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The Clinically Important Difference on the

Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale
Lisa M. Shulman, MD; Ann L. Gruber-Baldini, PhD; Karen E. Anderson, MD; Paul S. Fishman, MD, PhD;
Stephen G. Reich, MD; William J. Weiner, MD

Objective: To determine the estimates of minimal, Results: A minimal CID was 2.3 to 2.7 points on the
moderate, and large clinically important differences UPDRS motor score and 4.1 to 4.5 on the UPDRS total
(CIDs) for the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating score. A moderate CID was 4.5 to 6.7 points on the UPDRS
Scale (UPDRS). motor score and 8.5 to 10.3 on the UPDRS total score. A
large CID was 10.7 to 10.8 points on the UPDRS motor
Design: Cross-sectional analysis of the CIDs for UPDRS score and 16.4 to 17.8 on the UPDRS total score.
total and motor scores was performed on patients with
Parkinson disease (PD) using distribution- and anchor- Conclusions: Concordance among multiple ap-
based approaches based on the following 3 external stan- proaches of analysis based on subjective and objective
dards: disability (10% on the Schwab and England Ac- data show that reasonable estimates for the CID on the
tivities of Daily Living Scale), disease stage (1 stage on UPDRS motor score are 2.5 points for minimal, 5.2 for
the Hoehn and Yahr Scale), and quality of life (1 SD on moderate, and 10.8 for large CIDs. Estimates for the
the 12-Item Short Form Health Survey). UPDRS total score are 4.3 points for minimal, 9.1 for mod-
erate, and 17.1 for large CIDs. These estimates will as-
Setting: University of Maryland Parkinson Disease and sist in determining clinically meaningful changes in PD
Movement Disorders Center, progression and response to therapeutic interventions.

Patients: Six hundred fifty-three patients with PD. Arch Neurol. 2010;67(1):64-70

CLINICALLY IMPORTANT DIF- proaches.7,8 The distribution-based ap-
ference (CID) is the proach relies on the empirical distribu-
amount of change on a tion of a measure in a population and the
measure that patients can derived effect size. The anchor-based ap-
recognize and value. 1 proach uses a familiar and relevant exter-
Growing interest in CIDs stems from a nal standard to determine the correspond-
greater emphasis on evidence-based and ing magnitude of change. This study uses
patient-centered medicine.2 Large ran- both of these approaches and relies on 3
domized clinical trials frequently show sig- different external standards (anchors) to
nificant differences on outcome mea- assess the CID on the UPDRS total scale
sures that are so small that clinicians are and its motor subscale.
unsure how to apply them to clinical de- The minimal clinically important
cision making.3 The Movement Disorder change on the UPDRS was previously de-
Society Task Force on Rating Scales for termined based on data from 2 clinical
Parkinson’s Disease highlighted the im- trials of dopamine agonist monotherapy
portance of identifying thresholds on the in early Parkinson disease (PD).9 Study
Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale limitations included the inability to gen-
(UPDRS) that represent clinically rel- eralize the results to more advanced PD
Author Affiliations: evant differences.4,5 The US Food and Drug and the reliance on a clinician-based mea-
Departments of Neurology Administration also described the need to sure (Clinical Global Impression of Im-
(Drs Shulman, Anderson,
define minimally important differences on provement) as the anchor for assessing
Fishman, Reich, and Weiner),
Epidemiology and Preventive patient-reported outcome measures used clinical relevance. Assessments by clini-
Medicine (Dr Gruber-Baldini), to support the labeling claims of medical cians do not always match patient evalu-
and Psychiatry (Dr Anderson), products.6 ations because of limitations in aware-
University of Maryland School The 2 key methods of CID assessment ness of the patient experience.6,10 The belief
of Medicine, Baltimore. are the distribution- and anchor-based ap- that clinically relevant differences in health



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should be defined by patients is fundamental to patient-
centered medicine.11 Table 1. Demographics of 653 Subjects With PD a
The primary objective of this study was to determine
the CID for the UPDRS by using multiple methods of as- Mean (SD) Median (Range)
sessment and a large patient sample representing all stages Age, y 65.9 (11.0) 66.9 (30.3-91.0)
of PD. The goal was to create estimates of minimal, mod- PD duration, y 6.3 (5.8) 4.8 (0.0-28.7)
erate, and large CIDs by looking for concordance of the MMSE score 27.9 (3.1) 29.0 (12.0-30.0)
HY stages 2.3 (0.9) 2.0 (1.0-5.0)
results from multiple approaches of CID analysis. UPDRS
Total score 41.0 (20.5) 37.0 (1.0-118.0)
METHODS Motor score 27.2 (13.4) 25.5 (1.0-77.0)
SE Scale score 76.4 (18.7) 80.0 (10.0-100.0)
The sample consists of patients diagnosed as having PD by a PH score 40.0 (11.8) 40.5 (7.4-70.5)
movement disorder specialist (L.M.S., P.S.F., S.G.R., or W.J.W.) MH score 47.0 (9.4) 48.4 (17.1-68.8)
at the University of Maryland Parkinson Disease and Move-
ment Disorders Center who underwent assessment during rou- Abbreviations: HY, Hoehn and Yahr Scale (“on” for patients whose stage
tine office visits from April 1, 2003, through August 31, 2006. fluctuated); MH, mental health summary; MMSE, Mini-Mental State
The criteria for the diagnosis of PD were asymmetrical onset Examination; PD, Parkinson disease; PH, physical health summary; SE,
of at least 2 of the following 3 cardinal signs: resting tremor, Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Scale; SF-12, 12-Item Short
rigidity, and bradykinesia, with no atypical signs or exposure Form Health Survey; UPDRS, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.
a Of the total sample, 63.3% were male; 92.9%, white; 59.3%, college
to dopamine-blocking drugs. Patients attending the move- graduates; 76.6%, married; and 48.6% had a yearly income of more than
ment disorders center are routinely asked to enroll in the Uni- $70 000.
versity of Maryland Quality of Life and Function Study. Dur-
ing the study period, 86% of patients with PD agreed to
participate and signed an informed consent form approved by SF-12 (physical health [PH], r=−0.44 to −0.52; mental health
the University of Maryland institutional review board. The treat- [MH], r = −0.35 to −0.45) (for all, P ⬍ .001). Previously ac-
ing neurologist completed the UPDRS, staging with the Hoehn cepted thresholds for the CID have been published for the 36-
and Yahr Scale (HY),12 the Schwab and England Activities of Item Short Form Health Status Survey (SF-36) and the SF-12,
Daily Living Scale (SE Scale),13 and the Mini-Mental State Ex- but thresholds have not been defined for the SE Scale or the
amination14 for all subjects. Patients with a Mini-Mental State HY stages.
Examination score of less than 26 required the assistance of a
caregiver for consent and questionnaire completion. Patients CUT POINTS FOR THE SF-36 AND SF-12
completed the 12-Item Short Form Health Survey, version 2
(SF-12)15 during the office visit. The HY data reported herein The SF-36 and SF-12 have 2 summary scores—PH and MH—
are based on a combination of the single rating for patients for that yield t scores based on a US normative population in which
whom the stage did not fluctuate and the “on” rating for those the average score is the 50th percentile and 10 units is 1 SD.
whose stage did fluctuate (30% of the sample consisted of pa- An analysis of effect sizes for the SF-36 was performed by Samsa
tients whose stage fluctuated and the results were similar when et al7 for about 25 medical conditions. Conforming to clinical
“off” ratings were analyzed). intuition, conditions such as congestive heart failure or em-
physema were associated with large effect sizes on the SF-36,
DETERMINING THE CID WITH DISTRIBUTION- conditions such as arthritis had moderate effect sizes, and con-
AND ANCHOR-BASED ANALYSES ditions such as hypertension had small effect sizes. Based on
the published literature, the small CID for the SF-36 or the SF-12
is in the range of 3 to 5 points, whereas the moderate CID is 9
There are many accepted methods of assessing CID; because
to 10 points.7,27-30 These ranges for small and moderate CID were
all methods have strengths and weaknesses, it is preferable to
used in our study.
rely on several methods.7,10,16-19 There is also no single re-
sponse or precise threshold for the CID of a measure; instead
it is best to represent the CID of a measure as a range (eg, small, CUT POINTS FOR THE SE SCALE AND
moderate, or large).1,7,17,20 Therefore, in this cross-sectional study HY STAGES
we used a combination of distribution- and anchor-based ap-
proaches, and we designated predetermined cut points of small, In the absence of previous analysis of thresholds for effect sizes
moderate, and large CIDs for the UPDRS. on the SE Scale or the HY stages, we used a combination of clini-
For the distribution-based approach, means and standard cal judgment and analysis of each scale’s distribution (based
deviations were derived from the current sample of data, and on the standard deviation). Specifically, we made a predeter-
effect sizes were calculated relative to 1 SD. The most com- mined judgment of small, medium, or large CID on the SE Scale
mon approach to the analysis of the distribution-based CID in and the HY stages based on our clinical experience. Then we
the literature relies on the Cohen effect size, in which an effect analyzed the SE Scale and HY stage distributions in our sample
size of 0.2 (0.2 of an SD) is small, 0.5 is moderate, and 0.8 is to assess whether they conformed to our clinical impressions.
large.7,10,18,21-26 On the SE Scale, clinicians assign scores based on descriptors
In anchor-based methods, the measures chosen as anchors that coincide with 10% increments on the scale; therefore, a
should be familiar to clinicians in the field, relevant, interpret- 10% change (10 points on the SE Scale) is clinically relevant.
able, and significantly correlated with the instrument being ex- Furthermore, the standard deviation on the SE Scale for our
plored.7,18 Three measures were used as anchors in this study: sample was 18.7 (Table 1). Therefore, our criterion for a 10%
(1) the SF-12,15 (2) the SE Scale,13 and (3) the HY stages.12 Pear- change is 0.53 SD (10 per 18.7) or approximately half of an
son correlations were performed, showing that the UPDRS total SD for every 10% change: a moderate CID based on the Cohen
and motor scores have moderate to large correlations with the effect size. On the HY stages, clinicians assign the 5 stages based
SE Scale (r=−0.64 to −0.78), HY stages (r=0.70 to 0.75), and on the clinical descriptions at each stage. Because PD is a gradu-



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Table 2. Cross-Sectional Analyses of Ratings on the UPDRS by Levels of Disability on the SE Scale

UPDRS Motor Score UPDRS Total Score

No. of Difference per Difference per

SE Subgroup Scores, % a Patients Mean (SD) [Range] 10% SE Change Mean (SD) [Range] 10% SE Change
100 (Completely 63 15.3 (8.2) [1-42] 19.9 (9.5) [7-53]
90 175 19.7 (8.1) [1-50] b 4.5 28.1 (9.3) [4-63] c 8.3
80 164 26.4 (9.1) [6-48] c 6.7 39.8 (10.9) [17-66] c 11.7
70 65 32.4 (12.1) [6-58] c 6.0 50.3 (14.6) [25-85] c 10.8
60 (Some dependency) 56 37.1 (10.4) [14-62] b 4.7 57.6 (13.6) [30-88] c 7.4
50 34 34.2 (14.4) [12-61] −2.9 59.4 (18.3) [24-87] 1.8
40 28 41.7 (12.6) [20-66] d 7.5 70.1 (13.8) [49-99] c 10.8
30 13 43.6 (18.1) [11-72] 1.9 73.0 (23.0) [31-112] 2.9
20 5 53.8 (10.3) [46-69] 10.2 89.0 (16.2) [73-107] d 16.0
10 (Bedridden) 4 60.0 (7.1) [51-68] 6.2 107.5 (7.2) [102-118] d 18.5

Abbreviations: SE, Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Scale; UPDRS, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.
a The regression coefficients (4.5 [0.22] for the motor score and 8.6 [0.27] for the total score) show the UPDRS score change for every level of change on the
SE Scale with level of significance. Level of significance is also indicated for post hoc t test comparisons between adjacent levels on the SE Scale. Differences
between regression coefficients were significant at P ⬍.001.
b P ⬍ .01.
c P ⬍ .001.
d P ⬍ .05 (trend).

ally progressive disorder, moving from one stage to another gen- motor scores ranged from a low of 15.3 (8.2) for the sub-
erally takes several years. Therefore, the HY stages are clini- jects reporting no disability (SE Scale, 100% [com-
cally relevant and represent a relatively large change in disease pletely independent]) to a high of 60.0 (7.1) for sub-
severity. The standard deviation on the HY stages for our sample jects rated as totally dependent (SE Scale, 10%
was 0.9 (Table 1). Therefore, a change of 1 stage on the HY
[bedridden]) (Table 2). Based on the HY stages, the mean
stages is equivalent to 1.1 SD (1 stage per 0.9 SD), or greater
than the large effect size (0.8) based on the Cohen effect size. UPDRS motor scores ranged from a low of 11.2 (4.9) for
subjects with unilateral parkinsonism (stage 1) to a high
of 54.4 (11.4) for subjects assessed as wheelchair bound
DATA ANALYSIS or bedridden (stage 5) (Table 3). Regression analysis
Because the HY stages and SE Scale are not normally distributed
showed the average difference on the UPDRS motor score
(and because the HY scale is not an interval or ratio scale but rather to be 4.5 points for a 10% change on the SE Scale and
an ordinal scale), general linear model analyses (using SAS sta- 10.8 points for a 1-stage change on the HY stages. On
tistical software, version 9.1; SAS Institute Inc, Cary, North Caro- the SF-12, 1 unit on the PH or the MH summary score
lina) were performed to calculate averaged groups for the UPDRS was equivalent to a change of 0.47 points on the UPDRS
total and motor scores by the SE and HY groups (analysis of vari- motor score. Therefore, a difference of 1 SD (defined as
ance model). Average differences between these group means were 10 units) was 4.7 points on the UPDRS motor score and
then calculated. Regression models (general linear model and or- half of a standard deviation was equivalent to 2.3 or 2.4
dinary least squares) were run to examine linear changes for the points (Table 4). The distribution-based analysis showed
UPDRS measures by differences on the SF-12 because the SF-12 that the minimal CID was 2.7 points, the moderate CID
is a normally distributed interval scale. We reported the regres-
sion weight change per specified unit on the SF-12 (eg, 5 units
was 6.7, and the large CID was 10.7 (Table 4). Based on
as a small change and 10 units as a moderate change). A separate a combination of the anchor- and distribution-based analy-
general linear model was run for every predictor (HY stages, SE ses (averaging across the results), 2.5 points is an appro-
Scale, and SF-12 PH and MH) on each outcome (UPDRS total priate estimate for the minimal CID, 5.2 points for the
and motor scores), resulting in 8 separate analyses. The critical moderate CID, and 10.8 points for the large CID (Table 4).
P value for interpretation was set to P⬍.01 to adjust for multiple
comparisons. Unless otherwise indicated, scores are expressed as UPDRS TOTAL SCORE
mean (SD).
The mean UPDRS total score (subscales I, II, and III) was
RESULTS 41.0 (20.5). Based on the SE Scale ratings, the mean
UPDRS total score ranged from a low of 19.9 (9.5) for
The study sample of 653 subjects with PD is described in subjects reporting no disability (SE Scale, 100%) to a high
Table 1. The sample was predominantly white, male, and of 107.5 (7.2) for subjects rated as bedridden (SE Scale,
married, with relatively high education and income. 10%) (Table 2). Based on the HY stages, the mean UPDRS
total score ranged from a low of 16.6 (6.6) for subjects
UPDRS MOTOR SCORE with unilateral parkinsonism (stage 1) to a high of 90.2
(25.0) for subjects assessed as wheelchair bound or bed-
The mean UPDRS motor score (subscale III) was 27.2 ridden (stage 5) (Table 3). Regression analysis showed
(13.4). Based on the SE Scale ratings, the mean UPDRS the average change on the UPDRS total score to be 8.6



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Table 3. Cross-Sectional Analyses of Ratings on the UPDRS by HY Stages

UPDRS Motor Score UPDRS Total Score

No. of ⌬ From ⌬ From

HY Stage a Patients Mean (SD) [Range] Previous Stage b Mean (SD) [Range] Previous Stage b
0-1.5 66 11.2 (4.9) [1-23] 16.6 (6.6) [7-36]
2 347 23.7 (9.3) [1-58] 12.5 35.5 (13.3) [4-87] 18.9
2.5 72 30.2 (10.5) [10-50] 6.5 45.3 (13.6) [17-75] 9.8
3 61 35.9 (9.3) [15-56] 5.8 54.7 (12.4) [33-86] 9.9
4 67 44.1 (12.7) [26-77] 8.2 69.1 (16.5) [29-106] 14.4
5 14 54.4 (11.4) [36-72] 10.3 90.2 (25.0) [64-118] 21.1

Abbreviations: ⌬, change; HY, Hoehn and Yahr Scale (“on” for patients whose stage fluctuated); UPDRS, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.
a The regression coefficients were 10.8 (0.44) for the UPDRS motor score and 17.8 (0.61) for the UPDRS total score.
b All increments are significantly different at P ⬍.001.

Table 4. Summary of Distribution- and Anchor-Based Analyses of the CID on the UPDRS Total and Motor Scores

CID, UPDRS Motor Score CID, UPDRS Total Score

Minimal Moderate Large Minimal Moderate Large

Distribution-based analysis 2.7 6.7 10.7 4.1 10.3 16.4
Anchor-based analysis
SF-12 PH 2.4 4.7 ... 4.2 8.5 ...
SF-12 MH 2.3 4.7 ... 4.5 9.1 ...
SE Scale ... 4.5 ... ... 8.6 ...
HY stages ... ... 10.8 ... ... 17.8
Mean of all analyses 2.5 5.2 10.8 4.3 9.1 17.1

Abbreviations: CID, clinically important difference; ellipses, not applicable. For other abbreviations, see Table 1.

points for a 10% change on the SE Scale and 17.8 points The minimal clinically important change on the UPDRS
for a 1-stage change on the HY stage. On the SF-12, 1 unit was previously studied in a sample of individuals with
on the PH summary score was equivalent to a change of early PD who participated in 2 clinical trials of dopa-
0.85 points on the UPDRS total score, and 1 unit on the mine agonist monotherapy.9 An anchor-based analysis
MH summary score was 0.91 points on the UPDRS total using the Clinical Global Impression of Improvement
score. Therefore, a change of 1 SD (defined as 10 units) found that the minimal clinically important change was
was 8.5 (PH) or 9.1 points (MH) on the UPDRS total score, 5 points on the UPDRS motor score and 8 points on the
and half of an SD was equivalent to 4.2 or 4.5 points, re- UPDRS total score.9 Our results show that the minimal
spectively (Table 4). The distribution-based analysis showed CID was smaller: 2.5 points on the UPDRS motor score
that the minimal CID was 4.1 points, the moderate CID and 4.5 points on the UPDRS total score. Because the CID
was 10.3 points, and the large CID was 16.4 points on the may vary at different stages of disease, this discrepancy
UPDRS total score (Table 4). Based on a combination of may indicate that the CID is larger in earlier PD. Samsa
the anchor- and distribution-based analyses, a change of et al7 questioned whether the initial decrement from per-
4.3 points is an appropriate estimate for the minimal CID, fect health to early symptoms may be more meaningful
9.1 points for the moderate CID, and 17.1 points for the than the impact of similar decrements in the middle part
large CID on the UPDRS total score (Table 4). of the scale. The discrepancies in the results between the
present and earlier studies underscore the importance of
COMMENT replicating these analyses in different sample popula-
tions and in longitudinal studies. There were several dif-
Concordance across a combination of distribution- and ferences between these 2 studies, including stage of dis-
anchor-based approaches for analysis of the CID dem- ease, the anchor chosen, and the clinical setting
onstrates that the moderate CID for the UPDRS motor (naturalistic vs clinical trial).
score is approximately 5 points and for the UPDRS total The presence of a larger CID in early PD is not sup-
score it is 9 points. Variability across sample popula- ported by our analysis of UPDRS ratings by 10% decre-
tions and clinical settings suggests that a range of CID ments on the SE Scale (Table 2). If this were the case,
values is likely to be more useful than a single esti- one would anticipate larger increments in the UPDRS rat-
mate.18,23 This study describes a range from minimal to ings between SE levels associated with earlier disability.
moderate to large CID, corresponding to about 2.5, 5, However, the largest increment in the UPDRS motor score
and 11 points for the UPDRS motor score and 4.5, 9, and was associated with the change in SE Scale ratings from
17 points for the UPDRS total score. 30% to 20% in advanced PD, corresponding to the change



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Table 5. Effect Sizes in Published Clinical Trials in PD a

Study Drug Source ⌬ UPDRS Motor Score ⌬ UPDRS Total Score

Selegiline hydrochloride PSG,35 1989 1.09 1.82
Pramipexole Guttman and International Pramipexole-Bromocriptine 6
Study Group,36 1997
Bromocriptine mesylate Guttman and International Pramipexole-Bromocriptine 3
Study Group,36 1997
Pramipexole Shannon et al,37 1997 4.7
Pramipexole PSG,34 1997 5.24
Ropinirole hydrochloride Rascol et al,38 1998 5.8
Levodopa Rascol et al,38 1998 8.4
Ropinirole Sethi et al,39 1998 5.7
Pramipexole PSG,40 2000 3.4 4.5
Levodopa PSG,40 2000 7.3 9.2
Rasagiline mesylate PSG,41 2002 4.2
Rasagiline PSG,42 2004 2.29
Levodopa, 150 mg/d Fahn et al,43 2004 5.9
Levodopa, 300 mg/d Fahn et al,43 2004 5.9
Levodopa, 600 mg/d Fahn et al,43 2004 9.2
Rasagiline PSG,44 2005 2.87

Abbreviations: ⌬, change; PD, Parkinson disease; PSG, Parkinson Study Group; UPDRS, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.
a Data are not comparable owing to differences in adjustment for placebo and study duration in the different clinical trials. Missing data reflect absence of data in
the publication.

in SE responses from “With effort, now and then does a ing) based on patient responses by history and subscale
few chores alone. . . . Much help needed” to “Nothing III (motor examination) based on clinical observation.
alone. Can be a slight help. . . . Severe invalid.” These The CID analysis was initially developed as a tool for pa-
larger UPDRS score increments associated with selected tient-reported outcomes, particularly quality-of-life mea-
levels of 10% change on the SE Scale may simply iden- sures,7 and more recently has been applied to a greater
tify SE Scale cut points that signal clinical distinctions diversity of measures, including physical performance
more clearly. A single aberration is seen between SE Scale measures.25,45
scores of 60% and 50%, where the UPDRS motor score Clinically important differences may vary across dis-
goes down rather than up. The reason is unclear and re- eases, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Therefore,
quires further investigation. these findings may not be applicable to patients who are
Clinical trials in PD have applied arbitrary defini- nonwhite, have lower socioeconomic status, or have
tions of responders such as improvement of 20%, 30%, other forms of parkinsonism. The CID in a cross-sec-
3 points, and 5 points on the UPDRS motor scale.31-34 Three tional sample is conceptually distinct from CID analysis
to 5 points on the UPDRS motor scale is precisely the in a longitudinal sample, although cross-sectional and
minimal to moderate CID range in this analysis. longitudinal analyses have yielded similar results in
Establishing the CID for a measure is particularly mean- previous studies.7 The predetermined estimates of
ingful when this magnitude of improvement can be real- minimal, moderate, and large CID for each of 3 anchors
istically achieved. In fact, the CID results in this study are may be subject to criticism as inaccurate representa-
consistent with effect sizes on the UPDRS found in recent tions of a clinically meaningful difference in PD. How-
clinical trials (Table 5). For example, in the Earlier vs Later ever, the results compare favorably with the calculated
Levodopa Therapy in Parkinson Disease study,43 in which values of CID based on accepted standard effect sizes21
3 dosages of levodopa were studied (150, 300, and 600 mg/ in the distribution-based analysis, and the ranges of
d), the change in UPDRS total score was 5.9 points for the computed values of CID based on each of the methods
low and moderate doses and 9.2 for the highest dose, cor- were in close agreement.
responding to the minimal to moderate CID in this study. The minimum CID was originally defined as “the small-
However, UPDRS score changes of 1 to 2 points for sele- est difference in score in the domain of interest which
giline hydrochloride35 and rasagiline mesylate42 were be- patients perceive as beneficial and which would man-
low the minimal CID. Although the effect sizes in differ- date, in the absence of troublesome side effects and ex-
ent trials described in Table 5 are not comparable owing cessive cost, a change in the patient’s management.”1 The
to differences in study duration and variable adjustment role of a CID in clinical decision making is highlighted
for placebo, the range of effect sizes (1.1-8.4 for the UPDRS in this definition, although there is controversy about
motor score and 1.8-9.2 for the UPDRS total score) are in whether the CID is more applicable to the interpreta-
the range of the CIDs found in this study. tion of group or individual differences.8,10,18,46 Indeed, as-
This study relied on a combination of patient- sessing the risk to benefit ratio may be more straightfor-
reported (SF-12) and clinician-reported (SE Scale and HY ward on the individual level, where the treatment response
stage) assessments. Similarly, the UPDRS has elements may need to be especially robust to compensate for
of patient and clinician assessment, with subscales I (men- troublesome adverse effects or financial limitations. A
tation, behavior, and mood) and II (activities of daily liv- range of CID values as demonstrated in this study (mini-



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