni Ferroalloys
factory. Dr. Archi Chirakadze achieved his BSc
degree from the Moscow Institute of Engineering
Physics in 1976, his master’s degree from the P.
Lebedev Institute of Physics and his PhD degree
from the Tbilisi State University. In the period 2011-
2021 he was the Principal Investigator, Manager
and Sub-manager of six partner and grant projects
funded by US EPA, Science and Technology Center
in Ukraine (Kiev), International Science and
Technology Centre (Moscow) and more than ten
research and design projects funded by the Ministry
of Medium Machine Building and the Ministry of
Communication Devices of the USSR. Prof. Archil
Chirakadze is the Member of Council of the
Academy of Natural Sciences of Georgia, the
member of the Environment Protection Commission
of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia,
the member of the editorial board of the “Journal of
low Dimensional Systems” and the member of the
organizing and program committees of six
international conferences. He is the author of more
than 120 scientific publications (monographs,
chapters, textbooks, auxiliary textbooks, manuals,
full papers in peer reviewed journals and conference
proceedings indexed in Web of Science (21
publications, 39 citations), Scopus (18 publications,
42 citations), Google Scholar (41 publications, 83
citations) and other databases. He participated in
about 50 international conferences in Azerbaijan,
Belgium, Canada, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy,
Japan, India, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine with oral
presentations as an invited speaker, plenary
session speaker and sectional session chair and
speaker. Prof. Archil Chirakadze is an author of the
two USSR and four Georgian Patents. The main
spheres of his scientific interests are materials
science, microwave electronics, microwave
generation and diagnostics, microwave electro-optic
integrated elements, nanoparticle synthesis,
metallurgy of master alloys and ferroalloys,
quantitative evaluation of indicators of the
sustainable development and knowledge-based
Prof. Tina Gelashvili Georgian Develop and deliver ToT; conduct She is a Senior Researcher at the Georgian
Technical multiple in-house trainings for Technical University (GTU). She has been working
Junior expert /advisor University researchers and academics, at Samtskhe-Javakheti State University (Georgia)
(GTU), supervisors of BA, MA and PHD, and held different leading positions at the university:
Georgia program coordinators of electronics Dean of Faculty, Head of Department, Head of
PIC engineering direction Engage in University Methodological Council; Secretary of
number*: formation of skills development Scientific Council; Rector of University. From 2012-
983636358 canter at GTU 2020 she was manager and researcher/trainer of
eight EU -Tempus and Erasmus+ CBHE projects
Participate in design and
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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

elaboration of training modules for (TEMPUS: ASPIRE-Access to Society for People

academics, students, etc. Engage in with Individual Requirements; DIMTEGU-
developing and deliver of ToT; Development and Introduction of Multilingual
Teacher Education Programs at Universities of
Georgia and Ukraine; DOIT- Development of an
International Model for Curricular Reform in
Multicultural Education and Cultural Diversity
Training; CASEDE- Developing Student Career
Services in Georgia; ERASMUS+: INTEGRITY-
Academic Integrity for Quality Teaching and
Learning in Higher Education Institutions in
Georgia; ASSET- Assessment tools for HE learning
environments; CURE-Curriculum Reform for
Promoting Civic Education and Democratic
Principles in Israel and in Georgia (CURE) and
DITECH-Erasmus+ Project manager at SJSU
(2021-2024), also. Currently she is a Head of MBA
Program. The main direction of the research: Socio-
economic aspects of higher education, information
technologies in education and scientific research,
innovative teaching and learning methods and
Formative Assessment (FA) tools, improving the
efficiency of communication between higher
education institutions and high-tech industry.
Dr. Nelly Georgian Develop and deliver ToT; conduct She is full member (academician) of the Georgian
Makhviladze Technical multiple in-house trainings for Academy of Engineering. She is currently working
Trainer/researcher University researchers and academics, as a director of the research institute for Scientific
(GTU), supervisors of BA, MA and PHD, and Technical Information-TECHINFORMI and as a
Georgia program coordinators of electronics chief Researcher of the Georgian Technical
PIC engineering direction University (GTU). From 2011-2020 she was
number*: Engage in formation of skills canter manager, researcher and staff member of more
983636358 at GTU than twenty International and National scientific
N. Makhviladze have an experience of teaching in
different HEIs, mainly in the field engineering and
technology. She Is the author of over 40 scientific
publications including 3 monographs; Editor of two
textbooks; an organizer and a participant of more
than 11 international scientific conferences and
more than six international workshops. She has held
more than 21 trainings. She is editorial board
member of four scientific journals covering R&D,
Engineering and Humanitarian sciences
Dr. Marina Georgian Take part in design and Dr.Marina Razmadze is currently working as a
Razmadze Technical development services for academic deputy head in the central institute for Scientific and
University staff and students. Technical Information at the Georgian Technical
Technical personnel. (GTU), University (GTU)
Georgia Public communication: between She has a PhD degree in Computer Science and
PIC university and enterprise; Skills has more than 11 years of hands-on experience in
number*: development centre, students, administrative and research roles from Information
983636358 academic staff and GTU Technology and Systems (IT&S), Data Research
administration in order to raise an and Information Analysis fields from several
awareness of academics and different educational institutions locally and
especially students about skills. internationally. Marina has a strong record of
Take part in design and successful coordination and delivery of scientific
implementation of trainings modules projects, as well as experience of delivering lecture
on skills development. courses in the field of Information Technology . She
is an author of one monographic work and several
scientific technical papers which are published by
local and international publishers.

Professor Petros University of Organizing and managing all As a Departmental coordinator for the Chemistry
Koutsoukos, Patras activities foreseen within the project Department of the University of Patras (1984-1989)
UPAT (Content and Finance) at UPAT. organized the credit transfer system locally and
project manager. Greece He will develop a strategy for the worked for the implementation of international

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

PIC number creation of master-level modular courses and student exchange. At the chemical
999894528 curricula in the project, analyse the Engineering Department as LLP/Erasmus
application of this system in Europe, coordinator worked for the development of
and assist in data collection and exchanges of students and faculty with foreign
discussion Institutions. Participated actively in the
development of a graduate course in Environmental
sciences which runs successfully until present at the
University. Director of the Laboratory of Inorganic
and Analytical Chemistry of the Department of
Chemical Engineering, with research emphasizing
environmental issues including recycling of raw
materials and pollution monitoring.

Christakis Paraskeva, University of TEACHING: UNIT OPERATIONS, LABORATORY

DP Zagklis, CA Paraskeva, ‘Purification of Grape
Marc Phenols through Solvent Extraction,
Membrane Filtration and Resin
Adsorption/Desorption’, 156 (2), 328-335, 2015,
Separation and Purification Technology,
DP Zagklis, AI Vavouraki, ME Kornaros, CA
Paraskeva, ‘Purification of Olive Mill Wastewater
Phenols through Membrane Filtration and Resin
Adsorption/Desorption’, Journal of Hazardous
Materials, 285 (1), 69-76, 2015,
Spyridon S. Kontos, Petros G. Koutsoukos,
Christakis A. Paraskeva, ‘Removal and recovery of
phenolic compounds from olive mill wastewater by
cooling crystallization, accepted,
DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2014.04.047, Chemical
Engineering Journal, 251, 319-328, 2014

Pavlos Klepetsanis University of He as a professional teacher and Expertise in the synthesis and properties of
Associate Professor. Patras researcher, ensures the selection, nanoparticles with applications in medicine, delayed
UPAT analyse and application of subjects and targeted drug delivery. Also, in the use of scale
senior expert/advisor Greece for modular curricula. Participates deposits inhibitors. Experience in teaching graduate
PIC number and give propose in the discussion and undergraduate courses of health-related
999894528 of modular system education subjects. He as supervised a number of Master’s
level theses both of Geek graduate students and
also of foreign exchange students. Significant
administrative experience Involved in curricula
development of the Department of Pharmacy of the
University of Patras and in the evaluation
procedures of the graduate programmer.

Outside resources (subcontracting, seconded staff, etc)

If you do not have all skills/resources in-house, describe how you intend to get them (contributions of members,
partner organisations, subcontracting, etc).

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

If there is subcontracting, please also complete the table in section 4.


2.1.4 Cost effectiveness and financial management

Cost effectiveness and financial management (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)
Describe the measures adopted to ensure that the proposed results and objectives will be achieved in the most cost-effective way.
Indicate the arrangements adopted for the financial management of the project and, in particular, how the financial resources
will be allocated and managed within the consortium.
Do NOT compare and justify the costs of each work package, but summarize briefly why your budget is cost effective.

Regarding this aspect, the budget has been calculated in the most economical way. 6 meetings will be
organized during the project. 4 of them will take place in Azerbaijan for economic reasons. The budget
allocation per work package is the following:
Preparation: This WP being the first and the shortest WP, only 1 meeting will be dedicated on the results
analysis on the several surveys in Europe and in Azerbaijan
Structuring of modular master education: 2 meetings will be organized and will take place in Baku. Most
of the partners being located in Baku, it allows a real economy in term of budget.
Quality: For economic reasons, every 3 months online meetings are foreseen for the “Evaluation
Committee”. The several results will be detailed in the frame of other meeting (in October 2016 in
Heidelberg, in October 2017 in Masaryk and in October 2018 in Montpellier).
Dissemination exploitation: 2 meeting will be organized (1 of them in Azerbaijan 1for the same reasons
as explained above). For reducing the budget costs, it has been decided to involve only 1 staff per
partner for most of these meetings. Regarding the WP7.3 (Training for the Portal management), only
two Programme country partners will travel in Azerbaijan for the training organization. The same case is
concerning the WP8.3 (Dissemination days), organized by X.
Management: Only two meetings will be organized in the frame of the Management WP (Kick-off
meeting and Closure meeting). The project coordinator will host these two meetings.
Still in the idea to ensure a budget distribution in an economical way, some meetings will be dedicated
to different type of WP.
In term of Staff costs, most of them are dedicated to the categories “Teacher/Trainer/Researcher” and
“Administrative”. Some Technical Staffs have been budgeted for the “Platform activity” (WP7) and some
days of “Manager” are planned especially for the project coordinator. Each WP responsible will have a
superior amount of Staff days linked to the management and coordination of the activities in the WP.
The Project coordinator is in charge of the administrative management of the grant, therefore a full time
Staff will be dedicated to this aspect and have been budgeted.
The equipment budgeted correspond to the needs of the Azerbaijani institutions for the project results
achievement. The Platform management requires informatics equipment and software that have been
budgeted for each HEI in Azerbaijan. The online meeting requires also technical material foreseen in the
budget as well.
The financial management of the consortium will be supported by the Project coordinator institution. The
BSU will work closely with all the partners in order to guarantee the progress and quality of the project.
Also, the BSU will ensure the observation of programme regulations and will support all partners in
financial matters. The management tools (WP9) will be used for this financial organization of the project
(recording and documentation) and the coordinator will realize the cash flows between all partners
based on the Grant Agreement signed with the EACEA.
All the project partners have been consulted for the co-financing aspect and the main funding support
bring by the partners are linked to: Staff Costs/Printing documents/Overhead. The global amount of co-
financing is around 10% of the project budget.

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

2.1.5 Risk management

Critical risks and risk management strategy

Describe critical risks, uncertainties or difficulties related to the implementation of your project, and your measures/strategy for
addressing them.
Indicate for each risk (in the description) the impact and the likelihood that the risk will materialise (high, medium, low), even
after taking account the mitigating measures.
Note: Uncertainties and unexpected events occur in all organisations, even if very well-run. The risk analysis will help
you to predict issues that could delay or hinder project activities. A good risk management strategy is essential for
good project management.

Risk No Description Work package Proposed risk-mitigation measures


1 Lack of information, WP1 All partners will participate equally

inaccessibility, superficial in the discussion and analysis.
analysis in the analysis of the They will prepare a report on
current situation in the UE and analysis and comparative
the application of the modular research. Reports will be provided
system in higher education in to all partners
Azerbaijan, including the
master's degree

2 Disagreements in the creation of WP2 Difficulties in agreeing on a

a modular master curriculum. modular curriculum structure to be
Different curricula of subjects. adopted.
Lack of practical curricula

3 To ensure quality standards in WP3 Considerable structure disparities

the master's degree. Report on within the HEIs.To reach an
the requirements to ensure high agreed solution and respecting
standards in the master's delays
degree. Report on commitment
to high quality standards.

4 Improvement of professional WP4 Students' activities will be

skills and employability. Number monitored throughout the master's
of students and staff trained, course and poor exam results will
their satisfaction on the new be analysed, and the curriculum
skills achieved after completion will be improved to prevent it.
of the course

5 Number of international mobility, WP5 Elimination of barriers to

conferences, recognition of international mobility, conferences,
diploma. Reports on the needs of study of existing barriers to the
data bases, on international recognition of educational
mobility and conferences, diplomas with a modular
acceptance of recognition of EU curriculum

6 Respect of the Quality WP6 Achievement of a suitable number

charter/Quality tools used for the of applications. Agreement on the
internal evaluation/validation of selection by the appointed working
the internal evaluation reports group
and improvement of the results

7 Setting up a Management Portal. WP7 Launching of the portal and

Realisation of a portal smooth functioning

8 Number of connections on the WP8 The presence of project

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website/Effective respect of the management structure in the HEIs

management rules indicated in in Azerbaijan
the MoE / internal
standardisation of the
management tools for the
Effective dissemination
9 Set up of Dissemination days/ WP9
writing a practical guide.
Achievement of the information
and news to be published on the
website and the digital platform


2.2.1 Consortium set-up

Consortium cooperation and division of roles (if applicable)

Please address all guiding points presented in the Call document/Programme Guide under the award
criterion ‘Quality of the partnership and the cooperation arrangements.
Describe the participants (Beneficiaries, Affiliated Entities, Associated Partners and others, if any) and
explain how they will work together to implement the project. How will they bring together the necessary
expertise? How will they complement each other?
In what way does each of the participants contribute to the project? Show that each has a valid role and
adequate resources to fulfil that role.
The project partners have been selected for their experience in the domain covered by the project
concerning the EU part (master studies) and for the needs as well as their potential in implementation of
the decisions concerning the Azerbaijan part. Perfect and clear communication between the partners is
very important for the successful implementation of the project. Relationships will be developed as
outlined in WP8. Internal communication between the partners will be carried out through management
tools. The project coordinator will present these tools during a meeting at Baku State University, and
one of them will be a sharing platform on the project website. The partners, especially ISAG and
Eskisehir University, have extensive experience in applying new methods in education. They will play an
important role in the development of the idea of the project, the development and implementation of
modular system curricula at the master's level.The coordinator Baku State University (BSU) has
participated in many EU projects for Education (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Intra ACP…) partner.
Moreover, BSU is a comprehensive and intensive education and resaerch university with 30 research
labs and 3 İnstitution joined to the most important Azerbaijan research organizations and 600 master
students. Thus, BSU has developed for many decades a coherent policy regarding master and doctoral
studies with a strong commitment for human resources excellence in the framework of the “European
Charter for Researchers”. The person responsible for each Work Package will also play a key role in
communication between the partners, as they will coordinate a range of activities under the WP. In the
event of a communication problem, they will be able to act in accordance with the Consortium
Agreement and EACEA rules and contact the project coordinator. Also, the number of meetings and
their frequency (in addition to online meetings) will ensure a high level of cooperation between the
partners throughout the project.Balanced consortium will allow us to have an impact within Azerbaijan
thanks to experienced universities from the Programme country. Georgian Technical University (GTU)
üill participate as partners to strength the European expertise of master studies in the field of natural and
social sciences.

2.2.2 Consortium management and decision-making

Consortium management and decision-making (if applicable)

Explain the management structures and decision-making mechanisms within the consortium. Describe
how decisions will be taken and how regular and effective communication will be ensured. Describe
methods to ensure planning and control.
Note: The concept (including organisational structure and decision-making mechanisms) must be

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adapted to the complexity and scale of the project.

A “Steering Committee” will be appointed democratically during the Kick-Off meeting (3 project partners:
1HEI from Programme Country and 2 HEIs from Partner countries). The members of this committee will
help the project coordinator in the communication aspects indicated above with an automatic validation
by all the consortium members.
The responsible of each Work Package will also have a key role regarding the communication between
the partners as they will coordinate the several actions foreseen within the WP. In case of
communication problem, they will be able to refer to the Steering Committee and the project coordinator
who will be able to act according to the consortium Agreement and the EACEA rules.
Also, the number of meetings as well as their frequency (in addition to the online meetings) will allow
insuring a high level of cooperation between the partners during the whole project lifetime.


3.1 Impact and ambition

Impact and ambition

Please address each guiding points presented in the Call document/Programme Guide under the award
criterion ‘Impact’.
Define the expected short, medium and long-term effects of the project. Who are the target groups?
How will the target groups benefit concretely from the project and what would change for them?

The DACMA project will have an impact on modernization of master education, research and
internationalization of HEIs in Azerbaijan. The consortium will achieve the objectives by restructuring
the master education through actions that will be set up gradually during the lifetime of the project: (a)
the organisation of master schools within the HEIS and at the National level, (b) insuring high standards
in master education, (c) improving internationalization. A standardisation and modernization of master
education will lead to a better recognition from Europe of the quality of research provided by the HEIs
and research institutions of Azerbaijan. Therefore, an enhance in collaboration between Europe and
Azerbaijan is predictable before the completion of the project. As well, a greater ease of international
mobility for master students, young researchers and staff should be reached. On a national level, the
master students should enhance their professional skills to meet the needs of the local, regional and
national markets. Again, those actions should be built up progressively and the first impacts should be
visible before the completion of the project.
To improve the quality of higher education in Azerbaijan to fit to european standards, the insitutions will
have to adapt the way they operate in combining European standards to their present competencies.
The DACMA project will work on the combinaison of expertises to bring to the desired results:
modernisation of higher education. The impact will be felt during the development of the project trrough
concrete actions: improvement of professionnal skills, improvement of master education management,
internationalization, set up of a National Management Portal , organization of master schools and reach
all the target groups: MS students, young researchers, staff, HEIs and instutions.
This project intends to answer to the urgent need for Azerbaijan universities to revise the rules and
content of organizing master studies within Bologna process documents in terms of their consistency,
especially on ensuring science and research provisions in relevance with European standards, to fulfil
the students' mobility and internationalization of education. We can expect to forge closer relations
between HEIs from Europe and Azerbaijan. The relations will be consolidated in term of education and
development agreements, exchanges of students and staff, employability, and will have an economic
and social impact. The modernization of research and therefore the better understanding between
countries will permit to enhance economical exchanges based on natural resources and expertise.

3.2 Communication, dissemination and visibility

Communication, dissemination and visibility of funding

Describe the communication and dissemination activities which are planned in order to promote the
activities/results and maximise the impact (to whom, which format, how many, etc.). Clarify how you will
reach the target groups, relevant stakeholders, policymakers and the general public and explain the
choice of the dissemination channels.

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Describe how the visibility of EU funding will be ensured.

The communication is an important key for the success of this project and this aspect is mainly
developed within the WP8. The internal communication between the partners will be done through
several management tools described in WP9. The project coordinator will introduce these tools during
the Kick-off meeting in Baku and one of them will be a sharing platform within the project website. This
platform will facilitate the information and document transmission within the partnership (Meeting
reports/template like Timesheet). Email will be of course used for communication, but the idea would be
to implement this platform as only way of document sharing. Therefore, a specific attention will be given
on the selection of this platform (security purpose especially) and the project coordinator will be
responsible on it.
Keys actions are devoted to dissemination:
- Firstly, a web-site for the project will ensure dissemination of the results to the local, regional, national
and international community.
- Secondly, we propose the design of a practical guide to the attention of all the target groups: students,
young researchers, staffs within the HEIs and research institutions. This guide will gather all the
necessary information to start a pHD: how to develop the thesis project in Azerbaijan or in Europe, what
are the possible fundings, what are the administrative steps, how to register in the National
Management Portal, what are the requirements to complete the thesis, etc…This guide is an effective
tool to insure the dissemination of the information to the target groups. This guide will be available on
the project’s website and on the National Management platform.
- Thirdly, the project proposes also to organize dissemination days to inform about the project in HEIs in
Azerbaijan to reach target groups of HEIs that were not involved in the consortium.
Then, the creation of a PhD students’ association will insure the communication between students,
Due to the involvement of all the partners in each work package, in each action, each partner of the
consortium has the responsibility to insure dissemination of the project and the results within its
institution and outside its institution, via internal and external communication. This organization will
assure also the exploitation of the results within each HEIs in Azerbaijan to remain a competitive
presence in higher education.
Additionnally, the presence in the consortium of the Ministery of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
and the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences will have the necessary impact at the National level
to adopt the modernization of Doctoral Education in the country.

3.3 Sustainability and continuation

Sustainability, long-term impact and continuation

Describe the follow-up of the project after the EU funding ends. How will the project impact be ensured
and sustained?
What will need to be done? Which parts of the project should be continued or maintained? How will this
be achieved? Which resources will be necessary to continue the project? How will the results be used?
Are there any possible synergies/complementarities with other (EU funded) activities that can build on
the project results?

The sustainability will come from the structuring of the master schools and the organization of the
master schools within a higher structure. Then, within those structures, the project will have a strong
impact on higher education through sharing of expertise and exchanges of know-how across the
countries. Master studies, their principles, administrative issues, rights and duties of students, financial
regulations and international relations in the sphere of organizing and content of this cycle of education
will be updated to fit to international standards. As all the decisions will be made through consensus-
building, the results will be adopted by all HEIs, and it will be their own responsibility to remain
competitive in higher education. To work in a concerted manner and with recognized expertise will end
to the enrichment of knowledge and innovation and will benefit Azerbaijan and will ensure sustainability.
A standardisation and modernization of master education will lead to a better recognition by Europe of
the quality of research provided by the HEIs and research institutions of Azerbaijan. Upgrading
relationships in higher education between Europe and Azerbaijan will improve research cooperation and
economic development between the countries. Additionally, the presence in the consortium of the
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan will have the necessary impact at the National level
to adopt the modernization of master education in the country and will insure sustainability.

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021


4.1 Work plan

Work plan
Provide a brief description of the overall structure of the work plan (list of work packages or graphical presentation (Pert chart or similar)).
DACMA is progressing according to its work program and timetable. At this stage, all 9 Work packages (WP) have been started.
WP 1 Preparation:
Partners from the EU will prepare modular master’s programs with an overview such as those of European Universities issued by the latter. Azerbaijani partners will prepare
a report on the program and training of masters in national universities. The results will be presented at a meeting in Baku and there will be a comparative analysis.
WP 2 Structuring of modular master education:
This WP will always be in development. Based on the comprehensive research of WP1, all partners will be presented with the different models of Masters used in Europe in
meetings to determine the most appropriate model for structuring the Masters in Azerbaijan by the project deadline of the first half of the first year.
WP 3 High standards in master education:
In order to address the factors that determine the achievement of high-quality Masters, meeting 2 in Porto will initiate a discussion on ways to raise high standards, as well as
links between higher education and research (WP 3.1). This will continue at meeting 3 in Italy with a proposal to create a modular curriculum that defines the rights and
obligations of undergraduates and their supervisors (WP3.2).
WP 4 Professional skills:
The first analysis of how to improve the professional skills of undergraduates to develop innovative experiences and employment opportunities will implemented at meetings.
This work plan will be finalized at last meeting with the aim of generating innovative ideas on how to build bridges between universities and companies.
WP 5 Internationalization:
It will be formally introduced during meeting 2 XXXXX and meeting 3 XXXXXX, thus exploring the possibility to increase the international visibility of Azerbaijani HEIs through
conference days (5.1). Needs in international databases will be identified and will be addressed with the purchase of equipment. A survey is being prepared on the state of
master studies’ internationalization (5.3).
*WP 6 Quality Plan:
The principles of a Quality Charter will be agreed and shared with all partners (6.1). The project will constantly be assessed internally during/after each meeting through
online or paper surveys, and annual evaluations (6.2). A final audit will be carried out by an external firm by October 2024 (6.3). Regularly, evaluation exchanges will organize
WP 7 Exploitation of the results - National Management Portal:
At meeting 2 BSU, ISAG, ESTU, CESIE, GTU, ASPU and 3 BSU, ISAG, ESTU, CESIE, GTU, ASPU, the partners will introduced to examples of Management Portals for
master students already in place in EU universities. Eramus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education Annex V - Technical Implementation Report (Progress report on
implementation of the action) Project DACMA page X The host institution of the Azerbaijani portal will be identified and since technical specifications are being developed
(7.2), the training of staff (e.g. webmasters) will also under planning.
WP 8 Management -Coordination and Project management
This included the writing of bilateral Partnership Agreements (9.1), signed in July 2023. The Kick-off meeting will be organized by the coordinator in December 2023 (8.2).
The latter is also regularly liaising with the EACEA project officer and officials (8.3). Designed in 2023 and launched in early 2024, the website will regularly be updated (8.4).
WP 9 Dissemination & exploitation

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Dissemination activity include put the project website in the website of the partners, effective dissemination in the Workshops and public meetings to the wide community,
international dissemination of the project during the international Conference on higher education, the results of the investigations performed by the seminars will be
appreciated by the education commission partners of the project for their exploitation, confirm the intention of modular curriculums by the Az MoE.
During the first months, it will take some time to connect all partners between them. Meeting participants may change and some would not join.

4.2 Work packages and activities


This section concerns a detailed description of the project activities.

Group your activities into work packages. A work package means a major sub-division of the project. For each work package, enter an objective (expected outcome) and
list the activities, milestones and deliverables that belong to it. The grouping should be logical and guided by identifiable deliverables/outputs.
Projects should normally have a minimum of 2 work packages. WP1 should cover the management and coordination activities (meetings, coordination, project monitoring and
evaluation, financial management, progress reports, etc.) and all the activities which are cross-cutting and therefore difficult to assign to another specific work package (do not
try splitting these activities across different work packages). WP2 and further WPs should be used for the other project activities. You can create as many work packages as
needed by copying WP1. The last WP should be dedicated to Impact and dissemination
Please refer to the Call document/Programme Guide for specific requirements concerning the number and the typology of work packages.
Work packages covering financial support to third parties ( only allowed if authorised in the Call document/Programme Guide) must describe the conditions for
implementing the support (for grants: max amounts per third party; criteria for calculating the exact amounts, types of activity that qualify (closed list), persons/categories of
persons to be supported and criteria and procedures for giving support; for prizes: eligibility and award criteria, amount of the prize and payment arrangements).
Enter each activity/milestone/output/outcome/deliverable only once (under one work package).

Work Package 1: Preparation


List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

• analysis on the state of the art of master studies in Europe

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

• analysis on the state of the art of master studies in Azerbaijan

• the comparative analysis between the European and Azerbaijani models of master education
• number of studies on the state of the art of master education realized thanks to this analysis
• evolution of the management of master education in Azerbaijan
Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), and if applicable Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP) and others, indicating in
bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of
this work package.
The coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted. If there is
subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

(Continuo Subcontracting
us Name Role
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to BEN, AE,
Analysis of master studies in Europe
T1.1 Coordinated by BSU and the ESTU, EU partner İSAG, CESIE,UPAT , BEN, AP No
İSAG wrote a report giving an overview of
master studies and their structuration in
Europe, released in June 2023, based on
existing surveys and comprehensive analysis of
the current situation.

T1.2 Analysis of master studies in Coordinated by the Azerbaijan Ministry of BSU, ASPU, GTU, COO, BEN Yes
Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia Education, Azerbaijani, Turkish and Georgian ESTU
partners prepared a report on the state of the
master studies system, based on the national
data collected and surveys.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Comparative study and critical analysis Managed by the Baku State University, all
T1.3 meeting partners are contributing to the comparative BSU, ISAG, ESTU, COO, No
analysis between the European and Azerbaijani CESIE, GTU, ASPU BEN, AE,
models of master education. The objective is to AP
identify the structural weaknesses of the
Azerbaijani system so that it can be improved
at a later stage.

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. Use them only for major outputs in complicated projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items, internal working
papers, meeting minutes, etc.
It is recommended to limit the number of deliverables to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the
'Description' field: invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package,
presentations, evaluation report, feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s),
approximate number of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of
the work package and must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(Continuous No (month
numbering not linked number)
to WP)

MS1 1 BSU Coordinated by Baku State University 6 Report

and the ESTU, EU partners wrote a
report giving an overview of master

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

studies and their structuration in

Europe, released in June 2023, based
on existing surveys and comprehensive
analysis of the current situation

MS2 1 BSU Coordinated by the Azerbaijan Ministry 6 Report

of Education, Azerbaijani partners
prepared a report on the state of the
master studies system, based on the
national data collected and surveys.

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Date Description
(Continuous No Level (Month (Including format and
numbering linked to number) language)

D1.1 Analysis and report 1 ISAG, ESTU, R — Document, PU — Public 6 This Work Package will
on the master CESIE, GTU, report SEN — Sensitive identify the major
education in EU ASPU,UPAT curriculum structure in
and Azerbaijan DATA — data EU and Azerbaijan due to
sets, micro data, analysis of modular
etc system, basing on the
analysis of available data
collected in the last years

D1.2 Identification of the 1 BSU, ISAG, R — Document, PU — Public 4 An updated and

main topics to be ESTU, CESIE, report SEN — Sensitive comprehensive report will
investigated. GTU, be prepared dealing with
ASPU,UPAT DEC —Websites, the evaluation of the
Appointment of a patent filings, modular system of
working group for videos, etc education.The major risks
each specific topic,
its coordinator and DMP — Data associated to these
Management activities will be studied,
description of the thus identifying the main
relevant topics to be investigated
technologies and and deepened in the
methods together education programm
with the fixed with the collaboration of
objectives EU experts. Once the
topics to be investigated

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

are selected, appropriate

working groups and their
coordinator will be

D1.3 Appointment of an 1 ISAG, ESTU, Plan PU — Public 2 The external advisore will
external advisory CESIE, SEN — Sensitive check the consistency of
board GTU,UPAT ETHICS the workplan with the
available resources and
will approve each
research work.

Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total
Subcontrac Accomm Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs costs
ting odation ence works and

BSU, ASPU 76 29400 16 12 12800 9000 4250 5000 20000 5900 49832
person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

UPAT, ESTU, 54 21400 10 9 8800 6600 2250 5500 20850 6076 39590
person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR

Total 130 50800 26 21 46800 15600 6500 10500 40850 11976 183026
persons EUR person EUR EUR

months g

For certain Lump Sum Grants, see detailed budget table/calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents).

Work Package 2: Structuring of modular master education

This WP will always be in development. Based on the comprehensive research of WP1, all partners will be presented with the different models of master’s used in Europe in
meetings to determine the most appropriate model for structuring the Masters in Azerbaijan by the project deadline of the first half of the first year.

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

• activity on the proposed solution for structuring modular master schools

• activity for development of disciplines’ specificities
• official agreement on the proposed structuring bodies
• number of doctoral schools created / restructured
• creation of a centralized higher education structure gathering all the master schools
• improvement of the management of master education in Azerbaijan and alignment with European universities

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Activities (what, how, where) and division of work

Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), and if applicable Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP) and others, indicating in
bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of
this work package.
The coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted. If there is
subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

(Continuo Subcontracting
us Name Role
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to BEN, AE,
Exchanges and proposals for a scheme on
T2.1 Structuring modular master studies master studies’ organization, as well as ISAG, ESTU, AE, AP No
identification of the necessary measures to CESIE, GTU
structure it.

T2.2 Creation of a new model of master Based on proposals and analysis of WP 2.1, BSU, ASPU COO, BEN Yes
education structures in Azerbaijan the objective is to identify, by July 2023, the
most suitable model for the creation of doctoral
schools in Azerbaijan.

T2.3 Comparative and critical analysis new Managed by the University of BSU, all partners BSU, ISAG, ESTU, COO, No
curriculum are contributing to the structuring modular CESIE, GTU, ASPU BEN, AE,
master studies for Azerbaijani higher education. AP
The objective is to identify the structural
weaknesses of the Azerbaijani system so that it
can be improved at a later stage.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. Use them only for major outputs in complicated projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items, internal working
papers, meeting minutes, etc.
It is recommended to limit the number of deliverables to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the
'Description' field: invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package,
presentations, evaluation report, feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s),
approximate number of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of
the work package and must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(Continuous No (month
numbering not linked number)
to WP)

MS1 2 BSU, ISAG, Coordinated by BSU University and the 6 Report

ESTU, CESIE, University of ESTU, EU partners writes
GTU, ASPU a report giving an structuring master
curriculum, released in December
2023, based on research surveys and
comprehensive analysis of the EU
modular curriculums

MS2 2 BSU, Coordinated by the Azerbaijan Ministry 3 Report

ASPU,UPAT of Education, Azerbaijani partners
prepare a report on the modular master
curriculum, based on the national data

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

collected and surveys.

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Date Description
(Continuous No Level (Month (Including format and
numbering linked to number) language)

D2.1 Analysis and report 2 BSU, ISAG, R — Document, PU — Public 6 This Work Package will
of the structuring ESTU, CESIE, report SEN — Sensitive identify the major
modular master GTU, ASPU, curriculum structure .
curriculum UPAT DATA — data
sets, microdata,

D2.2 Identification of the 1 BSU, ISAG, R — Document, PU — Public 4 An updated and

main topics of new ESTU, CESIE, report SEN — Sensitive comprehensive report will
modular curriculum. GTU, ASPU, be prepared dealing with
UPAT DEC —Websites, the evaluation of the
Appointment of a patent filings, modular curriculum.The
working group for videos, etc major risks associated to
each specific topic,
its coordinator and DMP — Data these activities will be
Management studied, thus identifying
description of the the main topics for the
relevant new curriculum. Once
technologies and the topics to be curiculum
methods together are selected, appropriate
with the fixed working groups and their
objectives coordinator will be

D2.3 Appointment of an 1 BSU, ISAG, Plan PU — Public 2 The external advisor will
external advisory ESTU, CESIE, SEN — Sensitive check the consistency of
board GTU, ASPU, ETHICS the curriculum with the
UPAT available resources and
will approve each
modular curriculum.

Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total
Subcontrac Accomm Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs costs
ting odation ence works and

BSU, 42 19782 5 7 11400 4400 2225 4000 3073 44880

ISAG, person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
months travellin

CESIE 35 10218 4 6 12000 3400 1225 4000 2000 32843

ASPU, person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
months travellin

Total 77 30000 11 13 23400 7800 3250 8000 5073 77523

persons EUR EUR EUR
travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR
months s

For certain Lump Sum Grants, see detailed budget table/calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents).

Work Package 3: High standards in master education

This WP will always be in development. In order to address the factors that determine the achievement of high quality Masters education, will initiate a discussion on ways to
raise high standards. This will give create a modular curriculum that defines the rights and obligations of undergraduates.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

• analysis on the recruitment criteria

• report on the quality commitment to supervise master studies
• report on the cooperation between research and education
• quality of research
• -number of thesis charters adopted
Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), and if applicable Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP) and others, indicating in
bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of
this work package.
The coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted. If there is
subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

(Continuo Subcontracting
us Name Role
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to BEN, AE,
Adaptation – Ensuring high standards
T3.1 for master studies The partnership aims to address determining BSU, ISAG, ESTU, AE, AP No
factors to reach high-quality master studies in CESIE, GTU, ASPU
Azerbaijan: supervision, recruitment, links
between research and education etc.
Adaptation – The thesis charter
T3.2 Proposal of thesis charter(s) to define the rights BSU, ASPU, UPAT COO, BEN Yes
and duties of master students and their
supervisors, adapted to each HEI.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

T3.3 Comparative and critical analysis of All partners are contributing to the analysis BSU, ISAG, ESTU, COO, No
curriculum standards standards of modular master studies for CESIE, GTU, ASPU BEN, AE,
Azerbaijani higher education. The objective is BSU, ASPU AP
to identify the structural weaknesses of the
Azerbaijani system so that it can be improved
at a later stage.

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. Use them only for major outputs in complicated projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items, internal working
papers, meeting minutes, etc.
It is recommended to limit the number of deliverables to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the
'Description' field: invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package,
presentations, evaluation report, feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s),
approximate number of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of
the work package and must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(Continuous No (month
numbering not linked number)
to WP)

MS1 3 BSU Coordinated by BSU University and the 6 Report

University of GTU, EU partners writes a
GTU report giving an structuring master
ESTU curriculum, released in December
2023, based on research surveys and

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

comprehensive analysis of the EU

modular curriculums

MS2 3 BSU, ASPU Coordinated by the Azerbaijan Ministry 6 Report

of Education, Azerbaijani partners
prepare a report on the modular master
curriculum, based on the national data
collected and surveys.

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Date Description
(Continuous No Level (Month (Including format and
numbering linked to number) language)
The partnership aims to
D3.1 Review of the 3 BSU R — Document, PU — Public 6 address determining
standards on high report SEN — Sensitive factors to reach high-
education master ASPU
courses in Europe DATA — data quality master studies in
sets, micro data, Azerbaijan: recruitment,
in the field of supervision, links
physics, chemistry etc.
between research and
and biology education etc.

D3.2 Definition of each 3 BSU R — Document, PU — Public 4 Proposal of thesis

module curriculum report SEN — Sensitive charter(s) to define the
content standards ASPU rights and duties of
and the EU and DEC —Websites, master students and their
Azerbaijan patent filings, supervisors, adapted to
standards videos, etc. each HEI.
DMP — Data

D3.3 Analysis and 3 BSU Plan PU — Public 2 The external advisor will

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

preparation of ASPU ETHICS SEN — Sensitive check the available

standard didactic standards and will
materials approve each modular

Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total
Subcontrac Accomm Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs costs
ting odation ence works and

BSU, 63 20425 25 17800 4600 2000 4000 15850 3775 68450

ISAG, person 9 person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
ESTU, months travels

ASPU, 54 22425 8 20 9200 4400 1750 3500 15100 4840 63215

CESIE person EUR travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
UPAT, months travellin

Total 117 44850 17 45 27000 9000 3750 7500 30950 8615 1316665
person EUR travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

For certain Lump Sum Grants, see detailed budget table/calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents).

Work Package 4: Professional skills:

The first analysis of how to improve the professional skills of undergraduates to develop innovative experiences and employment opportunities will implemented at meetings.
This work plan will be finalized at last meeting with the aim of generating innovative ideas on how to build bridges between universities and companies.
Duration: M6– M12 BSU, İSAG, GTU

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

• analysis on how to develop professional skills

• analysis on how to set up recruiting days
• report on the creation of professional Awards
• number of complementary courses proposed
• number of students involved
• number of departments involved
• indicators on employment of young researchers (via HEIs data)
Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), and if applicable Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP) and others, indicating in
bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of
this work package.
The coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted. If there is
subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

(Continuo Subcontracting
us Name Role
numbering (COO, (Yes/No and which)
linked to BEN, AE,
Improving master students’ Analysis on how to improve the MS students’
T4.1 professional skills professional / complementary skills in order to BSU, ISAG, ESTU, AE, AP No
develop excellence and employability. UPAT

Connecting HEIs and companies

T4.2 Analysis of research funding, development of CESIE, GTU, ASPU COO, BEN Yes
exchanges between MS students and
companies / industries, valorisation of master
studies as professional education, organization
of recruiting days.
Creation of professional awards Setting up professional awards and prizes of
T4.3 excellence in order to support innovation and BSU, ISAG, ESTU, COO, No
research and to encourage cooperation with CESIE, GTU, ASPU BEN, AE,
economic actors AP

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. Use them only for major outputs in complicated projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items, internal working
papers, meeting minutes, etc.
It is recommended to limit the number of deliverables to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the
'Description' field: invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package,
presentations, evaluation report, feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s),
approximate number of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of
the work package and must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

The labels used mean:

Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(Continuous No (month
numbering not linked number)
to WP)

MS1 4 BSU Coordinated by XXXX University and 3 Report

the University of XXXX, EU partners
writes a report on how to develop
professional skills, complementary
skills taken into consideration as part of
the students’ curriculum

MS2 4 ASPU Coordinated by the Azerbaijan Ministry 3 Report

of Education, Azerbaijani partners
prepare a report on the modular master
curriculum, based on the national data
collected and surveys.

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Date Description
(continuous No Level (Month (Including format and
numbering linked to number) language)
Improving master Analysis on how to
D4.1 students’ 4 BSU R — Document, PU — Public 4 improve the MS students’
professional skills report SEN — Sensitive professional /
DATA — data complementary skills in
sets, micro data, order to develop
etc. excellence and

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

D4.2 Connecting HEIs 4 BSU R — Document, PU — Public 2 Analysis of research

and companies report SEN — Sensitive funding, development of
ASPU exchanges between
DEC —Websites, master students and
patent filings, companies / industries,
videos, etc. valorization of doctoral
DMP — Data studies as professional
Management education, organization of
recruiting days.

Creation of
D4.3 professional awards 4 BSU Plan PU — Public 2 Setting up professional
SEN — Sensitive awards and prizes of
ASPU ETHICS excellence in order to
support innovation and
research and to
encourage cooperation
with economic actors

Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total
Subcontrac Accomm Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs costs
ting odation ence works and

BSU, 21 6920 1 5 1800 600 250 2500 10500 1590 24160

person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

months travellin

ISAG, 32 8780 1 5 1800 600 250 2500 14850 2005 30780

GTU person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
months s

Total 53 15700 2 4 3600 1200 500 5000 25350 3595 54945

EUR person EUR
persons travels s 0EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
months travellin

For certain Lump Sum Grants, see detailed budget table/calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents).

Work Package 5: Internationalization:

It will be formally introduced during meetings, thus exploring the possibility to increase the international visibility of Azerbaijani HEIs through conference days (5.1). Needs in
international databases will be identified and will be addressed with the purchase of equipment. A survey is being prepared on the state of master studies’ internationalization

Duration: M13 – M16 BSU, ASPU, CESIE, GTU,UPAT

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

• report on the needs of international databases

• report on the set-up of international mobility programs
• number of databases acquired
• number of international mobilities / exchanges
• number of research collaborations between European and Azerbaijani HEIs

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

• improvement of diploma recognition between European and Azerbaijani HEIs

Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), and if applicable Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP) and others, indicating in
bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of
this work package.
The coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted. If there is
subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

(continuou Subcontracting
s Name Role
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to BEN, AE,
International conferences Organization of international conferences to
T5.1 increase the international profile of research at BSU, ISAG, ESTU, AE, AP No
master level in Azerbaijani HEIs. CESIE, GTU, ASPU

International databases Identification of needs in international

T5.2 databases and better access to them through BSU, ISAG, ESTU, COO, BEN Yes
the acquisition of equipment and products. CESIE, GTU, ASPU

International mobility Exploring how to enhance international mobility

T5.3 for master students and supervisors, thus BSU, ISAG, ESTU, COO, No
promoting people-to-people contact and further CESIE, GTU, ASPU BEN, AE,
cooperation between countries. BSU, ASPU BSU, AP

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. Use them only for major outputs in complicated projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items, internal working
papers, meeting minutes, etc.
It is recommended to limit the number of deliverables to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the
'Description' field: invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package,
presentations, evaluation report, feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s),
approximate number of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of
the work package and must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(Continuous No (month
numbering not linked number)
to WP)

MS1 5 BSU Coordinated by XXXX University and 3 Report

the University of XXXX, EU partners.
For more efficiency, the decision has
been taken to let the Azerbaijani
partners choosing at least 1 or several
areas to focus on when it comes to

MS2 5 ASPU Coordinated by the Azerbaijan Ministry 3 Report

of Education, Azerbaijani partners .
Based on their own interests,
expectations and room for

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

improvement, each of them has to

propose and select “pilot-projects”
adapted to its audience and context.

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Date Description
(continuous No Level (Month (Including format and
numbering linked to number) language)
Analysis on how to
D5.1 Organization 5 BSU, ISAG, R — Document, PU — Public 2 improve the international
improving the needs ESTU, UPAT report SEN — Sensitive databases in order to
of international
databases DATA — data develop excellence.
sets, micro data,

D5.2 Exploring how to 5 CESIE, GTU, R — Document, PU — Public 2 Analysis of master

enhance ASPU, UPAT report SEN — Sensitive student exchanges
international between companies /
mobility for master DEC —Websites, industries, organization of
students and patent filings, recruiting days.
supervisors videos, etc.
DMP — Data

Organization of Organization of
D5.3 international 5 BSU, ISAG, Plan PU — Public 2 international conferences
conferences to ESTU, CESIE, SEN — Sensitive to increase the
increase the international profile of
international profile research at master level
of research at in Azerbaijani HEIs.
master level in

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total
Subcontrac Accomm Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs costs
ting odation ence works and

BSU, 46 20425 9 18 6500 1800 750 14000 11500 4000 58975

ASPU person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR
CESIE months travellin

GTU, 18 7275 5 12 4300 1800 750 10000 8050 2101 34276

UPAT person EUR travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR

Total 64 27700 14 30 10800 3600 1500 24000 19550 6101 93251

persons EUR EUR EUR
EUR travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR
months s

For certain Lump Sum Grants, see detailed budget table/calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents).

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Work Package 6: Quality Plan:

Project quality monitoring and evaluation. The evaluation process will secure that each Work Package contributes to reach the objectives of the project. It will provide
guidelines to guarantee a smooth project implementation and assure a high-quality program. This objective will be pursued according to the tasks here after reported.
Duration: M6 – M12 BSU, ASPU, İSAG, ESTU, CESIE, GTU

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

• quality charter
• setting up of quality tools
• number of evaluation committee meetings
• number of internal evaluations
• results of the 3 internal evaluations
• effective external evaluation
• results of the external audit
• effective use of quality tools
• respect of the quality tools during the whole 2 years ‘eligibility period
Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), and if applicable Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP) and others, indicating in
bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of
this work package.
The coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted. If there is
subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

(continuou Subcontracting
s Name Role
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to BEN, AE,

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

During the kick-off meeting, the leader of WP6
T6.1 Establishing evaluation criteria, method will present a draft report on criteria, method BSU, ISAG, ESTU, AE, AP No
and indicators and indicators, which will be adopted for the
monitoring and control of all the work-
packages. The quality monitoring will have
three functions: preventive, advisory and
control. This deliverable will introduce the
partners in the use of the SWOT methodology
for the preventive and advisory monitoring of
each WP. Smart indicators identified on the
basis of the proposal content and in particular
of the Logical Framework will be also
T6.2 Evaluation tool on the education Learning Evaluation Questionnaires will be BSU, ASPU COO, BEN Yes
achieved by the students at the end of distributed at the end of each module to the
front-end lectures students and will be structured in open
questions. It will measure the satisfaction on
the student (content, organization, presentation
of the lectures, effectiveness of the new
methodology, and effectiveness of the tutorial
work). A report on the answers from the
questionnaires will be produced by the quality
working-group and provided to the Didactic
Students training stage evaluation and
T6.3 Project quality report A report will collect the questionnaires on the BSU, ESTU, GTU, COO, No
training fulfilled by each student. The issues of ASPU BEN, AE,
the questionnaire will concern the quality of the AP
training, the methodology afforded in the
training and the satisfaction degree, etc. In this
report the WP6 leader illustrates all the
activities made during the thow years of the
project and details all the results achieved in
quantitative/qualitative way. This document is a
summary of all evaluation reports done during
the project and the aim is to evaluate the
consistency of all the performed project
activities with the proposal and the overall

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

quality of the project.

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. Use them only for major outputs in complicated projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items, internal working
papers, meeting minutes, etc.
It is recommended to limit the number of deliverables to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the
'Description' field: invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package,
presentations, evaluation report, feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s),
approximate number of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of
the work package and must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(continuous No (month
numbering not linked number)
to WP)

MS1 6 BSU,ASPU Coordinated by BSU and the ASPU 3 Report

, EU partners. For more efficiency, the
decision has been taken to let the
Azerbaijani partners choosing at least 1
or several areas to focus on when it
comes to the quality of the training, the
methodology afforded in the training
and the satisfaction degree, etc.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

MS2 6 BSU, ASPU Coordinated by the Azerbaijan Ministry 3 Report

of Education, Azerbaijani partners.
Based on their own interests,
expectations and room for
improvement, each of them has to
propose and select “pilot-projects”
adapted to its audience and context.

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Date Description
(continuous No Level (Month (Including format and
numbering linked to number) language)
Quality charter and Setting-up of a quality
D6.1 quality tools 6 BSU R — Document, PU — Public 2 charter that will include
report SEN — Sensitive information regarding the
DATA — data follow-up of project
sets, micro data, activities, risk
etc. management and quality
plan, evaluation process
(internal and external).
Besides, creation of
quality tools for a smooth
project management.
This has to be
understood as a basis for
quality assessment of
master education in
Internal evaluation Annual internal
D6.2 of the project 6 BSU R — Document, PU — Public 2 evaluation (quantitative
report SEN — Sensitive and qualitative) of the
DEC —Websites, project done by the WP6
patent filings, leaders.
videos, etc.
DMP — Data

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Quality evaluations Exchanges, talks and

D6.3 during coordination 6 BSU, ISAG, Plan PU — Public 2 meetings of the
meetings ESTU, CESIE, SEN — Sensitive evaluation committee,
particularly between the
coordinator and CESIE
(WP6 leader) on the
occasion of the
coordination meetings.

External evaluation External evaluation of the

D6.4 of the project 5 ISAG, ESTU, R — Document, PU — Public 2 project activities and
CESIE, GTU, report
UPAT SEN — Sensitive expenses over the last 2
DEC —Websites, years to be realized by an
patent filings, audit firm, analysis of the
videos, etc. results and potential

Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total
Subcontrac Accomm Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs costs
ting odation ence works and

CESIE, GTU, 46 14876 3 15 5400 1800 750 3500 21500 3241 51067
person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
months travellin

BSU, ISAG, 57 17474 3 15 5400 1800 750 4000 13300 3100 45824
person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

months travellin

Total 103 32350 6 30 10800 3600 1500 7500 34800 6341 96891
person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR

For certain Lump Sum Grants, see detailed budget table/calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents).

Work Package 7: Exploitation of the results - National Management Portal

At meeting 2 ISAG and 3 CESIE, the partners will be introduced to examples of Management Portals for master students already in place in EU universities. Eramus+ KA2
Capacity Building in Higher Education Annex V - Technical Implementation Report (Progress report on implementation of the action) Project DACMA page 24 The host
institution of the Azerbaijani portal will be identified and since technical specifications are being developed the training of staff (e.g. webmasters) will also under planning.

Duration: M13 – M16 BSU, ASPU, GTU

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

• report on the adopted model of management portal

• set-up of the internet portal
• training in order to ensure the sustainability of the portal
• effective use / audience of the internet portal
Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), and if applicable Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP) and others, indicating in
bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of
this work package.
The coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted. If there is
subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

(Continuo Subcontracting
us Name Role
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to BEN, AE,
Examples of management portals Presentation of different examples of national
T7.1 developed in the EU management portals in Europe (case study) ISAG AE, AP No

Setting-up of the Azerbaijani portal Identification of the host entity, acquisition of

T7.2 the tools for the successful implementation of BSU, ASPU COO, BEN Yes
the Azerbaijani portal.

National management portal training The project aims to train qualified staff for the
T7.3 management of the Azerbaijan national portal BSU, ASPU COO, No
for master students. The category of staff that BEN, AE,
should be involved in these training activities AP
has already been identified, and should first of
all be the webmasters and administrative staff
that will be responsible for the creation,
development and maintenance of the
Azerbaijan national portal

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. Use them only for major outputs in complicated projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items, internal working

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

papers, meeting minutes, etc.

It is recommended to limit the number of deliverables to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the
'Description' field: invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package,
presentations, evaluation report, feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s),
approximate number of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of
the work package and must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(Continuous No (month
numbering not linked number)
to WP)

MS1 7 BSU Coordinated by XXXX University and 3 Report

the University of XXXX, EU partners.
ASPU For more efficiency, the decision has
been taken to let the Azerbaijani
partners choosing at least 1 or several
different examples of national
management portals in Europe (case

MS2 7 Coordinated by the Azerbaijan Ministry 3 Report

of Education, Azerbaijani partners.
BSU Based on their own interests,
ASPU expectations and room for
improvement and for the creation,
development and maintenance of the
Azerbaijan national portal

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Date Description
(Continuous (Month (Including format and

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

numbering linked to No Level number) language)

National The project aims to train
D7.1 management portal 6 BSU R — Document, PU — Public 2 qualified staff for the
training report SEN — Sensitive management of the
DATA — data Azerbaijan national portal
sets, micro data, for master students.

Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total
Subcontrac Accomm Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs costs
ting odation ence works and

20 4650E 2 10 3500 1200 300 12000 4500 2142 28292

BSU Person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
months travellin

ASPU 24 9050 2 10 3700 1200 700 18000 3350 2000 35000

GTU Person EUR travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR

Total 44 10700 4 20 7200 2400 1000 30000 7850 4142 63292


Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

person EUR travels s EUR EUR EUR EUR

months travellin

For certain Lump Sum Grants, see detailed budget table/calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents).

Work Package 8: Management – Coordination and Project management

This included the writing of bilateral Partnership Agreements (9.1), signed in July 2023. The Kick-off meeting will be organized by the coordinator in December 2023 (8.2).
The latter is also regularly liaising with the EACEA project officer and officials (8.3). Designed in 2023 and launched in early 2024, the website will regularly be updated (8.4).
Duration: M6 – M12 BSU, CESIE, GTU,UPAT

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

• writing of the partnership agreement(s)

• kick-off meeting
• final meeting
• project website
• management tools
• steering committee / coordination reports
• regular reports to the EACEA
• future collaborations built after DACMA
• use of the DACMA master management methodology in future projects (for Azerbaijani partners)
Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), and if applicable Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP) and others, indicating in
bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of
this work package.
The coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted. If there is

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

(continuou Subcontracting
s Name Role
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to BEN, AE,
Partnership agreements
T8.1 The activities of this WP concern the set-up BSU, ISAG, ESTU, AE, AP No
structure and the adopted methodology to CESIE, GTU, ASPU
realize the project. Drafting and signature of , UPAT
bilateral DACMA partnership agreements
between the coordinator (Baku State
University) and each partner institution,
approved by their legal experts, and regulating
the management procedures within DACMA.
Organization of two meetings by the A kick-off meeting will be organized by the BSU
T8.2 coordinator (KoM, closure) and held in Baku. During the meeting project BSU, ISAG, ESTU, COO, BEN Yes
objectives and milestones will be illustrated to CESIE, GTU, ASPU,
all partners in detail and discussed; WP leaders UPAT
and partners representatives will be appointed.
Organization of two coordination meetings by
the coordinator: 1 kick-off meeting to start the
project and 1 final / closure meeting to end it.
Each WP leader has the responsibility to
provide the partnership with a final report on the
WP activities and achievements.
Reporting to the EACEA by the
T8.3 coordinator The coordinator is responsible for supervising BSU, ISAG, ESTU, COO, No
the writing of the periodic reports that are being CESIE, GTU, ASPU BEN, AE,
sent to the EACEA (midterm report, final report, , UPAT AP
financial statements etc.). Based on the
information provided by each partner, the
content of the reports should be validated by
the coordinator (BSU), co-coordinator (MoE
AZ), communicated to the rest of the
partnership and sent to the EACEA

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Project website The project Management will be performed by

T8.4 the appointed project manager according to BSU, ISAG, ESTU, COO, No
recognized practices in the management of CESIE, GTU, ASPU, BEN, AE,
international cooperation projects. Creation and UPAT AP
development of the DACMA website, describing
the project, its partners, activities, news,
agenda and key contacts. A collaborative
platform should be made available to the
partners in order to give them access to the
“management documents”.

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. Use them only for major outputs in complicated projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items, internal working
papers, meeting minutes, etc.
It is recommended to limit the number of deliverables to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the
'Description' field: invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package,
presentations, evaluation report, feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s),
approximate number of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of
the work package and must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(Continuous No (month
numbering not linked number)
to WP)

MS1 8 BSU Due to the diversity of the partnership, 3 Report

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

ASPU the coordinator opted for bilateral

partnership agreements with each
partner, instead of a multilateral one.
The kick-off meeting organized by the
coordinator (Baku State University) will
took place in December 2023

MS2 8 ASPU As for the DACMA website, its creation 3 Report

and development will done by the web
BSU communication team of the Baku State
University, thus enabling the
coordinator to avoid using
subcontracting costs. The weekly
maintenance and updating of the
website is undertaken by the project
manager, under the supervision of the
project coordinator. However,
subcontracting will be used for the
creation of the DACMA logo.

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Description
(continuous No Level Date (Including format and language)
numbering linked to (Month
WP) numbe
A kick-off meeting will be
D8.1 Kick-off meeting 8 BSU R — Document, PU — Public 2 organized by the BSU and held
report SEN — Sensitive in Baku. During the meeting
DATA — data project objectives and
sets, micro data, milestones will be illustrated to
etc. all partners in detail and
discussed; WP leaders and
partners representatives will be
appointed. Management Board,
and Didactic Board will be
constituted. A Consortium
agreement will be signed by the
partners’ representatives.
Financial rules will be illustrated
to all partners and future

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

activities will be planned in

detail. Plans for signature of
agreements will be approved
and relative procedures will
start. A special committee for the
internet actions will be appointed
and guidelines for website will
be approved
D8.2 Development of the 8 R — Document, PU — Public 2 All the aspects related to the
modular curriculums report SEN — Sensitive development of modular
BSU, ISAG, curriculums activity will be in
ESTU, CESIE, DEC —Websites, charge of the Didactic
GTU, ASPU, patent filings, Committee. A report dealing with
UPAT videos, etc. terms and conditions of partners’
DMP — Data participation in develepment of
Management modular curriculum will be
prepared and shared among
partners. The coordinator of
each of the AZ partners will be
appointed. Each of them will be
charged of the responsibility of
the application of curriculums.
In this processis will including
representatives of the
magistracy department of
Middle term project
D8.3 meeting 8 BSU, ISAG, Plan PU — Public 2 A middle term meeting will be
ESTU, CESIE, SEN — Sensitive held in Baku. The first
GTU, ASPU, ETHICS achievements of the project,
UPAT including the first results of the
monitoring activities will be
discussed. On the occasion a
first analysis of the
implementation of the modular
curriculum in different fields of
sciences (physics,
biology,chemistry). The meeting
will aim at drafting the
Intermediate report, performing

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

the defining methods and tools

for courses and project
evaluation, and planning study
by new curriculum.

D8.4 Final modular 8 BSU, ISAG, R — Document, PU — Public 2 At the end of the disscation by
curriculum ESTU, CESIE, report SEN — Sensitive all partners, the didactic board
discussion GTU, ASPU, will have a meeting in occasion
UPAT DEC —Websites, of examples of modular
patent filings, curriculum discussion in Baku.
videos, etc Stakeholders will be invited to
know the main outcomes of
board activity for organazing

D8.5 Final project 8 BSU, ISAG, R — Document, PU — Public 2 A final meeting will be held in
meeting ESTU, CESIE, report SEN — Sensitive Baku. The main achievement
GTU, ASPU , and outcomes of the project will
UPAT DEC —Websites, be discussed, and initiatives to
patent filings, ensure sustainability will be
videos, etc. strengthened. The meeting will
aim at drafting the Final report,
including all teaching, financial
and technical results. Quality
and monitoring aspects will be
also deeply discussed . During
the meeting, a Public conference
of dissemination will be
organized in collaboration with
the Ministry of Education, to
disseminate results and future
initiatives among universities,
authorities and all stakeholders

Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)


Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total
Subcontrac Accomm Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs costs
ting odation ence works and

BSU, 39 11400 3 15 5300 1800 750 3000 11200 3300 36750

EUR person EUR EUR
CESIE person travels s EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
months travellin

GTU, 69 22250 3 15 5500 1800 750 2000 13250 2232 47782

UPAT person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
months travellin

Total 108 33650 6 30 10800 3600 1500 5000 24450 5532 84532
person EUR travels person EUR EUR
months travellin
Work Package 9: 9 Dissemination & exploitation
Dissemination activity include put the project website in the website of the partners, effective dissemination in the Workshops and public meetings to the wide community,
international dissemination of the project during the international Conference on higher education, the results of the investigations performed by the seminars will be
appreciated by the education commissions partners of the project for their exploitation, confirm the intention of modular curriculums by the Azerbaijan Ministry of Education
Duration: M3 – M24 BSU, ASPU, İSAG, ESTU, CESIE, GTU

List the specific objectives to which this work package is linked.

• diffusion of the master students’ practical guide

• organization of dissemination days
• Link of the project website in the website of the partners.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

• Effective dissemination in the Workshops and public meetings to the wide community.
• International dissemination of the European project during the international Conference on education.
• The Az MoE will confirm the intention of modular curriculum in master courses
Activities (what, how, where) and division of work
Provide a concise overview of the work (planned tasks). Be specific and give a short name and number for each task.
Show who is participating in each task: Coordinator (COO), and if applicable Beneficiaries (BEN), Affiliated Entities (AE), Associated Partners (AP) and others, indicating in
bold the task leader.
Add information on other participants’ involvement in the project e.g. subcontractors, in-kind contributions.
In-kind contributions: In-kind contributions for free are cost-neutral, i.e. cannot be declared as cost. Please indicate the in-kind contributions that are provided in the context of
this work package.
The coordinator remains fully responsible for the coordination tasks, even if they are delegated to someone else. Coordinator tasks cannot be subcontracted. If there is
subcontracting, please also complete the table below.

Task No Task Name Description Participants In-kind Contributions and

(continuou Subcontracting
s Name Role
numbering (Yes/No and which)
linked to BEN, AE,
Communication tools inside and Adoption and development of internal
T9.1 outside the consortium communication tools for sharing information BSU, ISAG, ESTU, AE, AP No
and documents within the partnership, creation CESIE, GTU, ASPU,
of external communication tools for promoting UPAT
the project activities and results externally
(website, logo etc.).

Creation of a practical guide for master Drafting of a practical guide for master
T9.2 students students, from enrolment to the thesis defence BSU, ASPU COO, BEN Yes
in order to give to the students all the
necessary information on the course of master

Organization of dissemination days Preparation of 2 dissemination days in

T9.3 Azerbaijan in order to inform students (of BSU, ISAG, ESTU, COO, No

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

DACMA partners and non-partners) about the CESIE, GTU, ASPU, BEN, AE,
project results and its legacy. UPAT AP

Milestones and deliverables (outputs/outcomes)

Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. Use them only for major outputs in complicated projects. Otherwise leave the section on milestones
Means of verification are how you intend to prove that a milestone has been reached. If appropriate, you can also refer to indicators.
Deliverables are project outputs which are submitted to show project progress (any format). Refer only to major outputs. Do not include minor sub-items, internal working
papers, meeting minutes, etc.
It is recommended to limit the number of deliverables to max 10-15 for the entire project. You may be asked to further reduce the number during grant preparation.
For deliverables such as meetings, events, seminars, trainings, workshops, webinars, conferences, etc., enter each deliverable separately and provide the following in the
'Description' field: invitation, agenda, signed presence list, target group, number of estimated participants, duration of the event, report of the event, training material package,
presentations, evaluation report, feedback questionnaire.
For deliverables such as manuals, toolkits, guides, reports, leaflets, brochures, training materials etc., add in the ‘Description’ field: format (electronic or printed), language(s),
approximate number of pages and estimated number of copies of publications (if any).
For each deliverable you will have to indicate a due month by when you commit to upload it in the Portal. The due month of the deliverable cannot be outside the duration of
the work package and must be in line with the timeline provided below. Month 1 marks the start of the project and all deadlines should be related to this starting date.
The labels used mean:
Public — fully open ( automatically posted online on the Project Results platforms)
Sensitive — limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement

Milestone No Milestone Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Description Due Date Means of Verification
(Continuous No (month
numbering not linked number)
to WP)

MS1 9 BSU Due to the diversity of the partnership, 3 Report

the coordinator opted for bilateral
partnership agreements with each
partner, instead of a multilateral one.
The kick-off meeting organized by the
coordinator (Baku State University) will
took place in December 2023

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

MS2 9 ASPU As for the DACMA website, its creation 3 Report

and development will done by the web
communication team of the Baku State
University, thus enabling the
coordinator to avoid using
subcontracting costs. The weekly
maintenance and updating of the
website is undertaken by the project
manager, under the supervision of the
project coordinator. However,
subcontracting will be used for the
creation of the DACMA logo.

Deliverable No Deliverable Name Work Package Lead Beneficiary Type Dissemination Due Description
(continuous No Level Date (Including format and language)
numbering linked to (Month
WP) numbe
This deliverable will cover the
D9.1 Project website, 8 BSU R — Document, PU — Public 2 implementation, publishing,
web platform and report SEN — Sensitive administration and updating of
social network ASPU
DATA — data the official internet page of the
sets, micro data, project. A specific domain name
etc. will be acquired, and an internet
page will be published at least in
English and Azeri language. The
internet page will be a
multimedia platform that serves
as info point, but also to aid the
organization of the Course (by a
private area for file exchange
among teachers), as main
communication channel and as
the main directory point for the
students. Parallel to this, a
project specific social media
page (Facebook) will be opened
and maintained, in order to
report all the news to the

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

D9.2 Dissemination 8 R — Document, PU — Public 2 Dissemination products such as

material report SEN — Sensitive the project handbook, flyers of
BSU the meeting events, gadget
DEC —Websites, production and distribution will
ASPU patent filings, be produced and distributed.
videos, etc.
DMP — Data

Course launch and

D9.3 presentation to 8 BSU Plan PU — Public 2 The master course will be
stakeholders and SEN — Sensitive launched in a national event,
ASPU ETHICS where it will be presented to
the Ministry of
Education authorities and stakeholders.
The main innovative aspects of
the course will be clearly
presented, and stakeholders will
be invited to give their
contribution to the discussion,
and to propose their
collaboration for practical
activities and adoption of
sustainability measures. At this
stage, dissemination activity will
also be target to get interest
form stakeholders, in view of
appointing the advisory external
board (WP

D9.4 Conference in 8 BSU, ISAG, R — Document, PU — Public 2 During the period of time of the
modular master ESTU, CESIE, report SEN — Sensitive AZ staff stage in EU, an
course GTU, ASPU, international Conference
UPAT DEC —Websites, modular education will be
patent filings, organized in BAKU. The Call for
videos, etc participation will be launched 9
months before the event. All the
AZ teachers in the field will be
encouraged to submit their

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021


D9.5 Workshop on 8 BSU R — Document, PU — Public 2 The results of the modular

Environmental report SEN — Sensitive education project in Azerbaijan
remediation in ASPU during the project work will be
Azerbaijan DEC —Websites, presented (Month 23). This will
patent filings, be the occasion to submit to
videos, etc. stakeholders the possible
solutions to be implemented in
the next future to application the
modular education system in the

Estimated budget — Resources (n/a for prefixed Lump Sum Grants)

A. Personnel B. C.1a Travel C.1b C.1c C.2 C.3 Other D.1 Financial support E. Indirect Total
Subcontrac Accomm Subsist Equipment goods, to third parties costs costs
ting odation ence works and

BSU, ISAG, 51 24100 4 20 7500 2800 1000 8000 18000 4000 65400
person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
months travellin

CESIE, GTU, 45 11400 4 20 6900 2000 1000 2000 18650 3237 45187
person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR
months travellin

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Total 96 35500 8 40 14400 4800 2000 10000 36650 7237 110587

person travels person EUR EUR EUR EUR
months travellin

For certain Lump Sum Grants, see detailed budget table/calculator (annex 1 to Part B; see Portal Reference Documents).

Overview of Work Packages (n/a for Lump Sum Grants)

Staff effort per work package
Fill in the summary on work package information and effort per work package.

Work Work Package Lead Participant No Lead Start Month End Month Person-Months
Package No Title Participant
Short Name

1 Preparation Baku State University BSU M1 M3 130

European Business School ISAG

2 Structuring of Baku State University BSU M4 M6 77

modular master
education Azerbaijan State Pedagogical ASPU,ISAG,
University ESTU,

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

European Centre of Studies and

3 High standards Initiatives BSU M1 M12 117
in master Eskisehir Technical University,
education ASPU,ISAG,

4 Professional Baku State University BSU M6 M12 53

Azerbaijan State Pedagogical ISAG
Eskisehir Technical University,

5 Internationalizat European Business School BSU, M13 M16 64

European Centre of Studies and ASPU
Eskisehir Technical University, CESIE

6 Quality Plan European Business School BSU, M6 M12 103

European Centre of Studies and ASPU
Georgian Technical University CESIE

7 Exploitation of Baku State University BSU M13 M15 44

the results -
National Azerbaijan State Pedagogical ASPU
Management University

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

8 Maqnagment - Baku State University BSU M1 M24 108

and Project European Centre of Studies and CESIE
management Initiatives
Georgian Technical University GTU

9 Dissemination & Azerbaijan State Pedagogical BSU M3 M24 96

exploitation University
Eskisehir Technical University
Georgian Technical University
European Centre of Studies and GTU
Initiatives CESIE
European Business School ISAG

Total Person- 792


Staff effort per participant

Fill in the effort per work package and Beneficiary/Affiliated Entity.
Please indicate the number of person/months over the whole duration of the planned
Identify the work-package leader for each work package by showing the relevant
person/month figure in bold.

Participant WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5 WP6 WP7 WP8 WP9 Total

22 24 23 21 21 21 20 20 22 194

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

16 16 18 - 6 15 13 - 15 99

19 18 17 16 - 15 - - 7 92

19 19 19 - 19 16 - 19 15 126

19 19 19 - 19 16 - 19 15 126

18 - - 16 3 15 11 3 15 81

19 - 17 - 15 - - 66 - 117

Total Person-Months
130 77 117 53 64 103 44 108 96 792

Events meetings and mobility

Events meetings and mobility

This table is to be completed for events meetings and mobility that have been mentioned as part of the activities in the work packages above
Give more details on the type, location, number of persons attending, etc.

Event No
Description Attendees
s Participant
Name Type Area Location Duration Total
linked to
WP) (days)

E1.1 Baku State University Kick-of meeting Workshop On the application of Baku, 3 20
the modular system

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

in EU and AZ Azerbaijan
Opinions of the
participants on the
implementation of
the project
European Centre of
E2.2 Studies and Initiatives Teacher Training Workshop Presentation of the Polermo 3 15
new modular
curriculum Italy

E1.3 European Business Teacher Training Workshop Presentation of the Porto 3 15

School new teaching
methodology Portugal

E1.4 Eskisehir Technical Innovative teaching Conference New technologies for Eskisehir 3 13
University technologies
Modular curriculum Turkey

E1.5 Georgian Technical Teacher Training Workshop Application of Tbilisi 3 12

University modular curriculum
in teaching Georgia

E1.8 Baku State University Final meeting Workshop Results of project Baku, 3 15
and report

4.3 Timetable

Timetable (projects up to 2 years)

Fill in cells in beige to show the duration of activities. Repeat lines/columns as necessary.
Note: Use the project month numbers instead of calendar months. Month 1 marks always the start of the project. In the timeline you should indicate the timing of each activity
per WP.

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Task 1.1 Analysis of
master studies in Europe

Task1.2 Analysis of master

studies in Azerbaijan,
Turkey, Georgia
Task 1.3 Comparative
study and critical analysis
Task 2.1 Structuring
modular master studies

Task 2.2 Creation of a new

model of master education
structures in Azerbaijan
Task 2.3 Comparative and
critical analysis new
Task 3.1 Adaptation –
Ensuring high standards
for master studies
Task 3.2 Adaptation – The
thesis charter

Task 3.3 Comparative and

critical analysis of
curriculum standards
Task 4.1 Improving master
students’ professional skills

Task 4.2 Connecting HEIs

and companies

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Task 4.3 Creation of

professional awards

Task 5.1 International


Task 5.2 International

Task 5.3 International
Task 6.1 Establishing
evaluation criteria, method
and indicators
Task 6.2 Evaluation tool on
the education achieved by
the students at the end of
front-end lectures
Task 6.3 Students training
stage evaluation and
Project quality report
Task 7.1 Examples of
management portals
developed in the EU
Task 7.2 Setting-up of the
Azerbaijani portal

Task 7.3 National

management portal training
Task 8.1 Partnership
Task 8.2 Organization of
two meetings by the
coordinator (KoM, closure)
Task 8.3 Reporting to the
EACEA by the coordinator
Task 8.4 Project website

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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Task 9.1 Communication

tools inside and outside the
Task 9.2 Creation of a
practical guide for master
Task 9.3 Organization of
dissemination days

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Task 1.1 Analysis of master studies in


Task1.2 Analysis of master studies in

Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia

Task 1.3 Comparative study and

critical analysis meeting

Task 2.1 Structuring modular master


Task 2.2 Creation of a new model of

master education structures in

Task 2.3 Comparative and critical

analysis new curriculum

Task 3.1 Adaptation – Ensuring high

standards for master studies

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Task 3.2 Adaptation – The thesis


Task 3.3 Comparative and critical

analysis of curriculum standards

Task 4.1 Improving master students’

professional skills

Task 4.2 Connecting HEIs and


Task 4.3 Creation of professional


Task 5.1 International conferences

Task 5.2 International databases

Task 5.3 International mobility

Task 6.1 Establishing evaluation

criteria, method and indicators

Task 6.2 Evaluation tool on the

education achieved by the students at
the end of front-end lectures

Task 6.3 Students training stage

evaluation and Project quality report

Task 7.1 Examples of management

portals developed in the EU

Task 7.2 Setting-up of the Azerbaijani


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EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

Task 7.3 National management portal


Task 8.1 Partnership agreements

Task 8.2 Organization of meetings by

the coordinator (KoM, closure)

Task 8.3 Reporting to the EACEA by

the coordinator

Task 8.4 Project website

Task 9.1 Communication tools inside

and outside the consortium

Task 9.2 Creation of a practical guide

for master students

Task 9.3 Organization of

dissemination days

4.4 Subcontracting

Give details on subcontracted project tasks (if any) and explain the reasons why (as opposed to direct implementation by the Beneficiaries/Affiliated Entities).
Subcontracting — Subcontracting means the implementation of ‘action tasks’, i.e. specific tasks which are part of the EU grant and are described in Annex 1 of the Grant
Note: Subcontracting concerns the outsourcing of a part of the project to a party outside the consortium. It is not simply about purchasing goods or services. We normally
expect that the participants to have sufficient operational capacity to implement the project activities themselves. Subcontracting should therefore be exceptional.
Include only subcontracts that comply with the rules (i.e. best value for money and no conflict of interest; no subcontracting of project coordination tasks).

Work Package No Subcontract No Subcontract Description Estimate Justification Best-Value-for-

(Continuous Name (Including task number and BEN to which it is d Costs (Why is subcontracting Money

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

numbering linked (Subcontracted linked) (EUR) necessary?) (How do you intend

to WP) action tasks) to ensure it?)

S1.1 ESTU Subcontracting of the Qualitative evaluation of 3000 An audit firm will be As required by law
the DACMA Project. subcontracting of this task. identified during the last
WP6 year project and ESTU
as WP leader will take
charge the

S1.2 BSU Subcontracting of the compulsory External Audit 6500 The Baku State As required by law
(Financial Audit). University as Project
WP9 coordinator and WP9
leader will take in charge
this task.

S1.3 Azerbaijan Subcontracting of the translation 3000 For Azerbaijani-speaking By order and
University of English/Azerbaijani of the Thesis Charter (WP3) universities to get contract
Languages acquainted with the
project materials, to
AZUL disseminate modular
system curricula

S1.4 Khazar Subcontracting of the translation 5000 For Azerbaijani-speaking By order and
University English/Azerbaijani of the Practical Guide (WP8) universities to get contract
acquainted with the
WP8 KU project materials, to
disseminate modular
system curricula

S1.5 BSU 6500 To inform the general By ordering to a

WP9 Project Web design and maintenance (WP9) public about the project, webmaster
its purpose and activities

S1.6 BSU Application platform for the mobility (platform 7000 To increase the mobility By motivating and
WP9 maintenance) activity of master informing students

WP8 S1.7 ASPU Printing communication and dissemination tools 3000 For the dissemination of By order and
project materials to the

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021

(WP8) general public contract

S1.8 GTU Printing communication and dissemination tools 3000 For the dissemination of By order and
WP8 (WP8) project materials to the contract
general public

Other issues: Insert text

If subcontracting for the project goes beyond 30% of the total
eligible costs, give specific reasons.

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021


5.1 Ethics

Ethics (if applicable)

If the Call document/Programme Guide contains a section on ethics, describe ethics issues that may
arise during the project implementation and the measures you intend to take to solve/avoid them.
Describe how you will ensure gender mainstreaming and children’s rights in the project activities.

The project will pay special attention to the emergence and observance of ethical issues. As most of the
project staff are women, gender issues will always be in focus. Mutual understanding, respect and
courtesy will be expected in the relations of employees. As the project is related to education, the focus
will be on protecting all the rights and freedoms of students and respecting their opinions.

5.2 Security


Not applicable.


Double funding

Information concerning other EU grants for this project YES/NO

Please note that there is a strict prohibition of double funding from the EU
budget (except under EU Synergies actions).

We confirm that to our best knowledge neither the project as a whole nor any parts Yes
of it have benefitted from any other EU grant (including EU funding managed by
authorities in EU Member States or other funding bodies, e.g. Erasmus, EU
Regional Funds, EU Agricultural Funds, European Investment Bank, etc). If NO,
explain and provide details.

We confirm that to our best knowledge neither the project as a whole nor any parts Yes
of it are (nor will be) submitted for any other EU grant (including EU funding
managed by authorities in EU Member States or other funding bodies, e.g.
Erasmus, EU Regional Funds, EU Agricultural Funds, European Investment Bank,
etc). If NO, explain and provide details.

Financial support to third parties (if applicable)

If your project requires a higher maximum amount per third party than the threshold amount set in the Call
document/Programme Guide, justify and explain why this is necessary in order to fulfil your project’s


Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021



Detailed budget table/Calculator (annex 1 to Part B) — mandatory for certain Lump Sum Grants (see Portal
Reference Documents)
CVs (annex 2 to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document/Programme Guide
Annual activity reports (annex 3 to Part B) — not applicable
List of previous projects (annex 4 to Part B) — mandatory, if required in the Call document/Programme Guide

Other annexes — mandatory, if required in the Call document/Programme Guide

Call: [insert call identifier] — [insert call name]
EU Grants: Application form (ERASMUS BB and LS Type II): V1.0 – 25.02.2021


List of previous projects

Please provide a list of your previous projects for the last 4 years.

Participant Project Reference No Period (start Role Amount Website (if any)
and Title, Funding and end (COO, (EUR)
programme date) BEN,

ECONANO 543924-TEMPUS-1- 13.10.2012 BEN 923467,00

JPCR. 10.06.2015 EUR

NİZAMİ 561784-EPP-1-2015-1- 30.07.2015 BEN 99406,00


İTACA 609758-IT-2019- 19.10.2019 BEN 956987,00

30.11.2023 EUR

1.0 25.02.2021 Initial version (new MFF).


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