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According to Bailey, Blavatsky and Edgar Cayce, the first human incarnations occurred in the sign of Cancer— the sign that represents the Cosmic Mother. Even today, very young souls— evolved in
their own experience yet very young in their Earthly experience— incarnate into communes, tribal groups and with protective Soul Groups.

When these first incarnations in Earth took place, there was a group consciousness so that what was sensed or affected by one was sensed and affected by all. The origin of fear— fear that has no
current-life basis of experience— is found in that original separation from the group at the individualization in Leo.

Each of us has retained qualities of this early experience. These lie dormant until we reincarnate on the evolutionary spiral upwards in the same sign of Cancer. Spiraling upwards, such qualities are
heightened with a new awareness that results from all of our past experiences. We are no longer young Souls.

In the average Cancerian, this can manifest as mass consciousness, working through the solar plexus wherein the individual senses the moods and feelings of others. The House position of the Moon
would indicate where we can tap into the moods of others most readily— our solar plexus is stimulated in the nature of the Moon’s House, sign and aspects. A well-aspected Moon would make an
individual good in matters of business, sensing the wants of the public, or good at working with the emotions of others, such as a psychologist.

When Cancer enters the Spiritual Path, Neptune helps the individual to go beyond the solar plexus by dissolving the attachments symbolized by its House position. In “going beyond,” Cancer is able to
tap into Cosmic or Universal Consciousness— the level of consciousness where all things are known. We are all aspects of the Absolute, the Ultimate Consciousness, so there it is only logical that the
Higher Self retains that from which it is made.

With Cancer on the Ascendant, it is the Soul’s Purpose of that individual to tap into Universal Consciousness— but first he must calm the storm in the solar plexus, dissolve the attachment to the pull of
the emotions, the illusion of security, and narrowness of perspective through bias and prejudice.

Neptune dissolves these attachments. If you have Cancer rising, Neptune will usually be found below the horizon, in the area of personal affairs— my self (ego/personality), my money and possessions,
my own analytical way of thinking, my home and family, children and lovers, and my job and how I do it.

Only very recently when, in 1984, Neptune first entered the sign of Capricorn did the possibility present itself for new Cancerians to be born with Neptune above the horizon. These advanced Souls will
often have overcome attachment to those personal matters symbolized by the first six House of the Zodiac. They will now incarnate to dry up and calm the astral plane that others have created— but
only if they have done this in their own personal life.

For all Cancerians, when this dissolution occurs, there is a sense of belonging to the family of humanity rather than being so concerned with the biological roots, the clannishness so often manifesting in
the young Cancerian Souls. The previously insecure Cancerian, so fearful of the unknown and so distrusting of the unfamiliar, will become truly secure in his knowing that he is a Child of the Cosmos
and that we are all brothers and sisters. No one is a stranger to Cancer. There is complete trust since nothing is unfamiliar.

One of the clues to an Old Cancerian Soul can be fond in the choice that they have made for an incarnation that allows them to travel extensively. This helps break up any attachments to the familiar.
There is a movement away from a traditional family lifestyle. While Cancer will always love the home and family, they recognize that they must go out into the world and “…be about my Father’s

The House position of Neptune indicates where we can tap into Universal Consciousness and where we can respond to spiritual awareness:

FIRST HOUSE: The personality finds expression through all things that are mystical, not truly of this world, yet bringing them down into the 3-dimensional world. These people grew up in the Age of
Spiritualism (Neptune in Cancer). Now they are tested in their ability to deal with reality and to see things as they really are. If the test is failed, the individual becomes trapped in the quagmire of world
glamour, seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses. They desire to live in a beautiful, altruistic world, to live an ideal existence. They can daydream about this ideal which they never find nor can they
bring this down into manifestation in the 3-dimensional world. They can view the world through the rose-tinted glasses, seeing only what they want to see, or they can come to terms with reality and bring
their ideals down to earth for all to experience.

Neptune dissolves the pull of the personality. Initially, these people feel confused, in a cloud or fog, not knowing who they are, what they want or where they are going. There is much insecurity but this
can ultimately be transcended. At this point, the point of transcendency, the personality no longer needs attention. The compassionate, humanitarian influences of Neptune are turned towards humanity.

In the First and Second Houses, Neptune influences the hold of the personality and the physical body. Astral travel is possible. However, they must first learn to discriminate and to perceive clearly in the
3-dimensional world before we will be allowed to roam through the astral world of dreams and emotions.

SECOND HOUSE: This House rules the physical body, our personal resources and our attitude towards material things. With Neptune here, the early environment did not cultivate a practical or well
grounded attitude towards money, possessions and the value of our efforts. These people are often idealistic and they develop a philosophy that what they need to will when they need it, almost
magically. These philosophy is actually developed through an indulging parent or grandparent. These people do not want to be tied to money concerns.

Neptune dissolves the desire for possession for self. When this is done, Cancer can tap into the Universal Consciousness for money and resources that will help build that beautiful, wonderful and
altruistic world.

I have found the combination of Cancer on the Ascendant and Aries planets near the MC or Mars on the Ascendant indicative, particularly in men, of compulsive gambling. Actually, only one man was a
race track devotee. They usually express their emotional drive for excitement and fast money through commodities investments.

Because the astral body is the course of inspiration, they usually do very poorly in the long term. If desire can be stilled and altruistic motives developed, Neptune can help them tap into the
Consciousness Plane where all is known. They could acquire wealth for humanity. One friend with Neptune here said that the horses at the race track would always tell her which horse would win. She
would never bet except to win money for a needy cause.

Most important, the Second House is a Healing House. This House represents the repository of Chi, the electrical currents running through the body. Methods ruled by Neptune are drugless and directed
to the etheric and astral bodies. Since the 2nd House is connected with body energies, it rules healing through Body Movements— Tai Chi, Yoga, Aerobics, Bio-Energetics and even acupuncture.

THIRD HOUSE: This House rules the Lower Mind. In order for the Soul to dissolve the attachment to analytical, sequential thought of the left hemisphere of the brain, it creates some dysfunction in that
hemisphere with Neptune in the 3rd. This is especially true if there is an affliction to the 6th House of Congenital Health Issues. We can see that most learning disabilities are a karma condition generated
by the Soul to force the individual to use another way of processing thought.

The first sign of the dissolution of the lower mental body is difficulty in dealing with mundane, analytical subjects. The individual is forced to transcend the limitations of normal communication and
thinking and to seek the realm wherein the Higher Mind dominates. The communication becomes inspired and they can develop a gift for channeling needed information.

There is sometimes an interest in numerology. Many individuals change their name, use a pseudonym or a nickname to change their vibrations.

FOURTH HOUSE: With Neptune here, the astral world becomes a reality. A 4th House Neptune is supposed to indicate a “skeleton in the closet.” Many families have such skeletons but their children do
not have a 4th House Neptune. Such individuals are psychically attuned to their environment. They pick up everything, hence, they are aware of any skeletons or something amiss in the family dynamics.

These individuals have a powerful elector-magnetic field that, even as children, they are able to pick up the energies of those who step into this field. Initially, it causes much confusion when parents or
friends say one thing but they are picking up through their electro-magnetic field that something else is going on.

Because they can so easily pick up on astral matter, it is imperative that they cleanse any new residence (cedar-sage-sweetgrass, crystals or imagery). Neptune in the 4th House is often attracted to
homes wherein a “ghost” dwells. They find this titillating to their energy field, specifically to be stimulated by an astral spirit. Caution must be exercised.

These individuals can become naturally gifted psychics since they can immediately pick up on anyone who enters their energy field. Since this Neptune can describe the mother, these individuals often
feel that their own mother was extremely psychic because she could pick up on their lies or half-truths. Yet, there is danger in picking up on astral matter that is negative. They may have problems going
to shopping malls because they tap into the frenzy of shoppers. They have a natural ability to move their own consciousness into the astral bodies of others, sensing exactly what is going on inside of
others. This might be good for someone who used Feng Shui to regulate the energies in the environment.

Neptune in the 4th House dissolves one’s roots or attachment to the biological family. Often, the confusion and emotional depletion that occurs around family members causes them to feel
uncomfortable, that they do not fit in and they need to move away to find serenity. There can be a nebulous parentage. At this point, the individual will fulfill the Soul’s Purpose by creating a non-
biological home, a tribal experience, sometimes for young souls who have sought incarnation. This provides great solace for those who find no place in the material world that offers inner peace. There is
a well-known astrologer with this Triangle. His home has no boundaries for those who need a place to stay because they do not fit into their biological home.

The 4th House rules the environments in which people live and environmental issues in general. There is a sensitivity to a lack of harmony in any environment. They may seek to bring beauty to the
world and their environment. Their Soul’s Purpose may be connected to nurturing the homeless, half-way houses, homes for the very young or old and cleaning up the environment of astral residue.
Because one of the skeletons can be alcoholism, these individuals can heal others afflicted with this disease but only after they dry up their own astral condition. Having order and positive vibrations in
their own home is essential.
FIFTH HOUSE: With Neptune in the 5th House, individuals often seek astral pleasure through romance, seeking an ideal in others, seeking stimulation of their solar plexus so that they can feel in love.
This type of activity can be both exhausting and tumultuous.

When Neptune helps to dissolve or transcend this need, often through the after effects of disillusion, there develops heightened creative and aesthetic ability. Creative ability must be used to uplift the
consciousness of mankind. Neptune dissolves the sole connection to biological children. The individual then helps to develop creativity in humanity’s children, even the inner child in adults.

Neptune here can dissolve personal needs and desires. It works towards the development of cosmic or universal love since no one person can satisfy their needs, especially if Venus afflicts this

SIXTH HOUSE: Neptune in the 6th House is often associated with vague health problems that stem from the astral and etheric bodies. Children seem to manifest non-specific complaints. These people
are extremely sensitive to their school and work environments. If a work environment looks like an unmade bed, the negative energy is so distracting that they cannot function— and it can even make
them ill.

The special gift of a 6th House Neptune is an ability to heal at etheric and astral levels. By tapping into Universal Consciousness, the individual can ascertain medical readings for clients. They might
become medical intuitives. Working with the aura and etheric body, they can become acupuncturists and energy workers. Primarily, the 6th House is a Healing House.

SEVENTH HOUSE: Those individuals with Cancer rising and Neptune in the 7th House were born in the late 1980s when Neptune first entered Capricorn. These individuals, as stated before, may help
dry up the astral plane that others have created— but only once they have done this in their own lives and in their relationships with others!

When the individual is polarized in the astral body, persons with Neptune in the 7th House look for their ideals in other people. They ooh and ahh over a newly formed relationship but then become
disillusioned and bitter when that individual, through no fault of their own, falls off a very high pedestal. They loose sight of the fact that others come to project their ideals onto the awareness of the
Cancer rising person. Once aware of the ideal, initially observed in another, they must start to build these qualities into their own character.

Advanced Souls with Neptune in the 7th House are no longer caught up in this type of glamour. They are here to deal with the astral disorders of others, to help them deal with and clear up their illusions.

The 7th House is associated with fields of psychology wherein the individual tries to integrate the personality with the Higher Self (Psychosynthesis). This House rules Gestalts and all Wholistic
approaches. The great changes portended in our government and legal system, especially at the international level, will be initiated by these individuals.

This House is ruled by the 7th Ray, a ray associated with the circulatory system. Where there are congestions and imbalances, the mind-body can be healed when they work on the Whole Being.

Neptune in Capricorn strongly affects our economy and the ravages of run-away inflation. Persons with Neptune in Capricorn may incarnate to heal the monetary congestions created by this Neptune.
The 7th House is related to the field of economics and healing energy flows that become congested. Obviously, this healing will occur at the level of concretized energy, Money!

NOTE: When Neptune transits a sign, it generates its own illusions. In the 1980s, sweeping, unchecked deregulation occurred. The gap between the rich and the poor became a vast gulf. The rich were
no longer paying 70% in taxes. It was reduced to 15% while the middle class shoulders the burden with a 30% tax rate. Now that Pluto has entered Capricorn, humanity needs to correct the error of the
“Trickle Down” economy philosophy. The rich will be demanded to step up to the plate and assume more of the burden from the middle and lower classes. After a 28-year Saturn Cycle of indulgence,
they will not do this willingly. Hence, a great rebellion will occur in 2012-2014 when Pluto in Capricorn squares Uranus in Aries.

EIGHTH HOUSE: With Cancer on the Ascendant, Neptune will not appear here until the 1990s and the 21st Century.

When Neptune is placed in Houses 4-8-12, there is a powerful connection with Spirit Guides and Multi-Dimensional Realities. The receptivity to Spirit Guides is potent here. Because of this receptivity,
the individual is considered an Empath. There can be some confusion around the senses— the boundary between Thee and Me. They must ask: Are these my emotions or am I picking up someone
else’s? DISCRIMINATION is a much needed lesson here.

With such heightened receptivity, Guides find a ready channel. If the desire nature is pure, the individual can channel inspiration from other realms. Many musicians and artists have this position— due to
the abundance of their work, it appears that they are channeling from spirit. Actually, many spiritualist ministers have this position.

If the desire nature becomes congested with negativity, there is much danger through drugs, alcohol, gurus and nebulous schemes in general. The tears (torn) in the etheric web (the outer rim of the
etherio-physical body1) leave openings into the astral plane, usually created by drugs, alcohol, smoking or an emotional crisis. These tears can be disastrous for such vulnerable people.

Dr. Douglas Baker, in England, states that this can generate a negative receptivity to astral parasites. It takes about two years of abstinence from such chemicals to repair the tears in the etheric web. In
Alcoholics Anonymous, an alcoholic must be dry for two years before they are considered recovered.

The Soul’s Purpose connected with Neptune in the 12th House can be one that I might consider dangerous. The astral body or desire nature MUST be clear and all tears in the web must be mended.
Neptune dissolves the veil between the Seen and the UnSeen. Through conquering one’s own astral body, the individual is armed to astrally penetrate areas that most people find depressing. Highly
evolved Guides often help the individual to deal with the astral/emotional problems of others. The consciousness of others may be influenced by the use of crystals, sound and color, all forms of positive

NOTE: You will not find Neptune in the 12th with Cancer on the Ascendant. Most of these people have passed out of incarnation. However, if the Esoteric Ruler of the Ascendant is in the sign of Cancer,
the 3rd point in the Soul’s Purpose Triangle can be found in the 12th or other Houses.

ELEVENTH HOUSE: This can only occur as the 3rd Point in the Triangle. With this House placement of Neptune, the individual can tap into Universal Consciousness, influencing mass thinking through
the energy of a group. Working through spiritual and altruistic organizations, they can place a future world.

Filed in Esoteric Astrology

1. Lynn Koiner Says:

Jul 22, 01:59 AM

VICTORIA (7-2011): I have been around a very long time. I have lived through too many “end of the world” dates.
I even have a book called…WILL YOU BE ALIVE IN 1975? …and I am still alive.
I do believe in a shift, not because of some galactic alignment, but because so many outer planets are changing signs — Uranus-Neptune-Pluto (just happened), Regulus entering Virgo,
Transpluto entering Virgo and the great Pluto-Uranus square, denoting the great rebellion on the planet.
I see it as a Paradigm Shift, not a pole shift.
In terms of Earth Changes, I see these as being more gradual but economic and societal…that is much faster.
We will have to see what happens…Lynn

2. Lynn Koiner Says:

Dec 14, 06:26 PM

FELICIA (12-2011): The 5th and 11th Houses are connected with young people in general. The 11th rules people who share a common vision and it is other people’s children. The Water signs
have great imagination/
Sometimes the Water signs are in danger of closing down their intuition because they feel too vulnerable.
For protection, I love the High John the Conqueror oil from Mystic Curio in Port Charlotte FL. Richard used to be in New Orleans and this is where I met me. HJC is actually a plant by that name.

3. Bassam Says:
Feb 5, 08:56 AM

Spot on, and timely (is it ever not).

Sun and ascendent in cancer in my chart (grand) trine Neptune in the 5th and Saturn in the 10th, sextile Pluto and Uranus (conjunct virgo) in the 4th.

Travel has been ongoing in my life, since early childhood (I’m 47). What I’ve always thought curious about my life experience is that (as a Cancerian) I’ve next to no interest in having children (I
teach meditation in high school!) and I’m largely detached from national identity. I also find the idea of owning a home stifling and restricting. Alas, I feel that way in relationships too (the ideal is
ever tearing me apart).

I’ve more or less “gotten” in recent times that this is the work of Neptune (glamor) and jupiter and north node in gemini in the 12th, but I have never considered this “fickleness” of nature in
positive light: that Neptune is striving to keep me from forming localised attachments. Is that right?
Also, kindly share with me your thoughts on “dissolve the storm of the solar plexus.” How?

Warmly, and grateful


4. Lynn Koiner Says:

Feb 5, 07:09 PM

BASSAM (2-2013): You are correct in your assessment of your Esoteric ruler. Yes, Neptune dissolves our boundaries of separation from our fellowman, as you have observed.

I have 3 planets in Gemini (part of my triangle) so I see so-called changefullness as Diversity and versatility in skills.

Calming that old solar plexus probably takes several lifetimes.

5. Condor Says:
Mar 18, 03:12 AM

Hello Lynn,
Great information and thanks for sharing it freely on the web, our global mind. I am Cancerian with Cancer ascendant. My natal chart has a grand trine in the water signs with my Sun, Neptune in
Scorpio, and Jupiter and Chiron in a ninth house Pisces. Adding to this energetic package is Pluto sextile my Sun and Neptune and in opposition to Jupiter and Chiron. Saturn is opposite my Leo
Moon forcing me to really examine that which I brought with me into this incarnation. Not only that, Neptune is square my Moon, North Node, and Saturn.

Only in the last three years have the deeper revelations of astrology become known to me. The amazing aspect of it all is how accurate your esoteric Cancer profile is. When I left home for
college, I began the dissolving of the family bonds, and then began my travels as an aimless vagabond seeking new experiences. For the longest time I had difficulty reconciling these attitudes
with the traditional Cancer identity of home and family.

My travels these days are mainly through consciousness. My meditations have me connecting with aspects of the human collective with an evolutionary intent for our relationship with Gaia. Is
that what you you mean when you say above that the “…Soul’s Purpose is to tap into Universal Consciousness-”?

Thank you for your insights.


6. Lynn Koiner Says:

Mar 18, 04:35 AM

CONDOR (3-2013): I am not sure what you are saying about your connection with the human collective.

I know that AABailey and Theosophy strongly advises Service Work so meditation, while an excellent discipline, is not sufficient — it is putting your spirituality into action, in service to humanity.
Service does not have to be lofty but you must bring Spirit into Matter.

Universal Consciousness is a high level of intuition, to know what humanity needs, and to use it for service.

This can also manifest in how you treat your fellow man — sensing no boundaries in race, creed or country and seeing humanity as family. There can be no prejudice with Esoteric Cancer.

You can look to the House position of Mars to determine where you must fight for the rights of humanity.
Neptune in Scorpio is a placement of action.

7. Temesgen tayachew Says:

May 22, 08:55 AM

I have cancer rising with moon in 6th house in sagitaries and sun, mars, mercury and jupiter are in libra in 4th house with rahu in 5th house in scorpio and neptune in 11th house in taurus. please
tell me which planet is benefic,malefic to me?

8. Lynn Koiner Says:

May 22, 05:00 PM

TEMESGEN (5-2013): When you use the term, RAHU, I suspect that you are using Vedic — this system of astrology does not work with the AABailey system.

But, if you are using the Western style, the Esoteric Ruler of Cancer is Neptune and it is in your 11th House (tropical style).
Shared goals and working with the New Group of World Servers is highlighted.

Mars ruling Scorpio in the 4th rules environmental issues, the environments in which people live, the very young and old, and even atmospheric conditions.

I do not classify planets as malefic or benefic – unless they are badly aspected in the chart when they cause problems.

9. Jeannie Lacombe Says:

Sep 21, 01:47 AM

Hello Lynn,

I have Cancer Sun, Mercury and Jupiter, Virgo ASC and Neptune in the 3rd House but also Neptune was in Scorpio Retrograde.

Can you provide any insight on the Scorpio Retrograde or is the focus really on the Neptune in 3rd for Universal Consciousness?

Thank you


10. Lynn Koiner Says:

Sep 22, 06:44 PM

JEANNIE (9-2013): I believe that you can find information on Neptune R in the 3rd House in my article of Natal Retrogrades on this website.

Neptune is only relevant esoterically when it is part of the Soul’s Purpose Triangle. If you have Virgo Asc, the Moon is the esoteric ruler.

Of course, with 3 Cancer planets, the information in the article is often relevant. Neptune, R or D, is always connected with universal consciousness. I think the R makes is easier but it can also
be quite disorienting until you learn to handle its energies.

11. Frederic Says:

Oct 8, 12:38 PM

Very enlightening essay on the nature of the Cancer energy.

I am a Cancer with ascendant in Cancer who has been attracted by spirituality and esoteric approaches since I am 18.

After years of studying theosophy and different spiritual approaches, I suddenly awakened to the unity of all and my life changed drastically.

I moved to the UK and started travelling extensively, I felt less the need of a personal home and I still don’t have one.

I still enjoy the reassuring energy of a family life when I can plug myself onto it but I have been feeling more a planetary citizen for the past 10 years.

I also found it interesting that a few months after my arrival in the UK that I was contacted out of the blue by a British astronomer, who was writing on a book on the discovery of Neptune, to
translate multiple letters sent between Urbain Le Verrier and other astronomers involved in the discovery of that planet.

I have the moon conjunct to Saturn and realised that many of my friends also have that aspect, I am still unsure I fully understand the nature of that aspect, I suspect it makes me often feel quite
Capricornian with that particular touch of dryness and seriousness :)

12. Ross Says:

Nov 13, 09:58 PM

Hi Lynn,

So happy to come across your words here…

I have cancer ascendent conjunct north node..

Moon in Scorpio house 5…Neptune in Sagg house 6 squaring both my Sun and Venus 4 degrees..

Trine between 3 water signs.. Jupiter in house 5 Scorpio to the cancer ascendent and Pisces MC..

Being very sensitive to myself and others I’m well aware of my own solar plexus issues being stuck often..I’d love if you could eloberate on this with your Astro wisdom?

Also seeing my Neptune in Sagittarius I’m understanding how I’ve used copious amounts of travel to escape/Broaden my emotions from being overwhelmed…would I be accurate in this

Looking forward to your reply,


13. Claudia Garza Says:

Mar 1, 04:16 AM

Hi Lynn,

I stumbled upon your website since I having poking around in the ever most fascinating world of Astrology.

I am a little confused with the definition of Esoteric Ruler ASC means.

I have Cancer moon and rising in the 1st house and Neptune in Sag in the 6th house. I’m an Aries Sun in the 10th house. I’m a little confused as to how to apply this when looking at my Esoteric
Houses and trying to identify the Triangle. Can you please provide some guidance?

I really enjoyed the article on Esoteric Aries it provided a great deal of depth. I have Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Aries in my 10th house with the exception of Venus in Aries in the 11th. Its
been quite the adventure in my internal battle between my heavy Aries energy and my 2 strong Cancer positions.

Lots of Love,


14. Lynn Koiner Says:

Mar 1, 12:08 PM

CLAUDIA (2-2017): If you have Cancer on the Asc, Neptune in Sagittarius in the 6th would be the 2nd Point in the Triangle. The 3rd Point is the ruler of Sagittarius, the Earth, in the 4th House
(180 from the Sun). This is about grounding your philosophies in some practical application.

The description of Cancer ASC in the article should tell you the meaning. Yes, the Moon in Cancer will further connect you to the masses and mass or universal consciousness so this needs to
be cultivated. The 6th House is connected with healing and healing through education. Travel is essential for Cancer.

With 4 planets in the 10th, you need to go to the 4th and this is even where the Earth is found. This House rules the environments in which people live, environmental conditions – with the Moon,
it rules beekeeping and weather forecasting.

Aries esoterically uses intuition to make fast solutions to crises situations.

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