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Q1 Collaborative Research Project:

The Dark Side of Social Media - To what extent and in what ways is x social media platform

Rationale: Throughout this unit, we have examined the price of progress in stories, as
summarized below:
● In” Hello Moto”: A new technology that gives power by taking away others powers and
adhering to a narrow definition of Western beauty
● In “The Elephant Vanishes”: The closing of a zoo to clear space for high rise buildings
represents progress that threatens those who can’t adapt or keep up, such that the
remaining elephant and zookeeper cease to exist.
● In Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”: Gregor accepts his role as a cog in the machine of society,
and he loses his humanity. In this story, progress is measured as productivity, and lack of
progress yields devolution.

One of the greatest markers of progress in our time is based on our use of technology and social
media for communication. In this collaborative project, you will work with your group mates to
investigate the “price of progress” of mass-social media use in an attempt to explore this unit’s
essential questions:

1. What tensions exist between tradition and progress and what is the price of progress?
2. How do stories represent the tensions of a specific place, time, and setting, based on
the historical context they were written in?
3. How does technological and societal advancement positively or negatively affect the
individuals and communities?

Your task:
Investigate and answer the question, “ To what extent and in what ways is x social media
platform Kafkaesque?” by researching, designing, and presenting a collaborative video essay
about the social-media platform of your choosing.

Checkpoint 1 - Topic and Research in the Annotated Bibliography: Choose a social media
platform and a user community to focus on. Then, research the tensions, pros, and cons for the
user-group of the social media platform you chose. Complete an annotated bibliography that
includes 2 credible sources per person in your group.

Your research should be a mix of:

● Primary source examples from the social media platform you chose
● Secondary source articles or studies about the platform you chose
● Qualitative data from peer-survey

Things to consider as you research:

● Why do you use x platform? Why this platform over other ones?
● How has this platform influenced the way you live your life?
● How many hours a day do you spend on this platform? What is the average for
your demographic? For other demographics?
● Are you a creator or a consumer? What are the benefits and disadvantages?
● What kinds of things do you usually see on social media? (If you’re doing tiktok,
what branch of tiktok are you on?)
● Is social-media more “real” and authentic than real life? In what ways?
● What do news sources on the social media platform look like? How often do you
see them? Is there media bias?

Checkpoint 2 -Story board for VIdeo Essay: Fill out the storyboard and create a Shared Google
Folder with everything you need for your video essay. Your storyboard and Google Folder
should include:
● Introduction to “Kafkaesque.” Define what it means, and explain the idea using
examples from The Metamorphosis (think of this as your hook and background
● A Thesis- statement to answer the research question.
● At least 3 main points, supported by evidence from your research sources
● Conclusion
● Works Cited
● Relevant screenshots, photos or images throughout to fill the screen
● Effective use of space, color, design of slides or “B roll” (click here to learn about
● Write voice-over parts for each frame of the storyboard
● Mp4 sound files for any song or sound effects you want to use

Final Submission Due Monday November 8th @ 11:59 PM (subject to change if needed)
RUBRIC Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Does Not Meet
Expectations Expectations

Design Students plan, structure, Students plan, structure, Students plan, structure, Students insufficiently
Clarity of and create a project (both and create a project (both and create a project plan, structure, and
Purpose within written and visual parts) written and visual parts) (both written and visual create a project (both
chosen media thoughtfully and thoughtfully and parts) somewhat written and visual parts).
purposefully using purposefully using purposefully and may Creativity is lacking.
obvious and purposeful elements of creativity attempt creativity
creativity within chosen within chosen media. within chosen media.

Knowledge A sophisticated and A clear purpose and Attempts a clear Purpose and message
Development of intriguing purpose and message, related to the purpose and message, are unclear, confusing,
Clear Message message, related to the essential question, is related to the essential and/or unrelated to the
essential question, is conveyed and supported question, but may lose essential question.
conveyed and supported from beginning to end. focus in part.
from beginning to end.

Application Project demonstrates Project demonstrates Project demonstrates an Project is not founded
Quality of thorough, thoughtful and thoughtful and critical attempt to understand on understanding the
Research and critical understanding the understanding the the guiding question guiding question
its influence in guiding question through guiding question through through research, through research,
the final research, analysis, and/or research, analysis, and/or analysis, and/or analysis, and/or
product storytelling. Shows storytelling storytelling, but storytelling
particular attention to research may not be
meaningfully applying fully developed or
research. applied.

Presentation Student work is Student work is Student work is not Student work is not
Professionalism professional, polished, polished, neat and fully polished, neat polished, neat and
of product neat and well-edited adequately edited to and edited. Lacks some edited. Lacks attention
with attention to detail. show attention to detail. attention to detail. to detail and is lacking
Creativity and professionalism.
professionalism shape
the project.

Process Students set a high bar Students work diligently Students remain Students aren’t focused
Checkpoints to inspire others. Ss work and remains focused on mostly focused on the on the tasks presented
and Class-time diligently and remain the tasks presented in tasks presented in the in the timeline in the
focused on the tasks the timeline in the timeline in the proposal. Class time is
presented in the proposal. Class time is proposal. Class time is used poorly. Missed
timeline in the proposal. used effectively. All work not always used more than 1 checkpoint
Class time is used is completed. effectively. May have or turned project in
effectively. All work is missed one checkpoint. late..
completed and shows
significant effort.

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