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A.Gender Men requiring Men are more
more energy of active
the same age
and body size

B. Age Babies, children This group is

and teenagers more active and
require more the life process
energy are faster
c. Body size Big sized Big sized
individuals individuals
require more require more
energy size energy for their
compared to life process.
small sized
d. Physical An individual Heavy work
activity who does heavy require more
work uses more energy to
energy perform.
compared to
another who
does light work
e. Weather Individuals living More energy is
in places with required to
cold weather maintain the
require more body
energy temperature in a
compared to cold place.
individuals living
in places with
warm weather
1. The calorific value of food is the total energy
produced when one gram of food is completely
2. The quantity of energy in a food is measured in
calorie (cal) or joule (j)
3. 1 calorie (cal) = 4.2 joule (j)
1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 4.2 kilojoules (kJ)
Energy value of main food classes

Classes of food Energy value (kJ/g)

Carbohydrates 17

Proteins 17

Fats 37
1. Digestion is the process of breaking down complex
food to simple molecules for absorption the blood
circulatory system.
2. Digestion take place in two stages:
a. physical digestion – big pieces of food are
broken down into smaller pieces by teeth
b. chemical digestion – enzymes break up
complex food molecules into smaller molecules
3. Enzymes are proteins that speed up the process
of digestion. Enzymes break up complex food
molecules to smaller and simpler molecules.

4. Characteristic of enzymes
a. enzymes are small quantities only

b. enzymes are not destroyed at the end of digestion

c. specific enzymes act only in specific acidic or

alkaline conditions

d. specific enzymes act only on specific foods

e. enzymes function best at normal body temperature

(370 C) Enzymes are destroyed at high temperature.
1. The digestive system consists of all the organ in
the body that help in the digestion of food.

2. The alimentary canal is made up of the mouth,

oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, big
intestine and anus (starts from the mouth and
ends at the anus).
3. Summary of the digestive system
mouth oesophagus stomach small
intestine big intestine anus
1. Food is chewed and broken up into small pieces by
the teeth.
2. The salivary gland secretes saliva that is alkaline
and contains salivary amylase enzymes.
3. Salivary amylase digests starch into maltose
4. Our tongue rolls the partially digested food
into small ball (bolus) which are then
swallowed into the aesophagus.

starch maltose
1. Food is pushed through the oesophagus into the
stomach by the alternating contraction and
relaxation of the oesophagus.

2. This process of alternating muscular contraction

and relaxation is known as peristalsis.

3. No digestion takes place in the oesophagus.

1. The stomach is a muscular bag with walls that
secrete hydrochloric acid, water and protease.

1. The function of hydrochloric acid include:

a. providing an acidic medium for enzymic action.
b. killing bacteria found in food
c. neutralising the alkaline property of saliva
4. Pepsin digest protien to peptones / polypeptides

Protien pepsin peptones/ polypeptides

5. Rennin coagulates milk in the stomach to help in the

enzymic enzymes.

Liquid milk protiens solid milk protiens

1. The liver and pancreas deliver

their enzymes or secretions to a
small intestine through small

1. The liver produce bile, a

substance that breaks up large
fat droplets into smaller particles.

1. Bile flow from liver to a gall

bladder, the organ that stores bile.
Small intestine
1. The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine.
2. The duodenum received bile and pancreatic juice.
3. The function of bile are:
a. emulsification of fat
b. preparation of an alkaline medium for enzymic action
4. Pancreatic juice contains three types of enzymes:
a. maltase
b. protease
c. lipase
5. The maltase digests maltose into glucose
maltose glucose

6. The protease digests peptones into amino acids

peptones amino acids

7. The lipase digests fat into fatty acid and glycerol

fat fatty acids + glycerol
8. Digestion is completed in small intestine.

9. The digest food is then ready to be absorbed through

the thin walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream.

10. Food digestion is completed in the small intestine.

11. The end products of digestion are

a. Carbohydrate - glucose

b. Protien - amino acids

c. Fats - fatty acids and glycerol .

Transportation process of digestive products

a) Digested food that is absorbed into the villus is then

transported to body cells through assimilation.

b) Assimilation is the process of distributing the end

product of digestion for body cells.
1. Water is reabsorbed in the big intestine

2. Undigested food is expelled from the

body through the anus as faeces.
1. The inner surface of the small intestine has many villi.
2. The villi increase the surface area for the absorption of
digested food.
3. Absorption is the movement of digested food into the
Reabsorption of Water and Defecation
Residue from the
small intestine
Reabsorption of water
+ minerals + vitamins

Solid waste called faeces

Stored in the last part of

the large intestine

Defecation through the anus

Difficulty in defecation is called

Prolonged and serious

constipation can lead to …..
• Hemorrhoids (piles)
• Cancer of the large intestine

Defecation is removal of faeces

from the body through the anus
The importance of a balanced diet
Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle.
Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and
maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like
heart disease and cancer), and promote your overall health.

• Too much sugar → diabetes

• Too much salt → high blood pressure
• Too much fat → obesity, high blood cholesterol level, cancers
• Too much food → obesity
• Too little food → anorexia nervosa.
• Too little roughage → constipation.
• Defecation is removal of faeces from the body through
the anus.
• Difficulty in defecation is called constipation.
Why causes constipation?
Not eating enough roughage

Not drinking enough water

Therefore, constipation can be cured by:

• eating high fibre foods such as wholemeal cereals and

grains, fruits and vegetables.
• Drink more water.
Practise healthy eating habits by:
a) eating a balanced diet
b) drinking at least 7 glasses of water a day
c)consuming less fats, sugar and salt
d) eating plenty of fruit and vegetables
e) eating in moderation.
Eat a variety food according to the recommended amount
shown in a food guide pyramid.
Transportation process of Digestive Product

1. Digested food that is absorbed into the villus is then

transported to body cells.

2. These molecules the undergo the process of assimilation.

3. Assimilation is the process of distributing the end product

of digestion for body cells.
a) Glucose will be used to produce energy in the cell
respiration process.
b) Amino acids are used to build new cells as well as to
produce enzymes, antibodies and hormones.
c) Fatty acids and glycerol are used to build membrane
cells. Excess fatty tissues then stored under the skin to
control body temperature.
The systems involved in the transportation process of
digested food are:

a) Digestive system: breaks down large and complex food

molecules into smaller and simpler molecules in order to
be absorbed by the villus.

b) Blood circulation system: transports digested food

molecules to body cells.

c) Assimilation: the process of distributing the end product

of digestion for body cells.
1.Undigested food like vitamins, minerals and fibre as well
as food waste and dead cells from the small intestine will
move to the large intestine.
2. When food passes through the large intestine, water
together with the vitamins and minerals will be reabsorbed
into the blood.
3. This causes food waste to become semi solid known as
4. Faeces are sent and stored in the rectum temporarily
before being eliminated through the anus.

5. The elimination process of faeces is known as the

defecation process.

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