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Bishop Gibson High School.

Online School 2021-2022..

Food, Nutrition and Health
Nutrients Worksheet --- Minerals
Portfolio Entry. October 19,2021.
Name: Kafara Ellis . Form 4H

Complete the following to show how much you know about minerals.

1. List TWO general functions of minerals in the diet.

● Minerals control body processes, e.g, transmission of nerve impulses.

● Minerals help your body grow and stay healthy ( body building), by building
strong healthy bones and teeths.(1mk)

2. Write Three examples of minerals found in foods.

● Calcium
● Phosphorus
● Iron

3. List THREE vitamins that are closely associated with calcium and phosphorus to form
a) Vitamin D b) Vitamin A c) Vitamin C (3mks)

4. Complete each statement below by selecting a word from the given list.

Iron, Sodium,Hypercalcaemia, Kidneys, Hemoglobin, Minerals, Iodine, Anaemia, Calcium,


A. Excess potassium in the body. Hyperkalemia

B. To build the framework of the body. Minerals
C. It is needed for the formation of the hormone thyroxine. Iodine
D. Its absorption is aided by Vitamin C and protein. Iron
E. The disease results when one's diet is lacking in iron. Anaemia
F. This mineral regulates body fluids and muscular contraction. Sodium
G. These are the chief avenues through which water is lost from the body. Kidneys
H. Excess calcium in the body. Hypercalcaemia
I. Its main function is to transport oxygen through the body. Hemoglobin
J. In conjunction or along with phosphorus, Vitamins D, A & C manganese and magnesium
are needed for the formation of bones. Calcium (10 mks)
TOTAL: 20 Marks

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