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1.3.1. Imtroduction. The reader is already familiar
tre with
negative integers, 0.
positive and negative fractions
irrational numbers. the
the system of real
totality of which constitute what is ral.and
numbers. But an led
equation. such as 1 =0 or, attempt to solve
limitations of real numbers and r-4x +13 =0 reveals ththe
invites another class of
distinct irom the real
We know,
(+2 =4.(t3
=3. (0)5 =0, i.e, the square of any
real number is either
of the above two
zero or a
positive number. But the solution
equations are tv-1 and 2tv-3
both of which involve
square root of negative numbers
square root of any negative number and the
cannot be real number.
inconvenient situation was This
overcome by the introduction
concept of imaginary unit i, i* of the
being assumed to be equal to -1.
Then -1=vlxi =
ti, V-4 =J4x(-1) =
-3 3x(-1) =
V4xf =t2i,
Thus with this
v3x? =t/3i etc.
the above concept of imaginary unit i,
equations were made solutions oft
1.3.2. possible.
Complex numbers defined as
numbers. ordered pair of real
Definition: A complex number z
pair of real numbers a is
and b, written defined by an ordered
satisfies the following conditions: as z=
(a.b), provided
provided it
G) Two complex
only if numbers z {a,b) and =
a =cand b=d and 22 (c,d) are =
case, such a equal
(i) (a,b)+ we write 2 =2.
(c.d)= (a+c, b+d)
(a.b)(c,d) (ac -hd ,ad +hc)

(iv) k{a,b) =
(ku.kb), where k is any
real number.
In the complex number =(a.b). is z
which is abbreviated by Re z and b called the real part of z

is called
is abbreviated by Imz. imaginary part of and z

The complex number

(a,0), whose imaginary
identified with real number a part is zero 1s
Thus we see
that real numbers are a
numbers whose imaginary parts are special class »f complex
The complex number
(0.b) is called apurely
Ifwe write the complex number (0,1) by imaginary number
i, then by the
multiplication rule (iii)
=ixi =(0.1)x (0.1) =
(-10)=-I i.e.,
Now we observe that
(a0)+(0,b) (a,b) i.e, a+ib=(a.b)

Thus a + ib and (a. b), the two conventional

expressions for a
complex number are equivalent and
The complex number
(0,0) is called the zero of the complex
number system.
1.3.3. Algebra of Complex Numbers
From the very definiton of
complex numbers the following
properties are obvious.
i) If a +ib 0, where a and b are real, then a 0 and b

0. =

(ti) If a +ib =c+id, where a,b,c,d are real numbers, then a=c
and b= d.
(ii) The algebraic sum, difference andproduct of twocomples
numbers is a complex number.
If 2 =
a + ib and z, +ib two
a2 are complex numbers, wherre
4.b.a2.b are all real, then

2 +22 =( +a2)+i{b, +h)

2=(a -42)+ilbh -b)

2aa2-bbe)+iluh +azh)
definite point on the plane ts aa .delini
conversely, every one-to-one corresno
number.Thus there is a
number and a point on the r-jy plane
between a complex
the x-axis correspond to real nur
ent mber
In particular, points
other than the origin, repersent
and points on the y-axis
imaginary numbers.
the plane in wh
and imaginary axis, in which
The figure with real
are geometrically
repersented, as in Fig1
complex numbers is called Complex nla
called Argand Diagram,
and the plane lane
or Argand plane, or 2-plane.
1.3.6. Trigonometrical Form of Complex Numbers
other then the origin represent the
Let the point P (x,v),
the complex plane. OPisjoined and
complex number z =x+iy in
PM is drawn perpendicular on the x-axis. Also let oP = r and
LXOP = 0.
X'- M
Y' Fig. 16
Now, from the right angled triangle OPM, OM = OPcos6,
i.e, x = rcos6, and y= MP = OPsin6= rsin6
So, z = x +iy = (cos0 +isin),
where r= +y and 0= ZXOP
This is called Polar form or trigonometrical representation
complex number.
Polar form is also called De Moivre's form of a comples
Any complex number can be easily expressed in De Moivre
For instance, we consider the
complex number a + ih.
We can always find two real numbers
rand 0 . such that
a+ib= r(cose +isinG) which gives r cos0 rsin0=h
a ,
From (i), r =a* +b, i.e, va +b r =
where positive
sign is to be taken with the radical.
The value of esuch that it satisfies the
equations (1)
simultaneously and -T <0< n.
Thus a+ ib va +b (cos0 +isin0) ,0 being given by (1)
Because of their frequent use, we give below the
De Moivre's form of four
polar form or
complex number.
(1) i= cos+isin
ii) -i = cos
(iii) 1i=2coisin
Giv) 1-i
=v2 cos 4 isin
1.3.7 Modulus and Amplitude of a Complex Number
Let =x+iy be a complex number. Then the non-negative
square root of ( +y is called the Modulus or the absolute value
of the complex number z and is denoted by ||, and read as mod
For example if , z =3-4i, al= 32 +(-4) =+5.
Obviously, |~| =[d and -2=|a.
With reference to Fig 1.6, if P represents the complex number
Z=X+iy, |z= OP =r.
0 , X=OP.cose = rcos0 and y= MP = OPsin0= rsin0 (i)
The angle e= ZXOP is called the Amplitude of the complex
number z.
1-104 ATICS
x and y are real numbers
rs, such that
Let 2=x+iy,
value of 0 for which the set of ec.. .
+0, then
simultaneously is
called the Argument ent
are satisfied
2 or Amp z.
and is denoted by Arg
Amplitude) of z
are satisfied by infinitelv
the set of equations (i)
values of e and any one ofthese values of 0 is the value ofmany
However, the unique value of elyingin the interval -T <8«
is called the Princinal
and satisfyting the set of equations (i)
this unique principal value i
Value of Arg z or Amp z, and
denoted by arg z or amp z.
Urless otherwise mentioned, by argument of a compler
number, its principal value is meant.
It is observed that Amp z = a mpz +2nt, where n is any integer
1.3.8. Properties of Moduli and Amplitudes of Complex
1) The modulus of the product of any number of complex
numbers is equal to the product oftheir moduli and the amplitude
of the product is equal to the sum of their amplitudes.
(11) The modulus of the quotient of two complex numbers is
equal to the quotient of their moduli and the amplitude of
quotient is equal to the difference of their amplitudes.
(III) The modulus of the sum of any number of comple?
numbers is less than or equal to the sum of their moduli.
aV) The modulus of the difference of two complex numbers
greater than or equal to the difference of their moduli.
Let 212,Z3,-., be complex numbers, such that
=(cos6 +isin6,). z2 = n(cos6, +isin2),
z, r,(cos0, +isin6,), ..2=r.(cos6, +isin6.)
Then, l=. Fal=h. ks=, =r,
and ampz= 6, ampz2 = 62, ampzj = G3, ...apz, = 6,
1) Z122 i(cos6, +isinG,) 2(cose2 +isin9,)
=nn{cos0, cose, -sin6, sin0,)+i(sin0, cos0, + cos0, sin9,)}
={cos(0, +0,)+isin(0, +0,)}
Hence a l =r =Fil2 and amplz,z,) =0, +0, = ampz, + ampz,
Similarly, by the law (vi) of Art 1.3
ampl22) = ampizi(z2zs)} =ampz + amp(z22s)
amp z +ampz2 +ampzZ3
Proceeding in this way , it can be proved that
and amp(212223..Zn)amp z +ampz2 + amp z3t...+ampz, .
(cos 6 +isin6,)(cos6, +isin,(cos -isine,)
2 (cos2 + isin 2) z(cos02 +i sin62)(cos02 -i sin2)
ncos, cose, + sin, sin6,) +i{sin6,cose -cos6, sin, )
cos 0 +sin 02
-0,)+ isin(, -02)}.
Hence and amp|
2 - -e, =ampz,-amp2,
(III) We have z
=r(cos6, + i sin 6,)+1(cos6, +i sin6
= cose, +h cose,)+in sin6, +n sin02)
cos+n cos0, +(n sino,t sin,
+ ? +2nn cos(0, -0,)
syr+r +2n 1. since cos(e, -0,)<
Thus we have proved that
2+22n +7
1.e.. s | s + e z l
This result is known as Triangle Inequality.
Similarly. +2 +Z3|=2 +(2 +23 sz+|z2 +
Proceeding in this way, it can be proved that
+ .+ sl+|2al+|23|+..+
TV) As before - = | cos6, -2 cos0,)+ii sin6,-h sin®,)
cos6, - cose,) +(7 sine, - sin,)
--2nn cos(6,-0:)}
-2n-1. [cos,-0,)Slimplies -cos(,-,)2-1]
Hence -22r- i.e., k-2lal-kal
1.3.9. Imaginary Cube Roots of unity:
An imgainary cube root of unity is usually denoted by o
Then o = 1
or, w - l =0
or, (o-1Xo* +o+1) = 0
Since u 1s
imag'nary , )#
Therefore, o +o+] =0
If we take 0-(-1+i3
other root.
which is the
On the other hand if we take (1w3)
then --1+i3)
Thus the imagnary cube roots of unity are ø and
Properties of cube roots of unity
O The sum of the two imaginary cube roots of unity is the real
We have
i.e. 1+0+02 =0
(11) The product of the two imaginary cube roots of uinty is 1.
We have o-o?=o+2 =@ =1, from definition.
Corollary 1. The sum of the three cube roots of unity is zero.
Corollary 2. The product of the three cube roots of unity is 1.
1.3.10. Geometrical Representation of a Conjugate Sum,
Difference, Product and Quotient of two complex numbers
Argand Diagram help us in representating geometrically the
conjugate of a complex number and the sum, difference. product
of two complex numbers. We shall discuss them in this article.
() Conjugate of a complex number.
P(z =x+iy)
X' M
R Q(Fx-iy)
(-2 =-x -iy)
Fig. 1.10.
the complex number zZ ==
Let the point P(2)
represents in
drawn perpendicular
OX and prodn
the complex plane.PMis
to Q, such that MQ=MP.
the complex plane represents th.
Obviously, the point Q in
complex number z =x-iy .
Thus the conjugate of a
complex number in Argand Diagran
representing the complexX number on
is the reflection of the point
the real axis .
Again if PO is produced
to R,
such that OP=OR, Ris the point
We observe that R is the image of P on the line x+y=0.
II) Sum of two Complex
In the figure [Fig 1.10.2] P and Q represent two complex
numbers z =} +iy and z2 =x2 +i2 respectively in the Argand
to the
Diagram. Then the co-ordinates of P and Qwith reference
real axis andimaginary axis as the axes ofx and y are (r,n) and
2 ) respectively.
The parallelogram OP RQ is completed; PL, QM and RN are
drawn perpendiculars on OX and PS is drawn perpendicular on
Fig. 1.10.2
Here, OL =X}, LP =y, OM =X2 ,MQ= y2
0Q and PR, being opposite sides of the parallelogram OPRQ,are
equal and parallel to each other . So their projections on the **
axis will be
equal. Hence OM =LN.
Similarly, MQ = SR .
Now, ON =OL + = =
x, +X.
and NR NS+ SR LP+ MQ= n +V
Therefore, co-ordinates of the point a r e (x + X2,yi t}z)
Hence the point R repersents the complex number
(+3)+il +y2). which is the sum of the complex numbers
+i and 2 1}2. repersented by the points Pand Qrespectively.
Evidently, 2AOR = ampz, + ampz,
Again in the triangle OPR, OR S OP + PR
1.e + 2 | s|3|+|2| (Triangle inequality)
sinee = OP. Fal= 00 and F+=
(III) Difference of two complex numbers
R(-2) S(z-22)
Fig. 1. 10. 3
As before, let the point Pand Qrepresent the complex numbers
X +y and z2 =2 +iy, respectively.
Let R be the reflection of Q on the line x+y=0.
SThen R represents the complex number -z2 = -X2 -i2
The parallelogram OPSR is constructed
-22 +(-22) = OP+OR =
Hence, the vertex S on the diagonal OS of the parallelogram
OPSR represents the complex number
z -22
Since P= OS, JE - zal = P2, and amplzi -z2) = LXOS.
(V) Product of two complex numbers
Let the points P and Q represent the two complex numbers
2 cos6, +isine,) and z =rz(cos0, +isin 0,)
respectively in the Argand Diagram
Obviously, the polar co-ordinates of P and w i t h respeet
to the
pole O and the initial line OX are(,.) and (%.02)respectis.
Fig. 1.10.4
Then OP=n. OQ =r,ZXOP =0, andXOQ=42.
Now a point Ris taken on the Argand plane, such that OR =r
and XOR =(6, +0,).
Therefore . the point R represents the complex number
Rcos, +0)+isin(6, +02)which is the product of the two
complex numbers n(cos6, +isin, ) and rs(cos02 +isin6,).
(V Quotient of two complex numberss
As before, let P and represent the complex numbers
(cos6,+ii sin 6,) and r^(cos0, +isin 6,) in the Argand plane.
Fig. 1.105
We take a point R in the Argand plane , such that OR = and
LXOR =9, -4
Hence the point R
represents the complex number
2 -0,)}
complex numbers
hich is the quotient of the two
n(cos, +isin0,) and rcos, +isin0,)
represented respectively by the poits P and Q.
llustratrive Examples.
+i+i4 and
Example 1. Express
+1 3 the form 4+iB, where A
two real numbers.
B are
Solution: Since i = V-1. i2 = - , = P x i =-i,
= =(-1 =1,f =ixi=i
i i + i+i12.2
1i+(i+('(-1) i+i-l =1-2i= A+iB.
1--1)+(0*-(-1)-i+()°i -1-i+i
where A 1, B=-2 are real numbers.
Example Find the modulus and the principal amplitude of:
() -1+i (ii) -1-i (ii) 3-i (iv) -i.
Solution: (i) Let z=-lti=(cos0+i sin6).
both sides
Then equating real and imaginary parts on
rcos=-1 and rsin 0 = 1 ... (1)
These give =(-1)+()' =2 =-1+i|
So, z=r = v2 (since r is non-negative)
Substituting this value of r in (1)
cos =- and sin6= Y'
Both these equations are simultaneously satisfied if
(-T<0ST). So, amp := 4
Note: Argand Diagram also indicate that 6=
(ii) Let z=-1-i=faos0+ isin0)
Then rcos0= -I and rsin=
=r=y(-1)}+(-1) =v2 X
and cose=-_I
Sin= n P
Also, both these Y
equations are
satisfied by 0=-
4 (-T<0S).
Since cos0 and sin0 are both negative, 0 lies in the
quadrant. thiri
So, =2 and ampz =- 3T
i) Let z =v3 -i
r(cos0+ isin®)
Than ras0=3 and
rsin0 --1 =
So, r (3+(-1=4,
1.e., r= 2, since r20 X'=
With this value of r,
Cos6 = and sin8= -. y AV3-
2 2
Both these
equations are satisfied by 0=-
Hence =2 and 6 (-T<0s T).
amp 7=
(iv) Let = -i 6
=r{cos0+i sin)
Then raos=0, rsine=
-r=y0+(-1 =1. (r20)
and cosG 0, sin6= -1
Both these
equations are satisfied by
-R9sn) fP-i)
Hence, =1, amp z=-
Remark 1: In example (1) if we take tan01 then o is either
3 (-T<es T). thus an
ambiguity creeps in.
But we u s e cose=- and sin = the ambiguity is
/2 2
removed and we can determine the unique value of amplitude.
Remark 2. In problems of determining the amplitude of a
complex number, the students are advised to plot the complex
number in Argand's Diagram. This will remove ambiguity of the
value of amplitude.
Example 3. On the complex plane, let P(a) be a variable point,
such that z+3i =4. Find the locus of P.
Solution: Let, z=x+iy. So, z+3i
and. 3 =
Now, from z+3i| =4, we have x +(3+») =4
or, (y+3) =4
Hence the locus of z =(x+iy) is a circle of radius 4 units and
centre at (0.-3) i.e., at (-3/).
Example. 4. Show that the points (-2+i), (1+2i),(4+ 5i) and (1 + 41)
in the complex plane are the vertices of a parallelogram.
Solution: Let the given four points be
A = (-2+i), B = (1+2i), C=(4+5i), D= (1+4i).
Referred to real and imaginary axes as the x-axis and the y-
axls, the co-ordinates of the four points are
A-2,1). B(1,2), C(4.5), D(1,4).
Then AB J(1+2 +(2-1 =9+1- V1o
BC--4 +(2-5 =9+9 /18 =
CD-(4-1 +(5-4 9+i /io - =
DA=(1+2) (4-1* V9+9 Vi8 = -
AC-(4+2) +(5-1 V36+16-V52 =
AC =52 and AB + BC =10+18 28
So, AC AB + BC.
Thus we find that AB = CD , BC = DA and ZABC+
Hence, ABCD is a parallelogram.
Example 5.
Find the area of the rectangle whose four
are 32i..
Solution: Let the rectangle be ABCD.
Then A,B,C,D, are represented by the complex numbers
3+2i.-3+2i,-3-2i and 3-2i respectively.
So, referred to the real and imaginary
axes as the axes of x and y
the co-ordinates of the vertices of the
-3.2) (8,2)
rectangle are B
A(3.2).B(-3.2).C(-3,-2),D3-2) X' X
AB (3+3) D
+(2-2 =v36+0 =6 (3-2) (3,-2)
AD=y3-3 +(2+2) v0+16 =4 =
Area of the rectangle AB
AD = =
6x 4 24 square uits.
Example 6. Show that Is
purely imaginary and fin
Solution : Here,
1+i 1+i 1+i)
i+l +i
i X'
which is purely imaginary .
Tot =0+i:l=r(cos0 +isin0)
rart=0 and rsin 0 =I
From these. r= , cos)= 0 and sin) =1.are simultaneouslv
satistied by 0= -T <0S n)
Hence anpz
show that
Example 7. If o* =1.but o 1, then
(i) (1-o+01-o +o*)=4
(i) (1-1-o*1-o*1-o")=9.
is imaginary cube root
Solution: Since o' =1 and o * 1, ao an
f unity. Then 1+0+0 =
0, and o' = 1 i)
G) L.H.S =
(1-0+o*)1-o* +o) =(-2w)-20*). using (i)
40 = 4 =R.H.S
(ii) L.H.S =(1-o)l-o \l-o'-o1-o°-o*)
since o' =
1,o* = 1
={(1-ol-o)=(1-0-o +o'
= (1+1+1) -0-0 =1
Find the smallest positive integers n, if
Example 8.
1-i1-2 1-(-1) 2
Therefore1-i)= ()"
We know, i=y-1,? = -1,i3 =-i,i4 = (-1)' =l
Hence the smallest positive integer is n = 4.
DXample 9. Given that a ,
b are two real numbers such that
a +b =1, prove that the relation 1-ix
= a + ib issatisfied by a real
value of x.
Solution :From the
relation 1-2a +ib,
by componendo-dividendo.
we get 1-ix-1- a+ih-1|
2 (1+a+ih or, -ir=
or -2ix (a-1)+ib a+1)+ib
or, -ix=
or, -X =
(a+1) +b2
ila +b-1)-26 -2h
since a+b2=1
(a+1) b2 (a+1) +b
-2b real number.
Hence we find that x= , which is a
(a+1) +b
Example 10. Resolve into linear factors
(i)a -b, (ii) a +b3, (iii) ad +b3 +c3-3abe
Solution: G) a*-b =a?-(-6*) =a? - (ib)* = (a+ib\a-ib)
(ii) ab = (a -b\a? - ab+b) =(a*+b}* +(0+o?ab+w'b}
= (a+ bda+ ob)+ oba +ob) = (a+b)(a+ wb){a +ob)
(iii) a+b +c -3abe
(a+b+c)(a? +b2 +c2 -ab-bc-ca)
=(a+b+cha +b +c +( +o*Jab +(o +o?)bc+ (o+* caf
(a+b+ckda+ob+oc)+»*ha+ob+oc)+ax{a-+ob +o*9}
Example 11. If the sum and product of two complex numbers are
both real then prove that the two numbers are conjugate to eac
other, unless both the numbers are real
Solution: Let the two complex numbers be
Z1 =a +ib and z2 = c +id

Then +22 (a+c)+i{b+d)and ziz) =

(ac-bd)+i(he +ad)
Given that 2 +22 and zz, are both real1

Then h+d=0...(i) and bc ad

+ =
0.. (ii)
From (i) b= -d
From (i1) bc = ad = 0 or, bc-ab = 0 or, c-a) = 0
Then either b=0 or, c-a =0 1.e. a-cC

Taking b= -d and a=c ,we have z =a+ib, z2 =a-ib,

i.e., Z1 and z2 are conjugate to each other

In case, b=0,d =0
=a,22b, 1.e, z1,22 are real numbers.
Example 12. If z = x+iy be a complex number and be purely

imaginary, then show that z lies on circle whose centre is at

(-1+i) and radius is

Solution: We have

+1x+iy+1_(x+1)+ijy +1)+iv{-iy-1}
2ix+iy-i x+iy-1) +iy-1)x-iy-1)}
xx+1)+v-1), ,iy-(x+1)y+1)}
x+(y-1 x+(y-1
Since Z-iis purely imaginary, {r+1)+»{y-1)=0
or, x+y+x-y =0
This equation represents a circle with centre at | 3 (
1.e., at (-1+i) and radius =,

Example 13. If the amplitude of i s w h e r e z= x+iy , show

24at2 lies on a circle with centre at i. Find also the radius of the

Solution: We have
-1_(-1)+_1)+}{r+ 1)-i}
+1 (x+1)4 n {1)+{r+1)-iv}
(x-IXx1)-+ +i{r+)-v{r-1)} +y2-1}+2
x+1)+y2 r+1)+y2
T 2y = tan
Since the amplitude of is 42+y2 -1 4
or. x + - 2 - 1 =0.
This equation represents a circle with its centre at (o.1) i.e., at
Radius of the circle =0+(1+1 =2 units.
Example 14. If X+)
=2+cose+i sin 0 where x and y are real ,
show that as e varies the point (x,y) moves on a circle whose centre
1s at
and radius is
Solution: Since x+1y= 2+ cos0+i sin6
or. (r- iv 2 cos0+i sin6) I| =
or. 2x+r cos6-ysin0 +i(x sin0+ ycos0+ 2y) = 1 = 1+i-0
Equating real and imaginary parts
2x x cos6-y sinG = l or, x cos6 - ysin = 1 - 2x . (1)
and x
sin6+ycos6+2y =0 or, x sin6 + ycos0 -2y= (2)
Squaring (1) and (2) and adding,
(x cos6-ysin6) (xsin +ycose)
+ =
(1-2x) +(-2»)
or, r-(cos* 9 sin 0)+ y* (sin
cos0) 0+
-2xy sinGcos0+2xysinocos) =1-4r+ 4r +4
or, +y =1-4r+4x +4y
or, 3x+3y-4x+l =0 i.e., x+ y2 . - x = 0
This eqation represents a circle on which the
point (x. y) moves
Centre of the circle is at |0and its
radius - unit
Example 15. If z and 22are two
complex numbers such that
a +2a2 then prove that
amp z ampzz is equal to an even
multiple of n.
Solution : Let z =i{cose, +i sin6,), and z2 =n(cos0 +isin6)
Since +l=Fl+F>. F+zlf =Ef+F+2Pl=zl
i.e., (n cos 6, +2 cos62 +(n sine1 +h sin,) =r +r +2r2
or, cos( 0, ~0,) =1 cos 2kt, k=0,1,2,3,
i.e., (, ~0,) =2kTt
1.e., ampz~ ampz2 =
an even
multiple of r .
Example 16. For any two complex numbers z and z2,
showthat , +7, +|a- f =2{Ff+E
Solution : If +iy,
z=x z =
x-iy then
zx =
(x+iy(x- iy) x2+y =|a* =[a
LH.S +
za +|a-z
(+2a)x +2)+(z1 -za)x( -z2)
2121 +2122 +22Z +2222 +2121 -2122 -22Z1 +2222
2 +22=2 F)= R.H.S.
Example 17. Prove that argz-arg-zT,or -T,
argz is
according as
positive or negative.
Solution : Let r(cos0+isin6) be a complex number
z =
modulus of z is randprincipal amplitude
argz 0 =
where -T<0ST.

Then-z=-rcos6ir sin = r{cos(0 + t) + i sin(6 + n)}

So, argument of -z is 0+T

not necessarily the principal value of the argument

Case I. Let us suppose that argz is positive , 1.e, 0<0<T

Then n <0+nS 27,ie, 6+n is not the principal value of arg(-2)
Arg(-z)= 0+T+2kr
Since the principal value should lie between -7 and 0.
This is possible, if k= -1 and principal value of Arg(-z) =0-z.

In that case, argz-arg(-z) =0-(0-7)= t.

Case II. Let us suppose that argz is negative.

i.e, -T<0<0 and then 0<0+T<T
So. principal value of Arg (-z)=0+T.
Hence, argz -arg(-z) =0-(0+7)=-t.
Example 18. If z=x+iy, then show that the locus represented
by 2-8+e+8=20 is an ellipse. Find the lengths of its major
axis, minor axis and show that its eccentricity is
Solution : Here the locus is such that the sum of the distances
of any point on it from the two fixed points (8,0) and(-8,0) , is
equal to 20 and soconstant.
Hence the locus is an ellipse whose foci are at (-8.0) and (80)
,and the length of major axis is 20.
If 2a be the length of major axis, a =10
Since the foci are at (tae,0), 10e=8 and so e

If 2b be the length of minor axis,

b=a(1-ee)=100 1 =36 :b6

Hence, length of major axis =20, length of minor axis is 12
and eccentricity
ample 19. In the complex plane. if z.22.71 be the vertices of
equilateral triangle ABC. then prove that
+ = (0
2-23 3-21 2122
Solution: Let Z1 =A1 +JV1 Z2 Xr2 +iy2, 22 = X3 +iy3
Then - =(i-*2)+i(i -y2)
2-3(*2 -x3)+i(2 -y3)
Z3-Z1(x3 -x1)+i{y -n)
AB--)+i{n -n=y -*} +(v -2
Similarly, BC=Vr2-*3+(n-», CA=/(%-) +(0»-n)
Since AABC is equilateral, AB = BC= CA = a, (say).
Now, + L.
NoW Z23 Z3-21 Z-Z2
1 1
(a-x)+io»-s) rs-x1)+i0»-n) (-*2)+io-)
-)-iy-) -)-ys-) . (-2)-i(y-y2)
- x + - +X1-X2)-iy2-ys +y3 -1 +yi -2)) =0
Example 20. If Z1,22,Z3 are three complex numbers and if
+z+z-z273-Z37|-z12 =0
then prove that
Solution: z?+z+zj -z223-Z321 -Z122
(z +022 +0zs)z1 +0z2 +023),
where o and »2 are two imaginary cube roots of unity.
Now, Z +022 +o*z3 =0 implies z + 22 +(-1-o)zz = 0,|: 1+0 +0
or, F-=(o(-a)=lol=-z»l
or, -a=lzs-Za|. lo =1 since
+(-1-0)E2 +0*z =0
Or. (-32)=( 2 -23)
or -2=*2 -2s|. since lo|=I
Hence. -2=F2-23l =|2s -zi|
1.3.11. DE MOIVRE 'S Theorem:
For all integral values of n, positive or negative, the value of
cosisin0)" is equal to cosn9 +isinne, and when n is a rational
fraction, one of the values of (cos + isin e)" is cosn0 +isin n0.
We shall establish the theorem for three different cases, viz, (i)
when n is a positive integer, (1i) when n is a negative integer and
ii) when n is a rational fraction.
Case (i) : n is a positive integer.
We shall adopt the principle of mathematical induction to
prove our proposition.
We have. (cos6+ isin0) =
cos0+ isin0
(cos6-i sin6) = cos* 0+(i sin 0) +2 cos0-i sin0
cos 0-sin 0+i.2 sin9cos 0
cos20 + i sin 20
Therefore, the theorem is true when n =l and n = 2.
Let us assume, that the theorem is true for a particular value
of n, where m is a
positive integer
Then we
that (cos0++i sin6)" cOSm6+ isin m0= (1
Multiplying both sides of (1) by (cos0+isin), we get
(cos+ isin0) -(cos0+ isin )) (cos n)+ isinn))- (cos0+ isin6)
ar. (cos0 +isin6)
cos/70 cosO- sin m9 sin0 +
i(sin) cos0+ cosm) sin0)
cos{m+ 1)0 +isin{m+ 1)0
Thus we observe that if the theorem is assumed to be true for a
narticular value of n=m, then it is found to be true for the next
1e, for =m+1.
integral value of n, n
But the theorem has already been proved to be true for n =2.
So itis true for n=2+1 =
3, and as it is true for n
=3,it will be true
for n=4, and so on.
Hence, the theorem is true for all integral values of n.
Case (ii):n is a negative integer
When n is a negative integer, let, n = -p, wherep is a positive
Then, (cos 0+isine)" = (cos0+i sin 0)
(cos+isin 0) cos pe+isinp6 By case (i)]
cospe -isin p6
(cospe +iin p6)(cos pe -i sin pê)
cOspe-isin pe
spe-i sin p6 =
cos pe+sin pe
coSn+i sin ne [Since sin(-n0) = -sin ne ]
Case (iii) : n is a rational fraction
When n is a rational fraction, positive or negative, letn=E,
Where p is any integer, postive or negative, and q is a postive
a n d a are two complex numbers, such that z' = a", then 2
ofthe qth roots of a". Now, by De Moivres theorem
integral index, we have
Cos+-isinPel =cos 4 +isin4
cOs pe +isin pe (cos+i sin0)
Therefore, cos0+isin-0 is one of the qth roots of (cos@+jisind.
or, in other words,
cos0+isin0 is one of the values of (cos0 + isin0)4,
i.e., cos m +isin is one of the values of (cos0+isin0",
where n=,a rational fraction.
This completes the proof of the De Moivre's theorem.
Note: De Moivre's theorem also holds when n is irrational
Actúally the theorem holds for all real values of n.
Corollary 1. (cos0-i sin 0)" = cosne -i sin n6.
For we have
(cos8-isine) -{eos-0)+isin(-9)}" ={(cos0 +isin) "
= (cos+isin ) = cos(-n0)+isin(-n0) = cosne-isin6
Corollary 2. (cosm0 +isinm0)" = (cosn9 +i sin n@"
For, we have (cos.m0+isinme)" ={(cos+isin)"
= (cose+i sin@)
=cos mne+ isin mn0
(cos n6 + isin n8)
1.3.12. Application of De Moivre's theorem.
In this article a few direct application of De Moivre's
are discussed. These applications and the derived results are
immense importance.
(I) Determinat ion of an assigned root of a compler number.
Suppose, we are to find the n th root of the complex number
First of all, let us put a +ib in De Moivre's form or polar form

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