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According to Healthline, a standing desk allows you to stand while working comfortably.

Early versions of standing desks were static and not as ergonomically beneficial as they
are today.

Today ’ s versions are also known as a sit-stand desk or a height-adjustable desk.

Typically, they are electronically powered, so you can alternate between sitting and
standing during the day.

Why Use A Standing Desk?

One in four American adults sits for more than eight hours a day, according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as reported by Time.

An increasing number of employers and workers are exploring the benefits of using a
standing desk to ward off some common maladies coming to light that we can trace
back to sitting time.

What if we can solve issues like chronic back pain and climbing obesity rates by merely
standing up? It is undoubtedly worth exploring to help writers get on track, avoid lower
back pain, and improve their health.

Many modern offerings allow employees to adjust a sit-stand desk’s height and other
features to accommodate their working needs.

Basically, a height-adjusted desk encourages workers to spend more time standing than
sitting, which is better for health and productivity.

Here are a few key benefits you can expect after investing in a standing desk while
writing or working from home throughout the day.

A Natural Way To Spend More Time Standing On Your Feet

Maybe you go out for a walk or a bicycle ride before you sit down at your writing desk.
Not everyone does that each day because of other obligations, such as taking children to

You will instantly start enjoying the health benefits of a standing desk merely because
you are on your feet instead of in your seat.

First, you burn more calories. Healthline reports the average adult burns 100-200 calories
versus the 60-130 calories burned during the sitting time.

Second, there is a kinetic factor involved with working on your feet wherein a body in
motion stays in motion.
When you are already standing, you are more likely to do everything from fidget to walk
to a coworker’s desk for an impromptu meeting, rather than calling or sending an email
from your office chair.

In short, a good standing desk mitigates a more sedentary lifestyle.

Weight Loss And Other Physiological Changes

Many people working in office environments fight the creeping weight increase that often
accompanies an office job.

Fast Company reported on a study regarding standing desks, which found that 18
participants who used a sit-stand desk for three months lost weight.

While their body composition stayed the same, they shed pounds, which is a positive
goal on its own.

That’ s because standing burns more calories than sitting for a long period daily. You
could even go one step further and opt for a treadmill desk.

Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Increased blood sugar levels are on the rise in a sedentary work world where pot lucks
are commonplace.

The National Library of Medicine shared an article that shows positive results on blood
glucose levels and responses for workers introduced to a hybrid sitting and standing
work environment instead of their ordinarily desk-based work conditions.

That’s not the only health benefit of a standing desk either.

Reduced Back Pain And Fatigue

You may often find yourself slightly hunched over when you stand up from your writing
desk after a long day of proofreading and editing.

However, you ’ re less likely to hunch over a computer screen with bad posture while

The National Library of Medicine reported on a 2014 study wherein office workers
intermittently stood to work, resulting in reduced fatigue and musculoskeletal pain and
discomfort in overweight and obese workers. The fatigue score was markedly higher
during the seated phases of the study.

A standing desk also helped me avoid writing in pain.

Improved Energy Levels And Mood

It’s natural to feel sluggish and unmotivated if you’ve been sitting for hours.

Much like any physical activity, standing up will change your mood and energy level for a
while and enable you to refocus on a troublesome project.

Again a treadmill desk will help you combine work with more intense physical activity.

Improved Productivity
All that extra positive energy translates to more productivity or more words for your next
novel, short story, blog post, or white paper.

You name the genre, style, format, or publishing venue; you can do it when you are up on
your feet, feeling good and energized.

When you mix sitting and standing time, you give yourself a chance to recover when
sitting and stay energized while standing.

Enhanced Team Building And Communication

You don’t have to wait for a 15-minute break to have a quick chat with a colleague. You
can pop across the aisle or catch each other’s attention and talk about lunch plans or
the progress on your latest project.

Standing desk atmospheres lend themselves to a more easygoing spirit and open

A sitting desk is more conducive towards hiding from colleagues.

Are Standing Desks Really Better For You?

Using a standing desk is better for you in moderation.

It can help you balance sitting at a computer all day with some moderate physical activity.
And it’s a nice change of pace from sitting down.

That said, standing for hours on end can prove tiring and even lead to foot pain.

Whether you choose a hybrid scenario where you stand an hour and sit two hours before
repeating the cycle or adopt another strategy, any time on your feet can help improve
your health, mood, sense of well-being, and productivity.

How Long Should You Stand At Your Standing Desk?

You will be happy to learn that standing at your desk to write burns more calories than
sitting. It also spurs more movement throughout the day, thanks to your improved mood
and energy levels.

What Is The Best Way To Stand At A Standing Desk?

Alternate Between Standing And Sitting
Studies have shown that workers who stand for entire shifts-such as bank tellers, sales
associates, and production line employees-suffer their share of ailments, such as chronic
back pain.

Having used a standing desk for two years, I recommend standing for 30 seconds to six
minutes at first, until you adapt to this way of working. Any longer is tiring. That said, you
can increase the amount of time spent standing each week or month.

Standing Desk Pro Tip

If you’re going to spend a few hours working at an adjustable desk and want to spend
less time sitting, consider investing in an anti-fatigue mat.

It’s a type of cushioned matt for standing on without shoes. This type of matt reduces
pressure on your legs and enables standing at a workstation for longer.

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