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Do you enjoy putting people down because you are intolerant of the opinion of

others or are you just immature and cannot carry on an adult conversation?

------ Mass Exodus ---------

Pelosi and Democrats continue to dismantle their states. Here is another major
company leaving California. Said they were done with San Francisco. Digital
Realty is relocating its corporate headquarters to Austin, Texas saying that they
can better serve its growing global customer base there.

Clearly Democrats do not want to move on or talk about unity. Democrats are calling
for a ‘Domestic War’ on Republicans, even one in a wheelchair. Retired Air Force
Colonel Moe Davis, a failed Democrat congressional candidate, wrote an inflammatory
tweet targeting Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), whom he lost to in November, saying
that it was time to “start a domestic war” on “American terrorists.”

So, Trump ends his presidency having pardoned, commuted, or rescinded the
convictions of 237 people. Only 2 presidents since Abraham Lincoln pardoned fewer
people, and both of those presidents were also Republican. All Democratic
presidents pardoned more people. Barack Obama pardoned, commuted, or rescinded the
conviction of 1,927 people. Among them were murderer Dwight J. Loving, sentenced
to death in Texas for murdering two taxi drivers in 1988 and terrorist Oscar López
Rivera, member of the Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional terrorist
organization, sentenced to 55 years in prison for conspiracy transporting
explosives with intent to destroy government property, seditious conspiracy, use of
force to commit robbery, interstate transportation of firearms, and subsequently
attempted escape.

------Larry Elder Racism Race Relations -------

African American talk radio host, author, attorney, and documentary filmmaker Larry
Elder sets the record straight about racism.

"Woke liberals are making race relations worse. Have you noticed how race relations
work? How Black people feel about White people, and how White people feel about how
Black people feel about White people? Yes, you read that correctly. What the hell
is systemic racism anyway? If it’s so widespread and so pervasive, how come nobody
seems to come up with any proof? The so-called woke liberal need to take a nap,
wake up, and try again."


Biden has already done a lot of damage through executive orders. Here's just a
1. Any educational institution that receives federal funding must now allow male
athletes to compete in women's sports. The bar for women's athletics has just been
2. Joining the Paris Climate Agreement will cut 400,000 jobs, result in a $20,000
loss for a family of 4 and a 2.5 Trillion dollar hit to the US GDP.
3. Has made the US much less safe by allowing known terrorists to enter the US and
stay here.
4. Launched a 100-day mask mandate that requires people to wear masks on federal
property, yet Biden himself violated the mandate the same night while at the
Lincoln Memorial and his press secretary also violated in the press briefing room.
5. Biden also signed a Executive Order that “requires executive branch appointees
to sign an ethics pledge barring them from acting in personal interest and
requiring them to uphold the independence of the Department of Justice.” The order
comes as Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is under federal criminal ethics investigation
over his business dealings.


I just can't figure out Democrats. They win the Presidency. They now have control
of the House and Senate. And yet last night Portland Antifa rioters started
throwing rocks and eggs, smashing windows and vandalizing buildings. The so-called
J20 protest was a demonstration against Biden and law enforcement. Portland police
declared it an 'unlawful assembly'. Other cities saw similar riots. Seattle
witnessed property damage and objects hurled at cars; reporters said demonstrators
were protesting against President Biden and law enforcement. In Denver, protesters
burned an American flag in separate demonstrations that reportedly involved members
of the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as others who chanted anti-Trump and
anti-Biden slogans. There is no pleasing Democrats and they do not want peace or

-----------Reopen Schools ----------------

Thanks to President Biden who took 232 million in campaign donations from teacher
unions and continues keeping our schools closed against CDC recommendations and the
will of the parents. Trump encouraged states to reopen schools this past fall when
the CDC said it was safe, but Democrats said that was "dangerous". Now we see the
devastating results of Democrat actions. Our children, especially students of
color, are suffering and will have long term consequences.

90% of Biden's campaign was about Covid19. Biden described Trump's handling of
COVID-19 as "totally irresponsible", even though Trump delivered on his promise of
a vaccine by the end of 2020 when Democrats said it was "impossible". Biden
promised in his campaign to make quick improvements fighting Covid 19. However,
now Biden is saying that "Nothing can change the trajectory of the Covid pandemic
over the next several months." Sure, he implemented a mask mandate in federal
buildings, but that was already in place by other procedures. And Biden did
mandate masks on inter-state travel, but again that was already in place using
other procedures. So Biden campaigned on Covid 19, yet he has done nothing
additional and now says that's all he can do. Plus, the vaccination rate has
dropped almost 50% since Biden took office. Biden lied to us.

--------Vaccine Availability -----------

So much for the liberal media articles painting the picture that the vaccine is in
short supply. Thanks to President Trump, "the U.S. has enough purchase options to
vaccinate every American nearly five times"

-----Vaccinations -------

Biden's vaccination plan is a joke and is failing miserably. When Biden took
office, we were vaccinating 1.5 million people per day. Since Biden took office,
that has decreased almost 50% to 800K. Biden done nothing to improve on what Trump
left him. Trump secured enough doses under contract to vaccinate the US 5 times
over. So there's no shortage of vaccine and Trump's plan got us on an excellent
start. But now it seems that Biden is trying to plan for his own failure.

"the U.S. has enough purchase options to vaccinate every American nearly five

------Student Loans ---------

Biden wants to cancel $10,000 in student loan debt. That's not fair. Why should
someone who made a poor decision to take on more debt than they can handle get
$10,000, while my son who made the wise choice to not take out any student loans
but rather work his way through school gets nothing. You are rewarding those that
made poor choices and penalizing those that made good choices.

------Congress Approval Rating -------

I think it's funny that while the liberal media proudly announces that President
Trump left office with a 34% approval rating, they conveniently leave out the fact
that Congress now has a 15% approval rating.

------- Environment ----------------

The environment today is cleaner than it has been in at least 50 years and probably
longer. This is an indisputable fact documented by the US Environmental Protection
Agency. "Over forty years of clean air policies have improved air quality and
improved the health of Americans, and the environment. Since 1970, EPA has set and
implemented emissions standards to control pollution from everything from passenger
vehicles, heavy duty trucks and buses, construction and farm equipment, locomotive
and marine engine and even lawn and garden equipment. These standards are a
critical part of the progress and improved air quality we have achieved despite
increased economic activity and more miles traveled on average per person." There
is no need for us to participate in the Paris Climate Agreement that cost American
jobs, reduces our ability to compete in the global markets and has a lot of
unnecessary costs that American taxpayers would have to pay.

------ Paris Climate Agreement -----------

If the Paris Climate Agreement was simply an agreement for each country to do it's
part in reducing the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, then that would be perfectly
fine. The United States has been doing it's part for the past 50 years by
improving air quality and the environment in general. Today air quality in the US
is better than anytime in the past 50+ years. (see EPA links below). However, the
Paris Climate Agreement calls on developed countries like the USA to send money
from American workers (i.e. money from taxes) to "developing countries" so that we
pay for their environmental improvements. (see link to Popular Science article
linked below). If you are thinking only poor, third world countries, think again.
Russia, China, North Korea, Egypt, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Iran, Iraq, Saudi
Arabia, and Mexico are included in the list of developing countries. (see
Wikipedia link below). The Paris Climate Agreement does basically nothing for
America except send our money to these countries. And do you really think these
countries will use our money wisely, efficiently and honestly? The Paris Climate
Agreement itself states that "The transparency, accountability and compliance
system under the Paris Agreement is not punitive." (See link below).

------- Do masks and social distancing really work -----------

A new study of Marine recruits reported in the New England Journal of Medicine
sheds doubt on the effectiveness of masks, social distancing and disinfecting to
prevent infection with Covid19.

1,848 Marines recruits underwent a strict quarantine before starting basic

training. The quarantine consisted of wearing face coverings, physical distancing,
regular handwashing, and daily temperature and symptom monitoring. Two trainees
were housed in each dorm room, and each recruit class was housed in a different
building and dined and trained at different times, so there was no interaction
among them. All spaces were cleaned between classes, and most exercise and training
was done outdoors. Of the 1,848 Marines participants, 16 (0.9%) tested positive for
COVID-19 within 2 days of arrival on campus and another 35 participants (1.9%)
received positive results on days 7 or 14. 1,554 Marines recruits did not
participate in the study, but were tested and monitored. Of the recruits not
participating in the study, 26 (1.7%) tested positive by day 14.
Summary: 2.8% of Marine recruits that underwent a strict quarantine process
contracted and tested positive for Covid19 compared to only 1.7% of recruits who
did not follow any quarantine requirements.

------AOC Sweatshirts------------
It has become clear that inside every socialist there’s a capitalist screaming to
get out. U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is selling sweatshirts that read "Tax
The Rich" from her web site. With shipping and handling, the cost is $67.22. Her
cost is probably around $6, so she is making a big profit. About a 10X profit.
AOC preaches socialism but in reality she is a Capitalist. If she were a
socialist, then she would pay us to wear her sweatshirts.
It is inexcusable and un-American that President Biden tried to prioritize COVID-19
vaccinations for convicted terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, including accused 9/11
ringleader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, over Americans citizens.

The Biden administration has lost track of 20 million COVID-19 doses.

For much of the last week, the White House wouldn’t answer questions about the
stockpile of COVID-19 vaccine doses. Maybe this is why. It turns out that members
of President Joe Biden’s administration have yet to locate 20 million vaccine doses
that were distributed to the states last month, according to a new report.

------Democrats downplayed the virus ---------

Democrats downplayed the virus, tried to stop Trump from taking actions to address
the virus and misled the American people. Back in January and February, a critical
early time, Trump assembled the Coronavirus Task Force, implemented travel
restrictions, began testing protocols, issued CDC recommendations for masks and
social distancing, ordered the CDC to look for therapeutic drugs and launched
Project Warp Speed. While Trump was taking these strong actions, Democrats said he
was "over-reacting" and called him a xenophobe. Democrats didn't take the virus
seriously, so they took to the streets in late February to say the virus was not a
problem and Americans should "come to Chinatown", go shopping and dining out. And
even into August, Democrats still did not take the virus seriously as Pelosi
violated a Covid19 city ordnance and to have her hair done illegally and without a
mask endangering the lives of others. Democrats said a vaccine was impossible
until late 2021 and they would not take the vaccine. And yet because of Trump's
actions through Project Warp Speed, we now have multiple vaccines being
administered at a rate 3 times faster than any other nation.

--------- Democrats jumped in line ----------

Democrats jumped the line and took the vaccine ahead of front line healthcare
workers. Democrats did their best to stop President Trump from fighting the virus
in 2020. They said he was over-reacting. Called him horrible names. Said his
actions would offend Asians. Democrats said they didn't trust the vaccine and would
not take it. Democrats said it was impossible to have a vaccine until late 2021.
Yet Trump proved them wrong and then Democrats jumped the line and got the vaccine
they fought against ahead of critical healthcare workers. And, as we learned last
week, President Biden tried to prioritize COVID-19 vaccinations for convicted
terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, including accused 9/11 ringleader Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed, ahead of Americans citizens. And then, they accused Trump of doing a poor
job with the pandemic. What Democrats are doing is disgusting.

Which begs the question, why are Democrats jumping the line to get the vaccine
before their group? Democrats said it was impossible to have a vaccine in 2020.
Then they said they didn't trust the vaccine and would not take it. But then they
started jumping in line and taking doses meant for front line healthcare workers.

-----------Impeachment #2 ------------
The House approved a single article of impeachment, charging Trump with "incitement
of insurrection" over the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Have you actually read Trump's speech from January 6th? I read the entire
speech...all 1hr 14min. There is NOTHING inciting in that speech. The last
paragraph is the only part where Trump even mentions marching to the Capitol.
Below is the part of the speech that supposedly incited the riot.

-----2/6/21 Trump Speech Quotes -----

These are the quotes from Trumps speech on February 6th that Democrats claim
incited the riots.

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to
PEACEFULLY and patriotically make your voices heard."

"So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love
Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give
The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote.
But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong
ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride
and boldness that they need to take back our country."

"So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all. God bless you and
God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible. Thank you very
much. Thank you."


All you have to do is as one question. What part of Trump's speech from February
6th incited the riots? Is it where he said "I know that everyone here will soon be
marching over to the Capitol building to PEACEFULLY and patriotically make your
voices heard."? I read the entire speech...all 1hr 14min. There is NOTHING
inciting in that speech. Defense rests. Trump is acquitted. America sees that
Democrats impeachment is just a political move.


You won't find it on BSNBC, but Biden just opened another temporary shelter to
house migrant children. Of course Trump was blasted for this, but obviously
Democrats and the media is fine with this practice now that Biden is in office.
Just another example of hypocrisy from Democrats and the media.

The Congressional Budget Office said that hiking the minimum wage to $15 might
reduce poverty, but at the cost of 1.4 million jobs and by adding billions to the
federal deficit. And after Seattle raised the minimum wage to $15, a 2017
University of Washington study found that while wages went up, hours worked
declined, resulting in less pay for low-wage workers.


I would like to know why The Washington Post reuses to fact check the Biden
administration like they did the Trump administration. Why are 'fact-checkers'
silent as Harris falsely claims Biden 'starting from scratch' on vaccine rollout?
Biden is severely failing at the rollout. Trump got us an excellent start, but
Biden is screwing up.


What about Democrats beginning the process of replacing Republican congresswoman

Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, the legitimate winner of her race in Iowa, with a
Democrat that lost the race? Trump only questioned the election. Democrats are
trying to out right change the election results.
No, the most frustrating thing is you are going to use my tax dollars to reward
someone that made a poor decision to take out a huge student loan, when my son
worked his way through school to avoid student loans and he gets nothing for his
wise decision and hard work.

We owe a gratitude of thanks to President Trump and Project Warp Speed for
streamlining the process, so drug manufacturers could develop next generation mRNA
vaccines and get them approved in months instead of years. Back in February 2020,
Trump began putting his plan together while Democrats were still saying "come to
Chinatown", continue shopping and dining out. Democrats made fun of Trump's vision
and vaccination plan documented in Project Warp Speed in May 2020 saying it was an
over-reaction and is impossible. Yet Trump's plan worked and now we have
vaccinated twice as many people than any other country. As a result, US COVID-19
infections are down 95% from the peak in January and positive tests are now down
comparable to last June. Trump's distribution plan was comprehensive. The NY Times
said that Trump placed vaccine orders and drug makers "have pledged to ship 400
million doses", and we have not used all those doses yet. Plus, NBC News reported
that because of Trump's strong actions, "the U.S. has enough purchase options to
vaccinate every American nearly five times". Trump contracted United Airlines to
distribute the vaccine to the states. He also contracted CVS Pharmacy and
Walgreens to vaccinate people where county health departments needed help. Links
below for proof of it all.
So it appears that the Trump administration’s contracts with drugmakers did cover
enough doses to vaccinate the entire U.S. adult population — and then some. By that
measure, Biden’s statement is inaccurate.
Let's see, Trump purchased 400 million doses, secured the rights to further
purchase enough to vaccinate every American 5 times, he contracted United Air to
distribute the vaccine to the states, and he contracted CVS and Walgreens to
vaccinate people where states and counties did not have the resources. How is that
not a complete plan?

If we raise the minimum wage to $15, that means a 16-year-old high school drop out
will make nearly double the average Social Security recipient after they paid into
the system for 30-40 years. There is nothing fair about that.


Stop calling it a "Covid-19 Relief Bill". A better name would be "The Pelosi Payoff
Bill". Only 9% of the bill goes to Covid-19 relief. 91% of the bill goes to
Democrat PORK projects.


Cancel Culture is very serious and dangerous. We need to embrace our past and learn
from it. We don't need to erase, remove or try to change the past. It is what it
is. We need to set our eyes forward, not backwards. For example, we have been so
focused on slavery of the past while we ignore the slavery of today. We should put
our focus and energy towards fighting the slavery that exists today like the
slavery and human rights abuses in China that Joe Biden claims are just cultural

Thanks to Democrats, this bill provides a stimulus check to convicted felons,
including mass murderers. Dylann Roof who murdered nine people will get the
stimulus check, as will the Boston Bomber and Aaron Shamo who was sentenced to life
in prison for selling 1 million fentanyl-laced fake oxycodone pills to unsuspecting
buyers. 1.4 million convicted felons will get a check even though they lost their
right to vote. Plus millions never lost their job during the pandemic and don't
need the money, but they too will get a check. Republicans proposed an amendment
on the floor Saturday to block checks from prisoners, but Democrats over-ruled.
Republicans wanted to specifically target only those that need the help, but
Democrats love giving money away to everyone. So our children will be stuck
repaying all this money. Ask your children how they feel about giving money out of
their pockets to murderers.


Biden created a major crisis at the border. He is allowing child migrant centers to
expand to 100% capacity as the number of COVID-positive migrants released into the
public is surging. Estimates now are that more illegal aliens will enter the US
this year than the past 3 years combined. This is a "super-spreader" event.

House Democrats are voting to deprive Americans of their Second Amendment rights.
Here are just 2 ways these bills hurt law-abiding Americans:

1) Criminalize the transfer of firearms between two private citizens and therefore
punish law-abiding citizens who are trying to offer someone they know protection
and assistance.
2) Prolongs the process of purchasing a firearm, adding a layer of Washington red-
tape and delay for those who need immediate access to a firearm for protection.

We need laws that promote public safety, not legislation like H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446
that turn law-abiding gun owners into criminals.


Finally, some liberal media is admitting they lied about President Trump, saying he
never told Georgia officials to ‘Find the Fraud’. But you won't hear about that on
gossip sites like BSNBC or from Democrats.

Biden and Pelosi insist the escalating border crisis 'under control' as US faces
the largest migrant surge in decades. It was under control, until Biden opened the
flood gates. Biden requested it. In the first Democratic presidential debate,
Biden said "I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the
border — all those people are seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard. That’s who
we are. We’re a nation who says, if you want to flee, and you’re freeing
oppression, you should come." So Biden created the crisis at the border. We
should immediately transport all of them to the White House.


US household income increased more in 2018 than the previous 20 years combined
thanks to the Trump tax cuts. BLS data on median weekly earnings from 2002 to 2015
shows that wages didn't budge. No growth. However, in 2018 they surged more than
at any time (by far) in two decades. Why? According to economist Gary Galles, the
reason is Trump's tax cuts. Galles said “Lower corporate taxes increased rewards
for improving techniques, technology, and increasing capital investments, which
increase worker productivity and earnings. They expand rewards for risk-taking and
entrepreneurship in service of consumers. They reduce the substantial distortions
caused by the tax. And those changes benefit others, such as workers and
consumers.” Now Democrats are desperately trying to reverse that success with tax
hikes in the infrastructure bill, which, incredibly, will give the USA a higher tax
rate than communist China and incentivize US companies to move there. Will
Democrats ever learn basic economy?

Are Voter ID laws racist? What do white and black people really think?


Name a time in history when the group fighting to censor speech and ban books were
the good guys. Democrats are clearly not the good guys.

Democrats Run America’s Top 20 Crime-Ridden Cities

I hope you Biden supporters are very proud of yourselves! Just look at what Biden
has done in his first few months.

- Russia is massing troops on the border with Ukraine. Ukraine is threatening to

take Crimea back by force.
- China is threatening Taiwan and its neighbors while also threatening our ships
and Navy.
- N Korea is testing missiles again and restarting their nuclear weapons program.
- Iran has been emboldened and making more than their normal threats.
- Our southern border is a humanitarian disaster caused directly by this
administration, and the administration that promised transparency is hiding it and
not letting the media have access.
- Ford is closing a plant and moving it to Mexico after just bringing it back from
Mexico because of the current Administration’s plan for Increased taxes.
- The cost for steel is up 145%, cost for lumber up 126%, cost for wheat up 25%,
food index up 25%, cost for cotton up 35%, cost for silver up 38% and copper up
50%, cost of soybeans up 71%, and cost of oil up 80%.
- Pipeline jobs lost.
- Wall construction jobs lost.
- 1.9 trillion in stimulus that funds the administrations pet projects and only
paid a fraction to the people.
- 29 trillion in debt with 4.8 trillion projected
- 2021 deficit before the 2 trillion dollar stimulus proposed today for the new
green deal.
- 6+% unemployment yet there are millions of job openings that can’t be filled
because federal unemployment assistance makes it more advantageous for people to
stay home than work.
- The fate of our Supreme Court is in jeopardy
- Threatning to remove the second ammendment... 'No amendment is absolute'.

Biden is a disaster. Biden supporters arent posting very much about the great
things he's doing. It is mindnumbing that we allowed this to happen over

I knew MSNBC ratings had dropped, but I did not realize how much. But it's no
wonder when they post crap like this. According to FB, MSNBC followers are now
only 11% compared to Fox News. If you go to the main FB page of MSNBC, FB says
that 2,586,768 people follow them. If you go to the main FB page of Fox News, FB
says that 22,467,698 follow them. Do the math and that shows that Fox has 89% more
followers than MSNBC. MSNBC used to have almost as many followers as Fox, but not
any more. This is a clear sign that the direction of the country is changing.


The outcome is a foregone conclusion. The state never proved intent, so it's not
murder. Maxine Waters said if he's not found guilty that people should riot...
Literally calling for violence and jury intimidation. But she's a Democrat so it's
not a crime or anything.


Isn't it funny how Democrat run cities burn and destroy their own cities while
blaming it all on the "racist".


This lady is accused of making threats to kill VP Harris in a series of videos she
sent privately to her husband in prison and she was arrested and charged in federal
court. Yet a number of people threatened to kill President Trump openly on TV and
in public, but none of them were arrested. Rather they were applauded by Democrats
and the media. For example: Kathy Griffin posed with a severed, bloody head of
President Trump saying she wanted to kill him. Snoop Dog made a video about
assassinating Trump. Johnny Depp talked about assassinating Trump. Jimmy Kimmel and
other late show hosts made jokes about assassinating Trump. A play was put on in
Central park, paid with public funding, showed the killing of President Trump.
Madonna said she wants to blow up the White House. Joe Biden threatened physical
violence on Trump. Cory Booker said he wants to punch the President in the face.
Such hypocrisy.

It appears that BLM and other Democratic voters are beginning to realize that they
were fooled by Biden. Basically "we got your vote, now go away". On 4/20/21,
Black Lives Matter said "As of right now, Biden is sending more military equipment
to our neighborhoods than Trump did. You read that right. Our communities are being
terrorized at a greater rate than they had been under Trump." This is not their
only frustration with Biden.


Yesterday I placed my gun on the front porch, gave it six bullets. Noticing it had
no legs, placed it in a wheelchair to help it get around. I left it alone and went
about my business. While I was gone, the mailman delivered my mail, the boy across
the street picked up my yard, a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a
few cars stopped at the stop sign near my house. After 10 hours, I checked on the
gun. It was still sitting in the wheelchair. The gun had not fired at all, in spite
of many opportunities that had been presented. I was surprised because the
Democrats and the media talk about how guns kill people. Either they are wrong and
the killing is by people misusing guns, or I’m in possession of the laziest gun in
the world. So now I’m off to check on my spoons, because I hear they make people

Interesting to hear a perspective from a former black police officer.

Southwest Land Border Encounters

------------------------ The Equality Act --------------

1. Churches will no longer be able to hire someone based on their beliefs. What
this means is that a church could not deny hiring someone because they are an
Atheist or because they live a life contradictory to the church’s beliefs.

2. It Encourages the Suppression of Religious Freedom. It will elevate the

protection of LGBT people over people of faith. If enacted, the Equality Act will
prevent religious people from denying a service, employment, housing or public
accommodations among other things, to LGBT persons, despite the fact that
homosexuality contradicts their religious beliefs.

3. It Will Obliterate Women’s Rights. It will make “gender identity” a covered

category under the Civil Rights Act. By doing this, the protected category of “sex”
is being eliminated. This means that all of the strides women have made in society
to advance women’s rights and protections, are going out the window. Scholarships
for women, grants for women, business loans for women and restrooms for women among
other things, could legally be awarded to or used by men. Both conservative
Christian organizations and liberal radical feminist organizations are banding
together in protest of this change, some even arguing that if the Equality Act
passes it will “erase women.”
4. Not only will the Equality Act allow male students to enter female restrooms,
but it will also hinder parents’ authority over their children. The Equality Act
will force doctors to ignore parents’ wishes and give kids, no matter the age,
transgender operations and puberty blockers if the child asks for it. This means
that even if a parent simply wants to allow their young child to be an adult before
making the life-altering decision to transition from one gender to the other, but
the child asks for the procedure, then doctors must comply to the child’s wishes.


“We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather
than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each
individual is accountable for his actions.”

- Ronald Reagan

Personal responsibility is what created the United States. Literally.

When our forefathers’ declared independence from England, they sent a signal to the
world that freedom and liberty are only possible when each person is allowed to
determine how to live their life.

They called these God-given rights. And with these rights come responsibilities.

We teach our children they will be held accountable for their actions. We tell them
they will reap what they sow. Yet they often see lawbreakers set free, or never
arrested in the first place. Many who are sent to prison commit more crimes upon
their release.

This cycle repeats itself time and time again until the laws cease to be a
deterrent. They become a mere nuisance to the criminals.

As President Reagan stated, it’s time to put a stop to this. Laws are laws for a
reason. We need them in order to have a functioning society.

Some may disagree with a law. Fine. Seek to change it. Until then, live within the

When laws are not enforced, lawbreakers are in essence being told that their
actions are permitted.

Laws are not the problem. Lawbreakers are the problem.

Personal responsibility is not a burden. It is a requirement for a country that was

founded on the God-given rights of freedom and liberty.


Democrats have, little by little, removed God & Country from our society. They
kneel to protest our flag, they have stopped our Pledge of Allegiance in public
schools, they have changed Christmas to winter break, they have removed the
sanctity of marriage-formerly between a man and woman only, they have a glorified
homosexuality. They have rationalized murdering babies (Democrats approve of
killing 1630 babies every day).

This movement to remove God and create a secular America is affecting All Of Us.
Without knowing the difference between right and wrong, terror has been unleashed.
It has always been with us but now it is rampant. They blame it on the guns.
We’ve always had guns, it’s our state of mind that has changed. This belief that
there is no penance has devastating Consequences. As our children grow up without
conviction, without the Bible, without the armor of God, they wander aimlessly,
allowing Satan easy access. The violence and the murders in the Democrat run cities
(that the propaganda news networks ignore) is extinguishing the lives of babies,
children, women, and young men.

The secular policies of the Democratic Party are responsible for much of the chaos
that we see in the world today. This was once a blessed nation, and we graciously
ask the Lord to see us through these dark times, (Fascist Biden recently said,
“it’s going to be a long dark winter.“) to give us the strength to do what is
right, to provide the wisdom to make the right choices, and to put his arms of
protection around these innocent young people in these dangerous liberal cities.
Lord, we ask that you protect all those who protect us from the lawless.

The signs of the time is telling us that he will return soon, in all his GLORY.
I’m not sure if you remember, or if you even watched it, at the DNC 2020 during the
Pledge of Allegiance, the Democrats took out “under God”. I mean really though
that’s not surprising, it’s cancel culture in general, the University of Washington
is tearing down the statue of George Washington and removing all
references/documents related to him.


With a weak jobs report, Chris Salcedo claims today signals the end of the bustling
Trump economy


Many political experts are saying that the Biden administration is going down the
same path as the Carter administration. But, I think this is very unfair to Jimmy
Carter. Jimmy Carter mishandled crisis after crisis, but Joe Biden has CREATED
crisis after crisis.


Defeating Covid19 has been a big success because of drug makers and President
Trump, who put together the plan (Operation Warp Speed) in early 2020. Trump's
plan provided funding and incentives to drug makers to develop vaccines quickly, he
pushed drug makers to act quickly, he remove federal red tape that got them
approved quickly, he developed and implemented a distribution plan using United
Airways and vaccination support from CVS and Walgreens pharmacies has made
defeating Covid19 a big success. The US still has not used up the 400 million
vaccine doses that Trump ordered. Biden can take no credit. This all began back in
January and February 2020. Here's proof from the US Dept of Health and Human


Biden’s agenda is being dictated by his party’s most radical members, resulting in
a broad range of crisis. We’ve seen six trillion dollars in new spending proposed,
we’re seeing trillions in new taxes proposed, we have a massive border crisis
because Biden and Harris won’t enforce the law. And we’re seeing a crisis
domestically, economically, in huge inflation. Biden’s policies aren’t just
creating crises domestically, they’re creating them abroad, as well. Biden has
managed to undermine our friends and allies, undermined Israel, and sent hundreds
of millions of dollars to the Palestinian authorities and Hamas, and to promise the
Ayatollah Khamenei billions of dollars. And, what’s the reward for that? Hamas is
raining rockets on Israel with money that comes from the Ayatollah Khamenei. We are
seeing crisis after crisis after crisis, because the Biden-Harris policies.

Biden's American Jobs Plan: Biden said illegal aliens should "surge to the
border", and so they did. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced last
week it encountered more than 178,000 migrants in April, a jump of over 900%
compared to April 2020, and the highest number in 20 years. Yet Biden and Harris
have not been to the border and are doing nothing about it. It's been 2 months
since he handed the problem off to Harris, and she has done nothing.


So, it appears that Trump was right all along. Dr. Anthony Fauci says he is "not
convinced" COVID-19 developed naturally, and called for an open investigation into
the virus' origins.


Concerning the right to bear arms, Joseph Story (SCOTUS 1812 - 1845) said "The
right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the
palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check
against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if
these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph
over them."

Thomas Sowell Quotes

– Thomas Sowell (African American economist and a social theorist).


Wait... Democrats have been all for erasing history. I have seen that on the news
many nights. Hmmm...maybe they are only in favor or erasing certain parts of
history. We need to teach complete history, as it was. Not just a slanted version
to indoctrinate children as Democrats want. Thomas Sowell (African American
economist and a social theorist) said,
“Despite widespread misconceptions in the United States today that the institution
of slavery was based on race, for most of the thousands of years in which slavery
existed around the world, it was based on whoever was vulnerable to enslavement and
within striking distance. Thus Europeans enslaved other Europeans, just as Asians
enslaved other Asians and Africans enslaved other Africans, while Polynesians
enslaved other Polynesians and the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere
enslaved other indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere. The very word “slave”
derived from the word for Slavs, who were enslaved by fellow Europeans for
centuries before Africans began to be brought in chains to the Western Hemisphere.
Africans were not singled out by a race for ownership by Europeans, they were
resorted to after the rise of nation-states with armies and navies in other parts
of the world which reduced the number of places that could be raided for slaves
without great costs and risks. Slave-raiding continued in Africa, primarily by
Africans enslaving other Africans and then, in West Africa, selling some of their
slaves to whites to take to the Western Hemisphere. Meanwhile, the growing range of
ships and the growing wealth of nations eventually made economically feasible the
transportation of vast numbers of slaves from one continent to another, creating
racial differences between the enslaved and their owners as a dominant pattern in
the Western Hemisphere. Such a pattern was by no means limited to Europeans owning
non-Europeans, however. There were many examples of the reverse, quite aside from
vast regions of the earth where neither the slaves nor their owners were either
black or white.”


I realize that MSNBC is not a real news source, but rather an opinion source,
however you would think with their ratings so low that they would avoid posting the
same story over and over and over again. It's no wonder their followers on FB are
down 89% from a year ago. A year ago, Fox News and MSNBC had about the same number
of followers. However today, Fox News has 22,601,915 followers on Facebook and
still growing. MSNBC has only 2,586,835 and still decreasing. So MSNBC now has
about 11% of the followers compared to Fox. That's an 89% decrease in a year.
That's a major statement. Plus even the official viewership polls confirm this
trend. Recent headlines include "Fox News viewers outperform CNN, MSNBC fans on
knowledge of news topics" [Washington Times 5/19/21], "Fox News Beats MSNBC And CNN
In Ratings After January Slump" [Forbes 3/30/21]. It may not be possible for
liberal media to recover from this devastating blow. Clearly Americans are tired
of liberal fake news.

A story you won't see on MSNBC: The story about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her
grandmother is a perfect example of the difference in Democrats and Republicans.
AOC went to see her ill grandmother in Puerto Rico. She found her grandmother's
home still in disrepair from the 2017 Hurricane Maria. So AOC took to Twitter and
blamed Trump. To help, Republicans started a Go Fund Me page and in one day raised
over $100,000 to repair AOC's grandmother's home. AOC never acknowledged the
effort, nor did she thank the contributors. Instead, the family refused to take
the money. The next day, Democrats accused Republicans of doing something bad.
The $100,000 would have grown much higher, so it would have not only fixed AOC's
grandmother's house, but it would have also helped repair the community. While
AOC's grandmother needs help, AOC lives in a luxury home and drives a Tesla car.
Since the recipients refused the money, Go Fund Me canceled he fundraiser.
Republicans extended their gratitude to those who donated, saying they should be
proud of their efforts and went on to suggest prayers for Ocasio-Cortez’s
A Story Not On MSNBC: Does anyone find it ironic that Trump tried to restrict
illegal immigration and Democrats said that was evil. Yet Vice President Kamala
Harris, after years of telling illegal migrants to come and bashing border patrol,
has traveled to Mexico. There she issued a tough warning telling potential
migrants "do not come, do not come" to the U.S.. She warned that they would be
turned back. Harris said "the United States will continue to enforce our laws and
secure our border". A stark contrast to a more welcoming message she had issued in
past years. But it's too late. Biden encouraged illegal migrants to "surge to the
border" and so they did in numbers higher than ever before putting three times as
many kids in cages than ever before.

Thanks to Trump's economic policies, we continue to generate jobs resulting in

global forecasts for economic growth stronger now than they were per-pandemic.
According to Democrats from 4 years ago, a president has to be in office at least
one year before his policies can take credit for the economy. Biden has not been in
office long enough to have any result on the economy. And the economy will improve
even more once Republican governors stop the stay at home supplement and people
fill the 8.1 million job openings.

Correction: Thanks to Trump's economic policies, we're experiencing the strongest

economic recovery this country has seen decades. . According to Democrats from 4
years ago, a president has to be in office at least one year before his policies
can take credit for the economy. Biden has not been in office long enough to have
any result on the economy. And the economy will improve even more once Republican
governors stop the "stay at home supplement" and people fill the existing 8.1
million job openings.

It's clear that Biden is failing miserably. Mark Robinson may be the future leader
in the GOP. I am impressed.

Thanks to Democrats pushing for a $15 minimum wage and passing a bill to give
people unemployed from the pandemic a salary worthy of staying home and not
working. All while there are 8.1 million unfilled job openings. My local
McDonald's is now offering to hire for $17 an hour. This has caused massive
inflation. The price of gasoline has increased 71.8%. The price of propane has
increased 20.5%. The price of lumber has increased 318.6%. The price of sugar has
increased 54.5%. The price of cotton has increased 43.1%. The price of a my entree
salad at Outback Steakhouse has increased 50%. Democrats got what they asked for.
Now that $15 minimum wage they are pushing for has the same buying power $7.50 had
a year ago.

---Voter Supression -----------

Democrats are confusing "voter suppression" with "voter inconvenience". In today's

world, we have to accept many inconveniences to improve security. The definition
of Suppression is "the conscious intentional EXCLUSION, the act of PREVENTING
something" or "to STOP or PROHIBIT". None of the proposed changes would exclude,
prohibit or stop anyone from voting. The definition of Inconvenient is "Not easily
accessible", or "not suited to one's comfort, purpose, or needs". For example,
it's an big inconvenience to take the better part of a day for me to go to the DMV
to get my drivers license renewed every 4 years. But, that dose not prevent me
from getting my license renewed. It's inconvenient for people to have to show
their driver's license to prove they are old enough to buy alcohol or tobacco, but
that's not suppress anyone of legal age from making the purchase. It's
inconvenient for me to physically go to the bank, show my drivers license and my
debit card just to withdraw my money, but that does not stop me from making a
withdrawal when I need the money. And the new online cyber security features are
inconvenient. Now they require a "Two-Factor Authentication" to confirmation you
are who you claim to be by sending a code to your phone and you have to enter that
code into the web site to confirm. Or you may have to decipher a "reCAPTCHA code"
that you can barely see on their web site and enter that. These security features
are very inconvenient, but it does not suppress you from making a purchase. All of
these new features are designed help prevent fraud. Same with the proposed change
in voter laws. They may be more inconvenient, but it improves voter security.


First of all, I think it's totally appropriate to celebrate the end of slavery with
a national holiday. However, I don't understand why June 19, 1865 was chosen, nor
why the slang term "Juneteenth" was chosen. First of all, the name is degrading to
African Americans because it makes them appear dumb. The term does not give
African Americans the respect they deserve. And why that date? It's the date the
people of Texas were finally informed that two years prior the United States freed
all slaves. Why not the the date of the Emancipation Proclamation that started the
effort or the date of the 13th Amendment that ended the effort. What happened on
June 19, 1865 was insignificant. It would be like telling the Japanese people on a
remote island that 2 years earlier the war had ended. It just doesn't make sense
to me.

------Critical Race Theory -----

The notion of Critical Race Theory is absurd and racist in it's own right. "Race
is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of
human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used
to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law
and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they
function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities
between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans."


Democrats have backed themselves into a corner on Abortion. For the past year, they
have screamed to follow the science. But now that science has proven an unborn baby
has a heart beat and brain waves as early as 5 weeks, all of a sudden they want to
ignore science. And, they say they are Christians or other religions that believe
Abortion is murder, yet they ware pressured on women's rights while ignoring
children's rights. What a tangled web Democrats have woven themselves into.

H.R.1 is an attempt to impose new voting standards on states that would "rig"
elections in favor of Democrats. It's a partisan federal takeover of the election
system. It would impose federal standards on state elections that would weaken
state ID requirements. It would start a new public financing system for
congressional elections and politicize the Federal Elections Commission that
enforces campaign finance laws. Even Democrat Dmitri Mehlhorn criticized his own
party for wasting time on the legislation arguing the legislative push was setting
Democrats up for failure and it was "dragging me and my country off a cliff".

"denying that we're experiencing a pandemic"? Wow, that's a liberal twist of the
facts. When Trump was informed in January, he began working on a plan. By mid-
February, we had begun testing, travel restriction, had the CDC looking for
treatments and had drug makers begin working on a vaccine. Democrats said that
Trump was "over-reacting" and that he was offending Asians. So they took to streets
as seen on TV and downplayed the virus (see news video footage linked). Democrats
said it was impossible to get a vaccine in 2020 and they would not trust it. And
now we see how much egg Democrats have on their face.

I agree with Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema who called out members of her own party
for their hypocrisy on wanting to eliminate the legislative filibuster. She said
“Once in a majority, it is tempting to believe you will stay in the majority". But
a Democratic Senate minority used the 60-vote threshold just last year to
filibuster a police reform proposal and a covid-relief bill that many Democrats
viewed as inadequate. Two years ago, 40 Democrats held the SAME position on the
filibuster, but flipped completely the second they got power, and media is mostly
treating it like it’s no big deal. The solution, however, is not to continue
weakening our democracy’s guardrails. If we eliminate the Senate’s 60-vote
threshold, we will lose much more than we gain. Filibusters are not attempts to
block progress, but to force continued negotiations toward better solutions. The
filibuster pushes the Senate toward moderation and helps prevent wild swings
between opposing policy poles.

Over 3 months ago, Biden named Harris the border czar in charge of fixing the
border crisis he created. Harris has done nothing. She has not even been to the
border to see all the problems. Both her and Biden have been hiding from the
crisis, hoping it would just go away on it's own. But former President Trump
announced that he is going to the border and all of a sudden Biden and Harris
realize "oh crap we need do something." So Harris is now going to the border.

That's the dumbest comment I have ever heard. It's like investigating the Capitol
Riot and saying because we want to find the root cause, instead of talking to any
of the rioters, we are going to talk with some conservative organizations to see
why the rioters may have felt the need to do that. Or investigating a BLM riot and
instead of talking with the rioters, you go talk to black church leaders to see why
BLM may feel the need to riot. It's an absurd comment.

Other countries know the current administration is weak. Her bright idea is to give
them money. The cartel are enjoying this administration. And if America is so
racist as Democrats claim, why are they promoting immigration so much?

-------Gun Control, Crime --------------------

Biden's gun control plan will do nothing to curb gun violence. If a licensed
dealer is breaking the existing law, then yes they should be held accountable.
But, that's law today and not a new Biden policy. Plus, criminals by definition
don't follow laws so an existing criminal will not obtain a gun legally. Biden
does not address that problem. Assault Rifles are not even in the top 10 types of
guns used in crimes, so banning them is useless. Handguns and even shot guns are
used far more often. As for improving background checks, an FBI background check
is already required for any handgun or rifle purchase. And as we saw in the
Indiana FedEx shooting, red flag laws have been ineffective. Maybe the problem is
with Biden's policies. Biden endorsed a bill to let thousands of drug traffickers
and gang members out of prison early. Biden is soft on crime. And defunding the
police already has and will continue to make crime much worse.

-----------More than two gender t-shirts---------

For those that believe there are more than two genders or support the transgender
lifestyle that feels it's okay to flip flop back and forth or be "Questioning",
isn't it a bit funny that their t-shirts sell on Amazon only come in Men's and
Women's fit types? They are not listed as "Unisex" or "Other" or "Unsure". So,
the people who believe there are more than two genders only sell t-shirts to two
genders. That is hilarous.

------------Transgender Restroom -------------

It's really simple. If you have external private parts, then you need to use the
Men's room. If you have internal private parts, then you need to use the Women's
room. If you have one but want to be the other, then have the surgery to make
yourself whatever you want to be. If a restaurant or store offers a Family
Restroom, then anyone may use it. It's not rocket science. No need for the
Supreme Court to waste their time on other nonsense.

In my mind, I want to believe my Camry is really a Ferrari. But when I take off my
blinders and look at reality, it's just a Camry. Even if I make some cosmetic
changes on the outside to make it look like a Ferrari, when I look under the hood,
it just has a 4-cylinder engine. And when I go down the road and put the peddle to
the metal, it's also clear that it's still just a Camry. It really is that simple.
What's not simple is getting people to face reality.

-------Budget ---------

Come on BSNBC. Why can't you tell the whole story. Biden said "If this
(bipartisan deal) is the only one that comes to me, I’m not signing it,... It’s in
tandem." President Biden soured what was a point of rare bipartisan agreement on
Capitol Hill when he ultimately promised not to sign a narrow $1 trillion
infrastructure bill forged by Democrats and Republicans unless Congress also passes
a multi-trillion-dollar non-traditional infrastructure plan chock full of left-wing
priority items. McConnell said "Well, I was initially optimistic, but it can best
be described as a tale of two press conferences. After the first one, the
president walks out with a bipartisan group and blesses an infrastructure bill that
many of my members are quite optimistic about. And then after all of those people
depart the White House, the president goes out for the second press conference and
says unless we can pass my tax bill, I won't sign the infrastructure bill." Some
Democrats have already joined McConnell in expressing concern about the left-wing
plan coming down the pike.

--------- Young Black Convert -------------

It is refreshing to see more and more young African American's that have discovered
the truth.
I always knew Liberals were unhappy people, but I never understood why...until now.
I appreciate Amala Ekpunobi's life story. As a former liberal activist, she
explains that the liberal ideology is the root cause of so much unhappiness.
Fortunately, there is hope.

@Conservative Twins

A new Trafalgar Group poll shows that most Americans do not believe Biden is in
charge of his administration. Specifically, the poll found that 57% of American
voters believe someone(s) other than Biden is directing policy and agenda, while
only 36% believe Biden is in charge. Even 32% of Democrats polled believe others
are in charge. This administration is unraveling faster than expected, and no one
knows who is in charge. Yet again today, Biden struggled to get words out of his
mouth during his one and only publicly scheduled event. It's no longer a joking
matter. Biden's cognitive struggles are a serious. Everyone can tell that he is in
bad shape. Our allies see it, our enemies see it and this poll not proves that
Americans see it. This is dangerous. Biden's leadership is a major concern when
it comes to our foreign adversaries. Recently, Russian-based hackers have attacked
United States industries and China continues to ramp up its threats against
America. Now the Biden administration is withdrawing from Afghanistan, leaving many
concerned the Taliban will immediately take full control. Biden is getting
steamrolled by America's enemies. None of these hostile actors fear or respect Joe
Biden, and neither does the Taliban.

------------Democrats Cast Doubt On Vaccine -------------

Democrats spreading misinformation and casting doubts on the vaccine in 2020 is
coming back to bite us. In my city, leaders are now working with African American
churches to help them understand how Democrats misled them last year in an effort
to help them understand that the vaccine is in fact safe.

- Kamala Harris casting doubt on a pre-election vaccine [The Washington Post]

- Biden and Allies Stoked Vaccine Fears [Wall Street Journal]
- Democrats face quandary on vaccine support [Associated Press]
- Democrats Are Scared to Death of a Coronavirus Vaccine [Town Hall]
- Democrats face quandary on vaccine support as election nears [ABC News]
- Dems balked at a coronavirus vaccine under Trump [Fox News]
- Democrats, media have done complete 180s on COVID vaccine [The North State


In a recent Bendixen & Amandi International poll, MSNBC reported on one part where
they concluded that the Arizona ballot audit shows signs of backfiring on GOP.
However, they totally omitted other parts of the poll. For example, the poll shows
that 48% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of President Biden of which 40%
was very unfavorable. That's within the margin of error for President Trump's
rating in the same poll. The poll also asked "Based on how he has performed as
President so far, in your opinion does President Joe Biden deserve to be reelected
to another 4-year term if he decides to run again in 2024?" 53% said "NO" and only
37% said "Yes". Of course the results were mostly along party lines except that
53% of Independent voters also said that Biden should not be reelected. And the
poll showed overwhelming support for Kyrsten Sinema (50% favorable and 36
unfavorable), who has been bucking her own Democratic party. The same poll showed
that Americans have an overwhelming supported for the filibuster (50% in favor to
39% opposing).

Biden's ancestors owned many slaves

Joe Biden Change His Mind On Every Major Issue

Joe Biden Hall-of-Presidents Robot Malfunction


Below are failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions:

1. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
2. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
3. 1970: Ice Age By 2000
4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
6. 1972: New Ice Age By 2070
7. 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
8. 1974: Another Ice Age?
9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life (data and graph)
10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes (additional link)
12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend (additional link)
13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
17. 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
18. 2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015 (additional link)
27. 2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
28. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
29. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
30. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
31. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
32. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 1990s
33. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000
34. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020
35. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010
36. 2006: Super Hurricanes!
37. 2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
41. 1970s: Killer Bees!
42. 1975: The Cooling World and a Drastic Decline in Food Production
43. 1969: Worldwide Plague, Overwhelming Pollution, Ecological Catastrophe, Virtual
Collapse of UK by End of 20th Century
44. 1972: Pending Depletion and Shortages of Gold, Tin, Oil, Natural Gas, Copper,
45. 1970: Oceans Dead in a Decade, US Water Rationing by 1974, Food Rationing by
46. 1988: World’s Leading Climate Expert Predicts Lower Manhattan Underwater by
47. 2005: Fifty Million Climate Refugees by the Year 2020
48. 2000: Snowfalls Are Now a Thing of the Past
49.1989: UN Warns That Entire Nations Wiped Off the Face of the Earth by 2000 From
Global Warming
50. 2011: Washington Post Predicted Cherry Blossoms Blooming in Winter
But somehow this time will be different, and the ‘experts’ and 16-year olds of
today will suddenly be correct in their new predictions of eco-doom and eco-
disaster? Sorry....Not.

---------Electric Vehicles--------------------------

Real World Cost of Fueling EVs and ICE Vehicles. Electric vehicles can be more
expensive to fuel
than their internal combustion engine counterparts.

Why do Democrats point fingers at Republicans when they cut taxes, claiming that it
will only benefit the rich. Yet when Democrats do the same thing, it's just fine
with them and the media is silent. Jason Furman, president of the Council of
Economic Advisers (CEA) under former President Obama, blasted Democrats’ plan to
repeal a cap on state and local tax deductions, pointing out that it would mostly
benefit the top 5% wage earners. Where's the outrage by liberal media? Democrats
cut taxes that benefits the top 5%. Why is that not major news? Well, we all know


Since 2000, the US has cut CO2 emissions by 21% and cut GHG by 10%. All while China
has increased CO2 emissions by 209% and GHG emissions by 171%. Likewise, India has
increased CO2 emissions by 150% and GHG emissions by 95%. Only the US has decreased
these emissions. In fact, the US is in the top quartile of countries DECREASING CO2
and GHG emissions in the past 20 years.

--------------- Political Leaning ------------------

Today, 36% Americans identifying as conservative and only 25% as liberal. The
balance is somewhere in the middle. In the past 30 years, America has never
"leaned left".


81 million votes and yet a 59% disapproval rating. I'd say some Biden voters now
have major regrets. If you assume the 59% disapproval is only from voters, then
while Biden got 81 million votes, 91 million voters now disapprove of him. But, if
you assume the 59% disapproval is American citizens, then 197 million people
disapprove of Biden. And Harris is even worse with only a 27% approval rating.
But the worst is Pelosi with a 21% approval rating. Bottom line, Americans are fed
up with Biden and Democrats.


Speaking of tolerating violence, concerning the big Democrat election losses, on

11/8/2021 MSNBC's Joy Reid said “You not only have to fight for what you believe
in, but you have to be seen to be fighting." Remember when the Hart Senate Office
Building on Capitol Hill was overthrown by Democrat protestors seeking to block the
confirmation of Justice Kavanaugh. Remember when the Wisconsin State Capitol was
taken over and occupied by Democrat protesters battling against right-to-work
legislation. Remember the 100+ days of deadly protest and violence in Seattle,
Portland, Detroit, Minneapolis, Los Angeles , and New York. Why did Democrats and
liberal media claim all of this violence was necessary and productive, yet claim
that Republicans tolerate violence? Why the hypocrisy?


Racist Joe Biden referred to famed baseball player Satchel Paige as "the great
Negro of the time" while wishing retired diplomat Donald Blinken a happy birthday
during his Veterans Day speech. If that's not racist, I don't know what is.

A new Gallup poll shows that Joe Biden has lost more approval at start of term than
any other president since World War II. Biden’s approval rating dropped from 56%
in Q1 to 44.7% in Q3 which represents an 11.3% drop that has not been experienced
by any president since World War II. And a recent USA Today poll shows that Biden
has an overall 59% disapproval rating among American voters. Biden is severely
under water when it comes to how Republicans view him, with only 4% of Republicans
polled saying they approve of the job he’s done and 94% disapproving. But even
worse is Harris with only a 27% approval rating among American voters. However,
even worst is Pelosi with a meer 21% approval rating from American voters.


Joe Biden: Who is he?

• He withdrew from his two prior presidential runs because he was found out to have
plagiarized (stole) from other writers and represented the content as his own. A
cheat and a liar without leadership intellect.
• He finished several spots from the bottom of his law school class.
• A number of citizens from Delaware, the state from which he is a U.S. Senator,
were recently interviewed and could not name one noteworthy thing he has said or
done over a 47-year political career.
• Racism: A number of quotes that you can easily retrieve on the Internet clearly
establish he has deep racist beliefs about Blacks dating back to his entry in
politics in the early 70s. That would be devastating for a Republican. He was close
friends with and even gave a eulogy for Senator Robert Byrd (Democrat, W, VA), who
had a well-known long history as a Southern racist, early in life a member of the
Ku Klux Klan. Even Kamala Harris, his current running mate, labeled him a racist
during the Democratic Party nomination campaign.
• He openly admitted he had a prosecutor in Ukraine who was investigating his son,
Hunter, for possible criminal behavior, fired by threatening to withhold U.S.
foreign aid to Ukraine if it was not done the same day he demanded it—as a sitting
Vice President and a director of U.S. policy toward Ukraine under President Obama.


Democrats have screwed up most everything. That may explain why 78% of Americans
say that Democrats have led us in the wrong direction, why Biden has a 59%
disapproval rating, why Harris has only a 27% approval rating and why Pelosi only
has a 21% approval rating.


Build Back Better gives the ultra rich 1% a 53.9 Billion tax break in 2022. This
tax break for the ultra rich is 7 times larger than the tax break for middle and
low income wage earners. According to the Distributional Effects Of The Revenue
Provisions Of Title XIII – Committee On Ways And Means, Of H.R. 5376, The “Build
Back Better Act,” As Passed By The House Of Representatives, in 2022, the ultra
rich get that huge tax break. In 2023, the ultra rich do begin paying more, but if
you make between $500K and $1M per year, you still get a bigger tax break than
anyone. And beginning in 2025, middle and low income wage earners will see their
taxes increased. All while Biden induced inflation has caused a huge tax increase
on the low and middle class resulting in increased economic burden for us. So much
for Biden's promise. Proof links below.


I downloaded the latest document (11/23/21) from the web site. For 2022, it
clearly shows anyone making over $500,000 will get a $15,399 DECREASE in taxes.
People making $1,000,000 or more will get a $46,803 DECREASE in taxes. It does get
better in 2023 and 2024, but even then people making over $500,000 get a bigger tax
break than people making under $100,000. And interestingly, beginning in 2027,
everyone making $20,000 or more will have a tax increase. So much for Biden's
promise and so much for MSNBC telling the whole story.

Republicans' 2017 tax reform law benefited middle- and working-class Americans the

The Congressional Budget Office estimate, just released, concluded that the Build
Back Better bill would add $3 trillion in federal deficits over the next 10 years.
This is a recipe for economic crisis. Needless to say, the Biden administration
and liberal media is desperately trying to put lipstick on that pig.


Biden Lies
- Biden said "We didn't lock people up in cages. We didn't separate families. We
didn't do all of those things, number one. They did"
- Biden said he was arrested with Nelson Mandela on the streets of Soweto during a
trip to South Africa in the 1970s, when South Africa was under apartheid.
- Biden said “The NAACP has endorsed me every time I've run.” Not true. The NAACP
has never endorsed any candidate.
- Referring to the Iraq War, Biden said "immediately, the moment it started, I came
out against the war at that moment." Not true. Biden fully supported the Iraq war
and voted for the resolution to go to war.
- Biden claimed that Trump "asserted that immigrants would quote, ‘carve you up
with a knife’." Trump never said that about immigrants. He said that MS-13 Gang
- Biden claimed that President Trump said there were good people on the Nazis/White
Nationalists side. Trump actually said the opposite. Trump said "you had some very
bad people in that group." Trump went on to say that neo-Nazis and white
nationalists should be "condemned totally". Trump also said "Racism is evil, and
those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK,
neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to
everything we hold dear as Americans."
- Biden claimed several times that Georgia’s GOP-led election law will end voting
hours early. It won’t.
- Biden claimed that federal government contracts awarded to foreign companies went
up by 30% under Trump, when in fact it was much less.
- Biden lied about when the coronavirus vaccine first became available in the U.S.,
claiming that when he came into office there were no vaccines. The first dose of
the vaccine was administered on December 14, a month before the new president took
office. In fact, Biden received a coronavirus vaccine before taking office, yet he
has repeatedly stated that he received no vaccine from the Trump administration,
completely ignoring Operation Warp Speed.

- Biden Walks Back Claims About ‘Garbage’ Report Detailing Illegal Alien Payouts
- Biden Claims His Administration Isn’t Paying Illegal Immigrants
- Biden Says Electric Cars Can Drive Across America On One Tank
- Biden Claims Glenn Youngkin Sought To Ban Books
- Biden Claims He Has No Time to Visit the Southern Border
- Biden Says COVID Vaccine Prevents Virus Spread
- Biden said he would not raise taxes on those earning less than $400,000, but
White House press secretary Jen Psaki contradicted the President and changed the
equation so that Biden tax hike could hit people earning $200K.
- During the campaigne, Biden told immigrants to "surge to the border", then once
he realized the mess he created he just two months into his presidency, he said: “I
can quite clearly say (to migrants), don’t come over.”
- Biden promised that a new stimulus check for $2,000 would be granted to every
American, however, after taking office, he clarified that they would actually grant
a check for $1,400
- White House Says Biden’s Stance on Hyde Amendment Hasn’t Changed
- Biden Lied About Troop Recommendations in Afghanistan
- White House Claims ‘Build Back Better Agenda’ Costs Nothing
- Biden Amplifies Border ‘Whip’ Lie
- Biden Administration Scales Back COVID Treatments After Promising Them to States
- Biden Blames COVID-19 Case Spike on Unvaccinated
- Biden Claims U.S. Electricity Will Be Net-Zero Emissions by 2020
- Biden Flip-Flops on Whether Life Begins at Conception
- Biden Claims He Visited Pittsburgh Synagogue After 2018 Mass Murder
- Biden Backtracks on Promise to Stay in Afghanistan Until All Americans Get Out
- Biden Administration Claims It Has Taken Responsibility for Afghanistan Crisis
- White House Denies That Any Americans Are Stranded in Afghanistan
- Biden Falsely Claims Governors Are Banning Masks in Schools
- Biden Says US Has Afghanistan Crisis Under Control
- Biden Says There Are More Vaccinated People In The US Than the American
- Biden Says He ‘Used to Drive an 18-Wheeler’
- Biden Claims He Was a Professor After the Obama Administration, but He Never
Taught a Class
- Biden Admin Mandates COVID Vaccines for Medical Employees Despite Pledging Not To
- Biden Claims You Can’t Get COVID if You’re Vaccinated
- Biden Denies that Proliferation of Government Money Is Jacking up Prices
- Biden Denies Looming ‘Unchecked Inflation,’ His Treasury Secretary Says the
- White House: Election Laws Are The ‘Worst Challenge To Our Democracy Since Civil
- Biden Claims He Was An All-Star Player At Congressional Baseball Game Where He
Went 0-2
- Biden Claims That Tuskegee Airman Were Experimented On by U.S. Government
- Border Lead Kamala Harris Claims It Was ‘Always The Plan’ To Visit Border
- Biden Says High Gun Violence In Cities With Tough Gun Laws Is False

And he's been telling lies for a long time.

-----Gun Registration | Gun Licensing --------------

Congress clarified in the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act that the federal
government shall not create a federal gun registry and has prohibited ATF from
creating any centralized databases with its funding. The Democrat plans for a back
door national registry violates federal law and infringe on our Second Amendment
rights. Gun registration and gun owner licensing wouldn’t help prevent crimes. It
has been proven time and time again that most people convicted of gun crimes
acquired the gun from theft, the black market, or acquaintances [Bureau of Justice
Statistics]. According to the ATF, half of illegally trafficked firearms
originate with straw purchasers who buy guns for criminals. So, criminals wouldn’t
register guns or get gun licenses. Implementing a gun registry would be nothing
more than a massive and costly bureaucratic program that would accomplish nothing
towards controlling violence with guns. To legally obtain a gun today, you must
have a permit or hold a conceal carry permit that requires a FBI background check.
Statistics consistently show that less registration and licensing equals less
crime. A Library of Congress study of gun control in 27 countries concluded, “It
is difficult to find a correlation between the existence of strict firearms
regulations and a lower incidence of gun-related crimes". In Canada, a dramatic
increase in the percentage of handguns used in all homicides was reported during a
period in which handguns were most strictly regulated. And in strictly regulated
Germany, gun-related crime is much higher than in countries such as Switzerland and
Israel that have simpler and/or less restrictive legislation.

------------ Energy Crisis ------ High Gasoline -----------

Biden set his own course doubling down on addressing climate change and vowing to
spend whatever it takes to wean Americans off oil and gas. Democrats have been
blaming the free market for decades because they refuse to accept that profligate
federal spending is harmful to the economy. Biden owns the decisions made since
entering the White House eight months ago, including canceling the Keystone XL
pipeline, prohibiting new oil and gas leasing on federal land and waters, and
reversing the opening of the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve to exploration.
Begging is one thing. Bullying is another. Biden's directive to the Federal Trade
Commission to investigate oil companies for high gasoline prices at the pump
borders on intimidation. If Biden wants to blame someone for the 40 percent
increase in retail gasoline prices — which are now at seven-year highs — he need
only to look in the mirror. His anti-oil agenda spooked investors wary of
increasing investment in the domestic oil sector because of the White House’s
aggressive regulatory agenda.

There are things Biden could have done to ease energy prices. The U.S. oil sector
was able to more than double production in the past decade, hitting an all-time
record high of 13.1 million barrels a day in March 2020, before the global pandemic
knocked demand and investment off track. Drillers have sat on capital ever since
over concerns about the direction of U.S. policy and the impact of the pandemic on
global demand. Instead of calling on American companies to invest in domestic
production and put U.S. workers back in the field, though, the Biden White House
chose to press the OPEC and Russia to increase global output. Biden also trotted
out the old Democratic trope about "price gouging" by unscrupulous gas station
owners in response to rising energy prices, as if consumers aren't able to drive
down the block to a competing station if they don't like the price.

Biden has no business calling on OPEC and Russia to increase oil supplies when he
is actively curbing U.S. production through his dedication to rebuilding the
regulatory state that former President Trump tried to dismantle. And here’s the
kicker, Biden’s plea to OPEC infuriated Democrats. Progressives blasted Biden for
undercutting his messaging on climate change ahead of the climate summit in
Glasgow. Biden is trying to have it both ways. He wants to crack down on the
traditional U.S. energy sector and promote burdensome new environmental regulations
while keeping prices low for consumers. But the law of supply and demand doesn't
work that way.

Voters understand this and will see Biden's latest protests for what they are – a
desperate attempt of a floundering administration to shift blame away from its own
policies. Biden and his progressive coalition caused the emerging energy crisis
and voters are unlikely to forget that anytime soon.

---------------- Liberals Democrats Have More Mental Disorders --------------

A Pew Research Center study published in March of 2020 probably did not get much
attention due to Covid. But it concluded that white liberals are more likely to
have mental problems than conservatives. From the study:

Young women diagnosed with a mental condition:

56% of young white liberals

28% of young white moderates
27% of young white conservatives

Young men diagnosed with a mental condition:

34% of liberal/Democrat men

22% of moderate men
16% of conservative men

Even a liberal magazine titled "Evie" said "what was once a cheap shot or a
personal insult has actually been found to bear scientific correlation between the
individuals who hold progressive ideologies and an increased risk of mental
illness". A “scientific correlation” between liberal ideas and mental illness
certainly explains a lot. I am constantly trying to figure out why
liberals/Democrats think the way they do and believe in such destructive policies
that tear our families and society apart.

--------Fox News Ratings------------

This kind of garbage reporting by MSNBC is likely why FOX News continued its
ratings dominance for the month of November securing 71 of the top 100 cable
telecasts, while CNN and MSNBC had ZERO...NONE! According to Nielsen Media Research
(12/1/2021), Fox occupied more than half the audience share in total day viewership
(57%) and the 25-54 demographic (59%) and in prime time viewers (60%) and the 25-54
demographic (59%). In fact, this was Fox’s highest cable news share in total day
with A25-54 since 2004, and third best month since the channel came on the air 25
years ago. Fox remained the most-watched network in cable news, sweeping the
competition in both total day and prime time viewers, beating CNN and MSNBC
combined in both total day and prime time across all categories. Notably, Fox beat
CNN by 294% and MSNBC by 136% in prime time viewers.


In November, the Consumer Price Index rose 6.8% compared to a year ago. That is the
largest annual increase since 1982 and a 40-year inflation high. But how bad has
it really become in a year’s time?

- Energy prices have risen 33.3% since November of 2020.

- Gasoline alone has risen 58.1% since November of 2020.
- Food prices have risen 6.1% since November of 2020.
- Used car prices have risen 31.4% since November of 2020.

As if this wasn’t enough bad news, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announced
just last Friday that the so-called “Build Back Better Act” will add $3 trillion to
America’s deficit after House Democrats have claimed that their bill is “paid for”
and “costs zero”. Congress’ budgetary belt must be tightened. Whenever wasteful
spending runs rampant, the consequences are always disastrous. We need to stand
firm against Congress wasting our hard-earned money and bankrupt this country even
further. The simple truth is that until our fiscal house is in order, Americans
will be feeling the strain of inflation in the many months to come.

"You're showing yourself to do really well. Come on man."

We need to spend less time on this crap and more time and effort fixing these

Wasteful Government Spending 2021 = $52,598,515,585

• Foreign countries use our aircraft for free for 4 years (DOD)...$773,000,000
• US bought Afghanistan planes that were later thrown away (DOD)...$549,000,000
• US-constructed buildings in Afghanistan left sitting unused (DOD)...
• COVID relief grant for NYC to display art projects across the city...$25,000,000
• Ineligible and duplicate PPP loans (SBA)...$4,290,000,000
• Improper CARES Act unemployment insurance payments....$36,000,000,000
• Constructing border walls in the Middle East and North Africa (DOD)...
• Free trips for Korean kids to visit D.C. (USAID)... $150,000
• Grinding up ferrets to develop COVID and flu vaccines...$4,500,000
• Tax Credit incentivizing CA residents to uninstall fireplaces...$2,100,000
• Translating books into the Georgian language (State)...$182,741
• Teaching French people about US culture (State)...$200,000
• Giving irrigation systems to Afghan farmers left unused (USAID)...$88,000,000
• Developing a film about dinosaurs to inspire middle schoolers (NSF)...$2,500,000
• Pigeons playing slot machines (NIH)...$465,339
• Telling people to not burn their trash (USAID)...$11,300,000
• Funding Green Energy programs in Africa (State)...$179,000,000
• DC Metro paid Lyft to subsidize riders...$28,005
• Attempting to replace an assault vehicle over 2 decades (DOD)...$3,400,000,000
• Funding the Wilson Center to put on parties for Congressmen...14,000,000
• Study verified that hearing bad news decreases happiness levels (NIA)...
• Planting trees in New York City...$400,000,000
• Government paid for students who didn’t actually attend those schools...
• Kids crave junk food and gain weight if they’re exposed to it (NIDDK)...$352,000
• Getting high schoolers excited about being airplane pilots (FAA)...$5,000,000
• Fattening eels for human consumption (FDA)...$337,500
• Social Security overpayments to beneficiaries in Fiscal Year

I see that Trump is still living rent-free in the "brains" of liberals. 🤣


A bit of disappointing news for you. New polls show that Trump would beat Biden if
the election was held today. With 78% of voters saying that Democrats have led us
in the wrong direction (Gallup Poll), major changes are coming in 2022 and 2024.
Biden's approval rating in a USA Today poll is now in line with where Trump was 4
years ago, but Biden's 59% disapproval rating is far worse than Trump ever was.
Harris has a mere 25% approval rating and Pelosi only has a 21% approval rating.
All lower than Trump at his lowest.

Dem success is a hard sell. Latest polls show Biden's approval rating is now down
to 33%. That is lower than Trump ever was. Harris and Pelosi's approval is even
lower. The latest approval decrease happened shortly after it was announced that
Biden did not create a single new job in 2021. Not one! It will be difficult for
Biden to recover from his string of disasters (border crisis, Afghanistan,
inflation, supply chain, Covid, zero job creation, failed unity, etc.)


There are many words that can be used to describe President Biden’s first year in
office, but the one that comes to mind for me is “incompetence”. Common sense
dictates that when you fail miserably at something, you take a step back and
reevaluate your approach. Instead, this administration has doubled down on its
failures. As a result, 78% of America now say we have taken too many steps in the
wrong direction. Think about what has happened over the course of one year:

- Inflation at a 40-year high. Americans are now paying 49.6% more for gas.
- The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.
- Skyrocketing crime rates in cities across the country.
- 1.7 million illegal immigrants overrunning the southern border.
- Zero new jobs created
- Parents being targeted by the FBI and Department of Justice
- School closures that have harmed America’s children
- More Covid deaths even with a vaccine
- Supply chain issues
- Failed to unify our country

Those failures skim the surface of the problems that America is facing right now.
Imagine if things were done differently, and the priorities of the American people
were put first instead of last. There would never have been socialist spending
sprees that piled even more debt on future generations of Americans. Legislative
gimmicks to inflate the power and scope of the federal bureaucracy would have never
been acted upon. Families across the country would not be struggling to afford
basic commodities, heat their homes, or even fill up their gas tanks.

At this point, we should be in the middle of the great American comeback, not
falling further behind because of policies that have failed time and time again.
This administration needs a good dose of common sense and accountability.


As if Biden and Democrats have not received enough bad news lately due to their
string of political disasters, Gallup Poll now gives them even more bad news.
Latest polls show a dramatic 14-point shift in political party preference during
2021 giving the GOP the biggest lead in 26 years.

Biden and Democrats have failed Americans in so many ways (examples below).
However, this Gallup Poll chart demonstrates, even more, the reason Democrats
should not be in charge of our country. Since 2001, Democrats have consistently
had a far more negative opinion about being an American. Some years, even during
the Obama administration or when Democrats controlled Congress, Republicans were
twice as more proud to be an American than Democrats.

- Failed Covid policy [vaccinations, lack of testing, school closures, record

hospitalizations, more deaths with a vaccine than under Trump without a vaccine,
"Who's going to take the shot"?]
- Failed to protect our borders. Created the border crisis and then failed to
address the problem.
- Failed to protect Americans during a pandemic with no attempt to screen illegal
border crossers for COVID.
- Failed to protect Americans by releasing known felons that crossed the border
- Failed immigration put more children in cages and separated more families at the
border than any other president
- Failed evacuation of Afghanistan left Americans and our military technology
behind for terrorists
- Failed to control inflation. Created the highest inflation in 30 years
- Failed energy policy, lost our energy independence
- Failed Jobs Creation, Zero new jobs created, created the Great Job Resignation
- Failed to protect Americans by supporting defund the police resulting in more
police officer deaths in 26 years
- Failed to unify the country, Partisan policies
- Excessive Executive Orders that bypass laws of the United States
- Promotes racism, spreads hate, lies, and creates division
- Supports the killing of innocent defenseless human beings
- New tax plan increases taxes on the middle class beginning in 2027
- Corrupt administration, abuse of power by enabling bribery and other high crimes
and misdemeanors by allowing his son to influence the domestic policy of a foreign
nation and accept various benefits—including financial compensation—from foreign
nationals in exchange for certain favors.
- Weak international affairs put our country at risk of war
- Failed to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States
- Censored media access

Biden Failures

1. Promised unity but has only pushed for a partisan, progressive agenda
2. Signed more executive orders in his first week than any past president, ignoring
the role of the legislative branch
3. Failed to reopen schools – 50% of schools are still not meeting fully in-person
4. Pledged to follow the science and listen to medical experts, but is following
the teachers’ unions instead of Drs. Walensky and Fauci on reopening schools who
have said there is no medical reason for schools to remain closed
5. Created the Biden Border Crisis
6. Has no plan to address the Biden Border Crisis
7. Providing limited, censored media access to overcrowded facilities housing
migrants 8. Assigned Vice President Kamala Harris, who once compared ICE to the
KKK, as border czar
9. President Biden and Vice President Harris have failed to visit the southern
10. Proposes sending $4 billion to corrupt Northern Triangle countries to prevent
illegal immigration
11. Ended cooperative asylum agreements
12. Opened the door for individuals who threaten America’s national security by
revoking President Trump’s travel restrictions
13. Terminated the “National Emergency” at the southern border
14. Unraveled the Migrant Protection Protocols 15. Not fully utilizing Title 42 at
the border
16. Ceased border wall construction despite congressional appropriations
17. Released thousands of recently apprehended illegal border crossers from custody
without even issuing them a Notice to Appear in Immigration Court18. Proposed
19. Halted deportations
20. Allowing criminal aliens to be released into American communities
21. Allowing federal funding to be sent to sanctuary cities
22. Prohibiting federal immigration law enforcement officers from using correct
statutory terms such as “alien”
23. Scrapped fines for illegal immigrants who fail to leave the U.S.
24. Violating CDC guidance at the border
25. Releasing COVID-positive aliens into Texas
26. Nominated Chris Magnus to head U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), even
though he opposes deterrence-focused immigration policies
27. Increasing numbers of illegal immigrants evading apprehension by Border Patrol
28. 400% increase in migrants apprehended in March 2021 compared to March 2020
29. 486% increase in unaccompanied alien children (UACs) arriving at the border in
March 2021 compared to March 2020
30. 1056% increase in families arriving at the border in March 2021 compared to
March 2020
31. Over 5,000 migrants with criminal convictions apprehended by CBP in Fiscal Year
2021, including homicide, assault, and sexual offenses
32. A record number of UACs in government custody
33. Deploying federal workforce who have little to no training to care for UACs
34. Awarded a massive, sole source contract to a nonprofit run by a former Biden-
Harris Transition Team official to help manage the surge of UACs
35. Opened 12 new temporary shelters to hold UACs
36. Spending $60 million a week to house UACs
37. Ceased conducting FBI fingerprint checks of other adult household members of
sponsors for UACs
38. Providing vaccines to illegal immigrants
39. Ceased the accurate apportionment of the 2020 census to include illegal aliens
40. Reverted back to an outdated civics test for individuals seeking citizenship
41. Rescinded President Trump’s “public charge” rule requiring immigrants to be
self-sufficient and not rely on public welfare programs
42. Cancelled the Keystone Pipeline, killing thousands of good paying jobs
43. Reentered the Paris Agreement, disadvantaging the United States and leaving
Americans to shoulder the costs of higher energy bills, lower wages, fewer jobs,
less energy production
44. Halted oil and gas leasing on federal lands
45. Rising gas prices
46. Added more bureaucracy to the regulatory process by requiring the head of each
federal agency to review any regulation, policy, and guidance document issued
during President Trump’s term that the Biden Administration deems inconsistent with
their climate agenda
47. Allowing California to set stricter fuel standards and dictate vehicle
emissions regulations across the country
48. Reversed efforts by the Trump Administration to reduce regulatory burdens that
required two regulations to be rescinded before creating a new one
49. Rescinded a good government executive order requiring agencies to post guidance
online in a searchable database
50. Rolled back the Trump Administration’s “rules on rules” at the Department of
Transportation, reducing the information available for rulemaking, enabling the
abuse of guidance documents, and eliminating due process in adjudications
51. Cancelled President Trump’s plan to let more physicians prescribe an opioid-
treatment drug
52. Rejoined the World Health Organization without it undergoing needed reforms
53. Appointed Xavier Becerra as HHS Secretary, despite having no health care
experience, suing Little Sisters of the Poor, and locking down churches in
California during the pandemic
54. Appointed the former Pennsylvania Department of Health Secretary, Rachel
Levine, to a top HHS post, even though she issued an order sending COVID-positive
patients to nursing homes
55. Refuses to hold Governor Cuomo accountable for his deadly nursing home order
and cover-up
56. Failed to establish a national COVID-19 testing strategy
57. Falsely claimed he had a vaccine distribution plan when he in fact relied on
President Trump’s plan
58. Signed an executive order mandating masks on federal property but then hours
later was spotted without a mask on federal property
59. Issued executive order allowing critical race theory in the federal workplace
60. Rescinded federal workforce reforms to empower the federal bureaucracy and
allow massive bureaucratic power to go unchecked
61. Rescinded federal workforce reforms to reduce the time federal employees spend
on union activities instead of their jobs
62. Revoked President Trump’s efforts to expand access to apprenticeships across
63. Won’t enforce an Office of Labor-Management Standards rule that requires labor
unions to disclose certain financial records
64. Supports $15 minimum wage, which is estimated to kill 1.4 million jobs
65. Signed a $2 trillion spending package into law under the guise of “COVID
relief”—even though an estimated $1 trillion in previous spending remains unspent
66. Spending only 5% of funding provided in the Democrats’ spending package to
reopen schools in 2021
67. Spending $1 billion in taxpayer dollars for a COVID-19 vaccine PR campaign
after undermining its safety and efficacy during the 2020 election
68. Bailed out locked-down, poorly managed states with $350 billion dollars with no
strings attached
69. Prevents states receiving recovery relief funds from cutting taxes for
residents within their borders
70. Provided $570 million for additional paid leave to federal employees so they
can watch their kids Zoom into school
71. Enacted the largest expansion to Obamacare since its creation in 2010
72. Removed NLRB General Counsel and Deputy Counsel in an unprecedented move
73. Purged the EPA’s science advisory boards of members who don’t share Democrats’
radical environmental beliefs
74. Removed a respected scientist who was overseeing the U.S. National Climate
75. Instructed the Attorney General to make it easier for prison inmates to have
materials about gaining access to the ballot box
76. Nominated David Chipman to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and
Explosives, despite having a long record of seeking to limit Americans’ Second
Amendment rights
77. Pushed the Department of Justice to pursue substantial gun reforms that attack
the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens
78. Advocated for packing the Supreme Court
79. Advocating for changing the Senate filibuster, which he defended for years while
in the U.S. Senate
80. Supports H.R. 1 to send money to Democrat politicians
81. Supports an unconstitutional bill to grant D.C. statehood
82. Withdrew commonsense rules requiring U.S. universities and K-12 schools with
foreign exchange programs to disclose financial ties or other connection to Chinese
state-run Confucius institutes, which seeks to sway students and adults into
believing CCP propaganda
83. Proposed a rule to establish priorities for grants in American History and
Civics Education programs, specifically to “projects that incorporate racially,
ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse perspectives” such as Critical
Race Theory and the 1619 Project
84. Rescinded regulations put into place by former Secretary Betsy DeVos to protect
college students in Title IX hearings
85. Issued an executive order denying funding to schools unless they allow
biological males in female bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams
86. Rescinded President Trump’s order prohibiting federal funds from being spent
overseas to fund abortions
87. Rescinded President Trump’s pro-life policy of preventing federal funds from
being provided to organization that make abortion referrals
88. Froze Trump Administration rule aimed at lowering Insulin and EpiPen prices
89. Returned the U.S. to engaging with the unreformed U.N. Human Rights Council
90. Appointed Linda Thomas-Greenfield as U.N. Ambassador, despite giving a speech at
a Confucius Institute and who has since said “white supremacy is weaved into our
founding documents and principles”
91. Reconsidering lifting sanctions on Iran in order to rejoin the flawed Iran
Nuclear Deal
92. Released his Fiscal Year 2022 budget nearly 70 days after the statutory
93. Proposes to raise non-defense spending by 16% in Fiscal Year 2022, despite
already signing into law a $2 trillion spending bill
94. Proposed a 43.4% capital gains tax
95. Proposed a tax hike, which could hit families, not just individuals, making
$400,000 a year, breaking a promise to the American people
96. Proposed a $2 trillion so-called “infrastructure” plan, and only 6% of the
spending is for roads and bridges
97. Proposes to spend $600 billion of spending on radical Green New Deal provisions
in the “infrastructure” package
98. Peddled false talking points about the Georgia voting law and encouraged the
MLB to move the All-Star Game, which is hurting local Atlanta-area small businesses
99. Supported Speaker Pelosi’s efforts to overturn the results of an Iowa
congressional race despite the results being certified by bipartisan state election
100. Shelved a new commission to study police reform in favor of left-wing, anti-
police legislation

I believe this black man describes how many feel about the Biden administration and
the current state of the Democratic party.

(Full Video:


Biden has not kept most of his campaign promises, but I must give him credit where
credit is due. There are two campaign promises that Biden has actually kept.

1) In 2020, Biden won the election getting 52% of the vote and Trump 48%. Clearly,
we were a divided nation. However as of March 1, a Gallup survey shows that a
whopping 78 percent of Americans say they are dissatisfied with the direction
Democrats have taken us. So Biden went from having 48% of Americans against him to
now having 78% of Americans against him. That's a 62% improvement in unifying our
country in a little over a year. That is an awesome achievement in keeping his
promise to unify the country.

2) In 2020, Biden promised open borders and no one can deny that he achieved that
promise. Unfortunately, many of those that embraced Biden's challenge to "surge to
the border" are murders, rapists, thieves, and even terrorists. But Biden only
promised open borders, not that he would ensure only good people enter. So while
that promise has a downside, Biden fully kept that campaign promise too.

Pittsburgh Action News 4 shows a photo of Biden on a report of inappropriately
touching a 12-year-old girl. Sadly, there are many other videos from Biden's past
that make this believable.


Let’s reflect on the real damage that the Democrats and the dementia patient are
doing to this country!!
Lets run down Bidens accomplishments:
-Higher gas
-Higher utilities
-Higher food
-Higher medication
-13 dead serviceman
-$90 BILLION in weapons left behind
-Americans left behind
-Shuttered coal mines
-Shuttered pipeline
-Defund police
-Woke weak military
-Spying on a sitting President
-Weaponized the FBI against parents
-Abortion on tap
-Weak global politics
-Allies under attack
-Failed to protect Ukraine as guaranteed by Clinton
-Open borders
-2.3 MILLION illegals in America
-Border STILL open
-Fentanyl flooding America from Mexico
-Veterans sleeping on our streets
-Chicago is a war zone. 8000 shot 843 dead
-$30 million CRACK PIPE give away
-Seattle in ruins
-Portland in ruins
-San Francisco NO GO zone

How's that for JOE doing such a great job.


When Biden took office, we were energy independent and gasoline was $1.92 per
gallon (my hometown). Today, due to Biden's horrible energy policies, we are no
longer energy independent and gasoline is now $4.19 (in my hometown). All while
Biden supported Russia in building international pipelines to increase their export
of energy. And Biden has not sanctioned the import of Russian oil and gas, so he
is subsidizing Russia's energy cost. The result is that gasoline in Russia today
is equivalent to $1.70 per gallon, after Biden's sanctions. Here's on-the-ground
proof. Biden needs to be held accountable.

In 2019, the US was in fact energy independent through the lens of our oil and gas
production and consumption. These two sources represent 68% of U.S. energy
consumption. In 2019 our net imports of crude oil and finished products flipped
from positive to negative. By that metric, we became energy independent in 2019.
Here's proof.


I think it is hilarious that a Georgia black man (Vernon Jones), a former member of
the Georgia House of Representatives, who is now running for Congress said he will
put forth articles of impeachment for both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris if elected.
I think that will happen regardless if Jones is elected or not.
Isn't it funny how Biden only agreed to do this AFTER practically the entire US
population screamed: "DO IT"!

During the election, Biden said he would do this, and that and fix everything? And
he would take responsibility and accountability. Essentially played himself up as
a strong leader. Now that Biden convinced enough people to put him in the White
House, he's saying he can't do this, can't fix that, and is pointing fingers of
blame at the American people, US businesses, and everything else, blaming everyone
but himself. And the liberal media just ignores Biden's lies and hypocrisy.
The Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet from 2005 to 2022. As of March 2, the Fed's
balance sheet swelled to $8.9 trillion. It's no wonder we have historic inflation.
Hmmm...What happened in early 2020 that may have caused the spike? Hint: Democrats
gained control of all 3 branches of government.

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