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Bohol Association of Catholic School

Diocese of Tagbilaran
Sagbayan, Bohol

Music Grade 9
First Quarter-Activity no.9

1. NAME: ________________________________ YR/SECTION:_____________

ACITIVITY TITLE: Music Of The Baroque Period (1685-1750)
LEARNING TARGET: Show appreciation by listening attentively
Reference: Mapeh 9 Book pp 16-19
Concept Notes:
The word baroque is from the Portuguese word barroco, which means “misshapen pearl”. The term
baroque was used to refer to the ornate and heavily ornamented music of this period.
1. Instrumental Music
a. Fugue- a composition or part of a composition in which the subject is repeated or answered by several parts.
b. Suite- a piece or composition usually for dances
c. Concerto Grosso- a full orchestra concerto.
d. Concerto- an ensemble or composition for one or more solo instruments or voices.
e. Sonata- a piece played on one or more instruments
2. Vocal Music
a. Oratorio- a dramatic composition for solo singers, chorus, and instruments which biblical or religious subjects.
b. Chorale- a composition for voices in strophic hymn tunes used in the German Lutheran Church.
c. Cantata- a composition for solo voice with aria and recitatives.
d. Opera- a dramatic stage composition usually in two or more acts.
a. GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL (feb. 23, 1685- April 14, 1759)
b. Johann Sebastian Bach (March 21, 1685- July 8, 1750)
1. Listen to Handel’s Works and Musical composition entitled “ Messiah” and give your reaction on it. (10pts)

Thessalonians 2:11-12 “For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children,
encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.”
Bohol Association of Catholic School
Diocese of Tagbilaran
Sagbayan, Bohol

Arts Grade 9
First Quarter-Activity no.10

NAME: ________________________________ YR/SECTION:_____________

ACTIVITY TARGET: describe the mood, idea, or message from selected artworks
Reference: MAPEH 9.pp.86-95
Concept Notes:
Egyptian art reached its peak in the field of painting and sculpture, both stylized and symbolic. These, along with
architect, were produced by the civilization of Ancient Egypt about 1000 BCE to 100 CE, around the time of the Iron Age.
Tombs and monuments are considered their surviving art, which emphasized life after death and the the preservation of
the past. Most elements of Egyptian art lasted for 3000 years. The ancient Egyptian art style and form, which was
describe as “the mode of representing man, nature, and environment”, remains to be a big influences to modern-day

1. MAAT 2. NEPHTHYS 3. Isis 4. Osiris 5. Sakhmet 6. Hathor 7. Seth 8. Horus as Falcon

9.Jackal- Headed Anubis 10. Bes 11. Taweret 12. Falcon-Headed Horus 13. Heh-Eternity

14.Ibis-Headed Thoth 15. Thoth as a Baboon 16. Amun

EXERCISES: Draw at least two Common Forms of Major Deities. Provide your own bondpaper. (20pts)

Timothy 6:12 “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made
your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”
Bohol Association of Catholic School
Diocese of Tagbilaran
Sagbayan, Bohol


First Quarter-Activity no.11

NAME: ________________________________ YR/SECTION:_____________

ACTIVITY TITLE: Concept And Principles of training
ACTIVITY TARGET: Explain the concepts of training
REFERENCE: Mapeh 9 pp. 258-261
Concept Notes:
There are many reasons why people exercise. Among these are to improve their health and physical condition, to
achieve a sporting ambition, to relieve the tension and stress of daily life, to lose weight, and to make one feel good.
1. Principle of Specificity- suggest that the body will make adjustments according to the type of training one performs.
2. Principle of Overload- This implied the continually increased training loads as one’s body adapts over time.
3. Principles of Reversibility- refers to the loss of fitness that results after one stops training
4. Principle of Variation- implies consistently changing aspects of one’s workouts. Varying exercises, reps, sets, intensity,
volume and duration, for example, prevents boredom and promotes more consistent improvement over time.
5. Principle of Transfer- implies that a workout activity can improve the performance of other skills with common
elements such as skills, exercises, and sports. Example of this is the squat, which can improve the vertical jump of an
athlete due to common movement qualities.
6. Principle of Individuality- implies that since no two individuals are exactly alike, fitness progress should be adjusted
for personal differences like abilities, skills, gender, experiences, motivation, past injuries, and physical conditions. Each
person’s unique qualities must be considered. It is essential that the exercise program carters to these individual needs
and preferences.
7. Principle of Recovery- implies that the rest one needs depends upon one’s training program. Over time, too little
recovery can result in signs of overtraining. In an exercise program, the body should be given 24 hours to rest in
between training days to allow the muscles and other physiological system to recover from the immediate effects of
8. Principle of Balance- this suggest maintaining the right mix of exercise, diet, and healthy behaviour. Falling out of
balance may cause a variety of conditions that affect health and fitness. In short, it suggest all things in moderation.
1. Think of any sport or physical activity that you intend to engage in. Do you think your body is ready for this activity?
How long do you think your energy will last if you engage in this activity? (10pts)

Chronicles 16:11 “Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.”
Bohol Association of Catholic School
Diocese of Tagbilaran
Sagbayan, Bohol

HEALTH Grade 9
First Quarter-Activity no.12

NAME: ________________________________ YR/SECTION: _____________

ACTIVITY TITLE: Collective Health Action for the Community And the Environment
ACTIVITY TARGET: Plan and implement an environmental project in school or community
Concept Notes:
This lesson teaches about planning and implementing a micro- community project or program in school or
community with the guidance and facilitation of the teacher.
The general services of the PHC will be effective if
1. It responds to health care needs of community members and their families.
2. The health care intervention is understood, accepted, and agreed upon by the community.
3. It is given by the health care team at a cost the community and the government can afford.
4. The health care teams resides within the community they serve
5. The health care team is professionally, socially, and technically trained to respond to the community.
The Eight Essential Elements of the PHC or Primary Health Care
1. Preventive education and control management on common health issues and problems
2.Promotion of proper nutrition and adequate food supply
3. Basic sanitation and adequate and safe water sources
4. Immunization programs against common communicable diseases
5. Family planning including maternal and child health care
6. Prevention and control of diseases
7. Adequate supply of medicines and medical facilities
8. Suitable treatment for diseases and injuries
A. List down the Eight Essential Elements of PHC
B. Give at least two Essential Elements of the PHC then explain What you understand.

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

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