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Revision Worksheet
Date ____________

A noun is a word that names a person, animal, place, or thing.

e.g. uncle, chimpanzee, floor, chair.
Q1. Underline the nouns from the sentences given below.
a. The dog is barking.
b. Tom lives in Mumbai.
c. The soldier is in uniform.
d. January is the first month of the year.
e. The Ganges is a holy river.
f. The doctor is busy.
g. Mother is in the kitchen.
h .I like to drink coffee.
Q2.Pick out the nouns from the following sentences and say whether
they are
Proper or common. One has been done for you.
a. Arun is a brave boy.
Arun ---- proper noun boy --- common noun.
b.The clown wore a colourful suit.

c.Open the drawer and take out the keys.


d.Gita picked up the ball and threw it to Rita.

e.The pen on the table belongs to Niti.

f. Sita was coming her hair.

Q3.Write the nouns naming __
a. four persons :
_____________ ______________ _____________ _______________
b. four animals :
_____________ ______________ _____________ _______________
c. four places :
_____________ ______________ _____________ _______________
d. four things :
_____________ ______________ _____________ _______________
Q4. From the words given below circle the words that are noun :
run bed over orange park it
car read ankle weep bench queen
eat grass lion kill swim bus
Q5.Pick out the nouns in each sentence and write it in the blanks given
a. A hare can run very fast. ____________________
b. Farmers are very strong and hardy. ____________________
c. They will go there by train. ____________________
d. The priest has grown very old. ____________________
e. The bell is ringing loudly. ___________________
A verb is a word that tells us what a person, animal or thing is doing.
Verbs show action. So they are called action words or doing words.
Vineet laughs very much.
Sara is reading a book.

Q1.Underline the verbs in the following sentences.

a.The girl laughed.
b.Someone stole my purse.
c.The police caught the thief.
d.The hunter killed the tiger.
e.Children are playing in the garden

Q2.Tick the correct verb and complete the sentences.

a. A boat ( walks, sails, run ) on water.
b. The stars ( fly, move, shine ) in the sky.
c. Knives ( cut, shut, join ).
d. A lemon ( smells, feels, tastes ) sour.
e. The earth ( moves, flies, walks ) round the sun

Q3.Write a suitable verb in each blank :

a. The cap seller ____________ away his cap.
b. Our teacher _____________ us a new lesson.
c. It _____________ heavily yesterday.
d. He ____________ in the mud and fell down.
e. Ali ____________ the ball over the goal line.

Q4. Write verbs that begin with:

a. cr__________
b .th__________
c. sl__________
d. re__________
e. ca__________
Q5. Match the correct word with each naming-word :
a. lions buzz
b. birds neigh
c. snakes hoot
d. horses roar
e. bees mew
f. cats chirp
g. owls hiss
Indefinite Article
There are three articles--- a, an, the
A and an are called indefinite articles.
We use an indefinite article when we talk about something for the first time.
We also use the indefinite articles a and an to talk about any one group of
things and not something in particular.
Mala bought a pink frock.
We use an air-conditioner in summer.
‘A’ is used before a word that begins with a consonant sound.
a box, a shirt, a zebra
‘An’ is used before words that begin with a vowel sound.
an aeroplane, an egg, an inkpot, an owl, an umbrella, an hour
H is silent in hour so hour begins with a vowel sound.
Q1.Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ and ‘an.’
a. Please make me ________ cup of coffee.
b. Bill Gates is _______ American.
c. Mother baked _______ cake for my birthday.
d. I saw ______ elephant in the zoo.
e. ______ insect has six legs.
f. ______kangaroo keeps its baby in ______ pouch.
g. There are hundred centimeters in ______ metre.
Q2.Put ‘a’ or ‘an’ in each blank :
a. ______ apple
b. ______ cage
c. ______ doctor
d. ______ inkpot
e. ______ train
f . ______ orange
g. ______ owl
Q3. Put a tick ( )if the article used with the word is correct and a cross (
 ) if it is wrong.
a. a friend ( )
b. an student ( )
c. a enemy ( )
d. an hour ( )
e. an basket ( )
Q4. Complete the story using ‘a’ or ‘an’ where ever necessary:
Once upon ___ time, a Qazi was reading ___ book. He was reading ___
interesting story in that book. He read that ____ man with ____ small round,
head and ___ long beard is ____ silly person. The Qazi looked into ___ mirror
and found that his head was small and his beard was ___ long one.
So the Qazi looked for _____ pair of scissors but he could not find it.So, he
lighted ____ candle in order to burn his beard and make it short. When he felt
the heat of the candle –flame, he left the beard which caught fire. Not only his
beard but his chin also suffered burns.
Singular Plural
A noun is said to be singular (or in the singular number) if it refers to one
person or
A noun is said to be plural (or in the plural number) if it refers to more than
one person or thing.
The nouns girl, doll, bus, knife, baby, photo are singular.
The nouns girls, dolls, buses, knives, babies, photos are plural.
Given below are few rules that we have to observe while changing nouns from
singular to plural.
1. In most cases we add -s to the singular form to make plurals-
book books
boy boys
2. Nouns ending in a hissing sound, i.e. nouns ending in -s, -ss, sh, -ch and -
x, we
add -es to the singular form.
gas gases
class classes
bush bushes
bench benches
fox foxes
3.Nouns ending in –o, if they have a consonant before them generally, we add
–es to
to the singular form.
mango mangoes
tomato tomatoes
4. Nouns ending in –f and –fe form their plurals by changing the –f or –fe into
calf calves
life lives
wolf wolves
5. If a noun ends with a –y and the –y has a consonant before it, its plural is
formed by changing the –y into –ies
army armies
baby babies
story stories
6. A few nouns form their plurals by a change of the inside vowel as :
foot feet
goose geese
woman women

Q1. Give the plural form.

a. pony __________________
b. leaf __________________
c. army __________________
d. monkey __________________
e. piano ____________________
Q2. Give the singular form.
a. bodies ____________________
b.joys ____________________
c. bushes ____________________
d. watches ____________________
e. storey ____________________
Q3. Change the nouns in brackets to their plural form in these
sentences :
a. (wolf) The shepherds could hear the howling of ___________ from a
b. (knife) Set the ___________, forks and spoons on the table.
c. (tealeaf) Put ____________ in the pot and add boiling water.
d. (calf) The farmer put ear tags on the newly born __________.
e. (loaf) The baker sold many _____________ of fresh brown bread.
Q4. Complete each sentence by writing the singular of the noun in
brackets :
a. The ice-cream had a ___________ on the top. (cherries)
b. The _________ looks clear today. (skies)
c. I saw a ____________ in the paddock. (donkeys)
d. I killed the __________ that landed on the cake. (flies)
e. I ate _________ in lunch. (jellies)
Q5. Circle the nouns that will complete the sentences:
a. Many ( tiger / tigers ) have been killed in our forests.
b. Divya cut her hand while peeling ( potato / potatoes ).
c.Ritik lost one ( box / boxes ) during the journey.
d. The ( branch / branches ) of the tree broke and the kitten fell down.
e. Arun scored two ( goals / goal )in the football match.
Q6. Fill in the blanks:
Singular Plural
gas ______________
_______________ dresses
fly _______________
lady _______________
_______________ peaches
fairy _______________
________________ mice
church _______________

The adjectives add something specific to the meaning of a noun or a

Adjectives give shape, sound, colour and feeling to nouns.
This is a red rose.
He is a little boy.
Q1. Underline the adjectives in the following sentences.
a. Delhi is a famous city.
b. The Taj Mahal is a beautiful building.
c. The Ganges is a holy river.
d. An elephant is a wild animal.
e. Megha is a talkative girl.
Q2. Add an adjective of your own to describe each noun.
a. a ______________ fish.
b. a _______________ flower.
c. a _______________ tree.
d. a _______________ building.
e. a _______________ teacher.

Q3. Look at the picture given below and write five lines to describe it.

Q4. Read the sentence. Circle the adjective. On the line after the
sentence, write the noun that is being described.
1. The musician played an expensive guitar. ______________________
2. My boss invited me to a fancy dinner. ______________________
3. The furry dog made the girl sneeze. ______________________
4. The hungry man lived on the streets. ______________________
5. He was afraid to talk to the beautiful woman. ______________________
6. The perfume in the glass container is fragrant. ______________________

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