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Past Simple of : “ TO BE “

Минато време од глаголот СУМ

Singular :
1. I was - I wasn’t - Was I ? ( Yes, I was / No, I wasn’t )
2. You were - You weren’t - Were you ? ( Yes, you were / No, you weren’t )
3. He, she,it was - He, she, it wasn’t - Was he, she , it ? ( Yes, he was / No,
he wasn’t )

1. We were – We weren’t – Were we? ( Yes, we were / No, we weren’t )
2. You were – You weren’t – Were you? ( Yes, you were / No, you weren’t )
3. They were – They weren’t – Were they ? ( Yes, they were / No, they
weren’t )

1. The phoenix was a mythical creature.

The phoenix wasn’t a mythical creature.
Was the phoenix a mythical creature ?
Yes, it was / No, it wasn’t.

2. The films were very exciting.

The films weren’t very exciting.
Were the films very exciting ?
Yes, they were / No, they weren’t.

HAD – имав
Глаголот HAD е минато време од глаголот HAVE и е неправилен
Affirmative : I, you, he, she, it, we, they had
Negative: I, you , he, she, it, we, they didn’t have
Interrogative: Did I, you, he , she, it, we, they have ?

1. I had a bad dream last night. – Јас имав лош сон сношти.
I didn’t have a bad dream last night. – ЈАс немав лош сон
Did I have a bad dream last night? – Дали јас имав лош сон
Yes, I did – Да, јас имав.
No, I didn’t.- Не, јас немав.

COULD - можев
Глаголот could е минато време од глаголот can. Во негативна форма е
couldn’t ( не можев ). Во сите лица еднина и множина има иста форма.
После could / couldn’t глаголот е во инфинитив.

I, you, he, she, it, we, they could

I, you, he, she, it, we, they couldn’t
Could I, you, he, she, it, we, they ?

1. She could ride a bike when she was 6. – Таа можеше да вози велосипед
кога имаше 6 години.
She couldn’t ride a bike when she was 6. – Таа не можеше да вози
велосипед кога имаше 6 години.
Could she ride a bike when she was 6 ? – Дали таа можеше да вози
велосипед кога имаше 6 години ?
Yes, she could . – Да, таа можеше.
No, she couldn’t – Не, таа не можеше.

HUA MULAN , pg. 98

- warrior – воин
- war – војна
- ancient – антички, многу стар
- fight – борба
- to fight – се бори
- sword – меч, сабја
- emperor – император
- empire – империја
- join the army – се приклучува на армијата
- brave – храбар
- gift – подарок
- soldier – војник
- realise – сфаќа, разбира
- appear – се појавува
- disappear – исчезнува
- ballad – балада
- statue – статуа
- hometown – роден град
- stone tablet - камена плоча

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