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Jessica Holliday

“Strong teachers don’t teach content. Strong teachers connect learning in ways
that inspire those to learn more and strive for greatness.” Deborah Slates-Ciocco
or as her students call her “Deb” is a criminal justice professor here at Seton Hill
University. She has taught her students unique perspectives of the criminal justice
system through her individualistic teaching style by using engagement and optimism on
and off campus. I am here to present Deborah Slates-Ciocco with the Setonian Spirit
Award which she truly deserves for her engagement and optimism not only within the
classroom, but with everyone she encounters.

Throughout my time here at Seton Hill I have had the great pleasure to learn in several
of Deb’s classrooms. Though her work is not confined to a classroom. Many college
students face the question of what to do after college. Some have an idea and choose
their major based upon this idea, but are not completely sure. Deb gives her students
the opportunity to see several different possible job opportunities throughout the year by
taking her students on a variety of field trips. I have had the pleasure to attend several
of these. Before the start of COVID my corrections class was given a tour of the
Westmoreland County Prison. We were able to see several different areas of the prison,
go in cell blocks, and even talk to several inmates regarding their stories. More recently,
I was able to attend a tour of the Morgue. During this tour we were given a forensic look
at several aspects of criminal investigation. Three detectives that work within the
morgue that work to help determine reasons for death showed a variety of methods
regarding blood pattern analysis, weapon analysis, and fingerprint software. The
students who attended were also able to watch several autopsies. We did not watch
these through a glass window, but were given the opportunity to to be in the room and a
foot away from the bodies. Deborah uses these trips to further engage students in
subjects they are learning without the use of constant lecturing and giving students the
opportunity to further research different career fields within the major. These are not the
only trips I have attended. I was also able to go to Adelphoi which is a juvenile treatment
facility that works with several different groups. Deb also brings a variety of speakers to
the classroom. Some of these include state police officers, K9 units, and counselors.

Deb is also extremely optimistic. She has given me a voice within the classroom and
makes her students feel comfortable to speak about what they believe within lessons.
The criminal justice system has been very controversial within the past several years.
She does not teach students to think one way or believe certain things, but
acknowledges the issues within the system and teaches students how to go into the
career field and better the system. I have not only had the opportunity to learn with Deb,
but also become very close with her. Whenever I am worried or stressed she is the first
person I come to. During this semester, I was looking for an internship within the law
field. I remembered a speaker that was brought to the class several semesters ago.
Judge Feliciani who is the criminal court judge for westmoreland county. I tried
contacting him several times, but did not receive an answer. Extremely stressed, I went
to Deb’s office and was immediately told to breathe and that she will email him. Within a
few days he responded and I was given the internship opportunity of a lifetime. As I
prepare for my last year at Seton Hill I have also developed stress related to law school
admissions and my LSAT (law school admissions test). I have discussed these
worries with Deb several times over the semester and have been consistently reassured
that I am doing what I need to be doing and that I am prepared. I have never received
any pessimism from Deb and am always welcomed with warm optimism whenever I am
in need of a shoulder to lean on or some advice regarding my future. Deb has made me
question every aspect of my future career in the most positive way. I have been given
several opportunities to explore different career fields and truly make sure I am doing
what I want in my chosen career path.

Deborah uses her knowledge and experience regarding the criminal justice system as
well as her engagement and optimism with students to truly not only teach but help
students learn and strive for greatness. Not only does she possess the great traits of
engagement and optimism, she also exemplifies the four pillars of Seton Hill’s
Catholic identity. She stands out within the pillars of learning and welcoming. She
welcomes everyone into her classroom no matter race, religion, or opinion regarding the
criminal justice system. Deborah makes learning easy within the classroom through
valuable experiences such as classroom speakers as well as field trips. By removing
the traditional lecture based classroom she is able to ensure students stay engaged.

By ensuring student learning through engaged teaching and welcoming students with
optimism. Deb displays exemplary qualities that I truly believe makes her an amazing
recipient of this award. I now present the Setonian Spirit Award to someone who I think
truly deserves this award. As I close, remember the quote “strong teachers don’t
teach content. Strong teaching connects learning in ways that inspire those to
learn more and strive for greatness.” and truly ponder how this applies to
learning through engagement and optimism.

James is a junior accounting major. I have the privilege to get to know him a little this
semester. James is both hardworking and reliable. Both within and outside the
classroom.He is a busy student not only with classes, but also a part time job. James is
always on time to class and prepared to learn. If you are ever in need of a pencil or
sheet of paper he is always willing to lend one out to you. At work, he is always on top
of whatever needs done and never needs told what to do. James is also very reliable.
Whenever anyone around him needs advice they always turn to him. He is also always
available to help anyone in whatever way he can. Anytime someone needs something
he is always a shoulder to lean on and to give whatever advice he can.

I would now like to introduce James who will be awarding Dr. Reyna with the Setonian
Spirit Award for her compassion and understanding.

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