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09:20:29 6000 dirhams per month to cover the rent for I said English.

As you can
see, since
09:20:38 I tend to the 10th of 2021, he's done X amount of work at 250 dirhams per
class is that correct 250 dirhams per class. Yes.
09:20:50 Now, so we are not going backwards over the last two years so if we draw a
line, since the last payment was made to you on the 25th of October.
09:20:59 So we'll go. We'll go forward and it will say, you know, from will take
the classes only from the 25th of October, which preceded the payment was made,
then, then, then the accounting looks like this and I'm going to put down the
amount we owe you, the
09:21:14 amount.
09:21:15 The amount of rent and the amount that then is in balance. Yeah, sure.
09:21:22 Is that reasonable. Yes, I think it is. I would just like an invitation.
This isn't a being duplicitous or anything like that. I would just like some way
also for you to just include one bit of wording in there that says, what I want,
what we all want
09:21:43 is to is to is to feel like we're being treated fairly.
09:21:50 And that really is more important to me than a couple thousand dirhams
there and for that matter, that, you know, our hours of work here are there if
there's some feeling, for example where, as she said before, but it's like, yes but
I wasn't counting,
09:22:08 you know, last year when when when you were only working four times a
week. What was that, you know, that was being counted as for your rent to, like,
essentially, she's saying, I had things in place to protect you and I didn't have
anything in place
09:22:21 to protect myself.
09:22:23 I and and listen I'm not getting into that, I know you're not.
09:22:31 Okay.
09:22:32 As I said you into personal star. Yeah, I'm gonna you know this is simply
black and white, you know, this is, this is the arrangement I understood, we're
going forward from the 25th of October, you're, you know, happy to teach until the
15th of March,
09:22:46 and we can also keep I said English running until the 15th of March, and
without there being some kind of contention about be referring to my program has
talked about it.
09:22:58 Like, we don't need to keep to keep saying things like this doesn't exist
that I think that that's that that whole thing strikes me as just weird. And she's
obviously feeling it as competition but you know.
09:23:26 it, she feel like it's competition and not wanting to continue anymore
either, but I mean I don't that unless the plan is to actually keep it running.
Then where's the competition part.
09:23:29 Yeah Well listen, I'm wondering with a taping going into the 15th of March
and that allows her to get stuff in place to, to keep it going. Talk about that
just for a second because I'm, and when I say this, it doesn't act because I
haven't kept my cards
09:23:44 close to my chest.
09:23:45 I've never suggested to Bushra, that the program was supposed to live
indefinitely in that space. From the beginning, I was talking about moving it to
different places around the country around the region, and that this is just the
place that it would
09:24:05 start. And so, I don't know why it can't be pitched that way, it's like I
said, English I'm sorry I just finished this one thought here. I spoke English
could be his hurts.
09:24:19 If she wants it. It's her place it's I sat. I mean, I don't have any power
at all for her to.
09:24:38 I didn't create it and it doesn't even make any sense. I sat literally
stands for specialization in aviation and tourism, so it's like it's not a, it's
not a program like it's meaningless.
09:24:49 So, however, it makes a lot of sense. If she keeps it. And do I care if
she keeps it, I don't, I still have the talk today program. I've got people who
follow me.
09:25:01 And if she wants, for example, to have that program there and call her
place I said, English, why not. It doesn't hurt because no no no no no no no that's
talking, because she can't have your program you own your program.
09:25:15 I mean, because the thing is that the thing is that she and you know and
then it's in direct competition to you. I mean, you know that the whole point is
what you want to do, or what we need to do is if we're moving, we need to take the
maximum number
09:25:28 of students with us, you know if they've stopped, if it's if we split with
with splitters and your diehard followers come with us. And then, you know, there's
still the talk today program running at I said, you're going to lose a lot of
people because
09:25:44 of the convenience of going to I said so. Don't do that. Don't do that.
And you can't you can't let your you catch your attention, you're not, you are
going to be working down hard to make that match that 10,000 dirhams or whatever it
is rent, and to
09:26:00 fill those six classrooms you, you cannot afford to then be running
backwards and forwards and money to programs which are actually competing with each
09:26:08 It just doesn't make sense. But hold on, hold on. Okay, this is the 111
thing is what you know that when you say things. I take it all to heart, and I'm
not, and it's way beyond my programming to be dismissive when it comes to things
that you say.
09:26:27 Imagine right just for a moment, that, you know, we we've got something
that's thriving at, I said English. And there's simply no more room.
09:26:40 And we say, Okay, we've got something here, and it and based on the growth
rate. This will, this will continue, but we can say that you know there's going to
be a 15% 20% increase in students.
09:26:53 Every, every two weeks or something like this is what we see happening
here. But surely you've got something good. We will continue to run this program
from the school from the school.
09:27:04 We have another place. We are not in competition. You have a program here,
we've got more space over there. These are the students that are that are going to
be there.
09:27:16 That's not going to affect anything, and you're not losing any money
because this isn't, this is your hobby. This is something fun, you get, it's still
I sat English, your it's whatever you want it to be, but it runs bites.
09:27:30 You said you wanted to have a business, but you didn't want to work for
it. You don't have to work for it. We're running it at you don't mean so that you
Bushra so that you don't run the risk of contradicting yourself, you wanted
something that would
09:27:43 pay for itself. That worked by itself, and that has the I said English
name, you can have all of those things. Nobody is in your way.
09:27:51 What we're doing is we're simply saying what belongs to us belongs to us.
How hard is this to understand, we get we were here we need something successful,
you could run it.
09:28:03 You know without, without our assistance if you'd like to, even though you
said you didn't want to you could. It's here. Your name is your name. I can't sue
you for the use of your own name, I wouldn't.
09:28:14 But we're going to be located. You know, in this place.
09:28:20 And there will still be people who are interested in coming here because,
as Suzanne has pointed out, there's a convenience of people coming here.
09:28:28 I don't feel threatened by it because we're still working these programs,
you're still getting your cut, maybe you're even getting more than that, since you
know I would no longer be working there, and we'd have to renegotiate and we'd have
you get 50%
09:28:41 And yet, we'd have to renegotiate and we'd have to get 50% and I would
have 50% or something like that. But the point is, however, we work that stuff out.
09:28:55 I think an intelligent person, which I'm not could describe this to her in
a way where it's like, it's exactly what you said you wanted.
09:28:56 It's exactly like, like, word for word, dear him for direction, it's what
you said you wanted and from the beginning what you agreed to. You never said, and
Jamal never agreed to be your employee, not in 1000 fucking years, is there any way
Arabic French
09:29:13 or English, was there a way to have misunderstood that particular article,
I was never supposed to be under her thumb.
09:29:20 I mean, the only reason I did it was because I said I've already done
that, and I'm not going to start anything with anybody, where I'm end up working
for them so as she wanted to business, she didn't want to work for it.
09:29:32 She wants something great she wants the procedure of having I said
English, so do it.
09:29:36 When we were.
09:29:38 I don't watch the advantage to her in using tech talk today why she said,
I think there's no advantage except for the fact that we have a proven track record
of attracting people we have a good program.
09:29:52 People will will continue to come to your place in order to be part of
that program. And that's it. It's not the program. It's you It's you. You're,
you're sort of you're the, you're the rock star teacher, people come to you.
09:30:06 Listen, you're, you know if we have six rooms, you are going to be so busy
running that and then the quality of what's offered I said English is going to go
down and the actual talk today brand is going to be damaged, it's not, you cannot
divide your
09:30:20 attention like that you just simply do not have the time, you know, and
people, you can't physically clone yourself, you know, people want to that I used
to says people ring up and say, always my is my child going to be taught by an
American, and she
09:30:34 actually sort of fetches that a bit and goes oh well yes under the
direction of Mr morality, out of that, you know, so, but you cannot you know if
you're not physically on the premises of people don't parents don't see you when
they're wandering around
09:30:47 if you don't occasionally greet them and you know schmooze them, they're
not going to feel like that there's a connection, it's just a name. It's not use
really seriously, you know, talk about biting off more than you can chew.
09:31:01 I also think the, as she said I mean we actually did propose this in a way
you know and we said, you know you were saying our talk today as a program, you
know, and she said all we can go and buy any program off the shelf sure they
09:31:17 cannot stop running.
09:31:19 I can, as I said English that's completely up to her. However, and I think
we'd be much better to focus, you know to make talk today a big deal. Not don't
spread it out Don't, don't say all we can do talk today here or we're not up to
that stage today
09:31:34 in one location, do merchandise do this launch Do you know oh it's
exciting. It's new. It's fun, it's, you know, a big part Come, come, you know, I
can see t shirts with, you know, I'm on T I'm on Team talk today or something you
know like people feeling
09:31:49 like they're really part of something, you're not going to get that if
it's if it's if it's diluted people at your location. Once you've established that
location really strongly, and you've got one or two other really strong teachers,
then you can say,
09:32:08 let's establish another one person I'm listening I'm with UCs and we put
it out there, what what what I'd say is this. Okay, let me go ahead and say this.
09:32:17 Yeah.
09:32:20 What you just said is what we're going to do. Hmm.
09:32:25 But what I'd like to do. I know what she's going to accept what I think
she'll probably accept right now is just, we're there until March 15, because,
because it makes them, it makes perfect sense for her.
09:32:38 She can take the complete amount of the 10%, and it does, there's no
disruption and finding another teacher, and that's it.
09:32:46 What you can say is Jamal has this idea that it's the same idea that you
would be able to continue. And then she can say, as she will say, No, I can, I can
go and get Kelly op or I can get interchange I can get any other program the world,
to which you
09:33:04 could say, that's fine. We just wanted to put that on the table that we
weren't interested in competing, we were interested in. I don't even want to go
there at the moment you know that's, like, let's get out of this mess, let's
establish some only reason
09:33:19 I said that the only reason I said that Susan Look, I'm, I'm saying that
we're not going down that road, I would just like when you've got super well
connected people in the education business.
09:33:33 I don't want it to be said that we sat there, that I, because I don't want
to be perceived as somebody who grew there, and then and then decided to just do
something like because she had this experience where she had these students who she
taught at arrow
09:33:50 Su.
09:33:50 And so and so, you know, rather than then give her any fodder to pretend
that like there weren't really, really intelligent offers being made to her that
she chose to turn down, we already know she's going to turn it down, but she won't
be able to say
09:34:06 that something good wasn't offered to it that's all your, I feel like what
what what my idea was something in my mind anyway incredibly generous.
09:34:17 And, but at the same time now that you're pointing out that it would be
damaging to me. It's like I feel like I can, I can honestly from my heart, make the
offer, while also knowing, she's going to turn it down, well you know what if she
bloody will comes
09:34:31 back and says yes you know Yes, she you know she likes you that much that
she really wants to keep me clearly doesn't Susanna she has his leg, there's no
historical precedent right now for her saying anything worthwhile.
09:34:44 In fact, for the last five or six meetings.
09:34:47 I've got to hear about how dumb I am how little I understand about
business, how you know students are, it's just been, it's been, I maybe I've been
missing something.
09:34:58 Maybe there's been a couple things snuck in there, you know, but, but
even, even that, like even my friendship has been brought into question. So I think
that the offer will be refused like every other offer.
09:35:10 The only thing that's going to make sense is, here's, here's a bit of
money. And here's less stress to go find another teacher. That's it. There's my,
my, meaning to her at this point is clearly very like nothing like I'm, I'm the
last one to figure this
09:35:28 out. But I, I recognize that there has been nothing at any stage here,
where it's like hey you know what we really appreciate what you've done nothing.
09:35:41 No, in fact she's trying to build herself up and make herself seem as
though she's the one who knows everything and well that's the thing. And it's very,
you know.
09:35:52 But anyway, look, I just don't this is this all this stuff about you know
going on and so I think that can be dealt with, you know, at the beginning of next
year I don't want to, let's just, let's focus on what you think she's going to want
to talk about
09:36:06 it now, you think, you know, going to want to, I don't think she has any
thoughts about it at all.
09:36:12 I don't think she hasn't her thought, is she, she doesn't have a thought
about this. I'm the one who has this thought. I'm the one First off, and I was
serious about it but you've talked me out of it.
09:36:24 I was serious about the idea that, for the people, for example, who are in
the neighborhood who want to continue a program that and look Susanna I'm taking it
out of your playbook.
09:36:36 We have a place, and there's a second place. And let's say that the
quality does go down. I sat English. Is it really the end of the world that's it
that's not the place that's going to be like it, whatever happens there.
09:36:50 It was something ancillary to what we were doing. We've got our place our
new one, it's thriving. Our students have followed us there every you know and if
something bad goes on it I said English will probably be the last to blame for it,
it'll probably
09:37:07 be meddling and, you know, location, and the insistence on keeping up
pictures of flight attendants, it won't. It won't be blamed on us anyway. Listen, I
don't want to talk about it anymore because you don't.
09:37:19 So my thing is, is not offering it. I do think, because money.
09:37:24 Really. Can we just for a second, you know, rather than talking about the
future. Can we just focus on, because I'm, I need to do other things as well and
I'm sure you do, but let's, let's just go into the money relationship please can we
just weren't
09:37:50 a bit of messiness that looks really unprofessional. And I need to clarify
this, okay let me go ahead and go here and here. No, no, I'm not talking about that
sheet. Okay, don't go go into the other sheep the money related student one please.
09:37:58 Okay.
09:38:00 The Google Docs spreadsheets thing.
09:38:03 This one.
09:38:04 Yes, thank you.
09:38:07 Can you see on that page I've taken out all the fractional payments,
because I think that's just been a pistol or off. So, you would have been, it would
have been good for you to have left like a copy of it anyway but anyway.
09:38:22 It doesn't matter because if you're going to be there until mid March,
it's irrelevant.
09:38:26 Right, that's fine, we can always get those any flattered she decides he
doesn't want to sex admin. So, okay.
09:38:33 So, okay. Okay, so we've got the first loss. Now the second one, I didn't
see the second lock because I was just looking at the top because we just put it
in, look okay so so you understand the logic of it, the thing is is that those all
of those bits, there are
09:38:48 are what are what are that that's going to be collected over the next
week. All right. Can we then please fix the dates because we've got really you know
you've got a couple of dates systems happening that are not don't correspond with
the ones about
09:39:03 it looks. I'm really confused about something's the 11th, hold on, can you
just ask what you're confused about, OK, I can all
09:39:13 outline. Okay, Doris Doris hands that you put a different date system
happening there can you just please go through that column and fix those dates so
that they correspond with the system that's above it.
09:39:23 We've got above it, you know the column. Yes, thank you. That's it. You
just need to have them consistent, they do it looks crappy it looks.
09:39:33 Not that one needs to put Yeah, that one's fine, that one's fine, go to
the next one. Now please. Yes, thank you.
09:39:42 Okay, and that one.
09:39:44 Thank you. Okay. Now, I'm also Can you please move these move the, the
amounts over so that they're directly in line with the ones above, I don't know
quite what happened there why they're over there.
09:40:01 Looks like these ones should probably be whatever corner one or the other
but they all need to be in line.
09:40:09 Okay, Thank you. Now can you also move the subtitle.
09:40:18 Okay and and same story down the down the subtitle and title.
09:40:27 Right now you might want to. Okay, that's okay so that's that's what I've
got. So therefore, you owe.
09:40:37 10% yeah so you won't 4000 dirhams essentially out of that. However, if we
look at the teaching you actually got should probably won't do that.
09:40:44 So, we're not going to pay, we're not going to pay something until this
teaching issue was dealt with, because you know anyway.
09:40:52 Okay that's that's that and now let's go back to your other thing which
was your time shoot.
09:40:57 Okay, can you.
09:40:59 Listen, listen, that you were saying you wanted to be the bad guy in this
can, I'd like to throw out yet one more idea. Yeah, but when if you chat with her.
09:41:11 Say, say, we just want closure on the hours, being taught. Did that the
end, and that like for example if you're doing the talking. Jamal has already made
it perfectly clear, that he's ready to accept whatever explanation you have for
this, he is not
09:41:30 on Listen, I'm not doing that I guess what I'm saying is I just want to
clarify I'm not going to personal stuff seriously, I didn't know that it's, I
didn't I wasn't referring to it as personal I got, but I can see now, what what's
considered personal
09:41:45 so I'm just simply saying these are the numbers, if it's wrong, you tell
09:41:52 What I'm saying that's that's okay see this is the problem is I don't know
how to just say that the same thing without it sounding personal, not once exactly
what I'm saying, I said as you know I'm just coming into the system of accounting
so please clarify
09:42:05 anything that seems incorrect to you.
09:42:08 Please see the attached sheet sheet for the new students, for which I said
those 10%. Yes, the total amount of the total amount. Since the last payment, since
the last payment payment.
09:42:25 I'll put the dates and I'll say the total amount. Okay. Then, next, next,
please see attached, Jim, please also see attached to miles worksheet. And then I'm
going to work it out from the 25th of October.
09:42:38 And my understanding and then I'm going to give us some okay 6000 for
October 6000 what you've done, October I presume so from the 25th of October, so
we're talking about November, 6004, November, 6000 for December and then the
09:42:51 Okay, minus the amount that we heard leaves a balance of this amount, she
owes us.
09:43:03 Or she owes you and if she comes back and goes, Oh no, but 6000 it's not
yet no that's not right. Then, you know, I was, when was that 6000 renegotiate when
it got to 10,000 or whatever in her mind what, you know, like that's, that's where
she's weak,
09:43:31 because she did it was twice I asked that question yesterday I said, Look,
you know, please tell me Is this the arrangement 6000 per month plus 10%. And she
she both times she sort of slid off the point she won't address that.
09:43:36 And now I've got it in, you know, I've got it very clearly as a some,
she's going to have to address it. Okay.
09:43:43 Okay.
09:43:45 My, my, what I would I'd say is if she chooses to continue to slip through
09:43:54 We, what we'll do is, we need to have what what our plan B is for example
if she what she would like, is to.
09:44:06 If she would like to be like what what I would say is, it would be like a
09:44:13 And I say that, like, when when somebody gets there. They're like 5000
dirhams and, and they walk off with a giant smile on their face, even though
they've completely destroyed any sense of, of unity and trust and that's the very
last time you'll do business
09:44:27 with him. If that's the road she wants to go, then I would say let's just
cut our losses and say to yourself, it's like okay so she wins the battle here, and
we win our, our last three months, and just continues that time has covered the
plot our exit
09:44:45 and that's it. And if something really great comes up within the next week
or two weeks or three weeks. Then she gets her extra 2000 dirhams that I would have
spent on four plates of sushi, and I walk off without really caring about whatever
I said I
09:45:03 was going to do, because I was ripped off anyway. And it looks to me like
you are being ripped off and her going on about how she's not getting enough out of
the deal and this betrayed and all that it's actually it's absolute crap.
09:45:16 Of course she feels betrayed because you were doing all this extra work
and you didn't seem to, you know you didn't, you didn't you never asked for
reconciliation, which I'm actually I must say I'm kind of, I'm pretty shocked about
that you at some point
09:45:30 in the last two years didn't say, I need a statement of my hours, and the
corresponding amount. I mean, really, the onus was on you to do that, but Well,
sure, sure, but I think the reason that I didn't reason I didn't is because even in
times, but I'll
09:45:47 say this, even in times of like Corona, where there was absolutely nothing
going on and we were having like online classes and two people would show up for
the online class, and there weren't, for example, there, there wouldn't be a class.
09:46:02 And, you know, it's just it was just bullshit, and I still got paid 6000 a
month because the money was there.
09:46:10 I would say that at the end of this I'm saying this to her credit, you
know, during during really bad times.
09:46:17 She's still shelled out money that I knew that she didn't you know it was
a struggle. It was a struggle back in the times of Corona, and you know she asked
for help.
09:46:29 Regarding the solution to her problems of payment, you know. Now, again,
we, we don't want to get lost in any of that stuff I do I just wanted you to give a
little bit of history that it hasn't been.
09:46:47 Yeah.
09:46:47 Yeah. sorry.
09:46:55 Two seconds.
09:47:01 Why.
09:47:13 issue here. Okay, is this.
09:47:16 Okay.
09:47:17 Okay, so can you want oh I'm sorry I was just I just realized that that
most these spreadsheets here, are, are just kind of done, I guess, like in an RDS
on away or something like there's.
09:47:35 They're not.
09:47:47 They're not actually count there aren't any actual sums and formulas here
it's all being done by hand or whatever, like you guys go and fix that place.
09:47:49 Yeah, I don't know where this, okay so here's this Yes, yes I can I'm
going to go ahead and I'm putting the, the normal formulas here.
09:48:03 Because if I don't, I can't add anything new without you know it's not
going to get updated.
09:48:11 Here and here.
09:48:13 Here.
09:48:14 Okay. Can you see the changes that I'm making right now is it happening in
real time or. Yeah. Okay, great.
09:48:22 Right. I mean that one comes out the same way. But yeah, I can see that
there's, there's still some stuff.
09:48:39 I'm sorry, that was me, that was me early this morning, no no no no no I'm
sorry yeah it's, I just, I assumed that this stuff was coming maybe from some other
thing, let me go ahead and go here actually 40
09:48:48 right here for a second and you're like, Okay. No, I want to go.
09:49:01 What do you want to take a subtitle out and just add that whole column.
09:49:05 Okay, there we go. That's good. No, no, there.
09:49:10 Yeah, I do see some mistakes here on.
09:49:18 Yeah, she just did a kind of not complete job here there's, I see a smile
is also okay that's, that is my unless I'm mistaken means. Okay, he's over here,
and I don't see him here.
09:49:33 So I think he's got to be added to this, this place, because I mean he's.
09:49:43 It's, it's do.
09:49:47 He paid on the second of know the second of December is Melvin side, but I
don't. Yes yes yes yes serious, okay.
09:50:01 I wonder if it would be helped more helpful for my, my poor eyes if I just
kind of changed the font from so that resembled the ones on the other side.
09:50:12 Above Can you do the ones above to because it looks a little bit funky. Do
you, do you have a special place for you get reading glasses.
09:50:20 I actually just use chemist ones.
09:50:22 Okay.
09:50:25 The same My, my, I just use 1.1 point five chemists ones.
09:50:43 That's that's a bit big, that's that's that's. This is about.
09:50:46 Yes, unfortunately, Uh, I hope that you went on early in the morning. But
anyway, please I really really need to take some decisions so please tell me, or we
need to decide what's what's what you didn't tell me the other time that is
convenient for you,
09:50:58 so that I will make myself available, and we need to enter into this
please, please. Okay, so it wasn't about all the time involved in you in this, but
thank you very much.
09:51:07 Okay. Have a nice day.
09:51:10 Can we play Monopoly for a second.
09:51:13 What's, what's what's what's with what's with this, we need to get this
done thing What is it, I don't get this.
09:51:17 I mean, literally, No matter how.
09:51:21 No matter how we cut this. No matter how we cut this, we're talking about
a very very small piece of pie. What is that what's what is it, what's the bloody
Russia, really, I mean this is the she's making it like it's a three alarm fire.
09:51:37 She's obviously anxious about it. She's anxious about no I'm sorry I get
that part. What I'm saying is, am I, what am I missing anxious about what okay well
she needs, she wants to.
09:51:49 She says she's going to have to assign another teacher if you can't, you
know, basically. Okay, so let's let's get. Should I put at least that part in right
09:52:12 would just say thanks to you message we're just finalizing reconciliation
will send it through shortly. And Susanna will send it through shortly and we can
see each other at whatever time between such and such and such and such whenever
you're available
09:52:22 just a really Okay, hold on a second, just, I want your opinion on this.
Can I not see her. Is it just possible we could just get this done over i mean i
just that I have found my meetings with her to be really.
09:52:37 Maybe it calms her down on an emotional level, but, like, I think this is
what what what's happened here is things have have boiled down to a numbers game,
and I would prefer that it's just like, what is it that you would like to see
numbers wise because
09:52:52 i don't, I don't think I can, there's any more proof that I can make to
anyone that I a good person to work with. I, I've done that, I think, so if I
haven't, I haven't been my cases lost there, but I do think that if we're just
looking at numbers right
09:53:13 now, which is, which is all that's left of this, of the, of the
relationship for the moment anyway.
09:53:20 Then let. Exactly. Let's just get that done, we say can you say that look
bush right you sounds like you're really busy and I've got a lot on today to hear
Susanna will, you know, in the next hour send through the reconciliation will email
to you that
09:53:34 the reconciliation if there's any, you know if there's something to be
09:53:39 Right now, okay. No, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait a second, you this,
you know, we used to have dash off and give messages before we finished probably
talking about okay that's first.
09:53:51 Okay, so just say, Suzanne is working on the reconciliation will have it
through she wouldn't within an hour to to confirm what I said yesterday, I'm happy
to work for I said, until March the 15th, and if it suits you beta.
09:54:06 We can also continue with I said English until March the 15th, so it's in
line, or something like that. Now if there's something that needs to be discussed
further about this, you know, please let me know.
09:54:20 However, you know, is, is it absolutely essential that we see each other
today because of these, these are the main points that you know these are the two
points that we were going to discuss.
09:54:29 One is the reconciliation. The is the march 15 thing, you know, happy to
work too much, 15, if it suits you better we can make it so that I said English,
the final date for I said English is on March, 15, you know, so it's in line, so
that it makes your
09:54:47 semester easier or something like that. So, you know, is there something
else that we need to discuss at this stage, you know, what about that, just so you
know both really busy Susannah will give you the reconciliation.
09:55:01 Okay, so it's basically just said that I got got that right.
09:55:06 It's the same thing that I wrote, but we're going to add that Suzanne is
going to send you the reconciliation in an hour, this is, This is what I'm.
09:55:18 What I'm saying is, it's the same, it's the same. Everything that I wrote.
09:55:29 we're not going to know.
09:55:34 You won't be nicer busy. I know you really busy. Yeah. So those were both
we're both running around a lot today. Susanna.
09:55:46 Yes. Okay. The Susanna Susanna is finalizing the reconciliation.
09:55:57 And we'll have that to you in the next hour.
09:56:06 If there's something if there's. If there.
09:56:11 If there is a things to be discussed.
09:56:17 discussed about that.
09:56:20 Please have a chat with her.
09:56:25 As for the asset teaching.
09:56:30 As I said to until until March 15.
09:56:36 I'm happy to do that,
09:56:40 if it suits you. I'm just writing this to you so that if it suits you
09:56:50 Then we can extend the date
09:56:56 for for finalizing a footnote for it.
09:57:07 for.
09:57:05 And I know I said, then I said English can continue. I said, English can
continue until 15 March.
09:57:19 If there's something else, if there's something else urgent that needs
09:57:25 that urgently needs to be discussed
09:57:33 this let me know.
09:57:36 Okay.
09:57:39 And I'm also going to add. Okay, I'm also going to add.
09:57:45 Generally in me, and I'll say it's probably a mixed blessing, it's
probably for the better right now because generally as you say, when we get
together we talk about everything and nothing, and this will.
09:57:55 This will enable us to get something very important. Done. You know, it's
like if I, if I come in. We'll start talking about, you know, Yeah.
09:58:05 Okay, well that's just No, it's okay. You're both really busy season it's
finalized until you actually have it to the next hour.
09:58:11 Sure, I can see other things in here where that, yeah, I'm including. It
just needs to be simple you know that that took her. I'm just making sure that.
09:58:24 And, you know, yeah anyway look I'll leave that with you. Just before we
do, do you want to just leave her message she's obviously anxious.
09:58:33 Um yeah did you did you put this in WhatsApp Okay, here we go. I just, I
just sent that those, those are just notes, those are just notes, you do with it
what you will.
09:58:43 Okay, well I mean yeah but you feel like this is this is all I should say
is what you're trying to say
09:58:51 is really busy I don't you know that things I you know with that need to
be covered, we, you know, want us to reconciliation. Secondly, happy to teach too
much the 15th and if it works better for you than I said English can continue until
March 15 in
09:59:06 line with that.
09:59:08 And if there's something else that that we need to talk about.
09:59:13 I'm happy to get together but you know I can't do it today or something
like that. Sure.
09:59:17 Okay, let me let, I'll leave this message right now. Okay, so, while I'm
leaving it, you can you can shout No no no, and then I'll just stop moving them.
09:59:33 No, you don't say yet, you just have to wait until
09:59:39 like some kind of habit in Costa cross talk actors.
09:59:51 Actually I can actually record.
10:01:05 I'm Susanna.
10:01:14 I don't know if you can hear me Susanna. Yeah, I just wanted you to, if
you could have a look at the spreadsheet and kind of check out the, the left
10:01:22 It looks like, like I'm finding bits that need to be included in the other
side like things were like they were.
10:01:36 Okay, I just found another one. Okay, so like Ryan melamine needs to be I
don't see if he's been he belongs over and this is this is all Selma so I don't I
have no idea.
10:01:53 Sure, I know I know that I just, I just wanted you to know that this this
this number is going to go up. So, that's the important takeaway there from Kevin
10:02:04 see him on this and oh my god yes I was just thinking the same thing I
just thought, just, it's like the.
10:02:12 Here we go.
10:02:14 Don't go.
10:02:15 Yeah.
10:02:19 Okay, really go.
10:02:23 Right.
10:02:34 Hey, everybody.
10:02:36 I'm pretty well I bush around.
10:02:39 I know you're super duper busy we're all, we're all busy.
10:02:44 Susanna is finalizing your reconciliation and she's going to have it to
you in the next hour inshallah.
10:02:52 If there are things to be discussed about that.
10:02:55 You can have a chat with her, it will certainly be more productive than a
chat with me.
10:03:03 As for the I sat teaching the aviation and tourism students until March 15
I'm happy to do that.
10:03:10 And if it suits you better. Then I sat English can continue to march 15 to
10:03:17 something else that like needs to be discussed you know and it's be really
really need to talk about well just please let me know. All right, and also of
course you can tell Susanna as well.
10:03:29 Alright.
10:03:41 Did I do I passed out of time. Yes.
10:03:46 Okay. All right. Sorry, I had to, I had to be that controlling but you
know I try to cut to the chase here. Well, no, but it but that's really good
10:03:54 Okay, there are a couple things whenever whenever we talk and stuff I take
notes just kind of compulsively but one of the things that that you said today,
like for example, I said something about wanting her to know that.
10:04:14 I don't want her feeling like she's been robbed in any particular way or
hurt or, you know, she's been disrespected or betrayed. And you said the I don't
want to get into the personal part and then you, you said, You know, I want her to
use that.
10:04:34 I want her to know that if she has any questions you can ask well,
ultimately, it really boiled down to that that's all I wanted to say is that the.
This is nothing I'm saying is supposed to be like coming down from Mount Sinai,
it's, it's supposed to
10:04:52 be quiet. that's all. That's all. And so when you say it.
10:04:58 It doesn't come across as as being interpersonal or, or things like that
it's, but it's the same thing that I wanted to say exactly the same. Yeah. Okay, so
I've got me Jewish.
10:05:10 Let me go ahead and put him over here to know I've got that. So I think
what's going to be useful, and someone can help out with this one today. I might
get her started early is when when some column to this column to put like some sort
of you know that
10:05:27 it's been moved. You know, like we've got this over here I'm sure there's
there's plenty easier way to do this, but uh, but anyway the. The important thing
is is that once that name has been moved we can go ahead and just kind of put
something beside
10:05:41 it. Okay, I could even like maybe just put a
10:05:47 grainy. It's in grain so presumably that's not know sure but sure but but
it but whether it was actually moved over to the other column, that's, I don't see
that, you know, like, okay, dun, dun, Zn done anyway I'll do this and.
10:06:06 Can we just before, I'm going to leave you to do that and then I'll come
10:06:10 You know you can you can just say done or something and oh, look look as
far as the, as far as, as Russia is concerned, just, yeah, don't, don't wait for
this part, because we're talking about something that can just as easily be added
into, into the
10:06:27 next. you know into the next wave of payments.
10:06:41 subtotal Okay, there it is, just from a from a visual point of view plays
with the fonts please make them the exactly the same. You know like you've got one
on the left and the right another a lot of fonts happening and you've got a
different mode of
10:06:51 fonts happening on the same column. It just needs to be standardized look
10:06:57 So whatever that is on the left, can you just stand Can you just sound
like something that says select all or whatever it's just some way to get
everything on the page the same.
10:07:14 Yeah. Anyway, I'll find out.
10:07:32 Anyway, I'm sure this is super duper easy just going, maybe like this.
10:07:43 Boop. Boop. Boop.
10:07:42 Those are all aerial. So we'll just make all of these areas, just look.
10:07:51 Okay.
10:07:56 should have done it.
10:07:58 I said, Okay, I say that song at the wrong. Times New Roman.
10:08:10 Make the same size as the ones on the left, tour. That's it. That's
better. Yes, thank you.
10:08:13 No thank you that's much better now. Okay so, yes that needs to be
finalized and please yeah so adding anyone that's, that's been forgotten and the
other thing is, please come back to your sheet.
10:08:27 I've only got a WhatsApp screenshot, but you need to send me your time
sheet with it you know minus the eight classes or whatever. Can you put minus
10:08:40 You know, hi approximate or, you know, eight classes.
10:08:44 Something about those eight classes minus the nine minus that amount from
the total so it doesn't look like you're, you know we're double dipping. So, and
then just resend that to me so I've got a clean copy of that and I've got a clean
copy of this and
10:09:00 I can just sing the tourism.
10:09:05 Oh, Okay, let me open up that one. Look, as far as this one goes, let's
say, let's say for now we're done with this project so that's that that will be the
10:09:21 Okay, that's the fourth that yes, that's the total for now and you can be,
and just let her know it's like, there are like just this week, there's going to be
another a collection from another 20 students will be calling them this week.
10:09:33 Okay.
10:09:34 Just a, you know, said that she doesn't get antsy about, like, Well,
where's the rest of it, you know, because, because that's only half this
10:09:45 is from the 15th, we going from the 15th of December.
10:09:49 So it was from from today from today's date.
10:09:53 This is the students from today's date from today's date, there are paid.
10:10:01 Yeah. There are there are there more students, you should pay shortly or
something like that.
10:10:09 Yeah, I mean, look, um, yeah.
10:10:13 Yes, shortly and who will be taken who will of course be taken into
account and the next reconciliation. Yeah.
10:10:25 I mean,
10:10:25 I'm going to share something with you and then I then I have dropped out
of this for a second. The reason that I thought it made it, it made sense to wait
until January third even though we're not waiting until January 3, is that we would
be in a clear,
10:10:39 we would be clearly out of a seven day period. And so anybody who was in
was in.
10:10:48 It has is in before her, her new payday. And what I'm slightly worried
about here, just only slightly but not a lot. Is that she's getting paid twice for
the same for the exact same student, so I don't think what's happened how if we had
that that was
10:11:07 actually why I went through and did that thing with the fractional
payments. But then, it looked really, you know, no we're not going to do that next
time we're going to say you have been paid on this date for the students.
10:11:20 And then if there's a new if they pay again. No, she won't be paid twice,
we will have this to refer back to. So it's only then you want so we will know, we
want to
10:11:35 put it on this sheet and then we just want to open up the one for working
hours. And what about one. Here, here. I'm going to go ahead and, like, I don't.
10:11:45 Are you looking at it. I'm looking at the money relationships are you go
back to the other one. Yeah, okay.
10:11:52 Because I'm on, I sat working hours right now.
10:11:54 And I can't see it, can you.
10:11:58 Oh, hang on, I'll go back to, I'll go back to your WhatsApp message and.
10:12:02 Okay.
10:12:04 Did you can you just send me the link and then I'll.
10:12:20 need Access Request to do is go ahead and say for example that I didn't
work for.
10:12:28 I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to subtract eight classes, okay but
you need to share it with me, it says I don't, I don't have access.
10:12:35 Oh, that doesn't make sense. Okay.
10:12:38 Okay. But I wonder what yeah anyone with the link.
10:12:44 Copy Link.
10:12:50 Yes, I got it now.
10:12:52 Okay.
10:12:53 And here.
10:12:54 I'm going to go ahead and
10:12:58 like this, insert some.
10:13:05 It's going to be this.
10:13:21 Can I ask to it seems to me that your date system on this is different,
you know, like on the student sheet you've got the American system and on this
change, you've got the you know the English system where you go, day first and then
month, which seems
10:13:36 to be a bit strange. I mean this is the way the Moroccans work they don't
work in the American system on your sheet you've got the, you've got the American
system on the student sheet.
10:13:45 Well I created the other one and this is the one that someone made what
from from the I sent her all of those PDFs.
10:13:54 Right. I get it but you see what I mean, it's not consistent, your data,
your data systems not consistent and it's for future.
10:14:02 Okay subtraction. Subtract doing why the Moroccans do it and the way that
Europe does it which is day first month in month.
10:14:11 Okay, for, for this one.
10:14:16 For this one here.
10:14:20 I subtracted SS to today's when we're I would have missed four classes and
then I took for other ones off. And I said, It's eight times eight times 250.
10:14:37 Yeah.
10:14:44 a couple more rows.
10:14:47 Set put the title of the subtracted classes and then put the new title
down the bottom underneath the 21.
10:14:54 I call that a subtotal.
10:15:02 I don't think I can add anything you can do it. You can't. Okay Wait, I
see it right that's right. Move that nine 919 thousand 500 at tomorrow's on the
bottom, make that total underneath.
10:15:20 And you can you can you can change anything. And I. Yes, I think so that
I'm used to working in numbers and pages, this is this whole I don't you know just
some cooking show me where you are.
10:15:33 I'm used to working in numbers and pages, this is this whole I don't you
know this some. Show me where you are. Anyway, but you can add, add, add two more
rows at the bottom.
10:15:40 That doesn't it first, for some reason, it just adds them above rather
than below and he's right okay so you put 19,000 19,005 there, and then put put put
the truth that put your son there i times to 50 just, yeah.
10:15:59 Here you me. Yeah, well not yeah so that's right. Yes. So, and then the
input your total.
10:16:05 And then, bold your total and then put total on the live. Gotcha. Okay,
here let me go here,
10:16:19 this minus.
10:16:52 Jam Jam.
10:16:58 Just run it in just don't worry about it.
10:17:01 No, I know, I know, but when we want to make changes and stuff it won't
automatically update.
10:17:18 Okay. Okay. There we are. And then we want this here, I guess, what do you
want just as an explanation.
10:17:25 Wow. Wow.
10:17:28 subtracted.
10:17:29 I would put it next to the 2000, put it put it, put it up, put it up
10:17:37 Okay. Yes.
10:17:39 Okay. Yeah.
10:17:44 I'm okay, that that's a little confusing just maybe put that one there
just stopped next to it or something.
10:17:53 Right.
10:17:53 Now what I don't want to do here.
10:17:55 Well, I actually should put this back, because here I took it out from
here, as if as if I were going to figure out how to.
10:18:08 So I, I don't need to put when I was absent.
10:18:11 I could write it actually, I could explain that.
10:18:15 It's down here, that's that's done yeah.
10:18:19 Okay, so I just moved that move that box with the eight times 250
somewhere, just so it's not interfering with the total. Okay. Yeah, thank you.
10:18:31 Okay, and just add and just add the word title up somewhere over here on
the left.
10:18:43 Yep, that's fine, thank you. Okay, so, um, you know. Now, listen, you can
you can also say Jamal had to do all of that from his the sheets that you sent out
to classes.
10:18:59 You know, normally.
10:19:02 This is the kind of thing that can be provided by the Secretary, but it
just just so that there's not something like oh well you know he missed this and he
missed that.
10:19:11 I'm not supposed to fucking do this anyway. Now that's my point I said, we
have, well I can say in the later look we have worked out the number of classes
from the sheets that were provided next time.
10:19:24 Next time, we would appreciate a statement or a statement of classes, a
statement of classes and hours. If there's anything wrong in this title, please let
me know.
10:19:33 Right, well adjusted, because this is, this is what I asked her for what
this is, you know, and this was not shared. So, In fact it was fighting completely
10:19:43 So, you know,
10:19:49 Susanna she's doing everything that you got I was just saying this to
Aisha last night. We're doing everything in good faith. We're doing everything
aboveboard, we're not nobody's trying, nobody, I feel like everything that she
wants to know, is being
10:20:04 answered. And I know that this is all of this stuff seems like beside the
point. But I would also just like to say this the same way that like maybe Ben and
Jerry's has their own thing where it's like, Hey, Did you know you can make more
money serving
10:20:19 shit was like yes that some, does that make them bad businessmen. No,
because not serving shit is kind of one of their principles and it's why people
like what they do.
10:20:29 And so I feel like what I'm trying to do with Bushra is part of what I do.
It's part of the way that I that I want to run my, my life, that part. I don't want
I don't want there to be things like it's like, oh, I'm trying to hide this or I'm
trying to
10:20:47 hide don't let you know this this stuff should all be like out in front,
so I don't really.
10:20:53 She's a businesswoman.
10:20:55 This is this is what and she was actually critical of you that, you know,
wasn't professional enough well, baby, you go.
10:21:02 Okay, one question, looking at this is it working out she's, you've got
down the bottom because I'm we're taking it from the 25th. We've got from the 18th
of the 11th to the 22nd these classes.
10:21:16 I like you're talking about this.
10:21:19 Okay, see this down the bottom of the yellow, where the yellow is only
place that I can see the 18th. If you click on the one the box I'll be able to see
10:21:30 I've clicked. Okay, I don't see it. Okay, we'll see that look down the 31
to 33 you've got 18th of the 11th, two classes. Thursday and Friday. So, that is,
is working on.
10:21:44 So we're not we're starting on the 25th so actually we're not including
those classes do you see what I mean.
10:21:50 Oh, this is these are the December classes.
10:21:55 Oh no, so they actually know anything on this
10:22:00 strange you've got at the 11th to the 22nd of the 10 that. No, no. Yeah,
yeah, yeah. that doesn't make any sense.
10:22:11 Yeah.
10:22:13 Like what I'm wondering, what, what did you want to do there.
10:22:18 Was it the 11th, or was it the 10th.
10:22:20 Yes.
10:22:22 She's, She's a bit sloppy that girl, she's nine.
10:22:28 Let's see.
10:22:31 Um, let's make sure there's nothing else like that on there for right now.
10:22:35 Okay, um, what kind of order was supposed to be in. Is it is it in any
10:22:41 Okay, it appears that this.
10:22:45 But for example, should this have gone closer to the top, is that the
point is that is that, okay. No, I was thinking to myself, does this go for October
is there like some kind of missing week up there.
10:23:13 Um, you know what, why don't I call her right quick. Yeah.
10:23:09 Or, Yeah, I think it makes more sense.
10:23:12 Let me just see if I can give her a buzz I don't know that you'll pick it
up, she she's got a university think that stuff.
10:23:25 Let's get as soon as possible.
10:23:31 She's only going to be able to disseminate chef.
10:23:33 When she can get a system going and promises So sure, for sure.
10:23:41 The first to comment on that disorganization.
10:24:07 This is something else that you just
10:24:02 said that I that I really appreciate about David and his just is that how
he figured out how to, how to live his life. It was that, if you ever walk into his
house or walk into his office, or for station.
10:24:19 You're aware that he's the way he's organizing things is, is just, if
10:24:31 he wouldn't he wouldn't survive without having some sort
10:24:41 of other.
10:24:43 Some other system that in place, but he's, he's, he's so smart, you know,
that he he he knows that he knows it and he makes sure that all of those things are
around you know the app the Latif sighs and and Linda, Linda was great.
10:25:01 Yeah, and and you know it's like, it doesn't it doesn't detract from
anything because after the teeth Jai could never be David, you know, and for that
matter and that Nigeria couldn't either.
10:25:13 And, and so you know you're, you realize that there's just like I think
you could do everything, because you're you've got it all, you're like you're a
visionary and you're creative, and you have the ability to organize stuff so it's
sometimes it comes
10:25:29 in one package. You know that.
10:25:31 Like this really amazing person.
10:25:35 But, but, you know, most of us mortals.
10:25:40 We were kind of broken into, you know, kind of fragments, where we all
have to kind of find each other and complete each other.
10:25:53 me Oh, I hope you're smiling.
10:25:58 Let me see. Um, but you can you can you just gonna I don't know I don't
know what to do with that right now except I'm thinking of myself. It must be.
10:26:08 It must be 1111 because he did because it just doesn't make any kind of
sense any other way like if it's 10 team to 1022, then that doesn't make sense with
the top one where it goes to 1020, it actually goes to.
10:26:31 You just change those to live in them.
10:26:43 Change this right now. And we, we will just agree that there's something
wrong you tell us because we've cobbled you know this cobbled together from Jamal's
timetable you know and really just okay that's great.
10:26:55 So it doesn't change anything. Now just going back for a second to the
other sheets.
10:27:02 Can you now.
10:27:05 Oh look i'm gonna i'm going to label that those dates but look going
forward I just really really think you need to be consistent with your systems and
it needs to be something that Moroccans and people like me understand, and using
the American date
10:27:18 system is really confusing. So, you know, and it will be confusing. I'm
just kind of have to say, you know, Jamal's use the obviously used American the
American diet system on the, on the sheets.
10:27:33 But, you know what I mean like it's just not really.
10:27:38 Yeah, I don't think there's any easy way of going through and changing all
that because there were no, don't worry about it.
10:27:52 Yeah. All right, all right, all right.
10:27:52 Let me, let me say the broken system you mean a Western system. Yeah.
10:28:00 I first then then months then. Yeah.
10:28:02 Okay.
10:28:04 That's how all the rest of the Americans are really strange. And I don't
10:28:10 I don't know if it's because I prefer to do it the way the rest of the
world does it so yeah okay well we need to, maybe that's something see how we can
fix anyway.
10:28:17 And also I actually something that it's just it's just a simple format
change that's all they actually want a second, we're.
10:28:27 Where's that let's go back to that page for just a second. Money related
okay well I'm looking at money related to. Hmm.
10:28:35 And let me go here, here, here,
10:28:41 and here.
10:28:45 All right.
10:28:48 When it comes to take, for example.
10:28:55 Anyway, you know.
10:29:03 Okay. Okay.
10:29:06 Let's not worry about it. I'm not I'm not I'm not worried about it. I just
know what am I, I'm sending her because you don't want to send her all the records
so you just really, really this is the only page that we're sending is that
10:29:18 How can we do that without spread or do you send her the whole lot of
spreadsheet, the whole, whole, whole kit and caboodle, I mean you could just, you
can screenshot it.
10:29:29 I mean, does she really need to.
10:29:29 Okay, yeah.
10:29:32 Get everything in on one shot is the problem is too long.
10:29:36 Everything in on one shot is the problem is too long. Okay, okay. No
worries. So what I'd say is, let's go ahead and go, maybe. Can you just make that
as a different page as a separate page can you duplicate that page as a separate
page, and I can then
10:29:50 send through or through and send it through with non print, print, print,
why don't why don't we just do a print thing like that yeah look that's easy.
10:30:02 There's this There we are. There's I've just done it. can you see, okay,
if you've done it you've done it I can't see what you're, you're looking at No.
10:30:09 Okay. Right.
10:30:12 for you now but I have, I have a new, there's a new one down there it says
Bushra reconciliation.
10:30:28 We can go like this, for example, delete all of that, even delete the
columns and fast there.
10:30:38 And because back. can you see the one that I've just created.
10:30:43 Hang on a second. I'm just sorry I'm just saving up thing. I'm just
10:30:47 That's great. That's fine.
10:30:49 I'm going to go ahead and delete this column.
10:30:59 16. I'm going to write our setting which 16th of December, and I'm going
to put it talks. Ok.
10:31:03 Okay, I'm just, it's being cited so I've saved it as a PDF that's fine,
that's what I'll send. Okay.
10:31:09 And the same thing was your other one I set working hours we've done it
now, I'll just do it as a print.
10:31:18 Sorry What were you gonna say.
10:31:36 fine.
10:31:36 I'm.
10:31:39 So, yeah, I mean I don't know if this is useful or not. I'm just going to
go ahead and send this to you. This is a second good here.
10:31:59 Okay.
10:32:13 Thanks.
10:32:09 Okay, I just sent you
10:32:16 a CSV.
10:32:18 Yeah.
10:32:21 And I think it's, it's everything, not it's not as pretty, but it's
10:32:53 Okay.
10:32:55 Oh actually look at that, that's okay that's everything so the ones below
the students below other. Okay, I understand the other. So these are the ones that
have just that are coming up coming up.
10:33:07 Yeah. Okay, that makes sense. Yes, thank you, thank you, I will, I will, I
print that as a ng want to do something similar fewer hours, do you want to.
10:33:20 Are you able to produce. Good. Good. Okay. please, then we can be
10:33:23 Yeah.
10:33:52 thing about doing all this stuff to
10:33:58 jack with I think, man, if, if this is what her life is like Normally, I
can kind of understand why things don't get painted.
10:34:19 Yeah.
10:34:13 Yeah, but I get that, but I can see that if this is like her, her day to
day life is essentially like this kind of stuff, it's, it's not a big mystery to me
why why the place looks the way that it looks because like for example, all
10:34:29 I, I should be working on my on the final exams for the school, the same
way for example that she should be working on making sure that her, her school is
even a school worth attending but, you know, I have a hunch, it just the way she
was saying that
10:34:46 she needs all of this stuff done I'm trying to get that page up and one
second. Here it is. I guess she's trying to finalize. Yeah, I get that, but it's
10:35:04 like any kind of thing to really lose a lot of sleep over. It's some, it's
an act it's a side hustle, who cares anyway I'm going to go ahead and send this
10:35:11 here.
10:35:14 I mean for her just side hustle it's not obviously for me.
10:35:39 Have you ever had, people who worked for you that were like, really
dangerous and return, like they were turned out like the having them work for you
is possibly going to hurt you.
10:36:00 Absolutely. I've had people who have I've thought have been fantastic and,
you know, really my, I hadn't had a wonderful assistant, you know, for a couple of
years who they basically will up you know it sounds snobbish so she got above his
station but
10:36:14 she she she just didn't want to work for me, or you know she decided she
wanted to be my equal and, you know, I was, I was the editor, I was the opposite of
time she was an arts reporter and she decided she wanted headache or status and she
just made
10:36:29 She was an arts reporter and she decided she wanted to have equal status
and she just made my life hell, really, really difficult. And the, the irony was I
left a few months after that she could have actually had the position, but she
didn't know that
10:36:42 she you know she spent the entire time undermining me after a certain
point so yeah look it was, it was a nightmare. So, Yes, I am.
10:36:48 Sometime whenever we have a chance, I'd like to talk to you about that.
10:36:54 Or Or maybe, for example you can maybe write to me about it and then, and
then you're closer to the end of it just be like, you know, here's the here's the
valuable life lesson in this one, like, you know, maybe what what signs.
10:37:11 A
10:37:12 person can read before it's too late. And then also, you know, once it's
done. you know, like a, like a little section called damage control, because I
think that's what it's going to happen a lot more than I than I think.
10:37:28 And, and I am not.
10:37:34 Anyway, that's neither here nor there that I just sent me the thing that,
did you see it. Hang on a second.
10:38:06 Okay, sorry.
10:38:08 So if we then so that's all for November, the first set of. So if we look
at it at this, So that's from I
10:38:19 Hang on, no that's from the one also. Hey listen, you've got you've got,
I'm looking at the very first one and this and anomaly, you need this needs just go
back into it, because you've got the 25th of the 10th to the 22nd of the 10th,
those two three,
10:38:34 the one that I said ours. Yes, the one you just sent me, at am one, you've
got 25th, the 10th to the 22nd of the 10th that makes no sense you swap those,
those two now that's a, that's an error, you need to swap.
10:38:54 Um, yes, yes. Let me go ahead and go like this right now, um, because a
cinema is is.
10:39:06 I don't know if she's going to be able to answer any of this, but okay
just, I just need you to fix that top error, because it's an immediate error I'm
looking at it going, Oh, you know, just right now.
10:39:18 Sure, sure. I don't know why it was right. I don't know why it was set in.
10:39:25 But let's just fix it. Let's just fix it and make sure that there's
nothing similar going, what we'll do is
10:39:35 I'm just going to go ahead and put
10:39:39 this over here, it doesn't mean anything it's just like if she says oh
well what's that all about blah blah blah. It's just like okay well there was a
question about that one.
10:39:54 okay you can, the one that I just gave you if you're going to give it to
her you can fix that on your side. I just put on the, on the public one on the one
that you and I are sharing, I, I fixed it.
10:40:06 I'm with you. Yeah, can I have fixed it. You're right.
10:40:11 I accept that then, then the classes come back up, that's okay yes I fixed
it. Okay, That's all right.
10:40:18 Okay.
10:40:25 Now, export to PDF, right, I've got that. Okay. All right, well I'll send
10:40:33 Do you want me to send you a draft of what I'm sending her or just send it
and then send your copy.
10:40:40 Yr.
10:40:46 Okay.
10:40:47 Um, yeah, I mean, yes, of course.
10:40:51 Alright.
10:40:52 So if we going from the 25th of the 10th, so we're saying basically the
end of
10:41:10 4000 what we said was 4000 votes over 20,000
10:41:18 minus 4420 equals.
10:41:24 So that's, you know, divided by six, that's two and a half months rent.
So, and that's from that's basically for November, so we've got tonight you shoot
your a month ahead on the range.
10:41:40 Sure, I recognize that's what I was saying. In the beginning, and she
said, Okay, well, then, then she started saying okay and then you want to talk
about revisiting stuff at the gross.
10:41:50 And then she started freaking out and then started thinking about the
cycle. So, I get it all, I think it was just too much information to process at one
particular time or also get that and I'm saying this is it, I'm as I am going to go
ahead and assume
10:42:06 things for the person's better nature that she's not being disingenuous
she simply wasn't keeping track of anything that and that to me is perfectly
believable based on that I think that that's what she wanted from the beginning she
wanted to have something
10:42:22 where
10:42:23 she said it, she wasn't hiding that and what she meant she literally
didn't want to have to keep books she didn't want to have to have any, and yet the
idea of an exchange would have meant that she'd have to keep books on it, so I look
right now is, is
10:42:43 all evidence to the contrary, I still believe in this person's better in
nature, and based on based on the time that I've spent with her so I, if I just
hope that I would rather find out that this is all based on in competence, and that
we can go forward
10:43:00 and, you know, have a have a nice, four months cover.
10:43:06 And for that, you know, every for cooler heads to prevail here, and not
being feeling betrayed and things like that. It's just, I don't give a flying if,
you know, I know, I know you don't, but but let's assume, why don't we use for just
a moment, that,
10:43:27 that being wrong about, people have that that also has repercussions. And
those are those are repercussions that are quantifiable ones that were where it
will have a negative net effect on doing things, you know, and we don't want that
weird, I would
10:43:46 rather it's just like hey you know what people did. They did a good turn
by me. I continue to promote them, I think that you know that they used to have
their business here I know, I just think they I, the idea here is, If she's doing
wrong, then there's
10:44:09 wrong that we can do her. But if she's not doing wrong, then it's just
going to appear like we ship the bed, and then took off and I don't want my, my
approach is usually it's a snafu rather than deliberate.
10:44:13 I mean, you know, they might be. It might be willful blindness of ours.
10:44:20 You know, let's let's allow for the benefit of the doubt.
10:44:31 You know, but now we need to be precise about this, you know, no longer
just just all but to all week right friends and I feel betrayed your hours, where
it is.
10:44:41 Here it is.
10:44:49 Hold on, hold on. No it's not, it's not that. Yes, of course it's
bullshit. If we continue along this route because we know that it doesn't it
doesn't create a way for us to go forward and congenial way it worked.
10:45:00 In the beginning, but by by not having, you know boundaries and things
like that and it, it ended up making things maybe appear to be acts of aggression.
10:45:10 When, when, in fact, I think they're just everything, I really don't think
anybody's intentions were to destroy, you know, it's just not logical that that's
my that's my bottom line about all of this, the way that this is all unfolding
doesn't actually
10:45:24 make dollars and cents. It doesn't, it's it's not going to benefit her at
all. Look at the stress that she's going through just the stress alone doesn't
even, it doesn't.
10:45:36 Hey listen, let's let's concentrate on us.
10:45:41 You know, it's nice if we can if we go this way to make things fun.
10:45:51 Okay, so.
10:45:51 Yeah.
10:45:58 I'm going to send the studio as a draft, you have a look at it. Tell me if
it's okay if so we'll send it. Okay, I need to get going inside of you. But, Yeah.
10:46:02 Lovely.
10:46:05 Okay.
10:46:07 I'm sure we will again soon.

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