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Topic: Employee Assistance programs


1. The topic we chose was related to employee assistance programs, however, this study
is being delivered to students across multiple metropolitan school districts. Even
though this study isn’t directly being provided in a working environment to employees,
the same assistance program can be applied to all kinds of areas and people. This
study was delivered throughout eighty-three different school clusters from six different
metropolitan areas, which were split into two different groups. 41 of them were put into
the group receiving the treatment and the other 42 were in controlled conditions. The
study was operated over a 5-year duration. The purpose of this study was to determine
whether or not a universal substance abuse prevention program can help prevent or
reduce the use of tobacco, alcohol, or marijuana.

2. This study is being operated on a field-based level which has students being involved
on their school campus. The study was delivered in active consenting procedures over
a 5 year period and the students were given various surveys that they would complete
either annually or monthly. These procedures and prevention programs were being
presented by trained drug abuse educators as well as local law enforcement.

3. This article was written by multiple professors coming from the Ohio area where the
study was taken place, however, some authors were located out of state. Not only are
the authors professors at their respective universities, but many of them are involved in
health and social policies. Based on the authors' background, I can tell that the study
was done by professionals who are educated in a field related to health and are the
best people suited to conduct a study such as this. Their experience also shows how
the article can be reputable to use.

4. The article states that both the authors and co-authors have declared that they have no
conflicts of interest. What this means for the research is that there were no situations in
which professional objectivity may have been compromised, or perceived to be
compromised, because of opposing financial, personal, or professional connections or
personal values and stands (R Pubsure Team, 2021).

5. The breakdown of work by each author are as follows: Zili Sloboda, Richard C.
Stephens, and Peggy Stephens were responsible for the design and conduct of the
study; the collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and
preparation, review, and approval of the manuscript. Scott Grey and Brent Teasdale
were responsible for the analyses, and interpretation of the data and preparation,
review, and approval of the manuscript. Richard D. Hawthorne coordinated the
development of the intervention. Joseph Williams recruited study school districts and
supervised the field work. Jesse Marquette shared the responsibility for the design and
conduct of the study; the collection, management of data. Hawthorne, Williams, and
Marquette reviewed and approved the manuscript. What this says about the research
collaboration is that every author had an integral part to play when conducting the
research and finalising the article.

6. Elsevier published the findings in this journal. This publication was made on June 1,
2009. The impact factor of this journal is 4.07 (Resurchify, n.d). This means the yearly
average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal is 4.07
(Resurchify, n.d).

7. According to this journal, the funding was provided by Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation Grant; the RWJF had no further role in study design; in the collection,
analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in the decision to
submit the paper for publication. This influences the authors agenda because they
have the resources and qualifications that they need to design their study and achieve
their analysis and the interpretation of data that they need.

8. The type of evidence that the authors produce in this journal are scientific, experiential,
qualitative, quantitative, meta-analysis, and report. The purpose of the study was to
determine whether a universal school-based substance abuse prevention program,
Take Charge of Your Life (TCYL), prevents or reduces the use of tobacco, alcohol, or
marijuana. The authors needed this type of evidence for this study due to having to
collect participants and individuals that are associated with substance abuse.

9. It is important to identify whether statements are based on evidence which shows the
reliability of the statements that are implemented in this study. Additionally, the
evidence that is provided needs to be reliable and trustworthy related to the statements
that have credentials and professional indication with the information. Some
information won’t have strong evidence based which concludes that using the
information or researching other studies or journals that are related with the information
is another option that can be done.

10. If the findings in this study were negative, it doesn’t necessarily mean that this study
isn’t useful for various reasons. It can be argued that the hypothesis was incorrect
which comes to the conclusion that this type of method or statement is false. If the
hypothesis was incorrect, it's best to research for other studies related to this
information that proves that that hypothesis was correct and it is an ability to compare
the differences with the hypothesis and statement that are provided.

R Pubsure Team. (2021, February 20). Declaring Conflicts of Interest as a Researcher. Retrieved February 10, 2022, from

Drug and alcohol dependence- impact score, overall ranking, h-index, SJR, rating, publisher,
ISSN, and other important metrics. Resurchify. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2022, from

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