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also known as

In three languages
(Pali, Sanskrit and English)
A Short Introduction

The Candimasutta is a Pali text that has been known as a protective chant (paritta) in south
and southeast Asia. It is included in the famous collection of protective chants entitled
“Catubhāṇavāra“, which is, actually, a compilation of twenty-seven texts extracted from the five
Nikāyas. The compilation is divided into four sections with the first one containing the largest
amount of texts.  The Candimasutta can be found in the first section as the 14th text. It is coupled
with the 15th text known as the Suriyaparitta.

The Sanskrit version of the Candimasutta is somewhat different . Its difference comes down to two
facts. Firstly, the town of Sāvatthi is not the place where the Buddha was staying at the time of the
event. Secondly, it does not look like a text that has served the purpose of being a protective


Saṃyutta Nikāya 2 Candrasūtra     SN 2.9

PTS: S i 50
1. Paṭhamavagga CDB i 144

9. Candimasutta Candima Sutta: The Moon Deity's Prayer

evaṃ mayā śrutam | ekasamayaṃ bhagavāṃ for Protection
Sāvatthinidānaṃ. Tena kho pana
translated by
caṃpāyāṃ viharati gargarapuṣkariṇyās tīre |
samayena candimā devaputto
tena khalu samayena rāhuṇā asurendreṇa sarvaṃ
Piyadassi Thera
rāhunā asurindena gahito hoti.
candramaṇḍalam āvṛtaṃ | atha yā devatā
Atha kho candimā devaputto Thus have I heard:
tasmiṃ candramaṇḍale sthitā bhītā trastā saṃvignā
bhagavantaṃ anussaramāno
hṛṣṭaromakūpā yena bhagavāṃs tenopajagāma On one occasion the Blessed One was living near
tāyaṃ velāyaṃ imaṃ gāthaṃ
| upetya bhagavatpādau śirasā vanditvaikānte Savatthi, at Jetavana at Anathpindika's monastery.
abhāsi: At that time Candima, the moon deity, was seized by
’sthāt | ekāntasthitā bhagavaṃtaṃ gāthayā Rahu, lord of Asura. Thereupon calling to mind the
babhāṣe | Blessed One, Candima, the moon deity, recited this
“Namo te buddha vīratthu,
vippamuttosi sabbadhi;
namas te buddha vīrāstu vipramuktāya savataḥ |
Sambādhapaṭipannosmi, i. "O Buddha, the Hero, thou art wholly free from all
saṃbādhapratipanno ’smi tasya me śaraṇaṃ evil. My adoration to thee. I have fallen into distress.
tassa me saraṇaṃ bhavā”ti.
bhava || Be thou my refuge."
Atha kho bhagavā candimaṃ
loke sugatam arhantaṃ candramāḥ śaraṇaṃ gataḥ
devaputtaṃ ārabbha rāhuṃ Thereupon the Blessed One addressed a stanza to
| Rahu, Lord of Asuras, on behalf of Candima, thus:
asurindaṃ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:
rāhoś candramasaṃ muñca buddhā
“Tathāgataṃ arahantaṃ, ii. "O Rahu, Candima has gone for refuge to the
lokānukaṃpakāḥ ||
candimā saraṇaṃ gato; Tathagata, the Consummate One. Release Candima.
bhagavāṃ gāthayā pratyābhāṣīt | The Buddhas radiate compassion on the world (of
Rāhu candaṃ pamuñcassu,
buddhā lokānukampakā”ti. yo hy andhakāre nabhasi beings)."
Atha kho rāhu asurindo prabhākaro vairocano … |
Thereupon Rahu, Lord of Asuras, released Candima,
candimaṃ devaputtaṃ muñcitvā the deity, and immediately came to the presence of
rāho śaśāṅkaṃ grasa māntarīkṣe
taramānarūpo yena vepacitti Vepacitta, Lord of Asuras, and stood beside him
prajāpradīpaṃ tvaritaṃ vimuñca || trembling with fear and with hair standing on end.
asurindo tenupasaṅkami;
Then Vepacitta addressed Rahu in this stanza.
upasaṅkamitvā saṃviggo … | saṃsvinnagātro vyathitaḥ saṃbādhito yathā
lomahaṭṭhajāto ekamantaṃ naraḥ | saṃtvaramāṇo ’sau rāhuś
aṭṭhāsi. Ekamantaṃ ṭhitaṃ kho candramaṇḍalam utsṛṣṭaḥ ||
iii. "Rahu. Why did you suddenly release Candima?
rāhuṃ asurindaṃ vepacitti tena samayena baḍir virocanapautra āsīd asuraḥ |
Why have you come trembling, and why are you
asurindo gāthāya ajjhabhāsi: adrākṣīd baḍir virocanapautro rāhuṇā asurendreṇa standing here terrified?"
tvaritatvaritaṃ candramaṇḍalam utsṛṣṭam dṛṣṭvā ca
“Kiṃ nu santaramānova, tasyāṃ velāyāṃ gāthāṃ babhāṣe ||
rāhu candaṃ pamuñcasi; kiṃ nu saṃtvaramāṇas tvaṃ rāhuś "I have been spoken to by the Buddha in a stanza
Saṃviggarūpo āgamma, candraṃ vimuñcasi | saṃsvinnagātro vyathitaḥ (requesting me to release Candima). If I had not
released Candima my head would have split into
kiṃ nu bhītova tiṭṭhasī”ti. saṃbādhito yathā naraḥ ||
seven pieces. While yet I live, I should have had no
“Sattadhā me phale muddhā, rāhur avocat || saptadhā me sphalen mūrdhā jīvan happiness. (Therefore I released Candima)."
jīvanto na sukhaṃ labhe; na sukham āpnuyāṃ tatra buddhābhigītena
Buddhagāthābhigītomhi, muñceyaṃ śaśinaṃ na cet ||
no ce muñceyya candiman”ti. baḍir virocanapautra gāthayā babhāṣe ||
… madarśinaḥ saṃbuddhāḥ … |
teṣāṃ gāthābhigītena rāhuś candraṃ vimuñcati ||

candrasūtraṃ samāptam ||


"Candima Sutta: The Moon Deity's Prayer for Protection" (SN 2.9), translated from the Pali by Piyadassi Thera. Access to Insight (BCBS Edition), 15 June

Ernst Waldschmidt 1970 [from 0155a07 right up to 0155b03]  

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