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A research proposal submitted to

Dr. Vilma Tacbad
Practical Research II Adviser
Mabalacat National Senior High School
City of Mabalacat, Pampanga

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Practical Research II

Noeme Laude
Angel Luis Castillo
Lester Alama
Anderson Villamil
ICT-12 Torvalds

October 2019
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 2

Chapter I

Problem and Its Background


Evolution of ICT has opened the lines of communication and enhanced

networking between nations, states, local governments, businesses, and individuals.

International economic and political climates responsible for shaping global social order

continue to use new technologies as vehicles for achieving their goals. Information

communication technology has revolutionized world trade and has been identified as the

reason for an intensified global market, the rise of globalization, and greater competition

between countries. The product of the relationship between international market forces

and political interest is public policy that includes technology as a key component in

strategies for improve. Public institutions that fail to implement these policies prompt law

that demands oncoming action. During the mid 1990s policy reports began to present

education technology as a driver of school reform, rather than as a class of tools and

resources that could be used to assist with educational challenges (McMillan Culp,

Honey, & Mandinach, 2003). In this way, technology may be viewed as responsible for

the change that has occurred in the past, and the source for change in the future.

According to U.S. Department of Education (2000),Technology has played a

valuable role in the changes that have taken place through out the history. Milestones has

pass since the invention of the light bulb, radio, television, the man in space, personal

computing, the invention of floppy disc, DVD’s, and the Internet have caused technology

to become so deeply engrained in modern society. The rate of advances in science

technology has dramatically increased since the arrival of the radio, which took 38 years
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 3

before 50 million people tuned in. Television took 13 years to attract the same amount of

viewers and personal computer took nearly 16 years to reach this level of use. The

internet however, was in 50 million homes in less than 4 years, and some have predicted

that there will be a billion users by the end of the next decade.

Internationally, the spread and appropriate of ICTs is a key globalization driver

and knowledge carrier. ICT’s also help to accelerate the pace of sustainable human

development and to increase the effectiveness of new and more responsive solutions in

the fields of health, education and related MDG focus areas (UNDP, 2005). In this

circumstances, societies need to build communication systems and manage them well,

develop infrastructure and the capacity to use it, and implement good policy and

regulation. In the right environments, both business and non-profit enterprise are effective

in rapidly expanding, and even schools have to enculturate students to be lifelong

learners. Students need to learn how to seek out new information, thin critically and show

initiative to meet up with the challenges of the fast changing world.

ICT in the Philippine History played a very important role that help Filipinos into

main goal, and it was to condemn the misuse of the Priority Development Assistance

Found (PDAF) and this proved to be successful and is now adopted by more

organizations in the Philippines. Information and Communication Technology(ICT) has

become and will continue to be integral part of the day to day life of every Filipino across

levels of our society. Over the ages, people have used it to gain a more accurate picture of

their current situation, make better decisions for the future, and improve the quality of

their lives. But never has information been more accessible and more widespread than it

is today.
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 4

The rapid growth of the global economy and the information based society has

pressurized education systems around the world to use ICTs to teach the knowledge and

skills they need in 21st Century(World Bank,2004). The growth of ICT sector has

challenge teachers to prepare for effective use of the teaching and learning tools in their

teaching profession. There are significant benefits of using ICT as part of teaching and

learning process as long as teachers recognize the relationship between the use of ICT

and overall curriculum. (Haddad and Dexter, 2005), point out that different ICTs do make

some valuable contribution to some parts of educational development and effective

learning through expanding access, promoting efficiency, improving the quality of

learning, enhancing quality teaching and improving management system.

According to Gartner Dataquest (2004), ICT growth 8% through the years and

former group is seen maturing, Worldwide demand for ICT-based services has more than

doubled in the last five years, with the US(54%) and Europe (32%) as the major markets.

The latest improvement in ICT have been impressive, computers are progressively

becoming smaller, more affordable, and more powerful. They are now capable of storing

an almost wide amount of data and information and also they are interconnected through

telephone lines, satellites and fiber optic cables that span across the world, allowing the

ability to communicate and share information with one another across borders. According

to Kraemer and Dedrick (2001), every country or region has the ability to compete in the

new global market for the new products and services that depends on the ICT for the

product to be supported. The general communication technology around the world

obliged that government embark on a cohesive and coordinate strategy on how to prepare

its citizens to survive, live and develop in the digital world.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 5

This paper first argues for a more holistic approach to study of ICT in schools. It

then adopts a sociocultural perspective and proposes a theoretical framework based on

the activity systems (Engestrom, 1987) as a unit of analysis that is surrounded by

different levels of ecological circles (Cole,1995). As ICT enters the sociocultural setting

of the school, it “weaves itself into learning in many more ways than its original

promoters could possibly have anticipated” (Papert, 1993). It may trigger changes in the

activities, curriculum and interpersonal relationships in the learning environment, and is

reciprocally affected by the very changes it causes (Solomon, 1993). From this

perspective, ICT is a mediational tool incorporated within learning environments with

authentic goals and purposes for students, and settings that are explicitly interpreted with

other experiences of knowing and understanding as they get organized at other times.

ICT evolution is not only adopt in school but also in work such as call center

industries that today Philippines is the most dominant in the world, skipping its close

competitor. According to a roadmap drop by the IT and Business Process Association of

the Philippines (IT-BPAP), Annul revenue could more than double from 9 billion in 2010

to 25 billion in 2016 equivalent to 10 percent share of the global market. The evolution of

ICT did not just upgrade the technologies but it also cost the people worth of money. This

demands that benefited the technology company are slowly become the mainstream in

industries such as banking, education, the government, and even at home. Technologies

became the life center of every people: adults and even children’s.

Therefore, research studies in ICT need to shift their attention towards the whole

configuration of events, activities, contents, and interpersonal process taking place in the

context that ICT used. Such studies are particularly critical to educational research were
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 6

the object of its question is not simply or easy knowledge but a useable knowledge that is

“responsive to the current or emerging needs of the practitioners and ultimately to the

solution of the professional and social problems” (Richey,1998). The Philippines adopts

the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) definition of

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which refers to a combination of

manufacturing and service industries that electronically captures, transmits and displays

data and information. ICT is commonly used in home, offices and specially in schools,

for schools they focused on developing a new ways to organize curriculum content,

instructional programs and assessment plans. The teacher standard will help them to

design curriculum, instruction, and assessment on the basis of the importance on the

learners(Steiner,2000). ICT has the potential to improve the student learning outcomes

and effectiveness for it enhance the study learning of the students because of the high

access in the technology and allows easy access to the needed information.

Despite that public school in the Philippines are not really equipped in terms of

technology, the ICT literacy and ownership of gadgets have increased. But Philippines

became the media capital of the world, and the numbers continue to prove it. According

to the latest statistics from We Are Social Filipinos now spend the most of their time in

online compared to the rest of the world and Researchers also discovered that in the Asia

Pacific most of the Filipinos spend their time on social media sites, averaging 3.4 hours a

day. Based on the UN’s State of Broadband report (2015), 39.9% are able to use the

internet. This is the slight from 2014 figures, although our global ranking remains fixed at

106 out of 191 countries.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 7

The evolution of ICT here in the Philippines has brought Filipinos on focusing the

social media because of the technologies that has been introduce such as cellphones,

computers and Internet because of it Philippines became the Internet breaking by pushing

hundreds of millions of information that need to look beyond. Filipino’s reliance on

Information Communication Technology or ICT was increasing through the years and it

also means that Philippine country now have a huge wealth of data in hands. Its vision is

to have an digitally empowered, prosperous society where people has reliable, affordable

and secure information access in the Philippines that the public sector would benefit the

most from strong and effective ICT improvement. Because of the evolution of ICT,

Philippines became the global spotlight in terms of impressive economic growth.

Statement of the Problem

The following questions guided the investigation to the Evolution of the ICT in

the Philippines and aim to answer the following questions:

1) How may the evolution of ICT in the Philippines be described?

2) How may the History of the evolution of ICT helps improve the following:

a. Information

b. Communication

c. Technology

3) What are the contributions of the ICT graduates in the Philippines in terms of

technology as a whole?

4) What is the impact of the result of the study to the SHS students of MNHS?
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 8

Significance of the Study

ICTs have the potential to play a powerful role in enhancing teaching and learning

in schools and preparing students to acquire skills, knowledge and competencies to

enable them compete in the emerging global ‘knowledge’ economy. Data and information

obtained in this study would hopefully be used to provide various education stakeholders

with information that ICT integration in schools held a great promise in developing

economies like Pampanga. The findings could also help the education in formulation of

policies and strategies that can be used to enhance the academic standards in schools. The

study will also make possible recommendation towards increasing the use of ICTs in

enhancing teaching and learning processes.

In addition, the study provided information to curriculum developers on the

benefit of computers as an instructional mode. Furthermore, MNSHS might benefit by

determining which approach of instruction can lead to better achievements in

examinations. Finally, the study can also help other researchers and educational

administrators in strengthening the educational theories behind ICT use in schools.

Scope and Delimitation

Marshall Mcluhan coined interm ‘global village’ (1962) was referring to the

removal of space and time barriers in human communication as a result of the

communication revolution taking place. Today we are living in a global village in every

sense of term. ICT services include software and application development network

engineering and maintenance, and more recently, call centers, medical and legal
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 9

transcription, animation, and various ntinue and the race to provide services especially in

Asian countries will have significantly on both users and suppliers worldwide. The use of

ICT assist in sharing information effectively and delivering better services to the public.

ICT can potentially impact almost every part, making development budgets, private

sector and commitments.

The study is delimited to the development of ICT in the Philippine on how its

enable society to have an access to the technologies that will provide quality education,

efficient government service, greater source of livelihood, and a better way of life.

Definition of Terms

ICT- Stand for Information and Communication Technology is an umbrella term used to

encompass all rapidly emerging, evolving and converging computer, software,

networking, telecommunication, internet, programming and information system


Telephone lines- Telephone lines are fixed telephone lines that connect a subscriber’s

terminal equipment to the public switched telephone network and that have a port

on telephone exchange. Integrated services digital network channels and fixed

wireless subscriber are included. It delivers landline telephone services and digital

subscriber line phone cable services to premises. Telephone overhead lines are

connected to switched telephone network.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 10

Satellites- It is an object, a machine that sent into space and that moves around the earth,

moon, sun, or a planet. Satellites is the one that people use to get signals for the

technologies around the globe, it is the main reason why people can contact each

other even in miles away, it is also use in viewing television, radio, and the things

that has a radioactive waves.

Fiber optic cables – Very thin strand of pure glass which acts as a wave guide for light

over long distance. It uses principle known as total internal reflection. It is a

transparent fiber made by drawing glass or plastic to a diameter slightly than that

of a human hair.

Computer- An electronic machine that can store and work with large amounts of

information. Computer not only use to get information it also for fun such as

games. Computer is a programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve and

process data that people somehow use in works and schools for information,

games, and entertainment.

Software- The program that run on a computer and perform certain functions. Software

is the programs and other operating information used by a computer, it is used in

associate hardware and it is also a material that use for an audiovisual equipment.

Networking- The exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or

institutions; specifically: the cultivation of productive relationship for

employment or business.
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 11

Internet- An electronic communication network that connects computer networks and

organizational computer facilities around the world global computer network

providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of

interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

Programming- The act or job of creating computer programs. It is a job for

accomplishing a specific computing task, designing and building executable

computer program.
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 12

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This Chapter includes a review of literature and studies which have significant

relationship and similarities with the present day. The researchers made a review of

different studies and literature found in different articles such as unpublished thesis

journal, books, materials found in the internet and other related sources where likewise

review in the recent studies. This chapter also contains of theoretical and conceptual

framework of the study.

Related Literature


The conditions of ICT utilization in education has been studied by UNESCO

(2005). An examination of countries in the Asia-Pacific region has shown that ICT is not

being used to its full potential in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. There

are technical and capacity-related barriers that need to be overcome. Many countries of

the region do not make use of ICT at all in their education system due to technical

barriers such as lack of infrastructure, equipment and internet connectivity.

ICT is used simply as a supplement for existing pedagogical practices. In order to

fulfill the potential of ICT as a tool for enhancing teaching and learning, ICT must be

fully integrated into pedagogical processes, which requires a cognitive shift on the part of

policy makers, educators, curriculum developers, and administrators (Amirin, 2007).

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 13

ICT service advantage needs a continuous pool of manpower recognizes the need to

incorporate IT in the basic levels of education by providing computers to public schools.

ICT literacy and ownership of gadgets have increased in every facet of life are

getting online. According to Smith (2013), that 93.9% of the nation’s online users signed

up for a social networking site. There are over 33 million Filipino Internet users and 1.5

million broadband subscribers. Hence, there are 30.987 million people who signed up for

a social networking site since 2012. It is not surprising that people are top Internet user

in Southeast Asia, in the world.

The Sun Life Financial Study found that young professionals, ages 23-35 years

old, were found to be spending most of their finances on gadgets (Burgonio, 2013).

Families have an average of a whopping 10 gadgets per family – and these gadgets are

used primarily for personal communication (Macanas, 2011). It seems that society

emphasizes providing students with personal computers, laptops or IPads. Although these

may be good charitable actions, what could affect learning in the classrooms more is

making sure that every teacher has these technology tools too.

For one, there are mixed results in student improvement studies where students

were provided laptops and computers in Maine, Michigan and Texas in the United States

as well as in New South Wales, Australia (Aning, 2013). However, teachers are stuck in

using ICT that the school has provided or was donated to them instead of buying their

own. This is especially true in rural areas where there is less access to internet and other

ICT equipment.
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 14


Philippine economy could grow faster by the technologies that has been evolved

or develop nowadays, because of the mindset people has, life became better and it

became easy to get some information and data. According to Gatpolintan (2018),

technology can grow Philippine economy 10% faster; provided that emerging

technologies, knowledge and the Fourth Industrial Revolution can be utilized to

accelerate productivity. Society have not yet fully utilized the existing technology but

Philippine are fast growing economy so somehow if some potential business man can

actually realized on investing properly in certain areas and part of it will be ICT

(information communications technology), technical areas, but part of it will also be in

other skills, soft skills where potentially these will not be replaced by automation.

Other academic institutions, however, have explored the potential of mobile

devices such as cell phones for education purposes. These initiatives tend to be geared

towards their traditional face-to-face instructional offerings. Such is the case of the

text2teach project of the Department of Education, which integrates digital satellite

broadcasts and mobile phone communications, to deliver science materials via video

broadcast directly from the classroom (Domingo, 2006). Research and development in

country’s technology are now leading to new and potential of further research, which

educators should explore to provide learners with more innovative and practical methods

of delivering education at distance even though it is clear that technology has a potential

to used such as cellphones but its still has a limitation.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 15

Use of ICT is also reshaping university cultures. A school’s culture is defined by

its pattern of relationships and of management of resources. In recent years, the culture of

teaching has shifted from that of being the ‘sage on center stage,’ to that of being a

learned facilitator, a dynamic called ‘learner-centered’ pedagogy (Garcia,2002). Clearly,

the culture of learning has shifted from the culture of students passively listening in a

classroom where attendance matters, to the culture of proactive reading, encoding and

decoding anytime, anywhere. One of the example of learned facilitator is online tutors

that have a greater responsibility to ensure that all voices are recognized and respected

and must consider all opinions when integrating messages or making concluding

statements that most teachers must aim.

Librero (2006) observed that conventional universities are now using ICTs

to achieve ‘blended learning’ environments, which blend traditional face-to-face

classroom delivery with distance delivery. Universities nowadays are starting to think and

operate like businesses; they are seeking to take advantage of emerging opportunities to

‘earn lots of money’ via online learning and this approach increase the sources of learning

materials that learners must have, also changing image of universities as a result

incorporating ICT into its educational offerings became more interesting.

School administrators must also make the effort to redirect and lead their

organization as a “learning organization and review and articulate new performance

standards” (Rapatan, 2002). The growth of ICT in education has given rise to new

concepts and realities that are only now becoming mainstream. The concept of

socialization in DE settings, for instance, is often technology-mediated and for many

students, the only mode of socialization available to them. Time and space stay to matter

in terms of social and transactional distances. The concept of the teacher has
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 16

fundamentally challenged to include various elements like tutors, technical support,

learning packages – all further evidence of ICTs influence in education.


Masagca and Londerio (2008) concluded “the issues and problems presented are

mostly related to the economic aspects, costs, administrators’ attitudes towards the use of

ICT, quality of information and on the issue of commercialism. Finally, the teacher-

participants innovative programs are mostly focused on the individual needs of the pupils

and on the career services, but not on the ways to improve the professional

capabilities…” Hence, there was no mention of the need to integrate ICT to help the

student develop higher order thinking skills.

Another, related study is that of Cajilig (2009) who studied the integration of ICT

in Math teaching of Public Secondary Schools. Her study involved seven public high

schools in Quezon City, wherein she personally administered her questionnaires to the 111

Math teachers (n=111). She used a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches

to gather data. She used t-test and F-test to analyze data and to arrive at her findings.

Bringula et al (2012), on the other hand, showed that computer ownership does not

necessarily mean more internet penetration. Bringula et al (2012) study showed that out

of all demographic variables concerning visitation and use of cyber cafes, only computer

ownership was not significant. In one way or the other employment, gender, educational

background, age, religious affiliation, civil status and monthly family income all came up

with significant associations with use of cyber cafes. It seems that computer ownership is
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 17

not enough, one needs access to the internet as well and owning these hardware does not

necessarily translate to such. The study used a descriptive method utilizing a validated

questionnaire which was administered to 400 respondents.

An unpublished graduate study made by Maulas et., al (2013), under the

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Open University System, showed that “public

school teachers describe themselves as attaining the “Experienced Level” of ICT

competence. And yet, integration of such into the current curriculum to promote higher

order skills is less prioritized by the teacher-respondents. According to Maulas et., al

(2013), ICT is mostly for personal use – usually for personal communication. The

integration of the K-12 program is much more a concern of teachers compared to ICT

integration. Their most commonly used ICT hardware/component is the USB flash drive,

followed by the printer, web cameras, spreadsheets, use of operating systems, web

browsing, downloading, attaching, opening and forwarding emails as well as

downloading PDF files.

The employment of mediational tools fundamentally shapes the activities in the

learning environment (Wertsch, 1991). When the cognitive opportunities of ICT are taken

up and integrated with planning, enactment and assessment of both teaching and learning

activities, a change of pedagogy may be necessary. Teachers may have to rethink the

purpose of the lesson, the nature of the task that should be set, and the method of

assessing how students carry it out. Students may have to rethink the way they approach

the task, and assess how best to use the new tool to carry out the task. Inevitably, the use

of ICT in education shapes the teaching and learning activities.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 18

Second, the power of mediational tools in organizing activities is often not

consciously recognized by those who use them, which contributes to the belief that

cultural tools are the product of natural or necessary factors rather than of concrete

sociocultural factors (Wertsch, 1991). Research studies have shown that the cognitive

opportunities of ICT are not automatically taken up in the learning environment.


There are multiple studies in the Philippines which aim to describe the use of ICT

in education. One of the most comprehensive was that of Tinio (2002). Tinio (2002)

narrated that for the last decade, basic education in the Philippines is degrading in quality.

Tinio (2002) was commissioned by the Center of International Cooperation for

Computerization, Government of Japan, to spearhead her research which is to describe

the condition of ICT in the Philippines and to present recommendations for the

improvement of education in the country. Tinio (2002) used a descriptive survey and

interview methodologies. Her respondents were 250 school staff from 100 sampled

schools located throughout the Philippines. The survey questionnaire used was pre-tested

in three Metro Manila Schools.

Rodrigo (2003) study which targets 224 primary schools in Metro Manila, of

which only 153 schools responded (79 public schools and 74 private schools). Rodrigo

(2003) used a descriptive research design to describe the present utilization of computers

in schools. She used mail-in questionnaires to gather data. Rodrigo (2003) concludes that

emerging uses of ICTs were not a high priority for primary schools whereas secondary

schools prioritize them. “Principals representing the majority of secondary school

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 19

students stated that among their goals for using ICTs were the promotion of active

learning and independent learning. Private schools tended to be more committed to

Internet-based learning goals than public schools” (Rodrigo, 2003). However, the reality

of lack of resources limits the use of ICT in classrooms. Rodrigo (2003) emphasized that

teachers should be provided with further training in ICT.

The good news is that computer ownership in the Philippines is rapidly

increasing. However, significant improvements must be made in the Philippines’

telephone infrastructure before these computers can really be said to be ‘connected’ in

installation of fiber optic cables, microwave transmissions and submarine cables to reach

the 7,107 island. Put simply, the landline telephone infrastructure in the Philippines is not

very robust, and as a result, few Filipinos can access telephone services. Moreover, in

recent years the landline telephone infrastructure in the Philippines has actually been in

decline (Tibay, 2004). Some suggest that this decline can likely be attributed to the

introduction of cellular mobile telephones, which are more affordable, accessible,

practical, and hence, its everywhere. So, even though there has been a marked decline in

the Philippine landline telephone infrastructure, there has been a marked increase in the

number of registered Internet Service Providers in the Philippines’ larger cities (Tibay,

2004). This is the manifest in the rapid expansion of Internet cafe’s, which are helping to

narrow the digital divide.

According to an article published in the Metropolitan Times (2003), the main

Internet access points for younger Filipinos are Internet cafe’s, while, the main access

points for older Filipinos (age 30-60) are their offices and homes. Main purpose for

‘Internet access’ was for business (50%), followed by personal use (41%). The most
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 20

popular Internet activity is sending and receiving email, followed by surfing/ browsing,

chatting, and file download (Metropolitan Times, 31 December 2003). There was no

mention of ‘education’ at all in this article, which in itself implies the recent emergence

of e-Learning in the Philippines as a very new, alternative method of educational delivery.

Cellular mobile telephone use in the Philippines has enjoyed phenomenal growth.

The number of cell phone subscribers has exploded. As a result, the Philippines has since

been called the short messaging service (SMS) capital of the world, with SMS becoming

an integral part in the Filipinos’ communicative lifestyle. There are now more mobile

phone subscribers, than fixed-landline telephone subscribers in the Philippines. By the

dawn of 2006, the Philippines had 40 million mobile phone subscribers – six times more

than in the year 2000 (The Communication Initiatives, n.d.).

The review of related literature and related studies has provided the scholarly

background for this study, other than the social background that was already laid out in

the previous chapter. Definitely, there is a need to study the represent the evolution of

ICT in the Philippines and its role in the public schools as a baseline data to show the

progression of quality of teaching – from no ICT, to basic ICT to, hopefully, integration

into the curriculum to promote higher order thinking skills in all subjects.

This study has the same intentions as that of Tinio (2002), Cajilig (2009) and

Maulas et al (2013). The said authors describe the present condition of public school

teachers’ ICT integration in their teaching which is part of the evolution or development
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 21

of ICT. They all intend to provide initial data for the government to consider the

feasibility of an institutionalized ICT integration.

Theoretical Framework

Another important point of difference of this study is the usage of a theoretical

framework based on Vygotsky’s theory as articulated by Lim (2002). The mediation

triangle presented by Lim (2002) shows that ICT is a tool to achieve higher order

thinking skills in the educational environment.


Figure 1: Mediation triangle

There is a belief that ICT will deliver its potential benefits on specific

development aims, such as enhancement of livelihood in rural areas (Krishna and

Walsham,2005). ICT potentially has the capacity towards improvement of many different

aspect in life, from alleviating poverty to strengthening the democratic policy.

The study shall compare the findings of decade old researches and the recent ones

that were mostly limited to pure descriptive studies. This study is descriptive-

correlational with prescriptions for action research for follow up study, the focus on

hardware ownership and the positive perspective on the use of ICT for clerical work and
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 22

completion of school requirements and reports for DepEd in the perspective of

Vygotskian theory in the mediation triangle model set this study original.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Describing the Evolution of Demonstrate purpose that

ICT ICT introduce individuals
History improvement of ICT lives in different ways.
Information Display the effect that People in society will
Communication ICT did to developed know about
Technology society. ICT and they will
Contribution of the ICT learn more
graduates in terms of The researchers use of it.
technology as a whole internet, books, articles
Impact of the study result in for data and information.
SHS student of MNHS

Figure 2: Research Paradigm

Learning environments typically involves one or more adult citizen connected

with a number of youth, usually in well defined physical settings. These people interact

and form a variety of relationships, creating a system of inter-related factors that jointly

affect learning.

The study will assess the Evolution of ICT in the Philippines, especially in

education in Mabalacat City, Pampanga as basis of action plan to introduce the ICT and

improve the knowledge in terms of technologies.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 23


Research Methodology

This chapter describes the operational plan of work or strategy. A number of

activities in the plan of work include the following operations: a) research design; b)

research locale d) respondents; e) gathering of data f) samples and sampling technique; g)

statistical treatment of data.

Research Design/ Method

This chapter enumerates the development of ICT in all aspect of works

such as education, libraries, and the work that used technologies, research study conducted

based on the methodology that plays an important role in implementing this research study

accordingly and the details of methodology are shown in this chapter.

This type of research according to Calmorin (2017), involves the collection

of data to answer questions regarding to the present condition of a community. It utilized

the historical study method where historical study relate to the event of the past until

present adopting quantitative measures for an empirical study use of the quantitative tools

or software that would usefully supplement and extend the research analysis. Also, the

analysis based on statistical data is both validated and reliable since there is no personal

bias and is the evidence of an objective research analysis.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 24

Research Locale

The place that was chosen is the nation of Philippines where the researchers

are assigned in the field of technology. The said place is now having a development of ICT

through the years and makes the Philippines to grow faster.

Figure 3: Philippine satellite location map

Instrument of the Study

The instrument that was used in conducting data are internet website,

books, and magazines publish and unpublished articles so that researchers will be secure

in searching the needed information.

Researchers conduct this research for a meaningful execution of its purpose

in this study, it was conducted carefully and thorough outlined of the researchers in
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 25

searching the information that was according to the study of Evolution of ICT in the


Data Gathering

The researchers conducted the study through the books for resources and

also in the internet. The procedure enable the researchers to collect some information and

data in the work of other people or the authors.

Samples and Sampling Techniques

Purpose sampling are being used in this study to make use all the data

efficiently. The given information was selected based on the judgment of what is best in

answering the specific question in S.O.P on page 6. And the best in qualification were the

information that was actually related to schools.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 26


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter describe the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data that was

came from the data in the books and internet that was based on the study of Evolution of

ICT in the Philippines.

The given answers are requiring based on the position of the questions.

1. Describing the Evolution of ICT in the Philippines

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a term used to describe

technologies in manipulating and communicating information. The world is experiencing

a digital revolution and the Philippines have the opportunity to play an enormous role in

it. Lee et al (2005), indicate the significant impact of ICT on economic growth of many

developed and Newly Industrialized Economies, but in developing countries. With

mobile telecommunications, the amount of information processing required to manage

mobility and services has increased enormously and this has resulted in a outstanding

increase in computer communications within the telecommunications environment.

According to Tech Throwback, before ICT in the Philippines or before 1928

telecommunication in the Philippines was attached. They could only call people within

their own small city. And in the same year American-owned PLDT was incorporated and

given the right to build and operate telephone services in the Philippines. Small phone
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 27

companies in the provinces were acquired to speed up the rollout process. In 1968, PLDT

became a Filipino-controlled corporation bought by Ramon Cojuangco. In 1978,Cellular

Telephone Network PLDT authorized the country’s first cellular telephone network. 1993

the birth of the Philippine Internet with the support of the Department of Science and

Technology and the Industrial Research Foundation, the Philnet project (now PHNET)

was born. 1994 the first internet connection, Benjie Tan who was working for ComNet

build the Philippine’s first connection at a PLDT network center in Makati City.

In 2013 still based on the articles of Tech Throwback are the massive growth of

the country’s mobile networks, the mobile cellular Subscriptions reach 102 million. In

2014 born the fastest growing internet connections in the last five years with a growth of

531% number of Philippine Internet users at 38 million out of a population of 100

million. In 2017, 119 mobile Phone contribution in the country (117% Penetration Rate)

95 % Prepaid, Greater 10% Broadband Subscription, 55% Mobile Broadband

Subscription, 80% Subscribed to the Lowest Speed Plans(1-3 MBPS).

In developed countries, they are widespread and sophisticated, while in

developing countries, they may be less available and offer less capacity. Developing

countries are catching up quickly by dropping older generations of technology as well as

creating solutions that suit the needs of their user communities. In some cases, the lack of

a legacy infrastructure makes rapid modernization easier.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines make people’s lives much easier in terms of

technologies and communication. The use of ICTs assist sharing information more
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 28

effectively and delivering better services around the globe. It can potentially impact every

part of the Philippines making development budgets for a higher development of

technologies. The continuous growth of ICT make Philippines globally competitive and

prosperous society where everyone has reliable, affordable and secure information access

and digitally empowered and innovative.

The PDS(Philippine Digital Strategy) has highlighted four areas that would

benefit from ICT development (Garcia, 2015).

Transformation Leadership 1. Transparency

2. Online government services

3. Feedback on governance

4. Data collection for health

services and the like

Education 1. Better access to education


2. Capacity-building for the

poor and marginalized

3. Boosting the Philippines’

competitiveness for new

employment opportunities

Jobs and Economic Growth 1. Growth of BPO companies

2. Increase in broadband
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 29

penetration and mobile

density correlated with

increase in national GDP

Protection of the environment 1. Promotion of telecommuting

(video call and internet

based collaboration) to

lessen transportation costs

and carbon footprint

2. Use of Geographic

information System (GIS)

based ICT tools) for

monitoring environment and

natural resources

Table 1: ICT Development

Table 1 presents the ICT development for the public group that would benefit the

most from strong and effective strategy. But the government cannot function without a

thriving business group. Private corporations also need to develop their ICT strategies to

thrive in the demanding market.

According to Claraval (2016), the Vice President for Product Development and

Management in Globe Telecommunication, all industries locally should benefit from

improving their ICT capabilities to improve competitiveness and/or their quality of

service. The Philippines has made significant developments in its overall digital
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 30

ecosystem throughout the years. But in order to lead in the digital transformation (DX)

economy, organizations must become digital-native enterprises (DNEs). DNEs can

harness the power of technology to multiply innovation and accelerate their businesses'

transformation. Therefore, IDC urges local enterprises to accelerate innovation as the

emerging technology trends are set to redefine IT and businesses in the Philippines over

the next three years. The Philippine has been in the global spotlight for its impressive

economic growth that it became the chair of the ASIAN for 2016.

2. Evolution of ICT in the Philippines through history helps improve the following:

a. Information

Figure 4: Information Technology

Figure 4 presents information technology on the year 1928, which the

telecommunications in the Philippines was segmented. The field of information system

has evolved along with the development of information technology and applications over

past twenty years. Even though information system research is often defined as an

interdisciplinary field of study that stretches across computer science, management

science, and organizational science (e.g., Swanson, 1984), the field has become more

mature and demands to be a reference discipline for other business areas ( Baskerville

and Myers 2002). Information technology changed people’s daily lives not only in
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 31

industry but also in the field of education. As the changes has been shown in the

Philippine schools all over. Information advancement has made a serious impact, from

televisions all the way to computers. Now, people have an instant access to information

and knowledge.

b) Communication

MEC is actively taking part in making the most of the technological trends the

Industry 4.0 brings.

Figure 5: Evolution of communication

Figure 5 presents the greatest contribution of communication into the

development when the internet was discovered. Without it, modern telecommunications

would have been impossible. The most important about evolving of the new technologies

for the human communication was the introduction of the Internet which deceased the

costs and increased the speed of the information transfer. Possibility to lower the costs

and increase the speed communication to the new quality level the most widely

consumed services all over the globe. Reuters Institute’s (2015), Digital news Report

indicated how individuals consume news. 11% paid for news online, 26% accessed it

through a smartphone, and 32% shared new era’s.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 32

Reuters Respondents Percentage Digital News

11% paid for news online

26% accessed it through a smartphone

32% shared new era’s.

Table 2: Communication percentage

Table 2 present the percentage of the communication technology that has been

advanced to the point where instant communication anywhere in the world is an everyday

fact of life. There is no question that technology has improved, but also it has had a

positive impact on communication as a whole in many ways. It has increased the

reliability of sending messages to others, made it easier to meet new people and keep in

touch with friends and also saved lives.

According to Wright (2017), Communication technology has 4 ways on how the

technology improved the communication it has increased the reliability of sending

messages to others and made it easier to contact people and keep in touch with them in so

many ways.


Modern communication is handled by wireless signals, undersea cables, satellites

and other advanced technology, ensuring the almost instant delivery of messages and data

to any location on the planet. The accessibility of technology also means that people don't

need to be in any special location like a post office or mail room to send a message; all
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 33

they need is a cell phone anywhere there is a signal. Just by using cellphones people can

contact each other wherever they are even they are 200 miles away and it is because of

the called internet and messenger and skype.


Transmitting messages electronically is often more reliable than using letters or

cans connected with string. Messages sent electronically instantly reach their destination,

and are hindered only by glitches or errors, which don't happen often. This means that as

long as the data lines are secure, sending anything via a phone or the Internet will be

unaffected by weather conditions or human error.


Online communication has opened the door to new ways of communicating with

strangers and taking part in communities. Chat rooms, discussion forums and dating sites

let people meet each other and get to know more people without having to be there in

person. This gives much more flexibility when it comes to scheduling and dealing with

social anxiety; long-distance relationships, for example, are now looked at as reasonable

options, escaping the stigma or stress previously associated with them. Online

relationships, both platonic and intimate, have become a social norm.


Much online communication is done publicly, allowing anyone with Internet

access to acquire an audience. Social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus let
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 34

users follow anyone they find interesting, and some people have an audience of millions

of people. The ease of sharing also lets news and information travel with incredible speed

as users share links with each other, meaning that breaking news can reach hundreds of

millions of people literally as it is happening. The speed of news has been able to save

lives and promote assistance. In the case of some natural disasters, people were warned to

get out of the way before it affected them. After the 2010 Haiti earthquake and 2011

tsunami that hit Japan, celebrities promoted donations to the Red Cross over Twitter,

bringing in much-needed money.

c. Technology

Figure 6:Evolution of technology

Figure 6 present the evolution of technology in the Philippine economy, that it

could grow faster by an estimated 10 %, provided that emerging technologies, knowledge

and the Fourth Industrial Revolution can be utilized to accelerate productivity, according

to Gatpolintan (2013), Philippine Institute of Development Studies (PIDS). Right now,

Philippines are growing at about 6 %. Philippines have not fully utilized the existing

technology. How much more if Philippines are going to be able to overcome these
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 35

barriers to the adoption and adaptation of current technology and knowledge to improve

productivity and then some more with the new technologies. Philippines should be

growing fast.

To take full advantage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Paqueo (2018),

highlight the need for the country to hop into the line headed for the knowledge and

technological limit, where the United States and advanced European countries belong.

Technologies commonly identified as "borderline" and are tagged as being part of

Industry 4.0 include, 3D printing, the Internet of Things, AI, robotics, big data and cloud

computing. For his part, PIDS senior research fellow Dr. Jose Ramon Albert underscored

the need for the country to invest more in research and development (R&D).

Albert (2018) cited the benchmark of United Nations Educational, Scientific and

Cultural Organization (UNESCO) suggesting that R&D spending should amount to about

1 percent of a country’s gross domestic product (GDP). “They are (only) spending 0.2 %,

it’s 1/5th of 1% of GDP. That’s just R&D, also thinking of the complementaries for

education. They are still relatively underspending for education,” he said in the interview.

Albert pointed out that hard and soft infrastructure, as well as capacity development of

human resources and institutions, are complementary factors to R&D investments that

need to be addressed in improving readiness to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.“It must

be a whole package. That’s the problem sometimes people tend to be focused too much

on one thing and they forget that they are all connected. They have to like to put all of

these together,”
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 36

Albert (2018) cited as an example Estonia, a former Soviet republic, which has

managed to use technology considerably across government. They use many kinds

technologies and they are the forefront now of trying to use and harness technology. They

are fast growing economy so potentials can actually become realized if you invest

properly in certain areas. And part of it will be ICT (information communications

technology), technical areas, but part of it will also be in other skills, soft skills where

potentially these will not be replaced by automation. Dr. Shiela Siar, manager of PIDS

Research Information Department, said the country should fully utilize its human capital.

By human capital, it was referring to not just what’s here in the Philippines, but also


They referring to the expatriates and S and T (science and technology)

professionals. But they have some programs that are already in place. By putting in more

resources into it, then they will be able to entice more expatriate Filipino professionals

based abroad to go back to the Philippines or be involved in projects that will beneficial

for their own country and be able to harness the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

3. The contributions of the ICT graduates in the Philippines in terms of technology

as a whole.

ICT graduates in the Philippines in the past few years witnessed the emergence

and eventual maturity of advanced technological trends. Somehow they help to produce

what people are using in 21 st century in a advance technology. According to J.L(2014),

that he did not regret on taking computer technology as his course and now he is an

Associate Software Engineer. Their job is to develop software for their clients. They do
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 37

analyzation of the requirements the clients want and then they proceed to develop the

software base on the requirements they have given.

According to E.G (2011), he have learned the basics about multimedia,

programming, database management and a lot more. Even though he failed at first try he

never give up technology and now he is currently an Infrastructure Specialist. They are

responsible basically for the server management and maintenance and some Middle ware


According to K.L (2013), he take the technology course because of his dream to

be an engineer someday but his dream are still in the process but he is now a Junior

Programmer I (others call them as Software Engineers, Programmers, or Coders). He just

started three months ago, it is not that he cannot find a job but it is his choice. He do

some programmings on different languages but connected at the same time JAVA, PHP,

Javascript, CSS, JSP, XML, and JQuery. He also make reports for the system they make

using Crystal Reports, and SAP Crystal Reports. And he is dealing with the database; he

run queries, construct database, tables, and also maintain a database for a system.

A lot of Information technology graduates has a contribution in terms of

technology in the Philippines some are web developers, call center agents, Instructor in

Computer Programming, Network Administrator/Computer Technician, Instructional

Media Specialist and many more jobs they have taken for them to help develop the

technological world.
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 38

MEC Network Corporation show the advance technological trends that some of

the IT graduates help to develop.

Figure 7: ICT Industry

Digital Determination

Figure 7 present the ICT industry where Philippine organizations are moving

towards digital determination by employing a unified strategy of continuous enterprise-

wide digital innovation to transform markets, business models, as well as, products and


Figure 8: Digital Determination

IDC, in its recent CIO

Summit, presented a study

that 37% of Philippine enterprises are

considered digitally determined.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 39

Prioritization of CyberSecurity

The ICT graduates shift to Digital Transformation and made a fundamental

impact on Cybersecurity. Vulnerability is greatly increased with evolving threats as

more and more sensitive data are stored in the cloud, and are accessed remotely via

mobile devices.

Figure 9: Cyber Security

The Shift of Focus to Digital Analytics

Big Data analytics is seen as one of the major drivers of the evolution of ICT in

the Philippines making it easier for companies to make data-driven decisions. With

abundant data available, machine-learning application and artificial intelligence can be

used to interpret and obtain meaningful insights for businesses.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 40

Figure 10: Digital Workforce and place

Upscalling the Workforce and Work Place

The advantages of ICT innovations are realized with the help of the right people

with the right skills. Thus, continuous bridging of skill gap among the workforce is vital

in ensuring the effective integration of acquired digital technologies in the ICT

Philippine landscape.

Sustaining Power Supply

The greater requirement of ICT systems for energy quality calls for power

systems that are strong and able to endure any disruptions to the main power systems.

An increasing number of organizations then are starting to invest in reliable and

alternative electrical backup systems.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 41

Figure 11: Power Supply

Figure 12: State of ICT

More than a decade, the government recognizes the need for strengthening

efforts to widen the reach of ICT in the Philippines. In partnership with various sectors

of society, they are extending the benefits of digitalization to a wider scope of


124,000,000 Mobile Subscriptions

76,000,000 Internet Users

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 42

72,000,000 Chat Subscriptions

Table 3: Scope of beneficiaries


The rise of online shopping positively contributes to the adoption of e-wallet in

the country. Although cash is still the primary mode of payment, Filipinos are slowly

immersing themselves to online payments. According to BSP, online transactions are to

reach 20% of total payments in 2020– foreshadowing changes in ICT in the PH.

Figure 13: Filipinos access to the internet for personal reasons

The Philippine ICT graduates still has a long way to be on part with the rest of

the developed world but they are getting there. As the partner in innovation that is

actively taking part in making the most of the technological trends in the Industry. As of

other graduates they are the call center agents which makes the Philippines to have the

most dominant call center industries in the world. Annual revenues could more than

double from $9 billion in 2010 to $25 billion in 2016 equivalent to 10% share of the

global market (Garcia,2016). And some help to developed internet in Converge ICT, an

internet services in the Philippines, launching a new broadband internet that the
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 43

connections are fiber-only, introduced their new entry level plan: a connection that can

go up to 25 Mbps for P1500 a month without data cap. The plan is an upgrade from

their older 20Mbps/P1500 a month connection(Garcia,2016). ICT graduates helps

companies to enhance their products, services, and experiences digitally to anticipating

policy changes that would disrupt ICT and BPO markets.

4. Impact of the result of the study to the SHS students of MNHS

This study investigates and explores the adoption of information communication

technology by the MNSHS campus and the impact it makes on the SHS students. ICT

adoption resulted in the improvement of the performance of the students and the ICT

has become an important source of innovation and improvement of efficiency for many

students. According to Essay U.K(2018), ICT stands for Information Communication

Technology. ICT is widespread and essential to play a meaningful role in changing and

modernizing educational systems as well as the way of learning. It is part of many aspects

of people’s daily lives. In the education sector, particularly, the application of ICT has

become critical part of the learning process for the students both inside and outside the

classroom setting. And the student that have fully adopted ICT have recorded immense

advancement in the application of ICT for the improvement of learning methods,

teaching, research, and development. It is, however, not clear what impact of the ICT

applications have on the performance and achievement of students.

The students academic performance enhance the current state of knowledge and

skills reflected in the formulation of their personality and academic growth from lower

levels of study to higher levels. Numerous studies have been undertaken to investigate
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 44

the impact of the result of the study of ICT to the students, and the researchers consider

the influence of ICT on students attitude, competency, and skills in addition to

curriculum. For education, the purpose of ICT is generally to familiarise students and

teachers with the use and workings of computers, related social and ethical issues. It is

generally believed that ICT can empower both teachers and learners. It promotes change

to education in 21st century. ICT not only transforms teaching but also the learning

processes (Essay U.K. 2018). This approach according to the researchers and some

authors would determined what would be the impact of the study result to the student

and it yield more accurate results.

Based on the identified research gaps and the problem statement, a need is felt

to investigate the adoption of ICT in campus and examine its impact on the proposed

research will carefully evaluate the manner and extent to which the campus have

adopted the use of ICT and how the adoption of ICT has consequently made an impact

on the performance of students. The proposed research will also identify key factors

that contribute to performance of campus students and how these factors are influenced

by information communication technology.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 45


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


The findings of this study shall prove useful to the university administration and

other parties involved in framing ICT policies for higher education. This study can be

used as a reference point to understand that students wishing to enroll for a course in a

university finalizes his or her decision based on the level of ICT application present in

that university. Last but not least, this study will also act as a jump-start for other

researchers who may like to conduct further research on this topic in future.


1. Describing the Evolution of ICT in the Philippines

According to Tech Throwback, before ICT in the Philippines or before 1928

telecommunication in the Philippines was attached. They could only call people within

their own small city. And PLDT was build and operate telephone services in the

Philippines. Small phone companies in the provinces were acquired to speed up the roll

out process. In 1968, PLDT became a Filipino-controlled corporation bought by Ramon

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 46

Cojuangco. In 1978,Cellular Telephone Network PLDT authorized the country’s first

cellular telephone network. 1993 the birth of the Philippine Internet with the support of

the Department of Science and Technology and the Industrial Research Foundation, the

Philnet project (now PHNET) was born. 1994 the first internet connection, Benjie Tan

who was working for ComNet build the Philippine’s first connection at a PLDT network

center in Makati City.

In 2013 the massive growth of the country’s mobile networks, the Mobile Cellular

Subscriptions reach 102 million. In 2014 born the fastest growing internet connections in

the last five years with a growth of 531% number of Philippine Internet users at 38

million out of a population of 100 million. In 2017, 119 mobile Phone contribution in the

country (117% Penetration Rate) 95 % Prepaid, Greater 10% Broadband Subscription,

55% Mobile Broadband Subscription, 80% Subscribed to the Lowest Speed Plans(1-3


2. Evolution of ICT in the Philippines through history helps improve the following:

a. Information

Information communication technology (ICT) is among the latest innovations that

has revolutionized various operations in the world. It is particularly important in the field

of education since it has recently created such platforms and opportunities that have

facilitated to some extent the acquisition of knowledge. This phenomenon has been

highlighted in this study which indicates how students view ICT as a component of their

study program. From the results of the research, it has been evident that a majority of the
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 47

people value ICT, and each of them feels that they should have the gadgets to be able to

adopt ICT more closely.

b. Communication

Reuters Respondents Percentage Digital News

11% paid for news online

26% accessed it through a smartphone

32% shared new era’s.

MEC is actively taking part in making the most of the technological trends the

Industry 4.0 brings. Reuters Institute’s (2015), Digital news Report indicated how

individuals consume news. 11% paid for news online, 26% accessed it through a

smartphone, and 32% shared new era’s. There is no question that technology has

improved, but also it has had a positive impact on communication as a whole in many

ways. It has increased the reliability of sending messages to others, made it easier to meet

new people and keep in touch with friends and also saved lives.

According to Wright (2017), Communication technology has 4 ways on how the

technology improved the communication it has increased the reliability of sending

messages to others and made it easier to contact people and keep in touch with them in so

many ways.

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 48

Modern communication is handled by wireless signals, undersea cables, satellites

and other advanced technology, ensuring the almost instant delivery of messages and data

to any location on the planet.


Transmitting messages electronically would instantly reach their destination, and

are hindered only by glitches or errors, which don't happen often. This means that as long

as the data lines are secure, sending anything via a phone or the Internet will be

unaffected by weather conditions or human error.


Online communication are the new ways of communicating with strangers and

taking part in communities. Chat rooms, discussion forums and dating sites let people

meet each other and get to know more people without having to be there in person.


Much online communication is done publicly, allowing anyone with Internet

access to acquire an audience. Social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus let

users follow anyone they find interesting, and some people have an audience of millions

of people.

c. Technology
Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 49

Evolution of technology in the Philippine economy, that it could grow faster by an

estimated 10 %, provided that emerging technologies, knowledge and the Fourth

Industrial Revolution can be utilized to accelerate productivity, according to Gatpolintan

(2013), Philippine Institute of Development Studies (PIDS). Right now, Philippines are

growing at about 6 %. Philippines have not fully utilized the existing technology.

3. The contributions of the ICT graduates in the Philippines in terms of technology

as a whole.

A lot of Information technology graduates has a contribution in terms of

technology in the Philippines some are web developers, call center agents, Instructor in

Computer Programming, Network Administrator/Computer Technician, Instructional

Media Specialist and many more jobs they have taken for them to help develop the

technological world. Annual revenues could more than double from $9 billion in 2010

to $25 billion in 2016 equivalent to 10% share of the global market (Garcia,2016). And

some help to developed internet in Converge ICT, an internet services in the

Philippines, launching a new broadband internet that the connections are fiber-only,

introduced their new entry level plan: a connection that can go up to 25 Mbps for P1500

a month without data cap. The plan is an upgrade from their older 20Mbps/P1500 a

month connection(Garcia,2016). ICT graduates helps companies to enhance their

products, services, and experiences digitally to anticipating policy changes that would

disrupt ICT and BPO markets.

4. Impact of the result of the study to the SHS students of MNHS

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 50

ICT adoption resulted in the improvement of the performance of the students

and the ICT has become an important source of innovation and improvement of

efficiency for many students. According to Essay U.K(2018), ICT stands for

Information Communication Technology. ICT is widespread and essential to play a

meaningful role in changing and modernizing educational systems as well as the way of

learning. It is part of many aspects of people’s daily lives. In the education sector,

particularly, the application of ICT has become critical part of the learning process for

the students both inside and outside the classroom setting. And the student that have

fully adopted ICT have recorded immense advancement in the application of ICT for

the improvement of learning methods, teaching, research, and development.

It is, however, not clear what impact of the ICT applications have on the

performance and achievement of students. This approach according to the researchers

and some authors would determined what would be the impact of the study result to the

student and it yield more accurate results. Based on the identified research gaps and the

problem statement, a need is felt to investigate the adoption of ICT in campus and

examine its impact on the proposed research will carefully evaluate the manner and

extent to which the campus have adopted the use of ICT and how the adoption of ICT

has consequently made an impact on the performance of students.


1. Consider the perception of instructors at the schools.

2. Conducting information must be administered on lecturers and other administrative

Evolution of ICT in the Philippines 51

3. Involve all its functionaries in ICT.

4. Be involved in a study sequel and understand the components of ICT that are relevant

to their respective functional unit or department.

5. The current study should be limited in time and geographical and physical

environment, therefore it could not study other variables like use of ICT in building a

career for students, role of ICT in campus–industry connect programs, and field training.

6. Further work are therefore required to investigate all these areas


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