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Distance Education for Elementary Schools

Self- Instructional Materials


English 5

Department of Education
2ND Floor Bonifacio Building
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City



Good day!
Are you ready for the next module?
Sure you are. Here’s the next one.

In this module, you will learn to do the following:

• Identify facts/opinion in a selection read

• Evaluate and make judgments on oral text presented

Read and do the exercises you will be asked to do.

Start now and good luck!

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Study Time

In this module, you will learn that it is important to distinguish

an item of information as to whether it is a fact or an opinion. A
FACT is something that has actually existed or is an actual
occurrence. It can be proved. An OPINION, on the other hand,
is a view, belief or judgment that one holds to be true. People
may differ in opinion about certain things.

A. Let us play a game. Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word

that corresponds to the given meaning. Write the word on the
blank to complete the sentence in each number.

1. ubbrsih = litter or waste

Sentence: Throw your _____ in the garbage can.

2. utgtres = canal, watercourse

Sentence: Papers can often be seen scattered along the

streets and filling the _____. Street cleaners are responsible in
cleaning this area.

3. tiheves = holdup men, highway men

Sentence: The _____ were caught by the policemen while

inside the Monteoro Bank building.

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4. stwren = spread, scatter

Sentence: Leaves were _____all over the streets

5. bxolettre = a box for mails/letters.

Sentence: The housekeeper looks at the _____ to see if there

are important catalogues and leaflets.

B. Read the story aloud.


Many people complain about the quantity of advertising

materials left in their letterboxes every week. Brochures,
catalogues, leaflets for new shops and seasonal sales, hand
delivered letters from real estate agents looking for houses to buy or
sell, and other materials are left. Some of the letterboxes have
signs on them asking that ‘no quick mail’ be left but it does not
seem to stop the deliveries.
This unwanted materials can often be seen blowing around the
streets, lying in gutters or strewn over lawns. As well as adding to the
amount of paper used, it also litters the neighborhood.
Another problem with this form of advertising is that it lets people
know when there is no one at home and provides perfect invitation
for thieves. When we are going away one can cancel deliveries of
milk and newspapers, but there seems to be no way of canceling
the advertising materials. A letterbox overflowing with
advertisements is a sure sign to house breakers that nobody’s home.


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Now read the following questions. Write your answers in your

1. What do people complain about their letterboxes?

2. What are the things that you can find in the letterboxes?
The answers to question number 1 and 2 are directly stated in
the first paragraph.

3. Why do some letterboxes have signs?

The answer to question number 3 is implied in the paragraph.

4. A letterbox overflowing with advertisements is a sure sign to

housebreakers that nobody’s home.
What kind of information is this? A fact or an opinion? Why?
The answer to question number 4 is Opinion.
The sentence is taken from the writer’s viewpoint.

5. Which sentence can you consider a fact?

A. The unwanted materials can often be seen blowing
around the streets.
B. These unwanted materials when improperly disposed
contributed to the bulk of waste matter in the
C. When we are going away we can cancel deliveries of
D. Many people complain about the quantity of advertising
materials left on their letterboxs every week.

The answer to question number 5 is B.

6. Do you want to have a letterbox at home? Why?

7. Do you think having a letterbox at home would be
convenient for you? Why? Why not?

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C. Read these paragraphs.

Evaluate each paragraph as to whether it expresses a FACT or an


1. Our country is very rich in natural resources. We have wide

and fertile lands. We have rivers and seas rich in marine life.
We have forests and mines. Still, our country belongs to the
Third World. Is this a fact or an opinion? Why?

The answer to question number 1 is a FACT.

The paragraph can be proven to be true.

2. Filipino families are known for strong family ties.

Is this a fact or an opinion? Why

The answer to question number 2 is FACT.

The paragraph tells the common characteristics of Filipino

3. Jose Rizal could have been a great President of the country if

he had lived longer.

The answer to question number 3 is an OPINION.

The sentence may or may not be true.

4. The Philippines celebrates four national holidays. These are

Bonifacio Day, National Heroes Day, Rizal Day and
Independence Day. These are the holidays that Filipinos
easily remember.

The answer to question number 4 is a FACT.

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5. It is believed that birds sing for joy and others for purpose.
Each kind of singing bird has its own song. Such songs
however, are not used for communication. Beside singing,
birds also make other sounds. A mother hen clucks to tell her
chicks to stay close to her.

The answer to question number 5 is an OPINION.

The paragraph may or may not be true because of the word


FACT - has been proven to be true or that can be proven

to be true.
- an idea that has been verified and is accepted
with certainty.

OPINION - May be or may not be true. The speaker usually

uses words like think, suppose, imagine, believe
and the like when a person is not sure of what he is
saying, it is always safe to express it as an opinion.

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Practice Time

A. Read aloud the following paragraphs. Write F if it is fact and O if it is

an opinion. Do it in your notebook.

_____ 1. A “kimono” is a loose, wide-sleeved robe fastened at

the waist with a wide sash. It has a small pillow in front
and at the back. It is the national costume of the
_____ 2. According to the Hindu, one who knows and believe in
God can be saved.
_____ 3. Mohandas K. Gandhi was born of a rich family on
October 2, 1869, in Porbandas, India. Gandhi studied
Law in England where he was considered second-class
citizen because of his color and religion.
_____ 4. The writer is believed to express his emotions to
complete the poem or story he is writing.
_____ 5. In modern times, Thai writings show western literacy
forms. Their realistic novels dealing with psychological
problems have enjoyed popularity among the better
educated and the short story has become a popular

B. Put a check (√) before each number if the sentence is a fact and
cross (x) if it is an opinion. Do it in your notebook.

1. Sea horses and sea anemone grow in the ocean.

2. I think a mermaid would have a fish tail for legs.
3. The Pacific Ocean is larger than the Athlantic Ocean.
4. The North Pole region is always covered with snow and ice.
5. Earth is supposed to be at least four billion years old.

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6. Scientists believe that water covers 70 percent of the Earth’s
7. The Study of the Earth is called Geology.
8. Many scientists think that the earth is older than the planet
9. Many people expected the world to end in 1998.
10. The Philippines lies south of Japan.

C. Read the article and the 5 sentences below. Tell whether the
sentences are facts or opinions. Write your answer in your

Scientists think that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. They are
still digging up their bones. By piecing together the bones, they can
tell how dinosaurs looked. The sizes of the bones show us how big
the dinosaurs were. Scientists do not know what color dinosaurs
were because only bones have been found.

_____ 1. Scientists are still looking for dinosaur bones.

_____ 2. By piecing together the bones, they can tell how
dinosaurs looked.
_____ 3. The sizes of the bones show us how big the dinosaur
_____ 4. The bones indicate the size of a dinosaur.
_____ 5. I think that dinosaurs were greenish gray.

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Test Yourself

Here is a paragraph for you to read, followed by numbered

sentences. Write F if the given sentence is a fact and O if the given
sentence is an opinion. Write your answers in your notebook.


Computers affect our lives more and more everyday. When we

watch news on television, we see charts and diagrams on the
screen. These are computer graphics.
There are modern cars that have computers to control the
amount of fuel they use or check if they are safe to drive.
Computers help people with disabilities to move around and help
them to speak. At home, washing machines are programmed to
wash clothes. In offices, computers make office work light and easy
and free from hassles.

1. Modern cars that have computers control the amount of fuel

or check if they are safe to drive.
2. Washing machines are programmed to wash clothes.
3. Computers are believed to help people with disabilities to
4. Computers are used to make workers lazy.
5. In offices, computers make work light, easy and free from

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B. Early Olympics

Nowadays we have the Olympic Games to give the world’s best

athletes a chance to compete with each other. In the early days
of Australia, the Aborigines used to hold a kind of ‘Olympics’ where
tribes met to compete.
These competitions were held for several reasons. People
wanted to see the talented members of their tribes play against
other tribes. Sometimes a team game would end in a dispute
between two tribes.
Often tribes would meet for enjoyment and an opportunity to
see others in a happy atmosphere.
Each tribe would be represented by a team. All activities began
at sunrise and finished at sunset.

Write the sentences under their respective column.

1. Olympic Games give the world’s best athlete a chance to

compete with each other.
2. According to some, Australia used to hold a kind of
‘Olympics’ where tribes met to compete.
3. Some believe that people wanted to see the talented
members of their tribes play against other tribes.
4. Every year in August the Olympic Games tradition is
continued at Yuendumu, 300 kilometers west of Alice Springs.
5. Each tribe would be represented by a team. All activities
began at sunrise and sunset.

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

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C. Read the sentences. Determine which sentences state facts by
writing letter F and O for opinions.

_____ 1. The radio news broadcast is the best way of informing

the people on the latest happening in the country.
_____ 2. Listening to radio dramas help one to be imaginative.
_____ 3. Some of us use timetables for bus or train travel.
_____ 4. A timetable is a list of events according to the time they
_____ 5. Television shows seem to interfere in a student’s study

Thank you for working well on this module.

Congratulations for doing well.

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Key to Correction


1. rubbish
2. gutters
3. thieves
4. strewn
5. letterbox


Activity A 1. F Activity B. 1. F 6. O
2. O 2. O 7. F
3. F 3. F 8. O
4. O 4. F 9. O
5. F 5. O 10. F

Activity C

1. O
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. O


A. 1. F B. 1. F C. 1. O
2. F 2. O 2. O
3. O 3. O 3. F
4. O 4. F 4. F
5. F 5. F 5. O

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