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Full names: Geraldine Shanatl Garcia Vazquez

Yair Adrián Vázquez Aguila

Grade group: 2ammt

Subject: Inglés 2

Teacher’s name: Erick George de la Luz

Name of work: Proyecto 2

Date: April 5th 2022

Trip to te beach

 year my aunt invited me to his house on the beach to spend my vacations, it
wasn’t a very long trip but I was very hot and I was dizzy even though I traveled by

plane and it only took me two hours of flight. 

When I arrived, I unpacked and went to the beach with my cousins. I swam for a
long time and then we were walking under the sunset, I had dinner with my cousins ​
in a restaurant on the outskirts of the city and then I went home, along the way i
was singing my favorite song. 

I slept a lot because it had been a long day. The next day visited the aquarium but
didn’t like, so didn’t go to hause, I went to the beach again but my cousins weren’t
playing in the sand. Afther that I wasn’t enjoying my vacations and I was with them
for more than a week, then return to my home. (163)
amarillo en pasado pueden ser regulares o irregulares
Azul tiempo en pasado continuo afirmativa 
Rojo pasado continuo forma negativa
Verde negativo de pasado simple

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