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Biology Review Worksheet

G7 S1 PB – Nutrients
Name: ______________________ Date: __________________

Chooce the correct answer.

1. Controlling body temperature

A. Water B. Carbohydrates C. Fat D. Vitamins

2. The following are organic molecules of carbohydrates, except

A. Hydrogen B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Carbon

3. The following are organic molecules of carbohydrates, except

E. Hydrogen F. Oxygen G. Helium H. Carbon

4. The following are organic molecules of carbohydrates, except

A. Hydrogen B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Natrium

5. The following are organic molecules of water

A. Hydrogen and nytrogen C. Hydrogen and oxygen

B. Oxygen and nytrogen D. Carbon and oxygen

6. The following is one example of monosaccharides

A. Maltose B. Sucrose C. Glycogen D. Glucose

7. The following is one example of disaccharides

A. Glucose B. Fructose C. Cellulose D. Lactose

8. The following is one example of polysaccharides

A. Maltose B. Sucrose C. Lactose D. Starch

9. Which nutrient in a person’s diet is used to make new enzyme molecules in his body?

A. Carbohydrates B. Protein C. Fat D. Water

10. We can find protein in

A. Orange B. Spinach C. Peanuts D. tomato

Fill in the blank with the appropriate nutrient.

1) I serve many functions in the body. I help carry nutriets to the body’s cells and I also help regulate body
temperature. I am_______________
2) I can be converted into energy. I am also used to build, maintain and repair body tissues. I am______________
3) I have a bad reputation in many people’s minds but I do serve many functions in the body. For example, I am the
most concentrated source of energy and I also am needed for growth and healthy skin. I am______________
4) Im the body’s mai source of energy and I come in two forms, simple and complex. I am______________
5) I do not provided energy (calories) but I do help regulate many of the chemical processes in the body. You need
13 different forms of me everyday. I am______________
6) Im depended on for nearly every process necessary for life. The body requires 16 types of me everyday from
calcium to ion. I am_______________

True or False
1) Fats do not provide energy to our body.
2) Green vegetables are good source of vitamins.
3) Carbohydrate gives us energy.
4) Oils and nuts are good sources of fats.
5) Fats keeps our body warm.
6) Old people need more carbohydrates and protein.
7) Milk, eggs, fish are good sources of protein.
8) Growing children need more protein than old people.
9) We should eat oily food.

Complete the following table.


1. Source of energy Bread, beans, milk, potatoes, corn,
2. Source of B-B vitamins for CHO rice, soft drink, spaghetti
3. Storage form of energy (Starch and
1. Carbohydrates
4. Helpful in absorption of calcium and
phosphorus in younger animals
5. To suply carbon forsynthesis of cell

1. Helps give your body energy Chesee, avocado, whole egg, fatty fish,
2. Protect your organ olive oil
3. Supports cell growth
2. Fats
4. Keep cholesterol and blood pressure
under control

1. Increases muscle mass and strength Lean meats, yoghurt, seafood, eggs
2. Lowers your blood pressure
3. Goor for your bones
3. Proteins
4. Helps maintain weight loss

4. Water 1. Regulates body temperature Cucumber, appls, watermelon, water

2. Protect body organs and tissues
3. Carries nutrients and oxygen to cell
4. Flushing out waste products
5. Lubricates joints, tissue and spinal cord

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