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By Joseph R Legaspi

I. TIME FRAME: 3 hours

II. TOPIC: Fundamentals of Traffic Management – General Rules of

Road Use and Conduct

III. OBJECTIVES: In the end of the module, the students are expected to:
1. A better understanding of the General Rules of Road
Use and Conduct on Traffic.


Class room discussion with Computer Assisted instruction (Lecture)


The lecture will cover General Rules of Road Use and Conduct on Traffic.


Recitation/Quiz: Result of classification of each student will be check and

they will be graded accordingly.


1. Traffic Management and Accident Investigation: An Instructional Book by Darlito

Bernard G Delizo, Copyright 2008. Publish by RKManwong
2. Trafficology- The Science of Traffic Philippine Copyright, 1998 by Felino A Bragado,
General Rules of Road Use and Conduct on Traffic

The traffic rules in the Philippines are based entirely on the general rules of road use and
conduct which also include the general prohibitions and restrictions. Chapter IV, Articles I
to V of the R.A. 4136 comprehensively discuss the traffic rules observed in the

A. Speed Limit and other Rules of Speed. Any person driving a motor vehicle on a
highway shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed, not greater nor less
than is reasonable and proper, having due regard for the traffic, the width of the
highway, and of any other condition then and there existing; and no person shall
drive any motor vehicle upon a highway at such speed as to endanger the life,
limb and property of any person, not at a speed greater than will permit him to
bring the vehicle to a stop within the assure clear distance ahead.

1. Maximum Allowable Speeds. Subject to the provisions of the preceding

paragraphs, the rate of speed on any motor vehicle shall not exceed the following
per hour:

Passenger cars Motor trucks

and & Buses
a. On open country roads, with no blind corners not closely 80 km 50 km
bordered by habitants
b. On “through streets” or boulevards clear of traffic, with no 40 km 30 km
blind corners, when so designated.
c. On city and municipal streets, with light traffic, when not 30 km 30 km
designated “through streets’.
d. Through crowded streets, approaching intersections at 20 km 20 km
“blinds corners”’ passing school zone, passing other
vehicles which are stationary, or for similar dangerous

2. Exception to the speed limit. The rates of speed hereinabove prescribed shall not
apply to the following:
a. A physician or his driver when the former responds to emergency calls.
b. The driver of a hospital ambulance on the way to and from the place of
accident or other emergency.
c. Any driver bringing a wounded or sick person for emergency treatment to a
hospital, clinic, or any other similar place.
d. The driver of a motor vehicle belonging to the Armed Forces while in use for
official purposes in time of riot, insurrection or invasion.
e. The driver of a vehicle, when he or his passengers are in pursuit of a criminal.
f. A law-enforcement officer who is trying to overtake a violator of traffic laws.
g. The driver officially operating a motor vehicle of any fire department, provided
that exemption shall not be construed to allow useless or unnecessary fast
driving of drivers aforementioned.
3. Uniform Speed Limits throughout the Philippines. No provincial, city or municipal
authority shall enact or enforce any ordinance or resolution specifying maximum
allowable speeds other than those provided by R.A. 4136.
B. Lateral Placement. Lateral placement means the proper positioning of the motor
vehicle while traversing on a traffic way or while on parked.

In the Philippines, unless a different course of action is required in the interest of

the safety and the security of life, person or property, or because of unreasonable
difficulty of operation in compliance herewith, every person operating a motor vehicle or
an animal-drawn vehicle on a highway shall pass to the right when meeting persons or
vehicles going the same direction, and when turning to the left in going from one highway
to another, every motor vehicle shall be conducted to the right of the center of the
intersection of the highway.

C. Overtaking and Passing. In overtaking another vehicle, a driver should pass at a

safe distance to the left of the vehicle being overtaken and shall resume driving on
the right side of the road only after passing clear of the overtaken vehicle.
1. Exception. On the highway with two or more lanes where traffic goes in one
direction. Another vehicle may be overtaken on the right.
2. Driver to give way to overtaking vehicle. The driver of a motor vehicle about to be
overtaken must give way to the overtaking vehicle and shall not increase his
speed until the overtaking vehicle has fully passed.
3. Restriction on Overtaking and Passing. To avoid accident or any unusual
incidents, overtaking and passing on the following places are restricted:
a. To the left side of the center line of a highway in overtaking another vehicle
proceeding in the same direction, unless such left side is clearly visible, and is
free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit safety
b. When approaching the crest of a grade, nor upon a curve in the highway,
where the driver’s view along the highway is obstructed within a distance of
five hundred feet ahead, except on a highway having two or more lanes for
movement of vehicles in one direction.
c. At any railway grade crossing, nor at any intersection of highways, unless such
intersection or crossing is controlled by traffic signal, or traffic officer.
d. Between any points indicated by the placing of official temporary or caution
signs indicating that men are working on the highways.
e. In any “no passing or overtaking zone”

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