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This book and the content provided therein are

simply for educational purposes and to serve as a
guide to escaping the 9-5 rat race.

However, this is not an exhaustive treatment of the

subjects and expert opinions may differ. Any use
of this information is at your own risk. the author
does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability
to any party or any loss, damage or disruptions
caused by errors or omissions resulting from
accident, negligence or any other cause.
Copyright © 2020 Emmanuel Akpe.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, including photocopying, recording, or
other electronic or mechanical methods, without the
prior written permission of the publisher, except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and
certain other non-commercial uses permitted by
copyright law.


I am not a man of a preacher against 9-5! I don't

have a problem with people who already have 9-5

My only problem is with people who don't have

exit strategies for their 9-5.

The only exit strategy for most people is

retirement at the old age of 65. That's not my wish
for you.

Beloved, I wish above all things that you may be

financially confident and have enough time even as
your purpose prospers.

We were not sent here to chase money. God sent us

here to live a life of purpose. The purpose of life is
to live a life of purpose. Money is only a fuel to this
destination, not main thing.

At age 16 I taught in a primary school and was paid

N8,000 monthly. The lesson notes I wrote alone
was enough to cover for 80% of that money not
mentioning all the classes and after school
During my NYSC service year, I knew I had to get
it right. By the help and inspiration of the Holy
Spirit, I took the steps I've outlined in this book and
my life has never remained the same.

I am financially free but more importantly, I am

financially confident.

I can make money with my skills at will. I can

command money from thin air with my digital
services. I couldn't do this teaching in that school.

My counsel is that you don't just read this book and

do nothing. Read it and take action.

The man who knows and does not take action is no

different from the one who doesn't know at all.

Cheers to escaping 9-5 and living a life of purpose.


The number one factor that helped me to escape 9-

5 was my early discovery of my strengths and

You see, if an animal has feathers, it can never be a

lion. If it has a tail, it cannot be a mosquito. I've
never tried to get into things that I don't have
strength in.

Imagine a fish trying to climb a tree, it will fail in

flying colours.

Imagine a lion going to compete with a shark in a

swimming competition, it will fail woefully.

Most people are competing in areas they are not

good at. They are fishes on dry land.

When you are in your area of strength, you don't

see work as work. You enjoy every moment of it.
Two hours looks like 20 minutes.

Ronaldo is thriving as a footballer because that is

his area of strength, take him to basketball and he
will fail in flying colours.
Bishop Oyedepo is thriving in Ministry because
that is his area of calling. Imagine Papa doing
something else.

I knew I loved writing, speaking and teaching and

I've stayed in those areas developing myself.

Don't focus on your weaknesses or you will end up

building strong weaknesses.

When you focus on your area of strength and

calling, you will not only learn and outsmart others
faster, you will be able to add massive value to
others and make an impact on the earth.

I have always said there is a difference between a

high-income profession, a high-income job, and a
high-income skill.

A high-income skill is one that can pay you

between N300,000 to N5 million and more

You see, there are high-Income Professions (like

medicine), there are high-Income Jobs (like shell)
and there is High Income Skill (like copywriting)

The last one pays more and can be learnt in a

shorter time period. It will take you at least 5 years
to become a Doctor.

Why is a skill important?

Everything else can be stolen from you but your

skills can never be stolen from you.

Copywriting is one, digital marketing is another;

programming, robotics, Artificial Intelligence,
graphic design, freelancing, and many more.
When you've found out your strength and your
passion, find a skill that aligns with your strength.

For me, it was copywriting because as I said, I

enjoyed writing and I had a business background.

By all means, find an internet skill that aligns with

your strength then go deep on it.

Put your mind into learning it for the next 6

months consistently.

If you commit to watching videos, attending some

trainings and reading as many books as there are in
that field, you will become a force to be reckoned

The more skillful you are, the more meaningful

you will be. And the more meaningful you are, the
more money-full you will become.

After my service year, I stayed back in Port

Harcourt by the leading of the Holy Spirit and also
because I didn't want my family pressuring me into
getting a job.

I knew getting a job was a slow vehicle to building

wealth, I was determined to use the flight of high-
income skills.

While serving, I kept getting forwarded messages

to apply for immigration, prison service, teaching
jobs, and many others too numerous to mention.

I never wanted my life to be in a prison that's why I

jumped and passed the prison job. Hehe.

You see, so many youths destroy their lives by

staying in environments where they are fed and

The more you are fed, the more you are led. If you
want to lead yourself, leave your parents house and
go and feed yourself.
You can't be broke at home and want to make a
decision for yourself, you will always be countered.

It is okay to start in a room and grow from there.

Even the Bible encourages us not to despise the
days of little beginnings.

I had to leave the comfort of Abuja for the

uncertainty of Port Harcourt but I knew I would
either succeed or die in hunger, I wasn't ready for
the last one.

Your environment will affect your "invironment"

and your invironment will determine your wealth,
success, and if you would ever escape 9-5.

While I was perfecting my high-income skill, I was

also doing my side hustle on the side.

I had three private lessons that were paying me

N95,000 monthly. I was teaching in the evenings
between 4 pm to 7 pm for the most days of the

I used my morning and afternoon hours to grow

massively. I was watching videos like I owned

Also, I didn't sit down and have the side hustle

come to me. I went out, printed A4 size posters,
bought gum, and pasted it in strategic areas around
Trans Amadi, Port Harcourt.

I didn't want someone paying me N5,000 for

private lessons and owing me money at the end of
the month, so I went after those who could pay me.

God saw my intention and gave me three families

that never gave me issues. Partly because I also
knew my onions in the teaching niche.
To be onion-less (competent) is to be suya-less
(results, money). Only those who know their
onions are permitted to eat their suya.

What can you do on the side as you develop your

high-income skill? What are those natural skills you
have? Who can you partner with? Can you barb?
Start there? Can you sew clothes, begin from there
in the evenings.

If you can teach, I advise you to do private lessons

instead of day jobs. God knows how much I hate
writing lesson notes. Arrgghh!!

As you perfect your high-income skill in the

morning, use a side hustle in the evening to pay the

Most people never escape 9-5 because of their high

taste lifestyle.

They want to brag over things that should come

later in their life.

You can't be poor and braggadocious. The two

combinations don't go together.

Most people are starting out and they want to use

the highest tech phones.

You can't be starting out and want to impress

people. You will only end up depressing yourself.

Those who seek to impress people end up

depressing their lives.

When I started out, I simplified my life and cut

down on unnecessary spendings. I wasn't trying to
buy shoes and clothes to impress anyone.

I wasn't eating out with outrageous amounts. I

calmed down and focused so much on saving.
If you cannot save, you cannot be financially saved.
Period. No arguments!

Only those who make sacrifices for the first few

years enjoy the next bloom years.

Understand that you are not in competition with

anyone. Because Tobi bought a new phone it
doesn't mean Tobe should buy it too.

Simplify your lifestyle if you want to live life in a

grand style.

When it comes to time management, I like to see

myself as a defensive footballer or as a goalkeeper.

My goal is to make sure I defend my time properly.

I don't want to lose out on the game of life.

You see, life is time and time is life, that is why it is

called a lifetime.

If you waste your time, you waste your life.

My time was more important than how much I

would be paid in a job, I didn't want to trade my
time for money. So I created enough time to learn
a high-income skill.

Time waits for no one. However, how you spend

your time today will determine what will wait for
you tomorrow.

Those who cannot manage their time cannot

manage their life. You don't control your life, you
control your time and your time controls your life.
After reading Secrets of the millionaire mind by T.
Harv Eker, I vowed never to waste my time on junk
T.V. I can count the number of movies I've seen
from 2012 to date.

Most young people spend their lives watching

television and cannot tell a vision of their lives.

For me to retire young and retire before working, I

had to manage my time properly from the onset.

I engaged fully in watching YouTube videos,

reading books, and paying for courses. I prioritize
my time only for the most important tasks.

This my friend is one way I was able to explore to

escape 9-5.

Brands are built deliberately and for you to build a

strong one, I will share some tips from studying
over 100 personal brands.

B- Be the best

You have to be very competent at what you do!

Don't let mediocrity swallow you up. Improve

yourself, practice every day, make sure that every
time you deliver the best you can,

Stop the fear of failure, stop the fear of success,

stop judging and criticizing others, stop negative
thoughts and confessions, stop procrastination.

Why is apple such a big brand, they make one of

the best phones

How about coke? One of the best soft drinks...

If your brand is not competent, you will always be

financially impotent.
R - Reliability

Are you reliable!?

Are you dependable?

Can we trust you to deliver?

If we take you to China will you deliver?

What if we take you to Russia, will you still deliver?

Coke is the same everywhere!

Coke in Garki is the same as coke in Lekki and


Brands are built on trust.

If I don't trust you to deliver, I won't refer you to


Reliability increases "referrability".

A - Availability

Are you always available?

Or are you one day on, one-day off?

Do you show up daily?

Brands are known to show up daily.

The goal is not to show off. The goal is to show up

The goal is to be consistent!

Messi and Ronaldo have both shared the world best

between them 11 times. That's 11 years of

Some of you will make a post on Facebook today

and go AWOL for two weeks...

You will now come back and write " who missed
me" Nobody missed you!

Learn from the suya man. Learn from the

provision seller

They are always opening their shops daily!

N - New updates

Be ready to update and upgrade your brand

Upgrade your persona

Reinvent yourself

You've been chicken flavour for too long

Add onions flavour

Add super pack

Add hungry man size

Add belle full

Wondering how I know all this? I am a bachelor.

As more money comes in... Dress well.

Buy new kinds of stuff for your business.

Bring in new technology.

Be up to date...

Don't allow change to swallow your brand...

D - Discipline

Every brand must be disciplined and stand for


Be principled as a personal brand.

It's not every female customer that comes to you

that you must date

Have laws that govern you.

And let people know what you stand for

Even the devil knows I don't support football

betting. I've seen way too many youths destroyed
from it.

Stand for something or you will fall for anything.

My good friend, when you've built a brand online,

you can enjoy massive wealth online and escape 9-

Keeping or managing your money is the most

important skill you need when it comes to money.

It is the bridge between making money and

investing money.

If the bridge is faulty, your wealth destination will

never be in view.

The truth is, some people don't have issues with

making money. Their major problem is with
keeping it.

Why's this?

The easiest thing about money is spending it.

No one ever learns how to spend money.

Some people think that when they make more

money, they will start keeping more of it. Not true.

Parkinson's law states that the moment there is an
increase in your income, expenses will rise to meet

Please read that again...

When income increases, expenses also increase.

There is a way money will enter your hand ehn,

those fine clothes you have will start looking faded.

It will be doing you somehow in your eyes.

Some of you using android phones now, once the

money starts entering now, you now want an

It's human nature!

But... It will not help you financially especially if

you want to escape your 9-5

If you want to keep the money... Learn to separate

money into different accounts.

This is how I save...

10% of all my earnings go to tithes. I am a very
strong believer in tithing.

I save 50% into my financial freedom account.

I use 40% for expenses.

See, if you can't live on 40%, you need to go and

earn more...

From my first 50%, 20% goes into an untouchable

savings account. 20% is for investments and 10% is
for my growth.

10% of growth is for buying books, seminars, and

everything that can help me grow.

From my 40% expenses, 10% is for "play" or doing

the things you love, I am hoping to join a golf club
soon.. As my 10% gets bigger.

The bottom line is, budget your money properly.

When you budget your money, your chances of

exiting and escaping 9-5 will be very very high.

The most important things in life are done daily...

You eat daily...

You bath daily...

You breathe daily...

But most people don't know it is equally important

to put daily attention to their finance.

When I began to pay attention to my income daily,

energy flowed and results began to show.

I vowed I was going to make at least N1,000 and

more every day from January 1st, 2019. Till
tomorrow, that supply has not stopped. I keep
earning daily.

How do you eat a cow? You must cut it down to

small pieces.

How do you hit your yearly income goals, by

chopping it down into daily income goals?
When you set a monthly financial goal, break it
down to daily income goals.

Let's say your goal is to make N1,000,000 a month.

Divide it by the number of days in the month; that
will be around N33,000

Now ask yourself these questions:

Can what I am offering (product/service) bring in

N33,000 daily?

If it can't, how can you improve your value, price,

or reach more people?

How many people must buy my product daily to

hit my daily income goal?

Let's say you have a 3k digital product, you will

need to sell it to 11 people daily to hit your daily
income goal.

And if your digital course is 10k, you only need 4

people to hit your goal.

And if you work by the hour, let's say you work 10

productive hours daily. That makes your 1 hour
worth N3,300. Don't collect anything less than that.
Chopping down your goals to daily pieces will help
you live in the now and make you accountable for
your actions every day.

The truth is, if you are hitting your daily income

goals, you will also be crashing your weekly,
monthly and yearly goals.

And when you start hitting your yearly goals, you

can easily retire and escape the 9-5.

This is the mistake most people make when they


They want to create multiple streams of income

but they end up creating multiple streams of jobs.

If you want to achieve massive wealth and escape

9-5, you are laser-beam focused.

Stay with me...

You must be able to say NO to a lot of things so

that you can say YES to the major thing.

Most people want to "know a little about

everything" but I say, "know so much about one

Saint Paul said it best, "...but this ONE THING I do,

forgetting those things which are behind, and
reaching forth unto those things which are

Most people misunderstand the concept of

Let me help you understand it.

If you are starting, it should be multiple streams of

RELATED income.

For example:

I am a freelance copywriter...

I also teach Copywriting and Freelancing

I sell digital products on Copywriting

I approve and set up Upwork accounts (freelancing)

And when I do have speaking engagements, I speak

on freelancing and Copywriting.

Can you see that they are RELATED?

How can you be selling garri and cement in the

same shop?

Now, when you branch out, it must be Multiple

Streams of PASSIVE income.

By passive, it means you don't have to be fully

available for it to work.
By passive, it means you don't have to be fully
available for it to work.

Even though Dangote is in so many fields, he is just

an overseer. He has competent people running his

He is in the business of managing his business.

Stay on one course until you become so good at it.

Dig deep before you spread.

FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Success


FOCUS stands for "follow one course until


Most people are not focused, that's why they end

up as locusts. They are always jumping from one
business or opportunities to another.

They hear that there is a job in Kaduna, they run

there. Tomorrow, they are on another bus to Abuja.
Or, they are told that the paying business is
ethereum, they jump there. Next week, they hear it
is bitcoin and they are there.

You must learn to be FOCUSED. Don't minor in

your major and major in your minor. Major in
your major.

You can't be a Major in the Military if you do

minor operations.

When I knew it was copywriting, I dived in with

my two legs.

Most people are one leg in, one leg out. I am not.
You need to be two legs in.
You need to burn the boats and succeed or "die".
That's what focused people do.

They stay put in one course and become

authorities there.

When you focus, energy flows. And where energy

flows, attention goes, and then results show up.

Stay focused!!
What do I do from here?
I must congratulate you for reading this far, you've
done well. I will advise that you read one more
time if you can to get some hidden light from the
book. Also, this time, do it with a pen and a paper.

As yourself questions as you read, how do I apply

this into my life now? What can I do differently
with what I've learnt?

What can I unlearn, what can I relearn? The truth

is, the quality of our life is in the quality of
questions we ask and answer. If you ask rich
questions, your life will be rich but if you ask poor
questions, you already know what will happen.

The one who knows and does not apply what he

knows and the one who doesn't know anything at
all will always get the same result.

Knowledge is the edge you have because you know,

but ACTION is what will bring DISTINCTION.

The knowledge in your heart must be put to work

in your acts for it to be valuable. Results don't show
because it's in your heart, results show from your

I will see you at the top!!

Join The Greatest
Copywriting Academy

This idea actually came after I realised the wonders

copywriting has done in my life.

I studied microbiology for 4 years in the University

of Uyo

Graduated with a 2'1

Spent over a million naira in the course of my Four

years in school fees, feeding, accommodation,
materials, transport..

After that, nothing to show for it.

The only money I've made from Microbiology is

the one ITF paid me for doing industrial training

Even that one was just N15,000


2016 I discovered copywriting and put my head

into it.
From September 2019, I don't think I've done
below a million monthly.
All thanks to copywriting.

The number 1 skill that has created more “online

millionaires” than any other is copywriting.

Most people are PASSIVE copywriters

They write ads, write sales letters, write product

descriptions, send emails, sell to their friends..


You can play monkey post and be better than Messi

but you will NEVER win the world best there.

Same way, until you CONSCIOUSLY and

ACTIVELY learn copywriting, you will be selling
like an amateur

There are systems..

There are formulas..

Just this past weekend, I did close another N250k in

sales from a class.

I used a working System.

So in the Bachelor of copywriting course, you will
learn the exact system I use in making millions
online monthly.

• You will get materials worth N370,000

• The top 10 students will gain automatic

employment to work with me.

• You will get a certificate at the end of the course.

• Access to my library worth N800k+

• Access to all my e-books.

My e-books.

1. Copywriting 101
2. Why You Are Broke
3. Whatsapp Income Mastery
4. E-book Creation Mastery
5. Premium Articles of 2019
6. Organic Traffic Generation

Everything for you!!!!

There will four faculties.

Faculty of Offer
Faculty of Writing
Faculty of Ads
Faculty of Applied Copywriting
It will be so corrosive you will call your VC and ask
for your money back for the time you spent in the
University 😅

This course as you know is pegged at N20,000

If I charge N50,000 it will still be a steal for you.

Will you exchange N50,000 for millions

monthly??.. Who wouldn't??

Because I already made a promise that if I get 100

interested persons I will crash the fee, I have
further crashed the fee is just N5,000.

Is there a guarantee?

I’ve been doing this 4 years now. I’ve coached over

10,000 people in over 6 countries. I don’t tell you
this to brag. I say this because, frankly, my
reputation is on the line.

If I don't deliver the results I promised, my

reputation would go down the trash..

I want to be known and respected as the Prince of


So, if you follow the instructions and principles I

teach and you don't make 10X your money back,
meet me for a refund after the class.
I will give you back all your money and add a
written apology. I will so drop the name Prince of

I will go back and get a job in a lab and be probably

known as the Prince of Microbes AKA Corona
Master 😅😅😅

Please note: Only those who make payment today

will get access to my free library worth N800k+

Only fast action takers will collect my library.

I don't want people who will be thinking if I should

pay or not.

You are either IN or OUT.

It's either HELL YES or HELL NO

If you are in the middle, you are in HELL 😅😅

So, in the name of Jesus the author and giver of this
great idea, I declare payments open!!

Akpe Emmanuel
GTB: 0130177563
Firstbank: 3058878575

Fee Again is 5k

Send Bsc Copywriting to 07036322882 on

Emmanuel Akpe is popularly known as the prince
of copywriting and chief value officer.

Akpe is a copywriter, business magnate, sales and

marketing consultant, trainer, author and speaker.

His digital trainings has affected more than 10,000

lives directly and millions indirectly.

His book Money 101 has been downloaded and

read by more than 20,000 persons.

He is also the author of copywriting101, Why You

Are Broke and numerous digital products and

Emmanuel Akpe has spoken to thousands on

copywriting, personal finance, high income skills
and finding purpose

Emmanuel is an addicted lover of God and the

convener of Rich Firebrands.

He works and lives in Port Harcourt.

Connect with me on Whatsapp:


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