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1. Cold-calling(randomly phoning prospective customer) can serve a useful purpose?

-> Agree. Salesstaffs use cold-calling as a tool to learn more closely related
information to potential customers and introduce them to the company's products.
By using the cold-calling, all pressure on potential customers and employees is
significantly reduced. Moreover, businesses save costs for managing direct sales
activities and renting sales premises by using the salesperson's phone and voice to
make transactions.
2. Mailshots (bulk advertising sent by post) should be banned.
-> I don’t agree. But they should be limited because it will interact your job. If you
receive the private mails from working but you haven’t seen it because the mailshots
appear and push these mail down. You might feel annoy
3. Social marketing (via Youtube, Facebook, etc.) will soon replace print and
television marketing
-> maybe I don’t agree with this because the print and television marketing have their
own benefits. With the people love reading newspaper, magazines and watching
television will not be used to watching advertising on social media
4. Text messaging is an acceptable way to market to customers
-> Agree. text message marketing has the best engagement rate of any marketing
medium. you can manage your text message marketing campaign straight from your
desktop and deliver short messages to your audience that direct them back to your site
so they can quickly interact with your brand.
5. I don’t mind pop-up adverts on my favourite website if it help to keep them free
-> I will not agree with this Pop-up advertising even they are free. Because when I’m
watching something the advertising appear suddenly and I have to wait for a few
second to skip it.
6. Catalogues are the thing of the past. Most people want to results websites now

-> I will say no with this because I think catalogue is one of the best marketing way
ever. Catalogue influences purchase decision. People engage with catalogs on a
deeper level. Catalogs are a launching pad for multi-channel purchasing journeys

7. I’m happy to receive e-mails about special promotions

-> A yes with this. If I receive an e-mail for a special promotion that mean I have
opportunities to shopping what I like without costing to much and I can have saving
from this
8. Word-of-mouth referral is a powerful form of marketing
-> of course I will say agree. One person will tell another, and that person will
someone else, then that person will continue the chain and spread the word further,
making it a great vehicle for exposure and distribution - if used well.
Task 1
1. make your home - improvement products more appealing to Hispanic customers
-> we need to research more about what is the Hispanic customer like for their house.
Maybe they’re amping up to spend in one particular are like DIY and discretionary
home improvement projects.
2. Improve store layout and make information bilingual
- Provide an Inviting Space for Decompression

- Keep an eye on your Spanish-language metrics

- if there are more multilingual customer so there need more multilingual content
3. Install bilingual computers around the store to help customer find products
- creating a Spanish version of your website is a pretty surefire way to increase its
visibility on the web to increase your resulting sales on the market.
4. Hire more US-Hispanic staff ( 7 percent at present)
- we should hire more US-Hispanic staffs because there is a growing need for
bilingual customer service center personnel, receptionists so they can easily
communicate with multilingual customers. It maybe increase from 7% to 15%
5. Target younger Hispanic customer
-> Younger customers are the potential customers for every fields. So is it here
Beacuse they have high demands for their life and they will find the thing that suitable
for them so we need to focus on them
6. Come up with the Hispanic-sounding name for the new marketing campaign
-> we need to find the Hispanic-sounding name that can describe the message that we
want to give. Of course. Understanding perfectly about the culture is very important
to this
I decide to Leona Pedraza. Because she is an young professional with the experience
on approaching by a sportswear brand to endorse their product. Second, she used to be
a little young for Home2u’s existing market that consist of 30 - to 40 somethings. And
she has a image might influent to the customer. Leona Pedraza is the suitable celebrity
for endorsing our new campaign because of her famous and popular

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