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Task 1: Write Yes / No

1. I’m free this weekend. I will come on either Saturday or Sunday.
2. I’m sorry. I’m too busy this week, so I will come neither Saturday nor Sunday.
3. It is neither raining nor snowing because it’s summer.
4. Good job, son. You can have either cookies or candy.
5. You can use neither this computer nor the other one. They’re out of work.
6. In this game, you either win or lose. It depends on you.


Task 2: Write “neither … nor / either … or”

1. I want ________ coffee ________ tea. Give me some water, please.
2. I know ________ your brother ________ your sister. Can you introduce me to them?
3. We can ________ eat at the restaurant ________ go home and have dinner there.
4. ________ your father ________ your husband can repair your bike. Both of them know how to do it.
5. ________ the teacher ________ his students were in class yesterday. The class was canceled.
6. I will have ________ fish ________ meat at this restaurant. Both of the dishes are good.

Task 3: Write “neither / either / both”

1. ________of us liked the party. We met all our friends.
2. ________ Leila nor Amy passed the exam.
3. They are ________ busy at the moment. They are working on a new project.
4. I'm not sure whether he is trying to be clever or controversial, but ________ way, his article seems full
of racist ideas.
5. He ________ sings nor dances.
6. He thinks that ________ his wife and her mother were lying to him.
7. ________ of the two kids did the homework. They had spent their time playing computer games.
8. I liked them ________.
9. You should have ________ your passport or your ID card available to pass the European borders.
10. "Would you like coffee or tea?"
"________ will do for me.".

Task 4: Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning.

1. Kate doesn't like horror movies. I don't like horror movies either.
=> Neither _________________________________________________________________
2. Lisa can play badminton very well. I can, too.
=> Both ___________________________________________________________________
3. We could have lunch at home. We could also go out to eat. (either)
=> _______________________________________________________________________
4. Grace doesn't like playing chess or doing yoga. (neither)
=> _______________________________________________________________________
5. There are problems with the children. There are problems with their parents. (not only … but also)
=> _______________________________________________________________________
6. The underground is quick. It is also cheap. (not only … but also)
=> _______________________________________________________________________
7. Mr.Smith won’t come to the party tonight. His wife won’t come to the party tonight. (neither)
=> _______________________________________________________________________
8. Team A can play volleyball. Team B can play volleyball. (both)
=> _______________________________________________________________________
9. She can leave England today or she can leave it tomorrow – whichever she wants. (either)
=> _______________________________________________________________________
10. Jamine is on holiday and so am I. (both)
=> _______________________________________________________________________

Task 5: Choose the correct answer

1. I don’t like this book . It is ______interesting ______ cheap .
A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also
2. Neither Linda nor I ______classical music.
A. liking B. liked C. like D. likes
3. The baby is only two months old. He can ______ speak ______ walk .
A. neither/ nor B. either/ or C. both/ and D. not/ nor
4. He ______ a teacher or a doctor .
A. is neither B. neither is C. is either D. either is
5. She is ______ friendly______ intelligent, so I can’t help admiring her .
A. not only/ but also B. either/ or C. both/ and D. A&C are correct
6. John is very poor. He has ______ house______ money.
A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also
7. Linh ______ her sister like listening to pop music .
A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also
8. Neither my friend nor I ______ that movie.
A. don’t like B. likes C. doesn’t like D. like
9. Who wrote you this love letter? - I'm not sure. I think it was ______ Michael ______ Paul.
A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also
10. ______ Linda ______Helen called to say sorry. I'm very sad and frustrated.
A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also
11. ______ Ryan ______ Susie have disappointed me. They didn't come to my birthday party.
A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also
12. He hurt ______her feelings ______ her dignity. This is unforgivable.
A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also
13. ______ loyalty______ honesty are essential in a friendship.
A. Both – and B. Either – or C. Neither – nor D. Not only – but also
14. You should ______disrespect ______ deceive your friends.
A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also
15. I will take you to the cinema to the theatre. That's a promise.
A. both – and B. either – or C. neither – nor D. not only – but also
16. Neither my brother ______ my mother knows about this.
A. both B. either C. and D. nor
17. I felt ______happy and sad at the same time.
A. both B. neither C. either D. not only
18. ______ of the girls know how to dance. (= Both girls are bad dancers)
A. too B. either C. neither D. nor

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