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English II

Title of the paper

Relative clauses

Author’s name (with ID)

Johana Elizabeth Muñoz

ID 621657

Teacher’s name

Colombia, san juan de pasto 24 octubre 2020

Relative clauses –
Complete with who or which

1. I don’t like stories which have unhappy endings.

2. Gerry works for a company who makes computers.
3. The window which was broken has now been repaired.
4. We spent our last holiday in Rome which is really an interesting city.
5. The book which is lying on the table is mine.
6. The student who you want to talk to has just left.
7. The boy who lives next door is very clever.
8. Can you remember the person who gave the book to you?
9. Mr Baker who lives in London hates playing golf.
10. This is the man who works as a mechanic.

Have fun!

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