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SEMESTER 2, 2022
Ini adalah tugasan individu.
Pelajar dikehendaki menyediakan sebuah video perbentangan dalam durasi 10-15 minit dengan bantuan bahan perbentangan.
Bahan perbentangan adalah dalam bentuk slide PPT yang akan dihantar bersama-sama video untuk tujuan penilaian. Format bahan perbentangan
adalah berdasarkan kreativiti pelajar sepenuhnya.

Kajian kes
1. Adat perkahwinan
2. Adat menerima tetamu
3. Semangat kejiranan
4. Budaya politik terbuka
5. Kesaksamaan gender
Berdasarkan mana-mana 1(SATU) daripada budaya/adat resam di atas, bincangkan dan bandingkan dari persepktif sistem, nilai, perkembangan,
kemajuan sosial dan budaya dari sekurang-kurangnya antara 2 tamadun.

This is an individual assignment.
Students are required to provide a pre-recorded video within 10-15 minutes.
The presentation material is in the form of a PPT slide that will be submitted along with the video for evaluation purposes. The format of the
material is based on the creativity of the student.

Case study
1. Custom of Marriage
2. Custom of welcoming guests
3. Neighborhood spirit
4. Open political culture

Based on any of 1 (ONE) of the above cultures/customs, students are required to discuss and compare the perceptions of systems, values, social
developments, and cultural progress from at least 2 civilizations.

Marking Rubric
CLO 2 : (CLS 3b) Membandingkan sistem, tahap perkembangan, kemajuan sosial dan kebudayaan merentas bangsa.    
Category  Excellent( 5)  Good (4)  Fair (3)  Poor (2)  Weightage   Total 
Shows a full understanding of Show a good understanding Show a good understanding Does not seem to understand  
Content & Creativity   the topic.   of the topic  of parts of the topic  the topic well   
Students referred to 1 or more The student also had 1 prop   The student had no prop.    
props that show considerable that show considerable The student had 1 prop Presentation materials poor X3
work/creativity and which work/ creativity and which which makes the prepared /15
make the presentation make the presentation presentation better.   The majority of information
exceptionally well. better.   Presentation materials is irrelevant and significant
Presentation materials were Presentation materials prepared- average points left out.
prepared well. prepared- good. Much of the information is
Comprehensive and complete Most important information irrelevant; coverage of some
coverage of the information. is covered; little irrelevant of the major points.
Analysis, synthesis, and Students accurately applied Students critically analyze Students critically analyze Limited ability to identify
interpretation  their critically analyses information gathered from information gathered from a action’s successes/failings
(e.g. critical analysis of information, which was different sources to decide source to decide whether it based on the issues they
information and ideas from gathered from different and whether they were relevant was relevant and credible have chosen. 
a range of sources in credible sources, to assist in and credible during their during their research 
relation to current ethics developing an effective research 
and civilization issues in suggestion or possible
Malaysia. improvement  

Preparedness The student is completely The student seems pretty Students are somewhat The student does not seem at  
  prepared and has obviously prepared but might have prepared but it is clear that all prepared to   /5
rehearsed. & Able to answer needed a couple more the rehearsal is lacking. present. Barely able to X1
questions effectively  rehearsals. Able to answer Scrambling to answer answer questions.   
   questions effectively  questions effectively   

Enthusiasm   Facial expression and body Facial expression and body Facial expression and body Very little of facial   /5
  language generate strong language sometimes language are used to try expression or body language.  
interest and enthusiasm about generate a strong interest and to generate enthusiasm about Did not generate much X1
the topic.   enthusiasm about the topic.   the topic.   interest in the topic being
Speak Clearly  Speaks clearly and distinct Speaks clearly and distinctly Speaks clearly and distinctly Often mumbles and unclear.   /5
   the time (>95%) and very most of the time but with a with frequent mistakes  Hard to understand.   X1
little mispronounces of few mistakes  

Exceptionally well in
presenting ideas and shows
exceptionally confidence in
presenting topic.
Total Mark              

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