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Nama : Bella Praduati

NIM : 210110301070
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris II
Pengampu : Prof. Nawiyanto, M.A. Ph.D.

Comprehension Check

I. Check your understanding

1. The beginning of human history

2. Primitive formation has gone through two stages of development:
consumer and reproducing farming.
3. The main purpose of the primitive production was to create the necessary
product for the physical existence of man and the expanded reproduction
of the population.
4. Two major social divisions of labor were held within the primitive
formation, the first is characterized by the release of pastoral tribes,
which resulted significant increase of productivity, the additional product
and exchange, and the second is associated with distinguishing metal
production as an independent branch of production.
5. Primitive society is
6. The periodization of primitive society is envisages the evolution of forms
of property, the degree of labor division, family relationship, etc.
7. Characterize three historical periods of primitive society is the stone age

II. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False (The Stone Age was a period of history which began in approximately 2
million B.C. and lasted until 3.000 B.C)
5. True
III. Match the words and their definitions
1. A tribe: (C.) a social division in a traditional society consisting of
families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood
ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized.

2. A labour: (A.) a work, especially hard physical work.

3. To consume: (E.) eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink).

4. A mankind: (G.) human beings considered collectively; the human race.

5. A community: (B.) a group of people living in the same place or having a

particular characteristic in common.

6. Statehood: (J.) the status of being a recognized independent nation.

7. Pastoral: (H.) used for or related to the keeping or grazing of sheep or


8. Copper: (I.) a red-brown metal, the chemical element of atomic number


9. To invent: (D.) create or design (something that has not existed before);
be the originator of.

10.Settlement: (F.) a place, typically one that has hitherto been uninhabited,
where people establish a community.

IV. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the suggestion

1. The primary socio-economic system in the history of mankind begins with

the primitive community.
2. The main purpose of primitive production was to create the necessary
product for the physical existence of man expanded reproduction of the
3. There are several periodizations of primitive society.
4. The most important of them are archaeological, based on the differences in
engineering and manufacturing tools.
5. Stone age lasted differently depending on a region.
6. The periodization of primitive society envisages the evolution of forms of

VII. Correct the mistakes in the sentences

1. The essence of primitive community lies in the individual production and
consumption, as well as the individual ownership of natural resources and
2. Three major social divisions of labor were held within the primitive
3. The first is characterized with the distinguishing of metal production as
an independent branch of production.
4. The second is associated by the release of pastoral tribes, which resulted
significant increase of productivity, the additional product and exchange.
5. The history of primitive society is divided into five periods.

1. The essence of primitive community lies in the collective production and

consumption, as well as the collective ownership of natural resources and
2. Two major social divisions of labor were held within the primitive
3. The is characterized by the release of pastoral tribes, which resulted
significant increase of productivity, the additional product and exchange.
4. The second is associated with distinguishing metal production as an
independent branch of production.
5. The history of primitive society is divided into three periods.

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