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Nama : Dewi Maisaroh

Kelas : XI AP 1/27
Fungi are small organisms, their microscopic, euotes, in the form of filament (clear), branches,
yielding spores, do not have chlorophyll, and have cell walls that contain chitinase, cellulose or both.
Most of the 100,000 known fungal species are known to be very saprofit, to live in the dead-
encapitated material, which helps weather. Some of them are less than 50 species, cause disease in
humans, and less that causes disease in animals, most of these in the form of meaningless diseases
in the skin or body members. However, more than 8,000 fungal species may lead to disease in
plants. All plants are attacked by several types of fungi, and every type of parasite can attack one or
many types of plants.

Some types of fungi can grow and increase themselves only if they remain related to the host plant
during their life, the fungus that is known for the obligate parasite or biotrof. Other types need host
plants for some recycling their lives can still complete the recycling on dead organic matter and on
living plants, fungi that are so-called nonobliga parasites.

Some examples of profitable mushrooms are Volvariella volvaceae, Auricularia auricula, and
Schleroderma citrinum where the fungus is useful as a food material. While the example of fungus
that harms humans, one of them is Amanita sp, because it produces toxins so that it can cause
poisoning for which eats them.

Nama : Dewi Maisaroh

Kelas : XI AP 1/27


Earth is the third planet from the Sun which is the densest planet and the fifth largest of the
eight planets in the Solar System. Earth is also the largest of the four terrestrial planets of the Solar
System. Earth is sometimes referred to as the world or the Blue Planet.

Earth formed about 4.54 billion years ago, and life appeared on its surface at least 3.5 billion years
ago.[23] Earth’s biosphere then slowly changes the atmosphere and other basic physical conditions,
allowing for the proliferation of organisms and the formation of the ozone layer, which together
with Earth’s magnetic field blocks harmful solar radiation and allows microscopic living things to
reproduce safely on land.[24] The physical properties, geological history, and orbit of the Earth allow
life to continue to exist.

Earth is home to millions of living things, including humans.[27] The Earth’s mineral resources and
other biosphere products contribute to providing resources to support the global human population.
[28] The territory of the Earth inhabited by humans is grouped into 200 sovereign states, which
interact with each other through diplomacy, travel, trade, and military action.
Nama : Dewi Maisaroh
Kelas : XI AP 1 /27

Flies was a orkera, which, according to the origin he says “Di” meaning two, “ptera” which means
wings, and the overall meaning is a insect that has two wings (a pair of wings) or inserting which can
fly. The presence of this pair of wings is the front-wing, while the rear wings do not develop and

Home flies (M. Domestica) is the most common fly known for people since these flies is usually alive
associated with humans. M. Domestica is medium sized with a length of 6-9 mm, ash colored,
mempunyal of the four ribbons which is an elongated line on the surface of the aksor. The
compound eyes are large, on the male form of both the compound eyes are somewhat close
together, but the female shape is more very far. House flies have perfect metaphosis, namely eggs,
larvae (maggon. Pupa, and adult form (flies). House flies sucking a liquid that contains sugar or
decays. They’re only active during the day.

House flies is in a larvae or pupal under a pile of fertilizer or other protected location in the winter.
Warm summer conditions in general are optimal for house flies development, and their life cycle can
be finished at least 7-10 days. However, in a condition of suboptimal life cycle may take up to 2
months. A total of 10 to 12 generations can occur each year in temperate regions, while more than
20 generations can occur in subtropical and tropical areas.

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