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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

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Heart palpitations are more common than you think.

They often come at night right before bed, or following anxiety episodes.

The feeling is uncomfortable, and quite frankly, unnerving.

There aren’t many effective treatments for heart palpitations, and they’re hard to
track because of their random and unpredictable nature.

Heart palpitations are a symptom, not a condition, and there are many different
causes for it. This makes �nding an effective treatment a bit of a challenge.

Fortunately, there are excellent herbs available that can help with this symptom,

and in some cases, the underlying cause of the heart palpitations.

Here, we discuss the potential causes of heart palpitations, and some herbs you

can incorporate into your routine to get rid of them for good.

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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

What Are Heart Palpitations?

In the medical world, heart palpitations are often referred to as cardiac


Translating this we get; dysfunctional (dys–) and heart rhythms (–rythmia).

Heart palpitation is the word to describe the symptom of the dysrhythmia. It’s a term
that describes our ability to sense abnormal heartbeats.

People often describe them as:

“My heart stops for a second”

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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

The symptoms can last anywhere from

a few seconds to days.

Other times, the heart might feel like it’s

beating too slowly (bradycardia), or too
quickly (tachycardia).

What Do Heart Palpitations Feel Like?

(Symptoms of Heart Palpitations)

• Feelings of ‘skipped’ beats

• Fullness in the throat

• Fast heart beat

• Anxiety

• Insomnia

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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

Are Heart Palpitations Serious?

In most cases, there is a traceable underlying cause of the heart palpitations, which
usually don’t indicate any serious heart disease.

In some cases, however, heart palpitations can indicate serious underlying

cardiovascular disease. If you’re experiencing heart palpitations, it’s a good idea to
have it investigated by a doctor.

Doctors have access to machines called ECG (electrocardiogram) used to analyze

your heart rhythm and pick up on any “red �ags”.

When To Visit A Doctor:

• Chest pain and tightness

• Heart palpitations lasting longer than 2 hours

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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

• Nausea and vomiting

• Left shoulder pain

• Shortness of breath

• Fainting

• Excessive sweating

In most cases, there is nothing directly wrong with the heart. The palpitations are a
byproduct of something else.

Long-term, if the problem persists, it can lead to serious problems with the
cardiovascular system. Atrial �brillation, for example, increases the risk of stroke
5-fold and accounts for roughly 15% of all strokes [2].

Luckily, there are a lot of things you can do to reduce your chances of this

happening, and alleviate the discomfort brought on by heart palpitations.

What Causes Heart Palpitations?

There are a few different types of dysrhythmias that get lumped together under heart

We can break them down into 2 main categories, those affecting the top of the heart

(atria), and the bottom of the heart (ventricles).

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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

1. Atrial Dysrhythmias
The most common forms of atrial dysrhythmias are atrial fibrillation and atrial

flutter. They are the most prevalent causes of heart palpitations.

Atrial �brillation involves a chaotic �ring of the electrical signals in the atrium of the
heart. When this happens, the atrium can’t do its job effectively, which is to move
blood into the ventricles where it is then pumped around the body.

The heart relies on special electrical regulators known as the pacemakers to maintain
a regular heartbeat.

The main pacemaker of the heart, the sinoatrial node (SA node) is located in the atria.
It’s tasked with keeping the heartbeat as directed by the brain. It �res electrical
impulses causing the atrium to contract and force blood into the ventricles below.

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This same signal then goes to another pacemaker in the ventricles, where the signal OK
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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

is delayed, allowing blood to �ow from the atrium into the chambers of the ventricles.
The signal is then released, causing the ventricles to contract with a great deal of

This pumps blood out to the rest of the body, into the lungs, and far reaches of the

Since the SA node in the atria is the primary regulator of the heartbeat, it makes

sense that this is the most common source of problems.

It’s most common in men than women generally, however, it’s a lot more common in
women after menopause, roughly matching the frequency in males [1].

Causes Of Atrial Fibrillation May Include":

• Menopause

• Age

• Smoking

• Alcohol

• Hyperthyroidism

• Medication side effects

• Stress/Anxiety

• Hormone Replacement Therapy

• Diabetes

• Congenital Valve Disease

• Autoimmunity

• Amyloidosis

• Hemochromatosis
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• Chronic In�ammation
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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

• Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

• Hypertension

• Endomyocardial Fibrosis

• Magnesium or Potassium De�ciencies

• Dehydration

• Pregnancy

The most common causes of atrial fibrillation and the heart palpitations it

produces is anxiety, alcohol, and menopausal changes.

From a technical standpoint, atrial �brillation is caused by differences in calcium ion

and potassium ion handling in the electroconductive myocytes making up the heart.

These ions are responsible for generating the electrical impulses that make the

heart contract. They �ow in and out of the muscle cells to give it a positive or

negative charge when appropriate.

When these signals are dysfunctional, it can cause the cells to �re and contract
sooner than they’re meant to, causing the atria to quiver uncontrollably.

Therefore, any condition that changes the electrical system (calcium, potassium, and
sodium ions) can lead to �brillation and heart palpitations.

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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

2. Ventricular Dysrhythmias
Ventricular dysrhythmia are similar to atrial dysrhythmia but affects the ventricles of
the heart instead. The ventricles are the larger part of the heart that pushes blood to
the lungs (right ventricle) and the body (left ventricle).

There are many different forms of this, but the most common is something called a

Bypremature ventricular
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by dysfunctional electrical impulses in the heart.
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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

Normally the electrical signal start at the SA node in the atria, causing the atria to
contract and sends the electrical impulse downwards to the AV node in the ventricles.
This AV node delays the signal to allow the atria to push blood into the ventricles.

Then, the AV node releases the signal, causing the ventricles to contract.

In PVC, this signal is either released too early, or a second source of electrical
activation originates from elsewhere in the heart muscle, causing an unexpected
contraction and producing symptoms of heart palpitations.

Causes Of Ventricular Fibrillation May Include:

• Cardiomyopathy

• Structural Heart Disease

• Ischemic Heart Disease

• Scar Tissue In Heart Muscle

• High Levels Of Adrenalin (Stress or caffeine)

• Alcohol Consumption

• Anemia

• High Blood Pressure

• Tobacco Use

In some cases, ventricular dysrhythmias can indicate more severe underlying heart
disease. A doctor will often use tools like ECGs or Holter Monitors to measure the
heart rhythm and determine whether there is something more serious going on.

Anybody experiencing heart palpitations for the �rst time should have them
investigated by a professional using these tools to rule out anything serious.

Medical Treatments For Heart

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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

Unless a speci�c cause for the heart palpitations is discovered (such as anxiety),
treatment is often unreliable.

Doctors may use drugs like beta-blockers or calcium channel-blockers to control heart
rhythm. In heart disease patients, drugs that work on the sinus node controlling heart
rhythm are sometimes used, usually digoxin or a similar alkaloid.

In some cases, a doctor will use something called a catheter ablation. This involves
cauterizing (burning) an area where the irregular electrical impulse originates.

Fortunately, most cases are benign.

Herbs For Heart Palpitations

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There are many different causes of heart palpitations. Effectively using herbs to treat
12 of 31 15/04/2022, 12:54 am
Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

it will rely on identifying the cause, and addressing it directly.

However, the actual cause is often hard to determine, and even when it is, it can be
dif�cult to treat the underlying cause (valve disease or obstructive sleep apnoea for

Herbal approaches focus on primarily stabilizing the electrical currents of the heart
and addresses causative factors like overstimulation of the nervous system.
Secondary management of indirect causes are implemented, such as treating
metabolic disorders like diabetes.

My Top 6 Herb Picks For Heart

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1. Hawthorn
experience and to help our website run effectively.

13 of 31 15/04/2022, 12:54 am
Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

(Crataegus oxycantha)

Ask any herbalist what their number one

heart-herb is, and they’ll likely tell you


This modest looking tree is actually a cardiac

powerhouse. It offers some of the most well-

rounded and diverse benefits towards heart

function out of any other herb on earth.

Hawthorn is useful for treating atherosclerosis Hawthorn Berries(Crataegus oxycantha)

(hardening of the arteries), high cholesterol, Learn More (/herb/hawthorn)

congestive heart failure, and is commonly used

after a heart attack to help prevent further damage to the heart tissue.

The Cardiac Benef its Of Hawthorn Includes:

• Regulates dysfunctional heart rhythm

• Protects the arteries from oxidative damage

• Tightens the blood vessel walls

• Stabilizes collagen production during �brosis

• Improves the hearts contractile force

• Lowers blood pressure

• Lowers cholesterol and blood lipids

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One of and
experience thetomost important
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effectively.of hawthorn is its ability to regulate the

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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

electrical activity of the heart, making it very useful for treating heart


Most of the research involving hawthorn and heart palpitations is focused on

ventricular �brillation [8-10], however, many of its effects are directly relevant to atrial
�brillation as well.

Hawthorn is also useful for people experiencing heart palpitations with existing

heart disease.. A large meta-analysis involving 5500 people concluded that a

standardized hawthorn extract (WS 1442) reduced sudden cardiac death in patients
with existing heart disease by 25-35% [22].  

This is the most reliable herb I know of for reducing the symptoms of heart
palpitations but it’s important to note that it can take as long as 2 weeks before any
bene�ts are noticed.

In order to get the most out of hawthorn, you need to take it every day for several

weeks at a time.

When taking hawthorn for heart palpitations, you shouldn’t expect any improvement
during the �rst week, but you could expect a gradual decrease in both frequency

and severity of palpitations over the next couple of weeks.

Hawthorn Safety:
A large meta-analysis investigating several large clinical trials done on hawthorn,
looked at the safety of the herb in combination with common pharmaceuticals used to
treat heart disease. The analysis looked at a total of 5577 patients and concluded
that Hawthorn had very few drug interactions with the most commonly used heart
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15 of 31 15/04/2022, 12:54 am
Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

This herb is very safe, but anybody taking heart medications should always consult
their doctor before taking any herbs or supplements.

2. Motherwort
(Leonurus cardiaca)

Motherwort is a member of the mint family. This

family is densely populated with medicinal plant
species with a variety of different specialties.

Motherwort’s specialty is on the

cardiovascular system. Its main use istreating

rapid heartbeats, heart palpitations, and


It contains a group of chemicals known as Motherwort(Leonurus cardiaca)

glycosides. These compounds have been shown

to have cardiotonic activity in an older German study published in 1961 [11].

More recent studies have found similar results. Using an ECG machine to measure
dysfunctional heartbeats in rats, researchers found a return to normal heart rhythm
after treatment with motherwort glycosides [12].

Although animal studies like these are a far reach from human trials, it provides useful
insight into how the plant exerts its effects.

Similarly to Hawthorn, motherwort should be taken for long periods of time to get

the best results.

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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

Although you can make motherwort tea, it needs to be  very strong to produce the
desired effects.

A better option is to get a tincture or capsule of motherwort. Make sure you follow

the dose on the label.

3. Reishi
(Ganoderma lucidum)

Reishi isn’t a herb people generally think of in

relation to heart palpitations, but I’ve found it to
be very useful for this.

In traditional Chinese medicine, heart

palpitations are thought to be the result of what
Reishi Mushrooms(Ganoderma lucidum)
they call “shen disturbances”, “yin de�ciency”,
and “Qi and blood de�ciencies”. Learn More (/herb/reishi)

In case you don’t know what these words are, so here’s a brief description of what
they mean:

+ Shen

+ Yin

+ Qi
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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

+ Blood

TCM Offers A Unique Angle To Look At Heart

This is another way of thinking about the causes of heart palpitations and gives us
some unique insights into treatments with herbs that you wouldn’t normally think of
for treating it.

Reishi comes up here because it’s used to treat all of these conditions. According to
The White Rabbit Institute of Healing (
/herbs/reishi/), It’s thought to ‘calm shen’, “tonify Wei Qi and Blood”.

Looking at reishi on a biochemical level, we �nd that it has a number of actions

speci�c for calming the nervous system. It’s an anticonvulsant, anxiolytic (anti-

anxiety), and nervine (improves nerve function) [14].

It’s especially useful in anxiety-related heart palpitations, or if the cause is due to

severe deficiency states like anorexia, anemia, or other nutrient depleted states

(along with diet changes of course).

Reishi also contains a diverse set of immunomodulating polysaccharides (complex


These compounds are well-known for their ability to modulate the immune system
[13]. This is relevant because certain immune-related conditions, such as Grave’s
hyperthyroid disease (
/hyperthyroidism) and other autoimmune conditions can cause symptoms of heart

Safety: Reishi is a safe herb and rarely interacts with other medications. However,
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avoid reishi
experience and toifhelp
you’re takingrun
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effectively. medications because many of their effects

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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

overlap and may cause side effects from the medication.

4. Zizyphus
(Zizyphus spinosa)

Much like reishi, Zizyphus comes to us from

traditional Chinese medicine.

Zizyphus seed is an excellent anti-anxiety herb,

helping to relieve anxiety-driven heart

It’s also a mild sedative especially effective

for people experiencing heart palpitations

while laying in bed trying to fall asleep. Zizyphus(Zizyphus spinosa)

Many anxious people �nd that they can distract themselves for most of the day until
they get into bed..

When you �nally lay in bed and the distractions (Instagram, friends/family, television,
etc) are gone, you’re left alone with your thoughts. For many people this can be a
scary place.

It often causes people to feel anxious resulting in palpitations for some.

Zizyphus works through a neurotransmitter known as GABA [16], responsible for

controlling our ‘rest and digest’ nervous system (parasympathetic nervous system).

Zizyphus helps us fall asleep, boosts our immune function, and allows us to digest
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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

This is useful because its counterpart, the sympathetic nervous system (controls

stress response and �ght-or-�ight), is often a primary cause of our heart palpitations.

Many pharmaceuticals and herbs that boost the effects of GABA are considered to
have anti-anxiety, sedative, or muscle relaxant activities. Pharmaceuticals with these
effects include the benzodiazepines, which are the primary medical treatment for

anxiety and are used for treating anxiety-related heart palpitations.

Safety: Avoid Zizyphus with alcohol consumption and benzodiazepines due to

overlapping effects.

5. Passionf lower
(Passiflora incarnata)

Passion�ower (/herb/passion�ower) is one of

the best anti-anxiety herbs I know of.

The effects are broad, and work on many

different types of anxiety, but is most speci�c for
anxiety that involves ‘racing thoughts’, or

‘racing heart’.

Passion�ower vine and leaves contain a set of

chemicals that modulate a lot of the chemicals Passionflower(Passiflora incarnata)

that regulate our cognitive functions. The overall Learn More (/herb/passionflower)

effects are to essentially ‘turn down’ the

sympathetic nervous system, making us feel more relaxed.

It helps us collect our thoughts and maintain a clear, calm composure. This goes
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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

long way in alleviating heart palpitations associated with an overactive or worried


Passionf lower's Neurochemical Effects Include:

• Promotes the activity of GABA [17]

• Inhibits monoamine oxidase (breaks down serotonin, dopamine, and

norepinephrine) [18]

• Prevents elevations in corticosterone levels (stress hormone) [19]

• Increases BDNF levels in the brain [19]

** Passion�ower is also useful for a range of cognitive conditions, including

depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

Passionf lower Safety:

Avoid passion�ower with SSRI and SNRI antidepressants as well as barbiturates and

6. Lemon Balm
(Melissa officinalis)

In traditional Iranian medicine, lemon balm is

considered one of the primary treatments for
heart palpitation [20].

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Lemon and
experience balm, likeour
to help motherwort, is a member of
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Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

the mint family of plants. It offers a variety of

bene�ts to the nervous system and is used to
treat anxiety, depression, and insomnia in
traditional herbal medicine. Lemon Balm(Melissa officinalis)

A randomized, double-blind study (

scisig=AAGBfm3hxz8N7rNyeqlpa2Ddc2Q5Gq4ugg) investigating the effectiveness
of lemon balm for heart palpitations found a 36% reduction on average in the number
of heart palpitations patients experienced compared to placebo [21].

This is an excellent herb for nervous system conditions related to heart palpitations.
Its calming effects make it useful for public speakers, or those suffering from

social or generalized anxiety disorders.

Safety: Lemon balm is a safe herb, caution is advised whenever taking anti-anxiety

or antidepressant medications due to similar effects. Taking both at the same time
could produce effects that are stronger than intended, leading to side effects.

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22 of 31 15/04/2022, 12:54 am
Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

How To Use Herbal Tinctures

My preferred method of using herbs, especially for conditions like heart palpitations is
with tinctures and liquid extracts.

Tinctures and liquid extracts allow for simple, calculated dosing, and stores for a long
period of time.

Tinctures are a common format of herbs. You can �nd them at most health food
shops, or online at places like Amazon, or Harmonic Arts (Canada).

You can take tinctures by mixing the recommended amount in a cup of water, tea,

or juice.

If you’re feeling wild, you can even take the dose straight into your mouth. Keep in

using that tinctures
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23 of 31 15/04/2022, 12:54 am
Heart Palpitations: Top 6 Herbs According To A Herbalist

Alternatively, you can look for capsules or tablets of these herbs. They will also do the
trick and many people prefer this method

Hope you enjoyed and please leave your comments below!

Justin Cooke, BHSc (/justin-cooke-bio)

The Sunlight Experiment

(Updated March 2019)

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1. Ball, J., Thompson, D. R., Ski, C. F., Carrington, M. J., Gerber, T., & Stewart, S.
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