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Most Essential Learning Competency:

Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives in/of anthropology, sociology and political science

What I need to know:

The study of Social Sciences is an attempt to understand the nature of human survival as being the goal of
every living species. We look into 3 branches of social sciences namely anthropology(the study of human
societies and cultures and their development), sociology(the study of the development, structure, and
functioning of human society.) and political science (systems of governance and power, and the analysis of
political activities, thought, behavior, and associated constitutions and laws). Life is not simple. Survival for us
human beings is a complex, continous evolutionary process where in the ideas and practices must be
reviewed and revitalized. Take for example the idea of cultural identity. On a personal level, you may only
concern yourself about who you are. On a slightly larger scale, you may ask what your are: Are you Filipino?
Are you Asian? Do you prefer rice overr bread in your daily meals? Are you a citizen of the world? What is
your take in environmental conservation? These questions are addressed to your consciousness as an
individual and as part of wider society. What concerns you personally, ought to believe and get involved in and

Learning objectives:
Acknowledge human cultural variation, social differences, social change, and political identities

Pre -Test: Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

_____1. The study of systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, thought,
behavior, and associated constitutions and laws.
A. Anthropology B. Cultural Variety C. Sociology D. Politics

_____2. The study of human societies and cultures and their development.
A. Anthropology B. Cultural Variety C. Sociology D. Politics

_____3.The study of human societies and cultures and their development

A. Anthropology B. Cultural Variety C. Sociology D. Politics

_____4. It refers to the rich diversity in social practices that different cultures exhibit around the world.
A. Anthropology B. Cultural Variety C. Sociology D. Politics

_____5. A "quality of mind" that allows one to grasp "history and biography and the relations between the two
within society
A. Culture B. Economics C. Social Instituions D. Sociological

_____6. The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social
B. Culture B. Economics C. Social Instituions D. Sociological

_____7. The perception of ethnic and cultural inferiority and a form of internalized racial oppression
A. Capitalism B. Industrialism C. Liberalism D. Socialism
_____8.The state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one should belong or be
involved in
A. Alienation B.Colonial Mentality C. Ethnocentricity D. Moral Insensibility

_____9. A "spiritual condition" as described by Mills, which is at the root of many of our contemporary
A. Alienation B.Colonial Mentality C. Ethnocentricity D. Moral Insensibility

_____10. A mindset which suggests that one’s culture is the best and therefore should be dominantly superior
to other ethnic groups.
A. Alienation B.Colonial Mentality C. Ethnocentricity D. Moral Insensibility

Enrichment 1: Cultural Variety and Social differences

Cultural variation refers to the rich diversity in social practices that different cultures exhibit around the world.
There is no single best culture.Culture is defined as the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of
a particular nation, people, or other social group. In our context as Filipinos: being Kapampangan, Hiligaynon,
Cebuano, Ilocano, Tagalog, Waray, Bicolano and Pangasinense (major languages spoken in the Philippines)
are reasons why our culture is rich and meaningful. Each region has a a history that needs to be unearthed
and revitalized in order to strengthen our understanding of cultural identitiy as a nation. Recent studies have
shown that the interaction of these cultures date back during pre colonial times when our ancestors interacted
with different Asian civilations as far as Northern India and the Middle East. Artifacts such as the Butuan Ivory
seal and the Laguna Copper plate confirm these interactions. Inscriptions in the Butuan Ivory Seal found in
Libertad, Butuan, Agusan del Norte suggests possible trade relations to countries in the middle east dating
back in the 9th-12century. The laguna copper plate, on the other hand found in Lumban, Laguna dating back to
900 A.D. is an official document written in Jawi which traslates to a form of contract proving one’s freedom
from debt, belonging to a social class and following a form of social order. Furthermore, ancient Greek armor
was also found in Butuan Mindanao in 2018 which is as old as 800-450 B.C.E. These arftifacts prove we had
a thriving civilization even before foreign powers colonized us. We had our ways of thinking and doing things.
We had our own writing system, art and belief systems that are not subpar to foreign concepts. The problem
of modern Filipino society lies in colonial mentality which is defined as the perception of ethnic and
cultural inferiority and a form of internalized racial oppression. An example of colonial mentality would be
the belief that foreign made goods are better than locally made products or that speaking a foreign language
as a sign of intelligence over speaking the local tounge. Another problem is the idea of ethnocentricity which
suggests that one’s culture is the best and therefore should be dominantly superior to other ethnic groups. We
have somewhat melded these concepts into our own version of discrimination towards ethnic groups, gender
views, religious practice and in our perception of social institutions. Filipinos are in dire need of re-education
about their history, mores and cultural identity. Efforts to revitalize specific areas in cultural awareness include
the revitalization of ancient Filipino scritps such as the Baybayin, Kulitan, Hanunuo Mangyan, Tagbanua and
Buhid to name a few. The path towards decolonization of the Filipino mind is long but it has started. The
future rests in your hands, our dear learners. You may choose to know your roots or even redefine the old
ways of thinking yet it all depends on your intuition, knowledge and sociological imagination. Sociological
imagination is concept introduced by the sociologist Charles W. Mills as a "quality of mind" that allows one to
grasp "history and biography and the relations between the two within society. It is a pause for discernment
regarding decisions about what one may contribute for the better of all. Our goal afterall is survival and yet
social differences present impediments, social problems such as: Alienation; Moral insensibility; threats to
human freedom; threats to democracy and the conflict between bureaucratic interests and human reason.
Alienation is defined as the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one
should belong or be involved in. Moral insensibility is apathy a "spiritual condition" which is at the root of
many of our contemporary problems. Threats to human freedom include acts of terrorism and cruelty that
splits the growth of human consciousness. Threats to democracy is an offshoot from the threat to freedom
where the human person chooses to observe and do nothing, become a follower rather than a leader,
impersonal and emotionless. The last kind of social problem is the conflict between bureaucratic interest
and human reason: it not only disables the concept of freedom and reason but moreover promotes a system
of choicelessness wherein power is centralized and amplified within the hands of a few elite subjecting the
commons to follow the rule they set for everyone.

Guided Assessment
Identify the concepts or ideas described below. Write your answers in your answer sheet.
_______1. It is a social problem that promotes a system of choicelessness wherein power is centralized and
amplified within the hands of a few elite.
_______2. It is a social problem which splits the human consciousness through acts of terrorism and cruelty.
_______3. Found in Lumban, Laguna; an artifact that was used as a formal document proof of debt being
_______4. Artifacts found in Butuan, Mindanao in 2018 which age dates back to the the 800-450 B.C.E.
_______5. Give one of the 8 major languages in the Philippine Archipelago.

Processing Questions: Optional activities for additional points. 10 points each

1. What is your opinion about the efforts for revitalization of our cultural identity as Filipinos? Does it still
matter or not? Explain your answer in not more than 5 coherent sentences.
2. Why do you think is sociological imagination important? Do all people have sociological imagination or is it
limited to few elite? Explain your answer in not more than 5 coherent sentences.

Enrichment 2 - Social Change and Identity Politics

Social change is an alteration in the social order of a society which may include changes in nature, social
institutions, social behaviors or social relations. In can be described by varrying characteristics such as the
effects on the environment, the current culture and the political framework. There are three major theories
about social change. These are:
1. Evolutionary Theory assumes that society changes gradually from simple beginnings into even more
complex forms based on cross cultural and historical evidence. In Hindu culturem however evoltuion is
described in cycles called yugas. This is not to be confused with the meditative spirtual practice called yoga.
Yugas are cycles of time which determine the state of humanity’s consciousness. It is also believed that one
complete cycle is equal to 4.32 million years.
2. Functionalist Theory sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity
and stability. Change is not something functionlists seek but rather they avoid it and maintain continuum.
Talcot Parson,s a sociologis,t proposes that society must maintain a natural state of equilibrium and changes
are temporary disruptions to the development of society,

3. Conflict Theory emphasizes a materialist interpretation of history wherein dialectical method of analysis, a
critical stands toward existing social arrangements, and political program of revolution or reform are necessary
for society’s growth and development. Karl Marx, a proponent of this theory believed in a communist utopia
wherein everyone is free to do work one wishes to try and still earn as much income as everyone in a
community while institutional services are free of charge. The conflict, lies in the inequality of means and
opportunities between those of the middle class business owners and those of the working class which work
hard but still not given due recognition for their work. This idea of Marx has gained many interpretations by
other social thinkers and political demagogues that its meaning has been stained and reduced to
anti-democratic propaganda.
Political identity is described as politics in which groups of people having a particular racial, religious,
ethnic, social, or cultural identity tend to promote their own specific interests or concerns without regard to the
interests or concerns of any larger political group. Identity politics is a political approach wherein people of a
particular gender, religion, race, social background, class or other identifying factors, develop political agendas
that are based upon theoretical interacting systems of oppression that may affect their lives and come from
their various identities. Examples of concerns raised in identity politics are gender rights as porposed by the
LGBTQ++ community, fare price increases proposed by an association of PUV drivers and even the proper
treatment and education about varied ethnic groups. Political identity is quite the issue since cultural identity
and gender identity must be understood properly. Social Inequality is bound to happen in any democratic
society since freedom is a concept that not every one can exercise properly. Not to mention social
stratification which limits one’s rights according to a supposed social hierarchy. Social inequality is an area
within sociology that focuses on the distribution of goods and burdens in society. We will talk about these topic
in future modular activities

Guided Activity: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False
_____1. Social stratification helps people free themselves from a form of social hierarchy.
_____2. Political identity is politics which promotes interests based one’s particular racial, ethnic, social or
cultural identity.
_____3. Conflict theory emphasized the need for stability and views change as deterants to progress.
_____4. Social change is an alteration in the social order of a society which may include changes in nature,
social institutions and social behaviors
_____5. Social inequality is an area within sociology that focuses on the distribution of goods and burdens in

Independent Activity: Describe yourself. Write your own autobiograph and the most significant change that you
went through in the past 16 years of life.
Introduce of your self (my name is…), write your age, place of birth, current institution studying or working in,
share your motto or beliefs and share your story. Makes sure that the autobiography is not more than 500
words. Write this activity in a separate sheet of yellow paper. (100 points)

Reflection and evaluation:

Answer these questions to evaluate what you learned in this lesson.
What part of the lesson do you find most interesting and easy to understand?
What concpets do you find difficult to grasp and difficult to understand?

David Matsumoto and Hyisung C. Hwang, The handbook of Culture and Psychology, 2019

 Kindly answer all activities except ones specified as opitonal.
 NO ANSWER KEY was provided in this lesson to encourage the learner to read and comprehend the
concepts at their own pace.
 If you find some concepts difficult you are encourage to discuss your concerns and clarifications with your
teacher facilitator.
 Do not write anything on this booklet. Kindly write your answers on the medium specified by your teacher
facilitator. .

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