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Types of verbs

We are going to explore 11 different types of verbs. Because every type

deserves some attention, we won’t be going into too much detail on each
type. If you want to learn more than what is covered here, you’re in luck.
Listed below are each of the 11 types of verbs we are going to look at and a
link to an article entirely focused on that specific type of verb.

1. Action verbs
2. Stative verbs
3. Transitive verbs
4. Intransitive verbs
5. Linking verbs
6. Helping verbs (also called auxiliary verbs)
7. Modal verbs
8. Regular verbs
9. Irregular verbs
10. Phrasal verbs
11. Infinitives
1. Action verbs
Action verbs, as their name says, are used to refer to actions. These can refer
to physical actions that are performed with bodies or objects, such
as jump, hit, or sing, or mental actions that we use our brains to perform, such
as think, consider, or memorize. Most verbs you will find are action verbs.
List of action verbs


 swim
 help
 ignore
 believe
Examples of action verbs in a sentence
Each of these sentences uses action verbs. You’ll see that each verb is
referring to a physical or mental action.

 I work at a factory.
 Cats chase mice.
 We listened to the woman’s amazing story.
 2. Stative verbs
Unlike action verbs, stative verbs refer to conditions or states of being.
Generally speaking, we use stative verbs to describe things like qualities,
states of existence, opinions, beliefs, and emotions. When used in a
sentence, stative verbs do not refer to actions. It is important to know that
some verbs can be used as either action or stative verbs depending on their
meaning in the sentence. We are less likely to use stative verbs in the
continuous verb tenses.
List of stative verbs


 want
 own
 have
 resemble
Get to know the stative verb have even better with this examination
of has vs. have.
Examples of stative verbs in a sentence
These sentences all use stative verbs. You’ll notice that none of these verbs
refer to actions.

 The mansion has five bathrooms.

 Allie loves her younger sisters.
 My car needs an oil change.
3. Transitive verbs
A transitive verb is a verb that is accompanied by a direct object in a
sentence. The direct object is the noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that is
having something done to it by the subject of the sentence. Both action and
stative verbs can have direct objects, which means they can both be used as
transitive verbs.
Examples of transitive verbs in a sentence
The following sentences all contain examples of transitive verbs. As you read
each one, consider what the direct object of the sentence is.

 Leonardo ate a delicious pepperoni pizza.

 The wealthy man bought three paintings.
 She really hates broccoli.
4. Intransitive verbs
The opposite of a transitive verb is an intransitive verb. A verb is an
intransitive verb if it is not used with a direct object. Remember, only nouns,
pronouns, and  noun phrases can be direct objects. Prepositional
phrases, adjectives, and adverbs cannot be used as direct objects. Once
again, both action and stative verbs can be used as intransitive verbs.
Examples intransitive verbs in a sentence
Each of these sentences uses intransitive verbs. Look carefully and you will
see that none of these sentences have direct objects.

 Airplanes fly.
 The children slept while the adults worked.
 The terrified monkeys hid in the trees after they saw the gigantic hungry
5. Linking verbs
Linking verbs are a special type of stative verb whose name gives a big clue
as to what they do. Linking verbs are used to link a subject with a subject
complement. A subject complement describes or identifies the subject of the
sentence or clause. Linking verbs can function as intransitive verbs, which do
not take direct objects.
List of words used as linking verbs


 become
 seem
 appear
 grow
Examples of linking verbs in a sentence
In each of the following sentences, linking verbs are used to link a subject with
a subject complement.

 Mike is a great dancer.

 That gold watch looks expensive.
 Suddenly, the mall got really crowded.
6. Helping verbs (auxiliary verbs)
Helping verbs, also called auxiliary verbs, are helpful verbs that work with
other verbs to change the meaning of a sentence. A helping verb combines
with a main verb in order to accomplish different goals. These include
changing the tense of the verb or altering the mood of a sentence.
List of words used as helping verbs


 have
 do
 can
 will
Examples of helping verbs in a sentence
Each of the following sentences uses a helping verb. Take a moment to
consider what each sentence is saying and how a helping verb contributes to
the meaning of the sentence.

 The musician has performed in concerts all over the world.

 My cat is getting slow in her old age.
 Cheetahs can run incredibly fast.
7. Modal verbs
Modal verbs are a subgroup of helping verbs that are used to give a sentence
a specific mood. Each modal verb is used differently, and they can express
concepts such as ability, necessity, possibility, or permission.
List of verbs used as modal verbs


 may
 might
 must
 would
Examples of modal verbs in a sentence
The following sentences all use modal verbs to express a certain tone. You’ll
see that each sentence would have a different meaning (or wouldn’t make
sense) without the modal verb.

 Once you finish your homework, you may play outside.

 We must carefully add two eggs to the mixing bowl.
 I would go to the movies if I wasn’t busy working.
Learn about one certain mood that confuses many: the subjunctive
8. Regular verbs
A verb is considered a regular verb if its past tense form and past participle
ends in -ed, -d, or the verb is a -t variant verb. For example, the verb look is a
regular verb because both its past tense form and past participle is looked.
Sometimes, regular verbs may slightly change spelling. For example, the past
tense and past participle of cry is cried.
List of regular verbs

jump becomes jumped

 slip becomes slipped
 try becomes tried
 sleep becomes slept
 lend becomes lent
Examples of regular verbs in a sentence
Each of the following sentences use regular verbs in either their past tense
form or as a past participle.

 He walked two miles to the post office.

 We purchased all of the supplies that we needed for the camping trip.
 Tiffany had noticed something strange about Marcus’s story.
9. Irregular verbs
An irregular verb is a verb whose past tense and past participle form doesn’t
end in -ed, -d, and doesn’t use the –t variant. Often, the spelling of these
verbs changes dramatically or may not even change at all.
List of irregular verbs

be becomes am, is, are, was, were, be, being, and been

 eat becomes ate, eaten
 fly becomes flew, flown
 catch becomes caught, caught
 set becomes set, set
Examples of irregular verbs in a sentence
The following sentences use irregular verbs. Despite being used in the past
tense or as a past participle, none of these verbs end in -ed, -d, or are a -
t variant verb.
 Cindy knew all of the right answers.
 This junky computer has given me nothing but headaches since
I bought it.
 The workers took the furniture out of the moving truck.
10. Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs are combinations of a verb with prepositions and/or adverbs
that have a different meaning from the individual words used to form them.
For example, the verb shut means “to close,” and the adverb down means
“not up” or “in a descending direction.” However, the phrasal verb shut
down means to stop the operation of something.
List of phrasal verbs

ask for

 put up with
 talk down to
 lock up
 cut across
Examples of phrasal verbs in a sentence
The following sentences show how we can use phrasal verbs. Sometimes, we
can separate out the words of a phrasal verb and the sentence is still
grammatically correct.

 The frustrated business owner closed down his store.

 Dave loves to show off his baseball trophies.
 My mother always told me it is a good idea to put some money away in
case of emergencies.
11. Infinitives
Our last type of verb isn’t actually a verb at all—sorry about that! However,
infinitives look a lot like verbs because they are derived from them. An
infinitive of a verb is identical to the base form of the verb. For example, the
infinitive form of the verb open is open. Typically, we use infinitives with the
word to in order to form infinitive phrases. Infinitive phrases can be used for a
variety of reasons, such as to act like nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.
Examples of infinitive phrases in a sentence
All of the following sentences use infinitive phrases. In order, the infinitive
phrases are acting as a noun (nominal infinitive), an adjective
(adjectival infinitive), and an adverb (adverbial infinitive).
 To play guitar in a rock band is my goal.
 If you are looking for the best restaurants in town, Luis is the person to
 The writing in the letter was too small to see.
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Verb Tenses Verb tenses are used to show time. Verb tenses tell when events happen, happened, or will
happen. Simple Tense Present The present tense may express an action that is repeated or ongoing. It
can also express an action that is happening at this moment or a situation that is always true. Example:
Jane and Sarah jog every morning. Past The past tense expresses an action that has already happened.
In regular verbs, the past tense is formed by adding –ed or –d to the base form. In irregular verbs, the
past tense takes a variety of forms. Example: John and Sara hiked to the top of the mountain. Future The
future tense expresses an action that will take place in the future. The future tense is formed by adding
will to the base form. Example: I will fly to Atlanta Friday evening.

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