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Name: Klenn Mae P.

Orteza Date submitted: March 5, 2022

Section:MT2-01 Score:___________________


I. Fill in the blanks:


1. Adrenaline adrenal 11. Stress causes a rise in

blood pressure, heart
rate, and metabolism.

2. Aldosterone adrenal 12. Controls the salt and

water balance in the

3. Cortisol adrenal 13. Plays a role in stress


4. Dehydroepiandrosterone 14. adrenal aids in production of body

sulfate (DHEA) odor and growth of body
hair during puberty

5. Estrogen 15 ovary works to regulate

menstrual cycle, maintain
pregnancy, and develop
female sex characteristics;
aids in sperm production

6. Follicle stimulating pituitary 16. regulates the sperm

hormone (FSH) and egg production

7. Glucagon pancreas 17. helps increase blood

glucose levels

8. Insulin pancreas 18. aids in the reduction

of blood glucose levels

9. Luteinizing hormone 19. pituitary controls estrogen and

(LH) testosterone production
as well as ovulation
10. Melatonin 20. pineal controls sleep and wake

11. Oxytocin pituitary 21. helps in lactation,

childbirth, and mother-
child bonding

12. Parathyroid hormone parathyroid 22. Calcium levels in

bones and blood are

13. Progesterone ovary 23. When an egg is

fertilized, it helps to
prepare the body for

14. Prolactin pituitary Promotes breast milk


15. Testosterone 24. Ovary, testes, adrenal contributes to sex drive

and body density in males
and females as well as
development of male sex

16. Thyroid hormone thyroid 25. Aid in the regulation

of various bodily
functions, including
metabolism and energy


26-30 Give the function of Male reproductive system in the body

- The male reproductive system is controlled by three hormones: testosterone,
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH).The pituitary
gland, which is positioned at the base of the brain, produces both LH and FSH.
FSH is necessary for sperm formation (spermatogenesis), whereas LH stimulates
testosterone production in the testicles. Many masculine characteristics, such as
muscle strength and mass, bone mass, fat distribution, and sex desire, are
influenced by testosterone.
31-40 Give the function of female reproductive system in the body
- It produces ova, which are egg cells that are necessary for reproduction. The
system is set up to convey the ova to the fertilization area. Along with the
sperm, the egg fertilization takes place in the Fallopian tubes. The next step for
fertilized eggs is to implant in the uterine walls and begin the phases of
pregnancy. Aside from the tasks listed above, the female reproductive system is
also involved in the creation of female sex hormones, which is necessary for the
reproductive cycle to continue. Ovulation, fertilization, delivery, and finally infant
care are all supported by organs and a pair of mammary glands that are
functionally and physically intertwined.
41-45 What is the function of special senses. Differentiate them into the general senses
in our body.
- To detect and convert ambient stimuli into electrical impulses. These are
subsequently transmitted to the central nervous system via sensory neurons,
where they are integrated and processed, and a reaction is generated.
- Sensory information is collected and converted into nerve impulses by specific
sense organs in special senses. While general senses don't have any particular
sense organs. Instead, the skin and other body tissues collect sensory
information regarding touch, and all of these tissues have vital purposes other
than acquiring sense information.
46-50 Why do the glands of the endocrine system correlate with all the systems in the
body? Elaborate.
- In the human body, the endocrine system plays a vital role. This system is made
up of glands that can be found all throughout the human body, from the head to
the vaginal region. The endocrine system's glands are responsible for producing
a wide range of hormones. As a result, these hormones are in charge of a variety
of bodily functions, including digestion.

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