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Nutritional Control of Reproductive Status in Honeybees via DNA

R. Kucharski et al.
Science 319, 1827 (2008);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1153069

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clonal nature at the DNA level, workers and
Nutritional Control of Reproductive queens differ markedly in morphological and
physiological features and have contrasting re-
Status in Honeybees via productive capabilities, strikingly diverse life
spans, and very different behavioral repertoires. It

DNA Methylation is not understood, however, how differential nu-

trition is linked to gene expression and how
alterations in diet alter pathways that modify the
R. Kucharski,* J. Maleszka,* S. Foret, R. Maleszka† developmental trajectory of an organism.
Studies in mammals suggest that environmen-
Fertile queens and sterile workers are alternative forms of the adult female honeybee that tal stimuli such as diet can alter the epigenetic
develop from genetically identical larvae following differential feeding with royal jelly. We show state of the genome and affect gene expression by
that silencing the expression of DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3, a key driver of epigenetic global modifying DNA methylation and histone acetyl-
reprogramming, in newly hatched larvae led to a royal jelly–like effect on the larval developmental ation patterns (12, 13). In addition, strong epi-
trajectory; the majority of Dnmt3 small interfering RNA–treated individuals emerged as queens demiological data reveal that cardiovascular and
with fully developed ovaries. Our results suggest that DNA methylation in Apis is used for diabetes mortality in children can be influenced
storing epigenetic information, that the use of that information can be differentially altered by the nutritional status of their parents and
by nutritional input, and that the flexibility of epigenetic modifications underpins, profound shifts grandparents (14). In experimental mammalian
in developmental fates, with massive implications for reproductive and behavioral status. contexts such as the agouti mouse, a number of

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contrasting phenotypes, such as yellow and obese
any organisms respond to environmen- ductive and behavioral systems is critical to their or brown and slim, can be controlled by varying

M tal conditions by displaying phenotyp-

ic plasticity, that is, producing different
phenotypes from the same DNA genome (1, 2).
social organization and division of labor (3–6).
These differences are likely to arise at the most
basic level from differential somatic imprinting dur-
the mother’s diet before, during, and after preg-
nancy (15). Agouti gene expression can be si-
lenced by DNA methylation, and its quantities
In social insects, the production of contrasting ing development on the same genome. Honeybees are variable in genetically identical individuals
adult morphologies as well as different repro- (Apis mellifera) differentially feed genetically iden- because of epigenetic modifications established
tical female larvae to create mainly workers and, during early development (16). Differential ma-
Molecular Genetics and Evolution, ARC Centre for the Molecular when required, a few queens (7–11). Young nurse ternal behavior in the rat also alters the methyl-
Genetics of Development, Research School of Biological ation status of the promoter of the glucocorticoid
Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200,
bees in the hive produce and feed a largely bio-
Australia. chemically uncharacterized substance named receptor of her pups (17).
*These authors contributed equally to this work. royal jelly to larvae destined to become queens, Epigenetic regulation thus facilitates the integra-
†To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: whereas the other larvae are fed with less- tion of intrinsic signals and environmental signals sophisticated food (8–11). Despite their identical by using highly conserved enzymatic machinery

A B Control RNAi
120% hrs post-






23h 48h

Fig. 1. (A) Injections of Dnmt3 siRNA induce a significant down-regulation of

larval Dnmt3 mRNA levels at stage L3. Dnmt3 expression was measured in
pooled larvae with use of quantitative PCR as described previously and shown
relative to a reference gene encoding calmodulin as detailed previously [see
(21) for details]. (B) In situ hybridization showing the expression of Dnmt3
during L1 to L3 developmental stages. Red arrows indicate the position of the
CA. Only the larval heads are shown. The in situ hybridizations were conducted
on larvae from a different silencing experiment than the experiment for quan- L3 50
titative PCR. SCIENCE VOL 319 28 MARCH 2008 1827

that includes DNA cytosine-5-methyltransferases hatched L1 larvae and in embryos because this de Do these phenotypic effects correlate with
(Dnmts), histone deacetylases (HDAs), and methyl- novo methylase has been implicated in establish- methylation changes in larval DNA? Because
binding proteins (MBPs) (18). Although Dnmts ing DNA methylation patterns during development global methylation in the honeybee genome is
appear to be widely conserved in evolution, evi- (18, 20). Injections of Dnmt3 small interfering RNA low, we examined the methylation status of cy-
dence for a fully functional DNA methylation (siRNA) into newly hatched larvae were well tol- tosines in a single gene, dynactin p62, that we
system in insects has not been forthcoming. Re- erated and led to a transient but significant decrease had previously shown to be differentially meth-
cently, we reported that the honeybee has a full in the amount of Dnmt3 message, whereas this ylated during development [figure S3 in (19)].
complement of all three functional Dnmts with in treatment was lethal for embryos (21). Both quan- Dietary changes lead to differential expression
vivo properties similar to those of the CpG meth- titative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and of this gene in Drosophila, further underscoring
ylation system in vertebrates (19). Apis has two in situ hybridization show that the amount of its role in growth and feeding-related processes
orthologs of Dnmt1, one ortholog of Dnmt2, and Dnmt3 mRNA is lower in siRNA-treated larvae (23, 24).
one of Dnmt3 (19, 20). However, dipterans, such than in control individuals (Fig. 1), with the stron- As with all genes so far examined for CpG
as Drosophila and mosquitoes, lack some mem- gest silencing occurring 48 to 50 hours post- methylation in Apis, dynactin p62 is methylated
bers of this family and possess only a Dnmt2 injection, a time that coincides with the L2-to-L3 exclusively within the coding exonic sequences.
ortholog. The Apis genome also encodes con- larval transition, a critical “decision-making” period Within the exonic landscape, we chose exons 5,
served MBPs including components of the nucleo- in larval development (7–11). In contrast, injections 6, and 7 for bisulfite conversion because they con-
some remodeling and HDA complex. Because of a “nonlarval” gene, uth (22), had no detectable tain a total of 10 CpG dinucleotides (Fig. 3), a high
all three Dnmt enzymes are shared by humans effects on the amount of Dnmt3 mRNA. concentration compared with other genes we have
and honeybees but not by other commonly used This interference with Dnmt3 expression trig- examined. With this 0.5-kb bisulfite-converted and

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model invertebrates, such findings establish the gers profound developmental changes leading to PCR-amplified fragment, we first mapped differ-
honeybee as a model to not only study the func- contrasting adult outcomes (Fig. 2; see fig. S1 for ences in dynactin p62 methylation by using DNAs
tion of DNA methylation in invertebrates, but data from individual experiments). In the Dnmt3 isolated from hive-reared whole larvae (late L3)
also for examining any fundamental overlaps that siRNA-treated larvae, the majority of emerging destined to become either queens or workers. As
may help in understanding the nutritional basis of adults (72%) were queens with fully developed shown in Fig. 3A, there is a detectable decrease
epigenetic reprogramming in humans. Although ovaries, and the remaining 28% were typical work- in the overall amount of methylation of dynactin
the global methylation landscape of the Apis ge- ers with rudimentary ovaries (Fig. 2). In contrast, p62 in the queen larvae (48%) versus the worker
nome remains ill defined, several methylated genes in the larval group injected with a control gene larvae (58%), suggesting that the methylation state
have already been identified, revealing that CpG siRNA (uth), 77% of adults emerged as workers, of certain genes may correlate with the larva’s de-
methylation occurs preferentially within the cod- whereas the remaining 23% exhibited queenlike velopmental trajectory. However, because there
ing exons but not at the 5′ and 3′ regions of the morphological features. However, these queen- are virtually no cell divisions during larval growth
transcription units (19). like individuals had grossly underdeveloped ova- and larval tissues are both highly polypoid and
Accordingly, we examined how this highly ries with no more than 50 to 80 ovarioles per heterogeneous with regard to their ploidy level
conserved molecular machinery in Apis could be ovary compared with at least 120 to 190 ovari- (see examples in fig. S2), varying DNA dosages
used to elucidate the contrasting anatomical, oles in those queens emerging in the Dnmt3 at any locus introduces technical limitations on
physiological, and behavioral characteristics of siRNA experiment (Fig. 2). The ovaries of siRNA- methylation measurements in whole larvae.
honeybee castes that are brought about by dif- induced queens are practically indistinguishable Therefore, to better evaluate the effectiveness of
ferences in their early life environment. from the ovaries of a virgin queen reared in the Dnmt3 RNAi silencing, we used only DNAs
We used RNA interference (RNAi) technol- hive on pure royal jelly. Workers have only ru- extracted from larval heads (late L3). Although
ogy to silence the expression of Dnmt3 in newly dimentary ovaries with two to six ovarioles. the larval head contains several cell types (25),

Fig. 2. Effect of Dnmt3 silencing on 90

A Effect of Dnmt3 RNAi on larval development B Number of ovarioles per ovary
caste development in honeybees. New- Workers
80 180
ly emerged larvae were injected either Queens
with a nonlarval control gene, uth, siRNA 140
or with Dnmt3 siRNA and allowed to 120
develop until adulthood in a climate- 50
% 100
controlled incubator. In both groups, 40
the larvae developed normally, but the 30 Queen-likes 60
emerging adults displayed contrasting 20 40
phenotypes. (A) The number of adults 10 238 73 74 188 20
in each phenotypic category (workers, 0 0
queens, and queenlikes). (B) The num- Control RNAi Worker Queen-like Queen
ber of ovarioles per single ovary in each
phenotypic class. Range error bars en- C Dissected ovaries
compass the lowest and highest values.
(C) Examples of ovaries dissected from
each category and, for comparison, from
a virgin queen reared in the hive on royal
jelly. Queenlikes have queen morpholog-
ical features but fewer ovarioles per ovary
than queens [see (B)]. Workers have only
rudimentary ovaries with two to six ovar-
ioles. The figure is a compilation of four
independent experiments. See (21), table
S2, and fig. S1 for more details and re-
sults from individual experiments. Queen-like Queen Worker In hive reared queen

1828 28 MARCH 2008 VOL 319 SCIENCE

the tissues most relevant to developmental pro- but the overall amount of CpG methylation in Interestingly, individual CpG sites reveal
cesses are brain neurosecretory cells and corpora clones sequenced from both worker and queen greater differences between the castes than those
allata (CA), the gland producing juvenile hor- larval heads is significantly higher than those illustrated by the average methylation amounts
mone implicated in the control of development analyzed from the whole bodies. The heads of across the entire dynactin fragment. For CpG
and caste determination (7). The CA undergo worker larvae show 73% methylation across the sites 2 and 4, the decrease in cytosine methylation
several phases of endomitosis that lead to a high dynactin fragment compared with only 58% in between the control and siRNA-treated clones is
degree of its polyploidization in both queens and clones extracted from the workers’ whole bodies, more than 30%, and for CpG site 10 the
workers, but the rate of growth of the CA in and for the queen larvae the head clones show difference is 25% (Fig. 3C). These CpGs also
queens is significantly accelerated, and at the 63% methylation versus 48% in the whole bodies show more than the average differential methyl-
completion of larval development (L5) the queen (Fig. 3, A and B, right). This finding suggests ation in the heads of hive-reared larvae (Fig. 3B).
CA are twice the size of the worker CA (26). The that during larval development a high amount of This finding suggests that certain CpG sites
high amount of Dnmt3 expression in CA shown CpG methylation and/or demethylation is asso- might be preferentially methylated, but further
in Fig. 1B may well be indicative of a link be- ciated with selected tissues, most likely with studies are required to determine whether CpG
tween the gland’s function and its methylation those that undergo massive DNA replication, methylation in Apis is used for transcriptional
status. Furthermore, the highly polyploid nature such as cells of the CA and neurosecretory cells. silencing of individual genes or is part of a global
of the CA at stages L3 to L5 (fig. S2) must cor- The analysis of the Dnmt3 RNAi silencing mechanism controlling transcriptional domains
relate with massive DNA replication that pro- experiments in laboratory-reared larvae reveals a across the whole genome.
vides an opportunity for either adding or removing profile that is remarkably similar to that seen in To identify members of networks regulated
the methyl tags to target loci. the hive-reared individuals (Fig. 3C). The heads by methylation during larval growth and to gain

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The results shown in Fig. 3 are consistent of worker larvae in the control group (worker- some understanding of the epigenetic hierarchy
with this expectation. As illustrated in Fig. 3B, destined) show 79% methylation across the that leads to alternative developmental paths we
the 10% decrease in dynactin p62 methylation dynactin p62 fragment, whereas the clones ex- used the honeybee genomic oligonucleotide
in the heads of queen larvae is basically the tracted from the Dnmt3 siRNA-injected larvae microarray to compare global gene expression
same as the decrease found in the whole bodies, (queen-destined) show 63% methylation (Fig. 3C). between the control and Dnmt3-silenced lar-

A In hive reared larvae, (whole body) % n=16 n=16

p = 0.04
CpG 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 910 60

88 100

88 90

38 50

25 40
88 90
13 10
0 10

63 70

0 20

75 90

Worker larva: 58%


Queen larva: 48%


n=18 n=18
% p = 0.02
B In hive reared larvae (heads only)
CpG 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10
100 100

100 100

22 44
50 61
56 44
72 89
83 94
44 44
39 56

61 94

Worker larva: 73%

Queen larva: 63%


n=16 n=16

C Dnmt3 RNAi effect (in vitro reared larvae, heads) % p = 0.00026


CpG 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10 60

88 100

75 100

88 100
75 94

63 69

44 69
63 56
31 63

63 94

38 50

Control: 79%

RNAi: 63%
Control RNAi

Fig. 3. Methylation status of cytosines in CpG dinucleotides of dynactin p62. clones sequenced for each category is shown above the bars in the right-hand
The percentage of methylation for individual CpGs is shown in boxes, and the graphs. Methylation quantities along this gene were analyzed with a general
overall methylation in the right-hand graphs. DNA was isolated by using linear model of the binomial family (31) by using treatment (diet or RNAi) and
larvae collected (A and B) from the hive [for (A), pooled whole late-L3 larvae, position as factors to model the state of each CpG. The differences between
n = 7; for (B), heads only, n = 20 for workers and n = 14 for queen larvae] and queen larvae (QL) and worker larvae (WL) as well as the effect of RNAi are
(C) from pooled heads of late-L3 in vitro reared larvae (n = 7). The number of statistically significant. SCIENCE VOL 319 28 MARCH 2008 1829

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23. FlyAtlas,
is believed to be at the core of an ancient gene able insect system. Where appropriate, the rele-
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network that senses nutrient levels, and its in- vance of the honeybee findings to mammals can sites/entrez?db=geo&cmd=search&term=FBgn0033206
volvement in honeybee queen development has be evaluated to determine the level of data trans- 25. J. A. Nelson, The Embryology of the Honeybee
already been considered (7, 28). We also ex- ferability, especially in the context of nutritional (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 1915).
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1. M. West-Eberhard, Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 20, 249 beekeeping and excellent technical assistance. This work
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The Flavivirus Precursor They have a positive-sense, 11-kb RNA genome

that is packaged together with multiple copies of
the capsid protein within a lipid envelope (2). The
Membrane-Envelope Protein Complex: genome is translated as a polyprotein that has the
capsid protein, the precursor membrane glyco-
Structure and Maturation protein (prM), and the envelope glycoprotein (E)
in its N-terminal region (Fig. 1A). The polyprotein
Long Li, Shee-Mei Lok, I-Mei Yu, Ying Zhang, Richard J. Kuhn, Jue Chen, Michael G. Rossmann* is cleaved into component proteins by viral and
cellular proteases (2). Partially assembled flavivi-
Many viruses go through a maturation step in the final stages of assembly before being transmitted to rus nucleocapsids bud from the endoplasmic retic-
another host. The maturation process of flaviviruses is directed by the proteolytic cleavage of the ulum, thereby becoming enveloped with a lipid
precursor membrane protein (prM), turning inert virus into infectious particles. We have determined membrane that carries with it the E and prM
the 2.2 angstrom resolution crystal structure of a recombinant protein in which the dengue virus prM glycoproteins (2). These immature particles are
is linked to the envelope glycoprotein E. The structure represents the prM-E heterodimer and fits well transported through the cellular secretory pathway,
into the cryo–electron microscopy density of immature virus at neutral pH. The pr peptide b-barrel where the cellular furin protease cleaves prM,
structure covers the fusion loop in E, preventing fusion with host cell membranes. The structure eventually resulting in the release of the pr peptide
provides a basis for identifying the stages of its pH-directed conformational metamorphosis during and formation of mature virions (3, 4).
maturation, ending with release of pr when budding from the host. The dengue virus prM glycoprotein consists
of 166 amino acids. Cleavage by furin releases
any viruses, including flaviviruses (1), while preparing virions for rapid fusion with,

M undergo a maturation step immediate-

ly before their release from the host;
the evident purpose of this step is to maintain
and entry into, a cell. Flaviviruses within the
Flaviviridae family are major human pathogens
that include dengue virus, West Nile virus, yel-
Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN 47907, USA.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
stability for the hazardous transfer to a new host low fever virus, and Japanese encephalitis virus.

1830 28 MARCH 2008 VOL 319 SCIENCE

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