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Pick a work of art that you feel best reveals technology. Reflect and
discuss how the artwork describes and reveals technology. Ground your
discussion from the concepts in this module.

This art caught my attention in

an instant. Though we have
discussed how technology flourish
humanity, still we cannot deny the
destructing effects of it if it is not
controlled, or people do not have
enough knowledge on how to use it.
This art perfectly depicts “Human
Person Swallowed by Technology”.
The overflowing advantage that
technology can offer to us makes us
overly dependent on it. If we are
going to compare the life decades ago to now, it is completely different
up to the simplest to complex details. Many news states that humans
have been unconsciously addicted to technology may it be young or old.
Yes, it is good that it helps us from our day-to-day basis, but the bad
thing is the skills that humans naturally possess fades, and it will only
be regained if we head to technology. Oftentimes, people who are
addicted to this lose control to their own lives. Humans are the one who
programmed on how technology must function but as we get further
discoveries about technology’s potential, humans are being driven away
by it and letting technology to play with our minds and lives.

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