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Universidad Alejandro Humboldt

Curso Introductorio
Materia Comprensión de textos en ingles
Sección: MBINT
Docente: Jonathan Torres

Hadrian’s Wall

20 de Octubre del 2021

Choose the right answer to the questions on this text.

Hadrian’s Wall is the name given to an old fortification in Roman Britain. It was built since
AD 122 during the rule of Emperor Hadrian. This wall had both a military and a commercial
role, as it served as a defensive structure while its gates were used as customs posts.
A large portion of the wall still exists and it was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in
1987 in order to protect its value. It is usually followed on foot by tourists who walk along
the Hadrian’s Wall Path. It is considered the most popular tourist attraction in Northern

Hadrian’s Wall used to run from Segedunum at Wallsend on the River Tyne, via Carlisle
and Kirkandrews-on-Eden, to the shore of the Solway Firth, ending near the village of

In its time, Hadrian’s Wall was 80 Roman miles or 117.5 km long. East of the River Irthing,
the wall was made from squared stone and measured 3 metres wide and 5 to 6 metres
high, while west of the river the wall was made from turf and measured 6 metres wide and
3.5 metres high.

It is a common misconception that Hadrian’s Wall marks the boundary between England
and Scotland. Actually, Hadrian’s Wall lies entirely within England, at least half a mile
away from Scottish soil.

Hadrian’s Wall was probably planned before Hadrian’s visit to Britain in AD 122. It is
entirely possible that, during that visit, one of the stops on his itinerary was the northern
frontier, where he could have made an inspection of the progress of the wall that was
being built by the time
1. Why did Hadrian’s Wall received this It is 3 metres wide.
5. Where is Hadrian’s Wall located
Because Emperor Hadrian ordered it’s today?
being built.
It is located in England.
Because it was built as a part of Emperor
It is located in the limit between England
Hadrian’s house.
and Scotland.
Because it was built while Hadrian was
It is located both in England and in

2. Why was Hadrian’s Wall declared a

6. When was Hadrian’s Wall’s
UNESCO World Heritage Site?
construction set up?
Because it is very valuable.
It was set up during the rule of Emperor
Because it is really large. Hadrian’s.
Because it is a touristic attraction. It was set up before the rule of Emperor
It was set up by Emperor Hadrian’s after
3. How long Hadrian’s Wall used to be?
he resigned as an Emperor.
It used to be 80 miles long.
It used to be 117.5 miles long.
7. Did Hadrian visit his Wall when in
It used to be 117.5 kilometers long. Britain?
It is possible that he did.

4. How wide is Hadrian’s Wall? It is certain that he did.

It is unimaginable that he did.
It is 6 metres wide.
Its width varies in different spots of the wall.

In Conclusion
The reading of Hadrian's Wall helps us to solve the given questions and in turn helps us to see the
history of this work with exaggeration of its years and seeing that even today it is still a well-
known and very touristic place in Great Britain.

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