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Why Marketing is Failing Your Business
and How to Improve

Finazzo Manufacturing LLC, opened in 1995, competing
for business in an existing and thriving market,
especially in Metro-Detroit fueled by the auto industry.
While business grew, marketing has not changed nor
improved leading to a devastating decline during the
beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic lock down. Small
businesses can ride on one of two extremes;
marketing to the max or letting the market float by.
Finazzo MFG needs to reside somewhere in the
middle, instead of seeing opportunity pass.

Impact on business growth is evident. According to the
article, "Can a Business Survive Without Marketing?"
states, "There will be very few new customers, and
existing customers may not know about new products
or upcoming sales, reducing their chances of becoming
a repeat customer." In the manufacturing business,
repeat business is what ultimately generates profit.
Across the board, small businesses suffered during the
pandemic, as well. Finazzo MFG, specifically, is
incredibly small in size with only 3 full-time employees.
If marketing were to improve business, there would not
be enough staff to manage in influx in work.

Both the business and the employees are directed
affected by the lack of marketing, especially by not having
a website. People or companies looking for future work or
potential hire, tend to first look on the internet for reviews
or options locally. Some manufacturing businesses don't
need a website for new jobs, but rather brand recognition.
It is about scaling, rather than plateauing.

While not a simple task, there is a simple solution:
create a digital name for Finazzo MFG through a
website and advertising. Having a constant image
will generate brand loyalty and lasting, sustainable
business to support the company and its employers.
Digital marketing can range from website
management and search engine optimization to
video marketing and social media.


Finazzo Manufacturing LLC is in desperate need of marketing,
because not having any is causing more harm than good.

Works Cited:
“Can a Business Survive without Marketing? [ Updated Jan 2021 ].” Forward Push,

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