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JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION, 25(1), 189–200 (2002)



M. Irshad,* S. Yamamoto, A. E. Eneji, T. Endo, and

T. Honna

Laboratory of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture,

Tottori University, Tottori City, Japan 680-8553


Salinity and soil nutrient deficiencies are the main factors redu-
cing plant productivity in arid and semiarid areas. Among the
essential elements, nitrogen is usually the most growth limiting
plant nutrient in saline or non-saline soils. A pot experiment
was carried out in the greenhouse to evaluate the influence of
composted manure and urea as nitrogen sources on growth and
mineral [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium
(Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sodium (Na)] content of maize (Zea
mays L.) under different levels of salinity. Saline soils were pre-
pared from an infertile loamy-sand soil, namely masatsuchi, by
adding a mixture of Ca, Mg, and Na salt solutions with concen-
trations of 60, 110, and 160 mmolc L 1. The final salinity levels
(ECe) achieved were 4, 9, and 13 dSm 1 denoted as S1, S2, S3,
respectively; S0 denotes untreated soil. The pH of the saline
soils ranged from 7.1 to 7.4. Nitrogen was applied at four levels

*Corresponding author. E-mail:


Copyright # 2002 by Marcel Dekker, Inc.



as follows: urea, composted manure, 12 urea þ 12 composted man-

ure, and a control (no N fertilizer). Each of the three levels of
applied N was at the rate of 200 kg ha 1. A basal dose of P and
K was also applied. Treatments were factorially combined using
RCB design with 3 replications. Maize was grown as the test
crop. Plant growth and shoot and root biomass were monitored
for 8 weeks, and shoot samples were also analyzed for N, P, K,
Ca, Mg, and Na. Maize height and dry matter production were
depressed with increasing salinity levels. The application of
composted manure and urea fertilizer enhanced plant growth
and nutrient uptake compared with the non-treated control.
Maize growth was better under urea fertilizer than under com-
posted manure. The uptake of nutrient was also affected by the
salinity and form of fertilizer applied. Calcium, Mg, and Na
uptake of shoot increased with increasing level of salinity irre-
spective of fertilizer level. However, for any level of salinity, the
uptake of these elements differed in the following order:
urea > urea þ manure > composted manure > control. Nitrogen
uptake decreased with increasing salinity up to S2 while P and
K decreased up to S3. Irrespective of salinity, N, P, and K
uptake were higher in urea and urea þ manure treatments as
compared to manure and control. The poor response of com-
posted manure may be due to its short-term application or
impeded N mineralization under saline conditions.


There is a need to increase the productivity of salt affected soils through

appropriate fertilizer application to provide food for an ever-increasing
population. Salinity and nutrient deficiencies are the main factors that reduce
plant productivity, especially in arid and semiarid areas (1,2). Excessive
accumulation of soluble salts in the rhizosphere is a major reason for reduced
osmotic potential of soil or nutrient solution and for unbalanced nutrition and
specific ion toxicity in plants in salt affected soils. Plant species differ greatly in
their growth response and nutrient uptake and utilization in saline conditions (3).
Saline soils also adversely affect fertilizer efficiency. The poor response of crops
to fertilizer application is mainly attributed to decreased photosynthesis and
photosynthate utilization in the presence of high osmotic pressure in root medium
(4). Therefore, it is necessary to manage such soils for profitable agriculture by
adopting proper on-farm management practices. In terms of soil fertility nitrogen
(N) is a commonly applied nutrient for crop production and is the first element to


become deficient in poor soils. The studies conducted by many investigators on

the effect of inorganic N on crops showed that additions of N improved growth
and yield when the degree of salinity was not severe (5–8). However, factors
involved in salinity-fertility interactions are not well understood.
Synthetic fertilizers are neither available nor affordable, particularly in the
developing countries. Economic and environmental issues associated with
intensive use of N fertilizers have generated an interest in alternative management
systems. The application of manure has long been known to preserve and
improve soil physical, chemical, and biological properties besides providing
several nutrients, including N. Manure is a valuable resource as a fertilizer and
soil amendment in crop production (9,10). The ability of crops to utilize organic
N differs considerably (11,12). The amount of inorganic N mobilized after
decomposition of organic manure depends on several soil and environmental
factors (13). The role of composted manure as a source of organic N in saline soil
is poorly documented. A study was therefore carried out to investigate the
response of maize to composted manure and urea as sources of nitrogen under
saline conditions.


Soil Analysis

An infertile soil, namely masatsuchi, was used for this experiment. Based
on the Soil Survey Staff (14), this soil is classified into the great group of
Udorthents and is locally classified as a Terrestrial Regosol. The selected
properties of the soil are given in Table 1. Soil texture was determined by the
pipette method, while total carbon and nitrogen were determined by the dry
combustion method using a SumiGraph NCH-21 analyzer. Available phosphorus
was extracted with Bray’s No.1 method (15) and P content in the extract was read
from a spectrophotometer (Model U-2001, Hitachi Corp., Japan) at 710 nm.
Exchangeable cations were leached from the soil with neutral ammonium acetate,
and the contents of Ca, Mg, Na, and K were determined using an atomic
absorption spectrophotometer (Model AA-670, Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan).
The cation exchange capacity (CEC) was measured according to the procedure
described by Jackson (16).

Soil Salinization

The soil was passed through 4 mm sieve and a sub-sample put aside as
untreated control (non-saline or S0). The remainder was used to prepare three


Table 1. Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil and Manure Used for Study

Property Unit Soil Manure

Textural class Loamy sand –
Total Nitrogen g kg 1 0.20 18.80
Total Carbon g kg 1 3.00 294.50
C/N ratio 15.65
Available P mg kg 1 14.06 417.50
NH4-N mg kg 1 – 20.40
NO3-N mg kg 1 – 51.70
Exch. Cations
Calcium cmol(þ) kg 1 0.69 3.85
Magnesium " " 0.72 6.39
Sodium " " 0.08 18.77
Potassium " " 0.09 42.24
CEC cmol(þ) kg 1 4.23 –
SAR 2.32 –
pH (sat. extract) 6.59 –
pH H2O (1 : 5) 6.13 8.68
ECe dS m 1 0.23 –
EC (1 : 5) " 0.05 7.98

different levels of salinity by adding a mixture of CaCl2, MgCl2, NaCl, and

NaHCO3 salts. The final ECe achieved for each salinity level was 4.04, 9.03, and
13.14 dSm 1 denoted as S1, S2, and S3, respectively. The amount of
(Ca þ Mg þ Na) salts was calculated to obtain solution concentrations of 60,
110, and 160 mmolc L 1 with a constant SAR value of 10. NaHCO3 was used to
adjust soil pH. The pH of the salinized soil ranged from 7.1 to 7.4 depending
upon treatment. The Ca and Mg ratio in the solution was 1 : 1 on molar basis. The
above salts were dissolved in a volume of water enough to raise the soil moisture
content to 40%. The salt solution was sprayed evenly over each lot of 20 kg soil
spread as a thin layer on plastic sheets for respective salinity level. The soil was
thoroughly mixed and allowed to air-dry for one week. Four kg of each soil
sample was weighed into Wagner pots (size: depth 20 cm and diameter 16 cm).
Nitrogen was applied at four levels as urea (U), composted manure (M),
1 1
2 urea þ 2 composted manure (U þ M) and control (no N fertilizer). Each of the
three levels of applied N was at the rate of 200 kg ha 1. Urea was applied in
2 equal splits at the time of sowing and at three weeks after sowing. Composted
manure was collected from the cattle feedlot yard of Tottori University. Relevant
properties of the manure are shown in Table 1.
The four fertilizer levels were factorially combined with four levels of
salinity to give a total of sixteen treatments. The treatments were laid into a
randomized complete block design with three replications. Four maize plants


were grown in each pot. Plants were irrigated 1–2 times a day with tap water
depending on weather conditions. A basal dose of P2O5 and K2O was applied at
the rate of 100 kg ha 1 in the form of K2SO4 and KH2PO4. Data were collected
for plant height and dry matter yield. The height of each plant was taken from the
soil surface to the tip of the longest leaf on fortnightly basis. Plant shoot and root
were sampled at eight weeks. The samples collected were oven-dried (65 C) to
determine the dry matter. Thereafter, the dried samples were ground into powder
and analyzed for total N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Na content. Total N was determined
using the SumiGraph NCH-21 analyzer, while P, K, Ca, Mg, and Na were
determined after digestion of milled samples using nitric-perchloric acid mixture.
Phosphorus was determined colorimetrically by a spectrophotometer at 710 nm.
Potassium, Ca, Mg, and Na contents were determined using an atomic absorption
spectrophotometer. Nutrient uptake of shoot was determined by multiplying
concentration by shoot dry weight. Data were statistically analyzed by using the
StatView software and means were tested using the Fisher’s LSD.


Plant Growth

A summary of analysis of variance is shown in Table 2. Plant height and

shoot and root dry weight were depressed significantly by salinity, although
fertilizer use enhanced these parameters (Figs. 1 and 2). The depressing effect
of salinity on plant growth has been reported by various researchers (17–22).
Saline soils inhibit plant growth through reduced water absorption, reduced
metabolic activities due to salt toxicity, and nutrient deficiencies caused by ionic

Table 2. Analysis of Variance of the Influence of Salinity and Fertilizer on the Growth of

Plant Height Shoot Dry Weight

Sources of Roots Dry Weight
Variation df 4 Week 8 Week 4 Week 8 Week 8 Week
Salinity (S) 3 10.63**** 15.54**** 8.51*** 24.42**** 34.87****
Fertilizer (F) 3 519.60**** 655.62**** 593.07**** 499.71**** 226.59****
S6F 9 0.87**** 0.63NS 2.73* 6.03**** 16.72****

*, ***, **** indicate statistical significance at p < 0.05, < 0.001 and < 0.0001
respectively; NS indicates non-significance at p < 0.05.


Figure 1. Salinity and fertilizer effect on plant height.

Figure 2. Salinity and fertilizer effect on shoot and root dry weight. Salinity levels S0,
S1, S2, and S3 indicate normal, low, moderate, and high saline soils, respectively.

interferences (23). Irrespective of salinity levels, plant grew better under urea
treatment than composted manure. The incorporation of compost did not show
a reasonable increase in dry matter production over the control. Plant height
and dry weight varied in the order: urea > urea þ manure > manure > control. A


number of investigators have also noted a positive effect of N on plants grown

in saline conditions (7,8,24,25).

Nutrient Uptake

A summary of the analysis of variance for nutrient uptake is presented in

Table 3. The interaction plot of salinity and fertility is shown in Figure 3. The
trend observed for nitrogen uptake was inconsistent, decreasing significantly with
salinity up to S2 and increasing at S3. The decreased uptake could have been due
to nutritional imbalance under salinity stress. Excess salt in soil or nutrient
solution caused a decrease in total N uptake by plants (26–29). However,
increases in the N concentration in corn and cotton plants under salinity stress
have been reported by Khalil et al. (4). Nitrogen uptake was significantly greater
in urea treated plants than in urea þ manure or manure treated plants. Urea-N was
clearly more readily available to plants than other N sources.
Phosphorus uptake was also influenced significantly by salinity as well as
fertilizer treatments. The uptake of P decreased with increasing levels of salinity.
The decrease in the P uptake could be associated with the reduced root system in
saline soils (see Fig. 3). The low uptake could also have been due to ionic
strength effects that reduce the activities of phosphate or low solubility of P
caused by Ca and Mg minerals. Under these conditions, P uptake in agronomic
crops decreased as salinity increased (30). The uptake of P was also affected by
source of N. Across salinity levels, P uptake was higher in urea þ manure
treatment than urea or manure alone. This could be due to higher mineralization
of organic P in composted manure under the influence of urea. In general, the
uptake and concentration of P in the leaves and stem of corn decreased with
increasing salinity, as reported by Khalil et al. (4).

Table 3. Analysis of Variance of the Influence of Salinity and Fertilizer on the Nutrient
Uptake of Maize

Sources of
Variation df N P K Ca Mg Na
Salinity 3 8.06*** 21.57**** 3.99* 44.99**** 2.92* 118.85****
Fertilizer 3 381.37**** 341.46**** 375.46**** 421.53**** 164.34**** 207.36****
S6F 9 7.38**** 6.13**** 2.87* 14.34**** 0.89NS 28.00****

*, ***, **** indicate statistical significance at p-value < 0.05, < 0.001 and < 0.0001
respectively; NS indicates non-significance at p < 0.05.

Figure 3. Effect of salinity and fertilizer on nutrient uptake. Salinity levels S0, S1, S2, and S3 indicate
normal, low, moderate, and high saline soil, respectively.


Potassium uptake also significantly differed according to the salinity and

fertilizer level. The uptake decreased substantially at the highest salinity level. It
is generally held that K availability is impaired by the presence of Ca, Mg, and Na
cations in the rhizosphere. In plant nutrition K, Mg, and Ca all play the same role;
i.e. they act as a buffer system of plant cells, hence they can be substituted for one
another (31). Classen and Wilcox (32) reported that uptake of K by plants at high
salinity levels was reduced by increasing availability of Ca, Mg and Na from
added salts. Cramer et al. (33), Okusanya and Ungar (34) and Francois and
Bernstein (35) have reported that K content in the plant tissue is reduced as the
salinity increased. Among the fertilizer levels, the uptake of K varied in the order:
urea þ manure > urea > manure > control.
The uptake of Ca, Mg and Na by maize was affected not only by the
salinity levels but also by the form of N-fertilizer and by the interaction of both
factors (Table 3). With increasing salinity, the uptake of Ca, Mg, and Na
increased significantly. The increased uptake of these cations apparently resulted
from the addition of these nutrients to the soil in the form of added salts. The
cation composition of bean plant has been shown to be closely related to the
cation composition of the soil solution (6). Nouri et al. (36) also reported that Mg
and Na uptake increased with increasing levels of salinity while Ca uptake
increased in leaves and stems and decreased in tassels of corn. Among fertilizer
treatments the uptake of these cations was in the order: urea > urea þ manure >
manure > control. The interactive effect of salinity and fertilizer significantly
influenced the uptake of Ca and Na but not Mg.
This study indicates that soil salinity and fertilizers have confounding
effects on plant growth and mineral nutrition of maize crop. Increasing soil
salinity interfered with the uptake of N, P, and K, whereas the uptake of Na, Ca,
and Mg was enhanced. This situation could be a cause of inefficient utilization of
the absorbed nutrients and poor response to fertilizer application under saline
conditions. Whereas plant growth and N uptake was highest under urea, the
uptake of P and K could be enhanced by the combined application of
urea þ manure. The relatively low N uptake under composted manure could be
due to the short-term application as well as impeded N-mineralization under
saline conditions. However, plant growth can possibly be alleviated through
combined N fertilizer application under saline environments.


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