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Grades 3-5

about brGr
above T[go'es
absolute value fBog/y w[`b
accurate ;Nhe
accurately label work F[`X b/pb ekoi
act it out Beb T[skoBh
acute angle fBT{B e'D
acute triangle fBT{B e'D-fse'D
add i'VDk
addend tXhe$g{oe
addition iwQk
addition fact i'V dk nXko s`s
addition sentence i'V dk tke
addition sign i'V dk ;ze/s
additive inverses :'rkswe T[bNeqw
after pknd dk$nrbk
afternoon pknd d[gfjo
algebra phi rfDs$nbipok
algebraic expression phirfDsh ftnzie
algebraic patterns phirfDsh pDso$Bw{Bk
algebraic relationship phirfDs dk ;pzX
algebraic relationships phirfDs d/ ;pzX
algebraically phirfDs ;pzXh
algorithm frDB-;pzXh
alike ;wkB o{g ftu
all ;ko/
all together ;ko/ fJe`m/
almost brGr
amount okFh$fwFoXB
analog clock ;wkBo{g u`eo
analyze ftFb/FD
angle (∠) e'D (∠)
angles, adjacent e'D, Bkb brdk
answer itkp
ante meridian (a.m.) d[gfjo'I gfjbK dk (a.m.)
apex f;yo-fpzd{
application tos'I$gqk;zfresk
apply bkr{
approach B/Vsk$B/V/-s/V/
appropriate mathematical language rfDs ;pzXh T[fus GkFk
appropriate mathematical language
organize work ezw dk gqpzX eoB bJh rfDs ;pzXh T[fus GkFk
arc ukg$e";
area y/socb$oepk
argument soe
argument conjecture counterexample soe nB[wkB gqshe{b T[dkjoD
arithmetic (numeric) expression nzerfDs (;zfynk) gqrnktk
arithmetic expression nzerfDs gqrNktk
arithmetic fact nzerfDs nXko
arrange eqwp`X eoBk
array ;koDh
as long as id'I s`e fe
associative property i[VDFhb ftF/Fsk
attribute ftF/Fsk
autumn (fall) gsMV (fall)
average n";s
axis (axes) X[ok$nXko o/yk
axis (axes) X[ok$nXko o/yk
bar graph vzvh tkbk rqk\
base nXko
base of a 3-dimensional figure 3-g;koh fu`so dh nXko ;zfynk
base of a parallelogram uko G[iktK dh nXko ;zfynk
base of a polygon pj[e'D$pj[G[`i dh nXko ;zfynk
base of a polyhedron pj[o[yh m'; dh nXko ;zfynk
base of a rectangle nkfJskeko dh nXko ;zfynk
base of a triangle fse'D dh nXko ;zfynk
base ten number system d; Bzpo gqpzX dk nXko
before gfjbK$;kjwD/
below j/mbk$j/mK
beside between on Bkb dk, ftueko, T[go
big/bigger/biggest t`vk$s'I t`vk$;`G s'I t`vk
bisect ;wGkr
calculate frDBk$fj;kp bkT[Dk
calendar eqwp`X eoBk$e?bzvo
capacity ;wo`Ek
cardinal numbers (1-10) w[Yb/$p[fBnkdh Bzpo (1-10)
cent \h;dh
centimeter (cm) ;?INhwhNo (cm)
chance w'ek, nt;o
charts ukoN
circle r'bk
circle graph r'b/ dk rqk\
circumference x/ok
clarify ;gFN eoBk
classify triangles fse'DK dk torheoD
closed figure pzd ;zfynk
coin f;`ek
collaborate fwbtosD
collection ;zrqfj
common nkw$;KMk
common denominator nkw$;KMk Gkie
common factor nkw$;KMk ekoe
common multiple nkw$;KMk r[Di
commutative property of addition i'V dh tNKdok:'r ftF/Fsk
commutative property of multiplication r[Dk dh tNKdok:'r ftF/Fsk
compare s[bBk
compare numbers s[bBk ehs/ ikD tkbhnK ;zfynktK
compatible numbers :'r ;zfynktK
compatible numbers :'r ;zfynktk
compensation w[nkt}k$g{osh
complementary angles g{oe e'D
compose a number fJe ;zfynk ou'
compose shapes neko ou'
composite number fwfFqs ;zfynk
concentric circles ;w-e/Idoh r'b/
conclusion fBoDk$gfoDkw
concrete representations m'; gqshfBXsk
cone Fze{ o{g
congruent ;opzr-;w
congruent triangles ;opzr-;w fse'D
conjecture nB[wkB
connect i'VDk
consecutive fBozso$bVhtko
consecutive angles bVhtko e'D
constant nub
construct tkj[Dk$fy`uDk
contrast n;wkBsk
conversion fact sodhbh nXko
convert pdbDk$spdhbh
coordinate skbw/b
coordinate grid skbw/b frqv
coordinate plane fBod/Fh ;wsb
corner e'Dk$y{zik
corresponding angles ;zrs e'D
corresponding sides ;zrs G[i
count back T[bNh frDsh
count backwards fgSKj tb frDBk$T[bNk frDBk
count on g`ek$Go';k oyDk
counterexample gqfse{[b T[dkjoD
counting numbers frDB ;zfynk
counting numbers frDB ;zfynk
cube xDcb
cubic centimeter (cm3) xD ;?INhwhNo (cm3)
cubic unit xD fJekJh
cup (c) e`g$eN'ohB[wk neko (c)
currency symbols eoz;h ;ze/s
customary measurement system ;XkoD wkg gqpzX
customary units of measure ;XkoD :{fBNK dk wkg (cm3)
cylinder f;fbzvo
data nzeVk
data frequency table nzeVk pkozpkosk skfbek
day fdB
daylight ;t/o
decagon d; G[i
decimal fraction dFwbt fJekJhnK ftu tzvDk
decimal number dFwbt ;zfynk
decimal point dFwbt fpzd{
decimeter v?;hwhNo
decompose a number fJe ;zfynK ~ fBy/VDk
decompose shapes nekoK ~ fBy/VDk
decrease xNkT[Dk
decreasing sequences soshpK ~ xNkT[Dk
degree E'D nzF$xks
degree measure of an angle fJe fse'D d/ e'D nzF$xks dk wkg
denominator Gkie
density xDsk
design fv}kJhB
diameter ftnk;
difference \oe
differences \oe (plural)
digit nze
digital clock nzeK tkbh xVh
digits nze (plural)
dime vkJhw (vkbo dk d;tK fj`;k)
dimension xksK
discuss ftuko-tNKdok
distributive property tzvDFhb r[D$ftF/Fsk
divide Gkr eoBk
dividend Gki-nzF
divisibility test Gkr ehs/ ik ;eD dk N?;N
divisible Gkr ehsk ik ;eD tkbk
divisible by Bkb Gkr ehsk ik ;eD tkbk
division Gkr
divisor Gkie
dodecahedron pkoK o[yK
dollar ($) v`kbo ($)
doubles minus one d[rDk eoe/ fJe xNkU
doubles plus one d[rDk eoe/ fJe i'V'
doubling d[rDk
draw a graph rqk\ pDkT[Dk
draw a graph rqk\ pDkT[Dk
draw a picture fu`so pDkT[Dk
draw a picture fu`so pDkT[Dk
Drawings o/yk-fj`so
edge feBkok
eight n`m
elapsed time phs u[`e/ ;wK
ellipse dhoxftqs
endpoint nzs fpzd{
equivalent equations ;ws[`b ;wheoD
equal (=) pokpo (=)
equal to (=) d/ pokpo (=)
equation ;wheoD
equidistant marks ;wd{otosh fuzBQ
equilateral polygon ;wG[ih pj[e'D$pj[G[i
equilateral triangle ;wG[ih fse'D
equivalent ;ws[b
equivalent ;ws[b
equivalent decimals ;ws[b dFwbt$nFkohnk
equivalent fractions t`y t`y ;ws[b fJekJhnK ftu tzvDk
equivalent numerical expressions ;ws[b ;zfynkswe fuzBQ-;zrqfj
equivalent ratios ;ws[b nB[gks
estimate nB[wkB
estimation nB[wkB bkT[Dk
estimation strategies nB[wkB bkT[D tkbhnK oDBhshnK
evaluate w[bKeD
even number ;w-;zfynk
evening Fkw
event gfoDkw$f;`Nk
examine w[bKeD
example T[dkjoD
expanded form g;ko tkbk o{g
experimental results n}wkfJFh Bshi/
explain ft;Eko Bkb d`;Dk
explain mathematical relationships rfDs d/ ;pzXK pko/ ft;Eko Bkb d;Dk
explore j`b b`GDk$gsk bkT[Dk
explore mathematical relationships rfDs pko/ ;pzXK dk j`b e`YDk$gsk bkT[Dk
exponential notations xksKeh fuzBQ-nzeD
extend a pattern fJe Bw{B/ dk g;ko
extend models wkvbK dk g;ko
extended fact s`E dk g;ko
face f;`e/ dk w{jobk gk;k
fact s`E
fact family (related facts) s`E gfotko (;pzfXs s`E)
factor (noun) ekoe (BKt)
factor (verb) ekoD (feqnk)
factorial eqwr[fDs (r[DBcb)
fair share T[fus fj`;k
fewer x`N
fewer than s'I x`N
fifths gzitK
fifths gzitK
first gfjbk
five gzi
flip (reflection) fdqVQ okfJ
foot (ft) c[`N (ft)
formula \kow{bk
formulate conclusions from graphs rqk\K s'I BshfinK dk ;{soheoD
formulate predictions from graphs rqk\K s'I nB[wkBK dk ;{soheoD
four uko
four-digit number uko nzeK tkbh ;zfynk
fourths u"Ek
fourths u"Ek
fraction t`y t`y fJekJhnK ftu tzvDk$fGzBsk
frequency table pkozpkosk skfbek
front-end estimation ;kjwD/ dk nB[wkB
front-end estimation ;kjwD/ dk nB[wkB
gallon (gal) r?bB (gal)
generate solutions j`b fsnko eoB/
geometric figure o/ykrfDs fu`so
geometric pattern o/ykrfDs pDso$g?NoB
geometric solid o/ykrfDs xD
geometry o/ykrfDs
gram (g) rqkw
graphical representations o/yk-fu`so tkbh g/Fekoh
graphs rqk\
greater t`vk
greater than (>) s'I t`vk (>)
greatest ;`G s'I t`vk
greatest common divisor (GCD) ;G s'I t`vk nkw Gkie (GCD)
greatest common factor (GCF) ;G s'I t`vk nkw r[DB-yzv (GCF)
grid frqv
group how many fezBk torheoD
guess nB[wkB
half hour n`Xk xzNk
halves n`X' n`X eoBk
halves n`X' n`X eoBk
halving n`Xk eoBk
heavier pj[s Gkok
height T{ukJh
height of a 3-dimensional figure 3-g;koh fu`so dh T[ukJh
height of a parallelogram uko G[ik tkbk (u"e'o BjhI) dh T[ukJh
height of a rectangle nkfJskeko dh T[ukJh
height of a triangle fse'D dh T[ukJh
heptagon ;`sG[i$;`se'D
hexagon S/-G[ik$S/-e'Dh
higher tX/o/$T[u/ok
horizontal b/NthI
hour xzNk
hour hand xzN/ dh ;{Jh
hundred chart ;" dk ukoN
hundred thousands ;" j}ko (fJe b`y)
hundred thousands millions ;" j}ko fwbhnB
hundreds ;+eVk
hundreds ;"
hundreds place ;"thI EK
hundredths ;"tK fj`;k
hundreths ;"tK
hypotenuse eoD-o/yk
icosahedron thj-g`yh t;s{
identify ;opzr;wsk$gsk bkT[Dk
identify the problem ;wf;nk dk gsk bkT[Dk
identity element for addition iwQK bJh gsk bkT[D tkbk s`s
identity element for multiplication r[Dk bJh gsk bkT[D tkbk s`s
impossible outcomes n;zGt Bshi/
improper fraction ftyw-fGzB
inch (in) fJzu (in)
increase tkXk
increasing sequences tXD tkbhnK soshpK
inequality n;wkBsk
input values bkJh ikD tkbhnK ehwsK
inscribed polygon y[fDnk j'fJnk pj[G[i
inside nzdobk gk;k
integer g{oD nze
interior angles nzdo{Bh e'D
interpret ftnkfynk eoBh
interpret models wk`vbK dh ftnkfynk eoBh
intersect e`fNnk ikDk (behoK dk)
intersecting lines e`N ojhnK behoK
invalid approach ngqwkfDe gj[zu
inverse operations T[bNeqw ekotkJhnK
inverse property T[bNeqw ftF/Fsk
investigate gVskb
irrational numbers BkwkgD:'r ;zfynktK
irrational numbers BkwkgD:'r ;zfynktK
irregular polygon n;w pj[e'D$pj[G[i
irregular shape n;w neko
irrelevant information ngq;zre ikDekoh
isosceles triangle ;w-d'G[ih fse'D
justify gqwkD fdU
key sequence nfjw soshp
key to a graph fJe rqk\ dh e[zih
kilogram (kg) feb'rqkw (ferqL)
kilometer (Km) feb'whNo (fewhL)
kite fBGkT[ j[zvh
label work b/pb ekoi$torhfeqs ekoi
language of logic (and, or, not) soe dh GkFk (ns/, iK, BjhI)
large/larger/largest t`vk$f}nkdk t`vk$;G s'I t`vk
last nk]oh
least common denominator (LCD) ;G s'I x`N nkw jo$Gkie (LCD)
least common multiple (LCM) ;G s'I x`N nkw r[DKe (LCD)
leg of a right triangle bzpo{g fse'D dh pkjh
length bzwkJh
less x`N
less than (<) s'I x`N (<)
lighter jbek
like (common) denominators ;wkB (fJe' fij/) Gkie
likely ;zGktBk
line o/yk
line graph o/yk rqk\
line of symmetry ;wsk$;fwNoh dh o/yk
line plot o/yk fy`uDh
line segment o/yk-yzv
line symmetry o/yk ;wsk$;fwNoh
listen ;[DBk
liter (L) fbNo (L)
logical reasoning soe okjhI f;`Nk e`YDk
logical reasoning soe okjhI f;`Nk e`YDk
long/longer/longest bzwk$f}nkdk bzwk$;G s'I bzwk
longer pj[s f}nkdk bzwk
longer than s'I bzwk
look for a pattern fJe Bw{B/ dk gsk bkIU
lower j/mbk
lowest terms (simplest form) fBwBsw FosK (;G s'I ;ob o{g)
make a chart fJe ukoN pDkT[Dk
make a diagram fJe o/yk-fu`so T[bheDk
make an organized chart fJe soshpp`X ukoN pDkT[Dk
make an organized list fJe soshpp`X ;{uh pDkT[Dk
make conjectures nB[kB bkT[Dk
make observations nzdk}/ bkT[Dk
map legend BeF/ dh ;ze/sktbh
map scale BeFk g?wkBk
mass ;w{j
match w/b eoBk
mathematical statements rfDs ;pzXh soe
mathematics rfDs
mean n";s$w`XwkB
measure wkg
measurement wkgDk
median wfXnzso o/yk
mental math wkBf;e rfDs
meter (m) whNo (m)
metric system of measurement wkgD dk whfNqe gqpzX
metric units of measure wkg dh whfNqe :{fBN
mile whb
milliliter (mL) fwbhfbNo (mL)
milliliter (ml) fwbhfbNo (mL)
millimeter (mm) fwbhwhNo (mm)
millions d; by (eo'VK)
minuend fwfBT{n?Iv
minus xNk
minus sign xNk dk fuzBQ
minute ;{yw (pj[s S'Nk)
minute fwzN (;w/I dk)
minute hand fwzN dh ;{Jh
mixed number fwfFqs ;zfynk
mode ftXh
money oew
months of the year ;kb d/ wjhB/
more t`X
more than (>) s'I t`X
more/most j'o t`X$;`G s'I t`X
morning ;t/o
multiple pj[g`yh
multiple representations pj[g`yh toDB
multiplicand r[Dk ehsh ikD tkbh ;zfynk
multiplication r[Dk eoBk
multiplicative inverses r[DBkswe T[bNeqw
multiplier r[Dk eoB tkbk
multiplier r[De
multiply r[Dk
negative number foDkswe ;zfynk
negative rational numbers wB\h gfow/: ;zfynktK
next nrbk
nickel gzi ;?IN dk f;`ek
night oks
nine B"
nonagon B"e'D$B"G[i
nonstandard measure ngqwkfDe wkg
nonstandard representations ngqwkfDe gqshfBXsk
nonstandard units ngqwkfDe fJekJhnK
noon d[gfjo
not equal to (¹) (¹) pokpo BjhI
not equal to = = pokpo BjhI
number ;zfynk
number in words ;zfynk FpdK ftu
number line ;zfynk o/yk
number model ;zfynk wk`vb
number sentence ;zfynk tke
number system ;zfynk gqpzX
numeral nze
numeration nzeD-gqDkbh
numerator rDe$nzee
numeric expression okFh gqrNktk
numeric patterns nze pDsoK
numerical problems ;zfynkswe ;wf;nk
numerically Bzpo tko
objects t;sK
objects created using technology seBkb"ih dh tos'I eofdnK t;sK fsnko eoBhnK
obtuse angle nfXe e'D
obtuse triangle nfXe fse'D
octagon n`m G[i
octagon parallel lines n`m G[ih ;wkBKso o/yktK
odd number ftyw ;zfynk
one fJe
one-digit number fJe nze tkbh ;zfynk
ones fJe
ones place fJe EK
open figure c?fbnk j'fJnk fu`so
open sentence c?fbnk j'fJnk tke
operation ekotkJh
operational method/operation ;zfeqnkJh ftXh$nwb
oral representations w"fye gqshfBXsk
order soshptko eoBk
order of operations ekotkJhnK dh soshp
ordered number pair soshpp`X ;zfynk dk i'Vk
ordinal numbers eqw;{ue ;zfynktK
organize ;iht fJekJh pDkT[Dk
organize work fBoXkfos ezw
organized chart fBoXkfos ukoN
organized list fBoXkfos ;{uh
origin w{b fpzd{
ounce (oz) 1$16 fgzN (oz)
over pNk
pan balance ;op ;zs[bB
parabola g?okp'bk
parallel lines ;wkBKso o/yktK
parallelogram uko G[ik tkbk (u"e'o BjhI)
part fj`;k$nzF
part-to-part ratio nzF s'I nzF nB[gks
part-to-whole ratio nzF s'I ;w[uk nB[gks
pattern pDso$Bw{Bk
penny g?Bh
pentagon gzi G[i
percent \h;dh
perimeter gfoXh$x/ok
perpendicular lines ;we'Dh o/yktK
personal references fBih jtkb/
per-unit rate \h fJekJh do$w[`b
physical models gdkoEe wk`vb$Bw{B/
pi gkfJ
pictograph fu`so-fuzBQ
pictorial representations fu`soK tkbhnK g/FekohnK
pint (pt) sob gdkoEK dk fJe wkg (pt)
place value ;zfynk eqw dh ehws
plane ;wsb
plane figure ;wsb ;zfynk
plot ]kek pDkT[Dk
plus iwQk$i'V
point fpzd{
poll okfJF[wkoh
polygon pj[e'D$pj[G[i
polyhedron pj[o[yh m';
positive number XBkswe ;zfynk
positive power of 10 10 dh XBkswe Fesh
positive rational numbers XBkswe wkgD:'r ;zfynktK
possible outcomes ;zGkfts f;`N/
post meridian (p.m.) Fkw s'I pknd dk ;wK (p.m)
pound (lb) ;'bK n"I; d/ pokpo s'b (lb)
power xks
power of 10 10 dh xks
predict g{op nB[wkB
prediction GftypkDh
prime factorization w[Yb/ r[DByzv pDkT[Dk
prime number ntzv ;zfynk
prism fgq}w
probability ;zGktBk
problem solving strategies ;wf;nktK j`b eoB dhnK oDBhshnK
process of elimination eN"sh dk nwb
product T[sgkd
proper fraction T[fus nzF
property ftF/Fsk
protractor e'D wkge :zso
pyramid fgokfwv tork m'; xD
Pythagorean Theorem gkfJEkr'ohnB fEUow
quadrangle u"e'D$us[oG[i
quadrant e'D wkge$r'bkeko dh u"EkJh
quadrilateral us[oG[i
quart (qt) r?bB dk u"Ek fj`;k (qt)
quarter u"Ek fj`;k
questions ;[nkb
quotient Gkr cb
radius noX-ftnk;
random number T[xV d[rV ;zfynk
randomly T[xV d[rV/ Yzr Bkb
range x/ok$dkfJok
rate do
ratio nB[gks
rational number gfow/: Bzpo
rationale soeg{oD ftnkfynk
ray fJe e/Ido s'I fBebdh bhe
real number n;b Bzpo
real world math tk;sfte d[Bhnk dk rfDs
real world situation tk;sfte d[Bhnk dh ;fEsh
reasonable estimates Y[et/I nB[wkB
reasonableness T[fussk
reasonableness of a solution fJe j`b dh soe;zrssk
recognize gqwkfDs eoBk
rectangle nkfJskeko
reference frame jtkbk YKuk
regroup (regrouping) Bt/I f;foUI i[VDk (Bt/I f;foUI ;w{j pDkT[Dk )
regular polygon ;wo{g pj[G[i
regular polyhedron ;wo{g pj[o[yh m';
related facts ;pzfXs s`E
relation symbol toDB fuzBQ
relevant information ;pzfXs ikDekoh
remainder tzvD iK xNkT[ wro'I pkeh puh oew
repeated addition d[jokU tkb/ i'V
repeated subtraction d[jokU tkbh xNk
repeating decimal d[jokU tkbk dFwbt
repeating decimal d[jokU tkbh dFwbt
rhombus ;wus[oG[i$;w-u"e'o
right angle ;we'D
rotation u`eo
round a number fJe ;zfynk @s/ r'bk bkU
rounding r'bkJh
rule B/w$c[`Nk
ruler g?wkBk$c[`Nk
same T[jh
sample space Bw{Bk nzsokb
scale drawing g?wkBk o/ykfuso
scale on a graph rqk\ T[s/ g?wkBk
scale to measure mass wkg ;w{j bJh g?wkBk
scalene triangle ftywG[i fse'D
scientific notation ftfrnkBe fuzBQ-nzeD
seasons in relation to the months wjhfBnK d/ ;pzX ftu o[`sK
second d{ik
sector dkfJo/ dk fJe fj`;k
semicircle noX u`eo
set of data nzeV/ dk ;?N
set of objects uh}K dk ;?N
seven ;`s
shape neko
share fj`;k$F/no
shorter pj[s S'Nk
shorter than s'I S'Nk
show do;kU
side gk;k
similar figures ;wo{g fu`so$nze
similar triangles ;wo{g fse'D
similar triangles square ;wo{g fse'DK dk tor
similarities ;wo{gsk
simplest form ;G s'I ;ob o{g
simplify an expression fJe gqrNkt/ ~ ;ob pDkT[Dk
simplify fractions t`y t`y ;obsw fJekJhnK ftu tzvDk
single event fJ`ebh xNBk
single-event experiment fJ`ebh xNBk goy
six S/
sixths S/tK
size neko
skip count nze S`v e/ frDsh eoBk
slide (translation) ;bkJhv (nB[tkd)
small/smaller/smallest S'Nk$s'I S'Nk$;`G s'I S'Nk
solid figure m'; fu`so
solution j`b
solution(s) j`b(K)
solve j`b eoBk
solve a simpler problem fJe n;kB ;[nkb ~ j`b eoBk
solve a simpler problem fJe n;kB ;[nkb ~ j`b eoBk
some e[M
sort SKNDk
special case ftF/F e/;
special case(s) ftF/F e/;(K)
speed o\sko
sphere r'bk
spring p;zs
square tor
square array tor ;koDh
square number tor ;zfynk
square of a number fJe ;zfynk dk tor
square root of a number fJe ;zfynk dk torw{b
square unit tor fJekJh
standard measure wkBe wkg
standard notation wkBe fuzBQ-nzeD
standard representation wkBe gqfsfBXsk
standard representations gqwkfDe gqshfBXsktK
standard units wkBe fJekJhnK
stem-and-leaf plot ;N?w-n?Iv-bh\ gbk`N
step graph ;N?g rqk\
straight angle F;`Xk e'D
strategies oDBhshnK
substitute pdbtK
substitution pdbDk
subtract xNkT[Dk
subtraction xNk
subtraction fact xNk ;pzXh s`E
subtraction sentence xNk ;pzXh tke
subtraction sign xNk dk fuzBQ
subtrahend xNkJh ikD tkbh oew
sum ;[nkb$e[b
summer rowh
supplementary angles g{oe e'D
survey ;ot/yD
symbols fuzBQ
symbols in verbal form Fkpfde o{g ftu gqshe
symbols in written form fbysh o{g ftu gqshe
table skfbek
take away b? ikDk
tall/taller/tallest bzwk$s'I bzwk$;`G s'I bzwk
tallies nzeV/
tally mark nzeVk fuzBQ
ten d;
ten thousands d; j}ko
tens d;tK
tens place d;thI EK
tenth d;tK
term B/w
terminating decimal n]hobk dFbwt
terminating decimal n]hobk dFbwt
tessellation ukoykBk
theorem fEUow
third shik
thirds fsjkJh
thought process ;'u dk nwb
thousands j}koK
thousandths j}kotK
three fszB
three-digit number fszB-nze tkbh ;zfynk
three-dimensional figure fszB-g;koh fu`so
tiling NkJhfbzr
time ;wK
to challenge thinking ;'u-ftuko ~ tzrkoBk
to clarify thinking ;'u-ftuko ~ ;gFN eoBk
to elicit thinking ;'u-ftuko ~ ;kjwD/ fbnkT[Dk
to extend thinking ;'u-ftuko dk g;ko eoBk
together fJe`fmnK
ton NB
translate noE ;wMkT[Dk
trapezoid ;wbzpkswe us[oG[i
trial and error e'fFF ns/ |bsh
trial and error e'fFF ns/ |bsh
triangle fse'D
true/false ;`u$M{m
turn (rotation) teo (x[wkT[)
two d'
two-digit number d'-nzeK tkb/ Bzpo
two-dimensional figure d'-g;koh fu`so
types of representations gqfsfBXsk dhnK fe;wK
under noE e`YDk
understand ;wMDk
unit fJekJh$:{fBN
unit fraction fJekJhnK$:{fBNK dh tzv
unit fractions fJekJhnK$:{fBNK dh tzv
unlike denominators n;wkB jo$Gkie
unlikely n;zGkth
use manipulatives i[rsK dh tos'I eo'
valid approach gqwkfDe sohek
value w[`b$ehws
variable pdbthI okFh
Venn diagram t?B o/yk-fu`so
verbal expression Fkpfde gqrNktk
verbal form of reasoning Fkpfde o{g dk soe
verbal language Fkpfde GkFk
verbal process Fkpfde nwb
verbal symbols Fkpfde fuzBQ
verify claims of others j'oBK d/ dknftnK dh g[FNh eoBk
verify results BshfinK dh g[FNh eoBk
vertex FhoF
vertical yVQ/ dkn$bzpkswe
vertical angles bzpkswe$FhoF e'D
vertices yVQ/ dkn tkbk$bzpkswe
volume nkfJsB
week j\sk
whole g{oD
whole number g{oD nze
whole numbers g{oD nze
whole unit ;w[`uh fJekJh
width u"VkJh
winter ;odh
work backwards fgSKj tb ezw eoBk
write an equation fJe ;wheoD fbyDk
write an equation fJe ;wheoD fbyDk
written form of reasoning soe dk fbysh o{g
written language fbysh GkFk
written representations fbysh gqshfBXsk
written symbols fbysh fuzBQ
yard (yd) r}
year ;kb
zero f;\o
zero as the identy element in addition i'V ftu f;\o dh fJe;wkB fj`;/ ti'I
zero property of addition i'V ftu f;\o dh ftF/Fsk
zero property of multiplication r[Dk ftu f;\o dh ftF/Fsk

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