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Intended Outcome

For my trailer I wanted to make a slasher horror movie that shows the fear of being stalked, chased and
killed. The reason I chose this genre is because it is one of my favorite movie genres, which has become
quite popular again recently with big budget remakes of things like Scream, Halloween and Childs Play.
With a revived interest in the genre, it makes sense that I can try to cash in on the genre success and
attempt to make my own. When creating a focus group and survey, my target audience stated that they
were into horror movies, which is good for me, as I know that my genre and film fits into what my
audience like. So therefore, it is my outcome to create a trailer that incorporates classic horror codes
and conventions while evoking the fears I set out to create.

Intended audience

In the brief mentioned by Fresh Cut Creative, it says that the trailer must fall in line with audiences of
teenagers. I conducted some research on BBFC and their age rating system to look into what is and isn't
allowed, with that research in mind, I am aiming for an age rating of 15. This allows people from the age
of 15-19 to see them film, which is a big chunk of the teenage audience. A 15 allows for some violence
and moderate threat, so that will fall in line with my slasher idea as a slasher is usually quite violent with
a lot of threat. My target audience all said they like horror, so my idea is still fitting with the brief.


The trailer will start with a group of friends wandering through the woods. These shots will be close ups,
medium close ups and wide shots. I will use these shots specifically for the audience to get to know the
multiple characters, as there will be many different characters, keeping in line with the codes and
conventions with the slasher genre. The group are going camping up to this famous urban legend spot,
live streaming the event to try and catch a glimpse of the slasher that supposedly lives there.

The characters will all be generic slasher movie character stereotypes (jock, goth, nerd, stoner). This is
again keeping in line with the narrative conventions of the horror genre. We will see a POV shot from
the trees and bushes as we watch the characters ascend the forest to get to the camping site. The POV
shot will be used as it looks like they are being watched, this camera shot is a convention of the horror
genre, as it is usually used to show the characters being stalked (Halloween for example).

The trailer will then intensify as the characters start to find weird things located in the woods (dead
animals, broken down cars etc...). This will then all lead up to an encounter with the killer, who is
masked and wielding a huge pickaxe. The reason I have kept him masked is because most of the famous
slasher villains all wear masks (Michael Myers, Jason, Ghostface). So I am keeping with tradition of
horror conventions, this is an enigma code as it allows for people to wonder who is under the mask.

The majority of my trailer will be set at night, so additional lighting will be required, and the trailer will
have loads of extreme close ups. EXCU are used to make the audience feel uncomfortable, so I will use
EXCU of people screaming, being stabbed and an EXCU of the killers mask several times to reinforce that
the killer and his mask is the USP of the film trailer.

The color coding of my trailer will be red to indicate danger and violence. You can see my test shoots on
my portfolio website as an indicator into what I will be looking for.

Legal and Ethical Considerations


I will be filming in the forrest of dean and the college. For the college, I will ask for permission off of my
teacher when booking out rooms and locations. For the forest, I will contact the forest of dean council to
make sure I am permitted to film there, and to let them know as to what I would be doing.

Health and safety:

I will be completing risk assessments before filming as otherwise I could be putting myself and others at
risk, which is not professional.

Commercial clearance:

I will not be using any copyright material in my trailer. I have discussed soundtracks with the level 2
music students and they will be composing the soundtrack for me. All foley work and sound effects will
be made by myself and my group.


This means when I copy another person's work or idea, which I will not do.

Production Plans and Timeline


By planning ahead it will ensure that I have everything in line to make for a smooth and steady
production schedule. Some of the things I will need to consider and plan for are

 Storyboards – to know what the shots will look like and what setup I will use
 Shot list – to make things easier for the DoP
 Risk assessment – one for each location, making sure it is a suitable location to film in
 Lighting plan – to know where I will be setting up lights
 Schedule – to know when and where we will be filming

These will be completed at least a week before the filming begins, so we are on top of things and ready
to problem solve


For the college location, I will complete risk assessments for every classroom, just to be safe and sure.
The forest will be much trickier, but it is easy to get to through the bus, and it is a public place, so risk
will be limited.


 Camera and tripod which I will book from college

 Lighting kit which is kept in the media cupboard in our class
 Green screen which is in the college
 Mac to edit on
 Premiere pro to edit on
 Cast and crew
 Car to drive around locations in

Distribution Plans

I will be uploading my trailer to Youtube and other social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
During my research stages, I found out that most of my target audience use YouTube to watch trailers,
so it makes sense for me to use that platform for me to upload my work to. YouTube has many pros and
not many cons. The pros are it is free, it is easy to access on the go (mobile phone) and it allows me to
share it directly on messenger or on social media.

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