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Oecologia (2005) 144: 353–361

DOI 10.1007/s00442-005-0076-6


Carol L. Boggs Æ Kimberly D. Freeman

Larval food limitation in butterflies: effects on adult resource

allocation and fitness

Received: 2 September 2004 / Accepted: 28 February 2005 / Published online: 11 May 2005
 Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Allocation of larval food resources affects adult larval dietary restriction on survival, whereas fecundity
morphology and fitness in holometabolous insects. Here is affected by adult dietary restriction, a pattern remi-
we explore the effects on adult morphology and female niscent of a survival/reproduction trade-off, but across a
fitness of larval semi-starvation in the butterfly Speyeria developmental boundary. The data, in combination with
mormonia. Using a split-brood design, food intake was previous work, thus provide a picture of the intra-spe-
reduced by approximately half during the last half of the cific response of a suite of traits to ecological stress.
last larval instar. Body mass and forewing length of
resulting adults were smaller than those of control ani- Keywords Fecundity Æ Nymphalidae Æ Stress Æ
mals. Feeding treatment significantly altered the allo- Survival Æ Trade-offs
metric relationship between mass and wing length for
females but not males, such that body mass increased
more steeply with wing length in stressed insects as
compared to control insects. This may result in changes Introduction
in female flight performance and cost. With regard to
adult life history traits, male feeding treatment or mating In holometabolous insects, adult morphology and fitness
number had no effect on female fecundity or survival, in are influenced by the availability and allocation of re-
agreement with expectations for this species. Potential sources from larval and adult feeding. Larval feeding
fecundity decreased with decreasing body mass and first supports growth of the larval insect. At some point,
relative fat content, but there was no independent effect growth stops, and accumulated larval nutrients are
of larval feeding treatment. Realized fecundity decreased allocated during metamorphosis into the adult body
with decreasing adult survival, and was not affected by plan. The resulting adult individual has a given body size
body mass or larval feeding treatment. Adult survival and given allometric relations among various body
was lower in insects subjected to larval semi-starvation, parts, such as wings, flight muscles, ovaries, and so on.
with no effect of body mass. In contrast, previous lab- Additionally, some nutrients may be allocated to
oratory studies on adult nectar restriction showed that ‘‘storage‘’, in the form of lipid or storage proteins for
adult survival was not affected by such stress, whereas example. The adult insect itself may feed (although not
fecundity was reduced in direct 11 proportion to the all species do). The combination of incoming adult
reduction of adult food. We thus see a direct impact of nutrients (‘‘income’’) and stored larval nutrients (‘‘cap-
ital reserves’’) is then used in specific proportions to
Communicated by Jay Rosenheim support the adult functions of reproduction, survival,
and dispersal.
C. L. Boggs (&) Æ K. D. Freeman Variation in the quality or quantity of larval or adult
Center for Conservation Biology, Department of Biological food can result in alterations to the normal pattern of
Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5020, USA
E-mail: allocation. We can thus vary the larval or adult diets to
Fax: +1-650-7235920 gain insight into the organization of allocation, by
examining the resulting changes in life history and/or
C. L. Boggs (&) Æ K. D. Freeman
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Crested Butte, morphological traits. Some changes in quality or quan-
CO 81224, USA tity of food may have severe impacts on life history
Present address: K. D. Freeman
traits, particularly if larval and adult diets provide dif-
Department of Emergency Medicine, UCSF Fresno, Fresno, ferent nutrients (e.g., Boggs and Ross 1993; O’Brien
CA 93702, USA et al. 2005). In contrast, other changes in quality or

quantity of food may have little or no effect. This would essential amino acids (O’Brien et al. 2002; O’Brien et al.
occur, for example, if temporary decreases in adult food 2004, 2005).
availability are buffered by increased usage of larval Given the above information, we outline several
reserves (with later compensatory feeding by adults), or predictions and questions concerning the effects of larval
if nutrients provided to the female by males at mating nutrient deprivation on adult morphology and fitness. In
can compensate for decreased availability of female keeping with results on other species, we first expect that
reproductive stores from larval feeding. Thus, under- adults resulting from a larval nutrient stress treatment
standing the effects of resource variation can aid in would have smaller body mass than those fed an unre-
predicting the extent to which a species’ life history traits stricted diet. Second, we expect that those smaller adults
are buffered against environmental variation, with con- would have a lower reproductive success, based solely on
sequent buffering of fitness and population dynamics their smaller size. Third, we expect that the allometric
(Boggs 2003). relationship between wing length and body mass may
The allocation fate of larval resources during meta- change, reflecting either attempts to conserve repro-
morphosis is particularly critical to the insect’s fitness, ductive potential, or possible changes in wing loading
since it both determines adult morphology and con- and ability to disperse out of a ‘‘bad’’ or deteriorating
tributes to adult life history traits, and thence fitness as environment (e.g., Fric and Konvicka 2002). Addition-
outlined above. Such allocation results in integrated ally, we ask two new questions. First, is there an addi-
suites of specific adult morphological, life history, and tional effect of larval nutrient stress treatment on
foraging traits. These have been documented among reproduction, beyond that accounted for by body mass?
species for Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera (Boggs 1981; This would occur if stress were accompanied by allo-
Boggs 1986; Karlsson and Wickman 1989; Rivero et al. metric changes in allocation affecting the relationship
2001). Increased allocation of larval resources to body between mass and fat reserves or oocyte numbers, for
(as opposed to reproduction) is associated with quali- example. Second, is adult survival affected by larval
tatively and quantitatively richer adult diets, increased nutrient stress treatment, either due to changes in body
survival, an increasing reliance on adult food for mass, or treatment effects independent of body mass?
reproduction and a more drawn out age-specific fecun- This could occur for example if there were changes in the
dity pattern. relative proportion of nutrients allocated to body
However, such adult trait suites reflecting trade-offs building and somatic maintenance relative to other
associated with larval resource allocation have not been functions. These data give us a more complete picture of
studied intra-specifically to the same extent. Our the within-species response of allocation to variation in
understanding is more or less limited to the observation the larval and adult food environments, on which to
that a reduction in larval food quality or quantity gen- build a theory of allocation trade-offs.
erally results in reduced adult body size and fat content
with consequent negative effects on fecundity (e.g.,
Scriber and Slansky 1981; Fischer and Fiedler 2001; Materials and methods
Ernsting et al. 1992; Awmack and Leather 2002), or on
male reproductive success (e.g., Carroll 1994; Delisle and Speyeria mormonia is a univoltine butterfly found in
Hardy 1997). While extremely useful, this information montane-zone meadows in North America. Adults feed
does not yet provide insight into the organization of primarily on nectar from Compositae, and males and
allocation as a whole within any one holometabolous older females feed at mud puddles, dung, and carrion
organism, or the integrated suites of adult life history (Boggs and Jackson 1991; Sculley and Boggs 1996;
and morphological traits that result. Boggs and Dau 2004). Larvae feed on Viola spp., after
Here we document the effects of larval food restric- diapausing over the winter as unfed first instars.
tion in a butterfly, Speyeria mormonia Edwards (Lepi- Larvae used in this study were the offspring of 25
doptera: Nymphalidae) on resulting adult morphology females. Those females were caught in August 1995 from
and fitness parameters. As context, we already have a population near the Rocky Mountain Biological
considerable information concerning the effects of adult Laboratory, Gothic, Gunnison County, CO, USA.
food restriction on reproduction and survival in this Larvae were transported to Stanford University, where
species. Reproduction declines linearly with reductions they were maintained in diapause for 4 months, until
in adult nectar intake, with oocytes resorbed and their December 1995. Larvae were then initially started in
nutrients re-allocated (Boggs and Ross 1993). Adult groups of 36–50 individuals of the same family, placed in
survival is unaffected by adult nectar deprivation (down net sleeves on potted V. soraria in a greenhouse at 27C
to 33% of ad libitum feeding). The observed effect on day: 21C night, with a 15:9 light:dark cycle. As larvae
reproduction is reinforced by radiotracer and stable became larger, they were split into smaller groups, down
isotope studies showing that 80% of egg carbon is de- to 5–10 larvae by mid-last larval instar.
rived from adult nectar feeding (Boggs 1997; O’Brien Larvae were allowed ad libitum access to V. soraria
et al. 2004), even including synthesis of egg non-essential leaves until the middle of the last larval instar. As indi-
amino acids from nectar carbon (O’Brien et al. 2005). viduals reached that development point, larvae from
Most of the larval carbon in eggs is in the form of each family were arbitrarily split into two feeding

treatments, one of which continued with ad libitum ac- were allowed to mate two times, with 2–5 days between
cess (‘‘fed’’ treatment), and the other of which had two the first and second mating. For all individuals, family
medium sized leaves per five larvae per day (‘‘semi- number, mate’s family number, and dates of emergence
starved’’ treatment). In practice, larvae in the semi- and mating were recorded. 19 semi-starved females from
starved treatment received roughly half the amount of 14 families (median family size 1, range 1–3) were mated
food consumed by larvae in the fed treatment. Given and used in the analysis of treatment effects on lifespan
exponential larval growth, a large fraction of the nutri- and fecundity, along with 34 fed females from 15 fami-
ents from larval feeding are obtained in the last instar lies (median family size 2, range 1–4).
(Scriber and Slansky 1981). Mated females were kept in cages constructed from
Larvae spent 4–7 days in the semi-starved vs. fed glass Coleman lantern tops in the manner of Boggs and
treatment. Since larvae were reared in groups, it was not Ross (1993). Eggs were counted and collected daily.
possible to track individual development times reliably. Adult female lifespan was recorded to the nearest day.
Variation in treatment time was due in part to differ- We dissected 66 newly emerged females (25 from 15
ences in the exact point within the last instar at which semi-starved families, median family size 1, range 1–5;
larvae entered the treatment, which should be random and 41 from 19 fed families, median family size 2, range
with respect to treatment. Additionally, it is possible 1–7) and 28 of the mated females upon death, and
that larvae from the ‘‘semi-starved’’ treatment took counted the number of eggs in the ovaries. We calculated
longer to pupation than those in the ‘‘fed’’ treatment the potential fecundity of each female as the sum of the
(e.g., Fischer and Fiedler 2001). number of eggs laid (if any) and the number of oocytes.
We measured the mass of each adult butterfly to the Potential fecundity at death in mated females reflects
nearest 0.1 mg in the afternoon of the day of adult any egg resorption, which occurs under adult nutrient
eclosion. We measured the length of each forewing to stress (Boggs and Ross 1993). In addition, we qualita-
the nearest 0.01 cm; winglength is recorded as the larger tively scored the fat stored in the abdominal cavity on a
of the two wings. Sample sizes for these measurements scale of 0–2; 0=no fat reserves, 1=some fat reserves,
for females were 67 individuals in the semi-starved and 2=abundant fat reserves. Fat was thus measured
treatment (21 families, median family size 3, range 1–8) relative to body cavity size.
and 91 individuals in the fed treatment (21 families, Analysis of variance or covariance using proc GLM
median family size 4, range 1–11). Sample sizes for males in Systat10 was used to evaluate effects of larval feeding
were 121 individuals in the semi-starved treatment (25 treatment on adult morphological and life history traits.
families, median family size 4, range 1–16) and 145 Female body mass was natural log transformed for these
individuals in the fed treatment (24 families, median analyses. While ‘‘family’’ was included in the statistical
family size 5, range 3–13). tests as appropriate, we did not use it to explore heri-
Adults used in the study of life history parameters tability or gene · environment interactions, since family
were fed ad libitum on a 1:3 v:v honey:water solution sizes were small and ‘‘family’’ includes both common
twice a day. Males were allowed to mature for several larval rearing environment and genetic components.
days before being mated. Females were either frozen for Rather, we used family to simultaneously control
dissection or mated on the day of adult emergence. All genetics and pre-last instar feeding experience. Allo-
matings were outcrosses. Both ‘‘fed’’ and ‘‘semi-starved’’ metric relationships are usually defined by a power
females were mated to ‘‘fed’’ males, to assess the effect function (y=axb). In this case we determined the slope,
on female fitness of female larval treatment. Addition- b, for body mass on wing length using the natural log
ally, ‘‘fed’’ females were mated to both ‘‘fed’’ and ‘‘semi- form of the equation (ln y=ln a + b ln x). After testing
starved’’ males, to assess the effect of male larval for homogeneity of residual variances using an F test, we
treatment. All females were mated only once, as is tested for the significant differences between regression
generally the case in the field (Boggs 1986). Some males slopes, again with an F test.

Table 1 Adult morphological traits. See methods for details of ‘‘semi-starved’’ versus ‘‘fed’’ larval treatments


Semi-starved Fed F df P

Body mass (mg) 93.3±17.7 (121) 118.4±19.8 (142) 130.6 1,236 <0.001
Forewing length (cm) 2.28±0.14 (121) 2.44±0.18 (145) 64.4 1,239 <0.001
Body mass (mg) 106.8±24.0 (66) 150.5±21.2 (91 176.4 1,133 <0.001
Forewing length (cm) 2.35±0.15 (67) 2.58±0.21 (91) 52.6 1,134 <0.001

Values are untransformed means ± SD (n). ANOVA included family and larval treatment as category variables and mass was ln-
transformed for the ANOVA

treatment (ln body mass: F1,392=12.55, P<0.001; wing

Results length: F1,396=5.18, P=0.02).
Males and females of both treatments showed strong
Adult morphological traits allometric relationships between forewing length and
body mass (Fig. 1, Table 2). Given that wing length is a
Body mass and forewing length were significantly smaller linear metric and body mass estimates volume, an iso-
in semi-starved individuals than in those fed ad libitum as metric relationship would yield a slope of 3.0. All sexes
last instar larvae, for both males and females tested and treatments showed slopes less than 3.0, indicating
separately using an ANOVA including treatment and lighter bodies than expected for a given wing length
family as independent variables (Table 1). Family had a (Table 2).
significant effect independent of larval treatment on ln Within a sex, residual variances were homogeneous
body mass (males: F25,236=2.32, P<0.001; females: (females: F63,87=1.12, n.s.; males: F119,140=1.24, n.s.),
F22,133=2.51, P<0.001), and on wing length in males allowing tests for differences in slopes of the allometric
(F25,239=1.62, P=0.04) but not females (F22,133=1.05, relationships. For females, individuals semi-starved as
P=0.41). last instar larvae had significantly higher slopes than
Additionally, for both mass and wing length, sexual those fed ad libitum, indicating body mass decreased
dimorphism was smaller in semi-starved than in fed more rapidly with wing length in semi-starved females
individuals. There was a sex · treatment interaction ef- (Table 2, Fig. 1). Males showed a similar, but non-sig-
fect when both sexes were considered together using an nificant trend (Table 2, Fig. 1).
ANOVA including sex, treatment, family and sex ·

Adult female life history traits

Neither male larval feeding treatment nor male mating

number had a significant effect on female lifespan,
realized fecundity, or potential fecundity (Table 3).
Likewise, family did not have a significant effect on fe-
male life history traits (lifespan: F20,32=1.62, P=0.11;
realized fecundity: F20,32=0.91, P=0.58; potential
fecundity of mated and virgin females combined:
F21,77=0.44, P=0.98, of mated females: F14,13= 1.26,
P=0.34, or of virgin females: F19,50=0.39, P=0.99).
These factors are therefore not included in the analysis
Female lifespan was significantly greater for individ-
uals fed ad libitum as larvae vs. semi-starved in the last
instar, independent of adult body mass (Fig. 2). Body
mass itself had no significant effect on lifespan.
Female realized fecundity increased with lifespan
(Table 4, Fig. 3). Neither body mass nor female larval
treatment had a significant effect on realized fecundity,
independent of lifespan (Table 4).
Potential fecundity was measured as the sum of
realized fecundity and oocytes remaining in the ovaries
for mated females, and as oocytes in the ovaries for
newly emerged females. Mated females had a signifi-
cantly higher potential fecundity than did newly
emerged females (least squares means ± SE from an
ANCOVA with mating status, ln body mass and female
larval treatment: mated females: 347 ± 20 (n=28);
newly emerged females: 296 ± 14 (n=66); F1,90=4.56,
P=0.04). Since this species emerges with a full comple-
ment of oocytes (Boggs and Ross 1993), this difference
most likely represents detection/ counting error for the
Fig. 1 Allometric relationship between body mass and forewing smallest oocytes.
length for a male and b female Speyeria mormonia butterflies that Potential fecundity increased with body mass
were semi-starved (open circle) or fed (open triangle). Regression
lines are body mass = a(winglength)b, with a and b derived from
(F1,90=3.89, P=0.05; regression: fecundity= 787 +
the natural log form of the equation. Slopes and significance tests 217·ln body mass, r2=0.23), but female larval feeding
are given in Table 2 treatment had no effect (F1,90=2.28, P=0.13) when

Table 2 Allometric relationship between body mass and forewing length by sex and treatment, calculated using ln (body mass)=ln a + b ·
ln(forewing length)

Slope 95% CI F df P

Semi-starved 1.21 0.75–1.67 26.7 1,119 <<0.001
Fed 0.95 0.63–1.27 34.4 1,140 <<0.001
Semi-starved 2.20 1.69–2.71 73.4 1,63 <<0.001
Fed 0.65 0.35–0.95 18.3 1,87 <<0.001

F, df, and P are values for the regression within sex and treatment. Slopes differed among treatments within females (F1,150=27.91,
P<0.001), but not males (F1,259=0.86, n.s.)

Table 3 Effect of male larval feeding treatment and male mating number on life history traits of their female mates, using an ANOVA
with male treatment and mating number

Male larval treatment Male mating number

F df P F df P

Female lifespan 0.04 1,48 0.83 0.05 1,48 0.83

Female realized fecundity 0.23 1,48 0.64 0.16 1,48 0.69
Female potential fecundity 0.54 1,24 0.47 0.17 1,24 0.68

newly emerged and mated females were considered and fat content of the abdomen, whereas female larval
together. Considering only newly emerged females, feeding treatment did not have a significant effect on
potential fecundity increased with each of body mass potential fecundity (Table 5, Fig. 4). The interaction
term treatment x ln body mass was also insignificant
when included in the ANCOVA.
Thus, larval feeding treatment directly affects only
adult female lifespan and does not directly affect
fecundity. Larval semi-starvation only indirectly reduces
potential fecundity through a reduction in adult female
body mass (Fig. 5) and only indirectly reduces realized
fecundity through a reduction in adult lifespan. There is
no effect of treatment on potential fecundity indepen-
dent of body mass, or on realized fecundity independent
of lifespan.
For virgin females, fat score was greater in those in
the fed than in semi-starved treatment (least squares
means ± SE from an ANCOVA with treatment and
body mass: fed: 1.89 ± 0.06; semi-starved: 1.54 ± 0.09;
F1,63=6.94, P=0.01). Additionally, fat score increased
with body mass (F1,63=4.15, P=0.04). This indicates
that fat storage was greater in larger females indepen-
dent of larval treatment, even though the fat was scored
relative to body cavity size.

Fig. 2 Effect of larval feeding treatment on female adult lifespan.
Bars represent SW. ANCOVA: larval feeding treatment: Adult morphological traits
F1,50=6.77, P=0.01; ln body mass: F1,50=0.94, P=0.34
As expected, body mass and wing length were smaller in
Table 4 Effect on realized fecundity of female traits, using an
ANCOVA semi-starved individuals of both sexes. However, female
somatic allocation shifted in response to a deteriorating
Source F df P last larval instar food environment, with body mass of
semi-starved individuals increasing more steeply with
ln body mass 0.16 1,49 0.70 wing length compared to well-fed individuals. This could
Larval treatment 0.001 1,49 0.97
Lifespan 36.74 1,49 <<0.001 result in changes in flight capability and metabolism,
depending on effects of larval nutrient stress on other

Fig. 3 Effect of female adult lifespan on realized fecundity.

Fecundity= 100.85 + 16.95 (lifespan); F1,51= 44.6, P<<0.001;

aspects of wing morphology (e.g., Kingsolver 1999) and

on the relative allocation of mass between abdomen and
thorax (e.g., Dudley and Srygley 1994; Dudley 2000; Fig. 4 Effect of fat score on potential fecundity of newly eclosed
Berwaerts et al. 2002). adult females. Bars represent SE. Fat score 1=some fat in the
Allometric relationships between body mass and wing abdomen; Fat score 2=much fat in the abdomen
length in field-caught insects will be influenced by vari-
ation in their larval diet, as well as by increased mea-
surement error for body mass due to variation in the noctuid moths subjected to differing durations of larval
exact age at which mass is measured. Thus, we would starvation. Likewise, Wissinger et al. (2004) found a
expect field regression slopes to be intermediate between consistent allometric relationship among body parts
fed and semi-stressed greenhouse animals. For summer within a sex for individuals fed reduced, ambient, or
1995 females in the field, the generation immediately enhanced diets in a caddisfly, Asynarchus nigriculus
previous to the animals used in the greenhouse experi- (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae), although overall body size
ment, the slope was 1.84 (95% confidence limits: 1.28– changed with diet. Unlike S. mormonia, A. nigriculus
2.41; F1,91=42.48, P<0.001) (CLB, unpublished data). occur in ephemeral habitats (temporary wetlands),
Changes in allometry between female body mass and which may influence the consistency under larval food
wing length are consistent with experimental results of stress of allometric relationships among body parts in-
Nijhout and Emlen (1998), who showed that allometric volved in flight.
relations between various body parts could be altered
through resource competition during development.
Nonetheless, as for males here, changes in larval diet are Adult life history traits
not always accompanied by changes in allometry be-
tween body mass and wing parameters in other species. Female potential fecundity decreased with decreasing
For example, Angelo and Slansky (1984) found signifi- body mass and fat content, but with no effect of larval
cant consistent allometric relationships between adult feeding treatment per se, independent of body mass. In
wet body mass and wing area for each of four species of contrast, female adult survival decreased in the semi-
starved treatment, but with no effect of body mass.
These results stand in sharp contrast to the effect of
Table 5 Effect of female traits on potential fecundity in newly
eclosed adult females, using an ANCOVA (a) with larval treatment reducing adult food availability: in that case, dietary
and (b) without larval treatment treatment affected fecundity, but not survival (Fig. 5)
(Boggs and Ross 1993).
Source F df P Combining the results of larval dietary restriction (the
With larval treatment
present study) with that of adult dietary restriction (Boggs
ln body mass 2.68 1,62 0.11 and Ross 1993), we can draw some conclusions regarding
Larval treatment 0.23 1,62 0.63 allocation to reproduction and survival in a holometab-
Fat score 8.39 1,62 0.005 olous insect with a nectivorous adult stage. With regard to
Without larval treatment reproduction, these results suggest that the total amount
ln body mass 6.73 1,63 0.01
Fat score 10.45 1,63 0.002 of larval reserves in combination with the amount of
nectar available in the adult stage determines reproductive

dale et al. 1996; Harshman et al. 1999). Thus, at a

minimum, no increase in adult longevity would be ex-
pected if larval-derived stores are impacted by larval
dietary restriction.
Number of previous matings by a male or male larval
dietary treatment had no effect on female fecundity or
Fig. 5 Summary of effects of feeding regime on life history traits in survival. Such an effect could occur, since females ab-
female S. mormonia based on the present study and Boggs and sorb compounds from the spermatophore passed by the
Ross (1993)
male to the female at mating (e.g., Boggs and Gilbert
1979; Boggs 1995). However, the extent to which male-
potential. In general, a small adult has the reproductive donated nutrients are used by the female should depend
potential of any other similarly small adult, regardless of on the opportunity for use of such nutrients, including
why it became small. That is, there appear to be no timing of egg maturation relative to the male donation,
changes in allocation of larval resources that dispropor- the female’s adult diet, and the degree to which the
tionately affect reproduction as a result of larval semi- spermatophore is absorbed (Boggs 1990). S. mormonia
starvation per se, given that we did not observe a larval emerge with no eggs mature, and feed on nectar as an
treatment effect independent of body mass. In contrast, adult, giving ample opportunity for use of male-donated
survival is influenced not by body size or adult food in- nutrients in egg manufacture. Thus, for S. mormonia,
take, but rather by whether the individual was semi- compounds donated by males are either not sufficient or
starved during the larval stage. This suggests that there not the right compounds to make up for effects of female
may be something related to the timing of resource larval semi-starvation on fecundity and survival. Thus,
acquisition that causes larval semi-starvation to play a males do not help buffer females’ fitness against varia-
major role in adult survival. As one possibility, survival tion in the larval nutritional environment in this species.
effects could be connected to changes in allometry among Other species show mixed effects of the male larval
adult body parts noted above, and related to timing of food environment or mating history on female repro-
developmental pathways involved in production of the duction, as would be expected if the role of male
adult body. donations varies among species. For example, in
Taken as a whole, the effects of larval and adult food Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), fe-
restriction are reminiscent of a survival/ reproduction male fecundity was affected by the plant species fed on
trade-off, but one that is dependent on resource alloca- by their male mate and by whether the mating was the
tion patterns across a developmental life-stage bound- first or second by the male (Delisle and Bouchard 1995).
ary. That is, larval food restriction results in the Likewise, female likelihood of re-mating was higher in
maintenance of reproductive potential at the cost of C. fumiferana for females mated to males with a poor
survival, while adult food restriction has the opposite quality diet but fed the same plant species (Delisle and
effect. Hardy 1997), although female fecundity and survival
The experimental design used here simulates either were unaffected by male dietary treatment for those
restriction of food availability or time available for females that did not re-mate. In contrast, male body size
feeding in the larval stage. Other workers have explored (presumably affected by both genetics and environment)
effects of larval food quality, usually testing the effects of and previous number of matings had no effect on female
different larval host plants. For example, Leather et al. fecundity or survival in Zeiraphera canadensis (Lepi-
(1998) showed in Panolis flammea (Noctuidae) that doptera: Tortricidae) (Carroll 1994).
females reared on a native host plant had higher adult The inability of male S. mormonia to buffer the effects
survival than those reared on either of two introduced on fecundity of female larval semi-starvation, combined
host plants from different provenances; male survival with the decrease in sexual dimorphism in body mass,
was unaffected by larval host plant. Consistent with our is not consistent with the hypothesis of Leimar et al.
results, female realized fecundity was determined by (1994) that sexual dimorphism in body mass should
lifespan, rather than by larval host plant. increase (with females maintaining mass to a greater
Our results showing decreased adult longevity in the extent than males) in the face of low quality larval host
face of larval dietary restriction are, on the surface, plants for monandrous species in which male nutrient
contrary to the widespread phenomenon within animals donations do not play a major role in female reproduc-
that dietary restriction results in increased longevity tion (see also Gwynne 2004). This hypothesis was sup-
(c.f., Houthoofd et al. 2002). However, longevity is ported by tests of changes in sexual dimorphism in body
generally measured in the life stage that is subject to or abdomen mass in both Pieris napi (Pieridae), (a poly-
dietary restriction; our results are across life stages. androus species, with a large effect of male nutrient
Additionally, selection experiments for food stress donations on female fitness) (Leimar et al. 1994) and
resistance in Drosophila showed that developmental Pararge aegeria (a monandrous species with small male
times are increased, allowing accumulation of greater nutrient donations) (Karlsson et al. 1997). S. mormonia is
mass from larval feeding and greater lipid stores, which very similar to P. aegeria, both in having a low number of
can buffer adult food stress in selected lines (Chippen- matings by females ( 1.04 and 1.03 for P. aegeria and

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