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The Impact of Facebook Addiction to the Well-being among Grade 11 Students of St.

Paul University Surigao

Problem and Its Background:

The main implication obtained is that higher Facebook addiction makes learning habits difficult and decreases
academic success resulting in lower scores. Based on a survey conducted on 200 youths attending various schools
of India. Weak and declining academic achievement resulting in lower grades.
Framework of the Study:
Burning eyes (21 %), disturbed sleep (19 %), and headache (16 %) were the most common adverse health effects
reported by the facebook users. Many students (71.4 %) tried and most of them (68.7 %) succeeded, in reducing
time spent on facebook, to allow for increased time devoted to their studies.
Statement of the Problem:
In addition to the benefits of using Facebook, the negative effects of its use were also identified, including:
impaired academic performance, health problems, personal relationship problems and social dysfunction. For
example, several studies have reported ways in which the use of Facebook is detrimental to the lives of students.
The results show that students use Facebook for entertainment, relaxation/escape, and pastime, but not for
socializing and social information. Spending time on Facebook had a positive impact on their academic
performance, indicating that time spent on Facebook did not affect their learning.
It’s easy to become addicted, and research shows that students who spend too much time on social media can
suffer from poor sleep, eye fatigue, negative body image, depression, anxiety, cyberbullying, and more.
Scope and Limitations of the Study:

General purpose of the Study:

Since Facebook is still the most popular online social network, several studies have confirmed that excessive use
of Facebook leads to addictive behavior, especially among the younger generation. This study aimed to explore
the impact of Facebook addiction, and self-esteem on students ’academic performance. Using the Bergen
Facebook Addiction Scale, and Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem scale, the online survey was developed to collect data
from a public university in Malaysia. A total of n = 240 students participated in the study. The results of the study
revealed that addicted students differed statistically in self-esteem from non-addicted students. Moreover, the
results showed that Facebook addiction had a significant impact on students ’academic performance for both
samples, and the frequency of Facebook use was also found to be a positive predictor of Facebook addiction. The
findings of the study provide empirical evidence for the impact of Facebook addiction on students ’academic
performance. The results also provide a better understanding of the self-esteem factor that significantly affects
student Facebook addiction and academic performance.
Population Involved:
An Estimated 210 Million People Suffer From Internet and Social Media Addictions
Time Duration:
Social media addiction is a growing phenomenon not only in the United States but around theworld. The average
person spends about 2 hours a day using social media, covering 5 years and 4 months of his or her life.
The best way to break a habit cycle is to detox and rewire your brain from that habit. I’ve found that it takes at
least five to seven days to break the initial ‘twitch’ cycle of the habit, so commit to even that. Deactivate your
account and log in again when you're ready.
Subject matter or topics:
What is addictive about Facebook? Stringer explained that Facebook and other types of social media "activate the
brain's reward center by providing a sense of social acceptance in the form of likes and positive feedback." In
other words, it offers instant gratification
“Facebook addiction” refers to excessive, compulsive use of the site with the intent to change the mood, despite
any negative consequences. Social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook offer the clear advantage of frequent
and convenient interpersonal communication.
Geographical scopes:
“Facebook addiction” is a term coined by researchers that is applied to individuals who engage in excessive,
compulsive use of Facebook for mood -altering purposes, with negative personal results.
For many of them Facebook use has become a significant part of daily life, and some of them seem to lose control
over their Facebook use and to develop a strong psychological need to stay online, despite the possible negative
consequences of this behavior–so-called Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD).
Theoretical or Mythological scope:
These motivations may be related to Facebook addiction through habitual, excessive use, or motivated by the
desire to change mood. Review of Facebook addiction research suggests that Facebook use can be habitual or
excessive, and some addicts use the site to escape from negative moods.
What is addictive about Facebook? Stringer explained that Facebook and other types of social media "activate the
brain's reward center by providing a sense of social acceptance in the form of likes and positive feedback." In
other words, it offers instant gratification.
Review of Related Literature:
The following studies and research are about the Impact of Facebook Addiction on Students Academic
Impact of Facebook Addiction on Students Academic Performance
Department of Biotechnology, Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management
Sciences, Pakistan
*Corresponding author: Nida Tabassum Khan, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences and
Informatics, Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management Sciences,(BUITEMS),
Quetta, Pakistan.
Submission: May 03, 2018;
Published: May 15, 2018
Facebook is the most commonly used social networking site for people to communicate and interact with their
peers on daily basis. Majority of facebook users comprised of teenagers and youngsters that are undergraduates.
Although excessive use of facebook has its drastic implications especially affecting the academic performance of
students. Nevertheless, within couple of years excessive use of facebook has been recognized as addiction and
measures have been taken to minimize its excessive use. This study revealed that the incidence of facebook
addiction among undergraduates was quiet high along with disturbing effects on student’s academics resulting in
lower GPAs.
Keywords: Addiction; GPA; Bergen scale
Facebook was created to provide a networking medium for people especially students to interact with others [1].
But in today’s scenario facebook is regarded as the primacy social-networking site. It was reported that
approximately 94% of undergraduate students were active facebook users spending countless hours on daily
basis. According to a recent report it was stated that approximately ten billion minutes per day was devoted to
facebook by users. And the average minute per user per day escalated by 57% . Here the underlying concern is
the prolonged time being spent on Facebook with negative impacts on students’ academic accomplishments.
According to a study it was reported that students that devotes bigger number of hours on facebook tends to
score low GPAs with poor overall performance. Another study revealed that substantial facebook use is common
among students with less demanding scholastic accomplishments. The main aim of this survey was to determine
the impact of facebook addiction on undergraduates’ academic performance.
Material and Methods:
100 randomly selected undergraduate students at BUITEMS were examined. Keeping in mind all those
participants has an active facebook account. Bergen scale was used for the assessment of facebook addiction
with a score >80 as facebook addict. Demographic data, academic scoring i.e. GPA and time spent on Facebook
was also obtained from each participant. Microsoft excel was used for analysis of the raw data.
Our study revealed a strong relationship between facebook addiction and students GPA. As depicted in Graph 2 &
4 that facebook usage is seen in students having lower GPA’s. Since spending too much time fason facebook
results in poor academic performance as depicted in Graph 3. Too much hours utilized on facebook causes
disturbance in normal everyday routine and eventually leads to poor performance. Obtained results also
indicated that high prevalence of facebook addiction was seen in students that tend to be more social and
consider facebook as an integral aspect of their life. According to a study it was reported that the highest ratio of
facebook users belongs to the adolescent and young undergraduates that uses facebook for gaming, emailing,
instant messaging etc. Besides these social network sites such as facebook, it provides an interactive platform for
people for displaying their public/private profiles and using them for socializing with their peers. However the far
stretching acceptance of facebook has raised an emerging concern among people regarding its damaging
implications on the lives of undergraduates. With over 800 million facebook users, 350 million people can easily
access facebook through their cell phones. With the advent of technology, access to these sites is not a problem.
Facebook addiction is an emerging problem, and research about compulsive Facebook use is at a new stage. The
majority of the evidence is based on cross-sectional studies using self-reported data on populations confined to
college students.
Because the number of Facebook users is rising where a larger proportion are of students and undergraduates. So
there is a high probability for those users to become Facebook addicts. Therefore there is a growing concern
about such users getting low cgpa due to excessive use of Facebook

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