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Male Reproductive System

dr. Budi Hernawan, M.Sc
Bag. Ilmu Faal, FK UMS

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Pokok bahasan

n  Struktur dan fungsi organ repro pria

n  Hormon pria dan HPT aksis

n  Spermatogenesis dan regulasinya

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Struktur dan
Fungsi Organ Pria

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4 weeks germs migration


Copied from Leon Speroff

Clin Gyn End
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Testis formation 7-12 weeks
+Fetal external genitals: male 7

15 weeks 16 weeks

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Male Reproduction:

Anatomy & Physiology

1. Sperm

2. Sperm
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n  Testicle has two function/activities :

n  Steroidogenesis
n  Spermatogenesis

n  Tubulus seminiferous is the part of testicle placed of


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+ Male Feedback Diagram

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+ Androgens 19

n  Testosterone is an androgen produced by

Leydig cells and the adrenal cortex but it
is not the most potent.
n  Testosterone is converted to
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which binds
to the nuclear receptor.
n  Testosterone stimulates late stages of
spermatogenesis, promotes growth,
development and secretory activity of
the accessory sex glands.

n  Testosterone maintains 2o sex

characterisitics and libido of male.
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Male Sex Steroid Synthesis

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Testosterone from birth

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Testosterone level

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Other Hormones

n  Inhibin is a glycoprotein hormone that contains

an α and one of two possible β subunits.

n  Inhibin is made by granulosa cells in the ovary

and by Sertoli cells in testes. It inhibits the
release of FSH.

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+ Prostaglandins 27

n  PG’s were first discovered in seminal plasma of

mammallian semen and was believed to originate
from the prostate.

PG’s cause contraction of smooth muscle in the

reproductive and GI tracts, erection, ejaculation,
sperm transport, ovulation, and regression of the

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+ Hormone-Receptor Activation 28

Gland Hormone Chemical Class Principal Functions


Leydig Cells

Androgens (Testosterone) Steroid Male mating behavior,

Maintenance of male duct
system & accessory glands

Sertoli Cells

Inhibin Protein Regulates release of FSH

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Spermatogenesis: Sperm
Production in the Testis

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Regulation of Spermatogenesis

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•  The production of gametes or germ cell:

n  Early in embryogenesis, primordial germ
cells migrate to the developing gonads are
found in the tubulus seminiferous of the
n  Theses cells will develop to form
n  The spermatogonia are located along the
outer edge of tubuli in close contact with
supportive cells, the Sertoli cells

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n  The sertoli cells form a continous layer on

the basement membrane of the tubuli and
firmly connected to each other by tight cell
n  Spermatogonia remain inactive until
puberty. From puberty onwards they divide
continously by mitosis, increase in number
and provide in this way a continous supply
of new cells

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n  Unlike oogenesis, spermatogenesis is a

continous process which can be divided into 3
stages :
n  The production of gametes or germ cell
n  Their functional differentiation for
fertilization à seminiferous tubules
n  The structural differentiation which
renders them actively motile à Epididymis

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n Functional differentiation :
n  Some of the cells stop dividing and
differentiate into primary spermatocyte
n  Each primary spermatocyte then undergoes
reduction division, the first meiotic division,
resulting in the two secondary spermatocyte
n  When the second division is completed, four
haploid spermatids have been produced

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Phase spermiogenesis

n  Golgi phase: sentriol, mitokondria scattered

n  Cap phase : granule acrosom à acrosom visecle, tail

development from sentriol

n  Acrosomal phase: acrosomal vesicle à acrosomal cap

(mitocondria in mid place, nucleous condense)

n  Maturation phase: residual body detached (sertoli cells)

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Spermatozoa Structure and

Functions in Review

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Accessoria gland

n  Vesicula Seminalis : 0,5-1mL / hari (fruktosa, fibrinogen,

semino gellin, prostaglandin)

n  Prostat (basa, prostat spesific antigen)

n  Bulbo uretralis (cairan pelumas)

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+Male and Female Germ Cells Capable for 47

Normal Fertilization

n  Mature Ova : nuclear and cytoplasm

n  Sperm : have undergone

- capacitation

- hyperactivation

- acrosome reaction

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n Capacitation is defined as the series of

transformations that spermatozoa normally
undergo during their migration through the
female genital tract, in order to reach and
bind to the zona pellucida, undergo the
acrosome reaction, and fertilize the egg.

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n The main purpose of

capacitation is to ensure that
spermatozoa reach the eggs at
the appropriate time and in the
appropriate state to fertilize
these eggs

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n extensivechanges occur in all sperm

compartments (head and flagellum;
membrane, cytosol, cytoskeleton)
n factors originating from epididymal fluid and
seminal plasma are lost
n membrane lipids and proteins are reorganized

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n ejaculated spermatozoa are deposited in the

vagina and must first penetrate the cervical
mucus, in which they may lose some of their
surface-adsorbed materials. Human cervical
mucus induced sperm capacitation (Zinamen
et al., 1989) and hyperactivation (Zhu et al.,
1992, 1994) but not the acrosome reaction
(Bielfield et al., 1991)

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n in vivo, sperm capacitation requires a fine

balance between the actions of various
promotors and inhibitors. Spermatozoa must
be modified and become capacitated but at a
controlled rate so that they reach the eggs at
the appropriate time and in the appropriate
physiological state to fertilize the egg

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n  Hyperactivation,which is the type of motility

spermatozoa display at the site of fertilization.
n  sperm hyperactivation appears as an essential
event of capacitation.
n  Sperm hyperactivation is associated with an
increased velocity, a decreased linearity, an
increased amplitude of lateral head
displacement and whiplash movements of the
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The acrosome reaction

n The acrosome reaction is a calcium-

dependent exocytotic event that is
required for penetration of zona-bound
spermatozoa through the zona pellucida
and also for the generation of a
membrane segment capable of fusing
with the oolemma (Benoff et al., 1997c)

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n The acrosome is a large secretory vesicle

located towards the anterior of the head of
mammalian sperm
n The physiological acrosome reaction occurs
at the surface of the zona pellucida and is
thought to be initiated by sperm binding to
zona pellucida glycoprotein 3 (ZP3) (Benoff et
al., 1997b)

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n The acrosome reaction is

characterized by sperm
membrane vesiculation, fusion
of the plasma membrane with
the outer acrosomal membrane
and release of the acrosomal
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