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English II

Title of the paper

Relative clauses

Author’s name
Danian Byron Arellano Delgado
ID 684176

Teacher’s name

Mg. Solangellie Arango Nieto

NRC 10332

Colombia, San Juan de Pasto November 3, 2020

Complete with the relative clauses: that,whose,where, whom,when, who, which
1. To whom it may concern.
2. This is George, whose brother went to school with me.
3. We had fish and chips, which I always enjoy.
4. Lord Thompson who is 76, has just retired.
5. The year 2010, when I went to study abroad, was the best of my life.
6. She woman that works at my office is very efficient.
7. whom does he love?
8. I met Rebecca in town yesterday, which was a nice surprise.
9. The box where the old toys are is in the garage.

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