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Wilreanne Rivera

11- Our Lady of Salvation

Data Collection:

Guide Questions:
1. If the balloon represents the universe, write about what the black dots represent.
 The black dots represents the stars and galaxies.

2. What happened to the distance between the Home (Milky Way) and the other galaxy dots as
you inflated the balloon?
 The distance of the galaxy dots became far from the home

3. Which dots moved the greatest difference? The ones that started closest to Home or the
ones farthest from the Home?
 The ones farthest from the home because at first it is already far then when we put more
air on the balloon it gets more far.

4. What happened to the dots as you let air out of the balloon?
 The distance of the dots from the home is getting nearer.

5. How does this demonstration help you understand Red Shift?

 The universe is expanding because the distance of the galaxy and stars is moving away
from the central point.

6. How will you relate the activity to the Big Bang Theory and the Expanding Universe?
 The activity and the theory both shows how did the universe expands.
The Big Bang Theory is true because there is a evidence that the distance of the galaxy and stars are
getting far away from the central point.

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