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1. What is your reason behind for choosing teaching as your career?

2. Why commitment and passion need to imply to the character of the teachers?
Teaching is a career and a profession that I can utilize my skills and knowledge very well. I
choose teaching as my career, first is because I am enthusiast in taking good care of a child. I
also have lots of niece and a little sister so that I want them to learn from me. I want the best for
them. That is the first reason why I choose this kind of career. Second is that I have lots of
relative who is Licensure Teacher already, so I make them as my inspiration and aspiration in
taking this path of my life. I want to be like them so I can prove to myself that if they can, I can
also. And we all know that this kind of professions are in demand not only in our country but
also around the world, because I believe that one of the careers that we need in this world is a
teacher who can mold and develop a child for their own future. And the last reason in choosing
this kind of career is that because of my family, I want to give them the life that they wanted to
have. Specially to my parents so that I can give back all the sacrifices they do to me. I want to
give the life they deserve to have. I want the best for them. And I know that is one of my
responsibilities as their son. But I know teaching is not easy and it is not high in salary specially
here in the Philippines, because the government does not have a concrete budget for the teachers.

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