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Name: Grade and Section:

Activity Worksheet 3

Instructions: Write the letter of the correct answer.

MELC 1: Describe how the propagation of light, reflection, and refraction are explained by the wave model
and particle model of light.
____1. What does the theories of modern physics tell us about light?
a. Demonstrate wave property only
b. Exclusively shows particle property
c. It combines wave and particle properties
d. It has neither wave nor particle properties
MELC 2: Explain how the photon concept and the fact that the energy of a photon is directly proportional to
its frequency can be used to explain why red light is used in photographic dark rooms, why we get easily
sunburned in ultraviolet light but not in visible light, and how we see colors.
____2. What color of light do photographers usually use in dark rooms? Why?
a. Yellow light since paper is not sensitive to this color.
b. Regular light may be used since it won’t affect the printing.
c. Red light does not cause the film to be exposed since it has low energy.
d. Violet light has the highest energy which is used to give color to the pictures.

MELC 3: Cite experimental evidence showing that electrons can behave like waves
____3. How come we cannot see other EM waves such as infrared, microwave and UV?
a. Other lights are invisible and has no color.
b. Our eyes are only sensitive and can only detect visible light spectrum.
c. Temperature of the surrounding interacts with these lights and makes it difficult for us to notice. d. Ozone
layer absorbs most of the energies of these lights thus making it colorless when it reaches the land.
____4. How does the photoelectric effect demonstrate the particle characteristics of light?
a. Light bounces off like a wave, as it shines on the metal surface.
b. Light may knock the electrons out of the metal surface as if light were made of particles. c. Intense radiation
may (large-amplitude waves) may cause emitted electrons to have more energy. d. The Energy of the electron
emitted from metal surface is dependent on the speed of the light that shined on it.

MELC 4: Differentiate dispersion, scattering, interference, and diffraction

____5. Identify which property of light best explain the light phenomenon below.
Question: Rainbow is separated into component colors upon passage through water
droplets. a. Scattering b. Refraction
c. Diffraction d. Dispersion
____6. Identify which property of light best explain the light phenomenon below.
Question: Mirage is formed by warm air near the road surface.
a. Scattering b. Refraction
c. Diffraction d. Dispersion
____7. Identify which property of light best explain the light phenomenon below.
Question: Brilliant colors in soap bubbles
a. Reflection b. Refraction
c. Diffraction d. Interference

MELC 5: Explain various light phenomena such as:

A. Your reflection on the concave and convex sides of a spoon looks different
B. Mirages
C. Light from a red laser passes more easily though red cellophane than green
cellophane D. Clothing of certain colors appear different in artificial light and in sunlight
E. Haloes, sundogs, primary rainbows, secondary rainbows, and supernumerary
bows F. Why clouds are usually white and rainclouds dark
G. Why the sky is blue, and sunsets are reddish

MELC 6: Describe how Hertz produced radio pulses

Instruction: Give a short explanation for your answers.

1. Have you ever seen various light phenomena such as Haloes, sundogs, primary rainbows,
secondary rainbows, supernumerary bows? If so, choose one and explain the reason of this

2. Are you familiar with Heinrich Rudolf Hertz? If so, how does he produced the radio pulses?

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