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Sleep and Breathing


The association of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga frequency with sleep

quality: a cross-sectional study from Singapore
Robert A. Sloan 1 & Divya Kanchibhotla 2

Received: 21 August 2020 / Revised: 25 October 2020 / Accepted: 31 October 2020

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

Purpose There is a dearth of evidence for the relationship between yogic breathing and sleep quality. Even less is known about
practice frequency and benefit. We investigated the association of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga frequency with sleep quality amongst
adult practitioners.
Methods In a cross-sectional investigation on adult practitioners of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga in Singapore, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality
Index (PSQI) was used to assess sleep quality. Sleep quality was examined across three categories of practice frequency (monthly,
weekly, daily). A multivariate logistic regression model was used to determine association.
Results Of 385 adults (241 women), the mean age (SD) was 42.5 (9.9) years. In total, 32% of the sample (n = 124) was identified
as having poor SQ. After adjusting for study covariates, independent analyses revealed an inverse association for higher
frequency of practice and lower odds of poor SQ (OR = 0.52; 95% CI = 0.28–0.94). The p for trend was 0.03.
Conclusion The practice of yogic breathing may benefit sleep quality. Further experimental investigations are warranted.

Keywords Sudarshan Kriya Yoga . Breathing exercises . Sleep quality . Observational . Asia

Introduction nature of modern stressors, accessible intervention strategies

may be useful for promoting better SQ [3, 7, 9, 10].
Sleep is a modifiable health behavior associated with morbid- Bin recently asserted that interventions to improve SQ
ity, mortality, and quality of life [1–3]. Emerging evidence might help most individuals but to varying degrees [4]. This
suggests that sleep quality (SQ) may be critical to public view was broadly supported in a systematic review that con-
health, and the World Health Organization recently asserted cluded that some mind-body interventions (i.e., Yoga, Tai
that poor SQ might be a growing epidemic [2, 4–6]. SQ en- Chi, Qigong, mindfulness) might improve SQ in some adults
compasses the perception of one’s whole sleep experience [10]. The review was challenging to conduct because of the
(i.e., duration, disturbance, latency), and recent investigations numerous types and practice frequencies of mind-body inter-
in the Asian city-state of Singapore have shown poor SQ to be ventions. Due to the lack of investigations, the review was not
a pervasive health problem in adult populations [3, 7, 8]. One able to include evidence regarding yogic breathing exercises
potential mechanism linked to poor SQ is the chronic activa- (Prāṇāyāma) despite its high use amongst adults with sleep
tion of the sympathetic nervous system attributed to modern problems [10, 11].
stressors (i.e., light pollution, digital media, sedentary life- Yogic breathing has been suggested as a possible treatment
style, diet) [4, 9, 10]. Given the collective and ubiquitous for patients with insomnia/sleep disorders because it reduces
sympathetic tone and improves parasympathetic activity
resulting in relaxation [9, 12, 13]. Though there are many
* Robert A. Sloan types of breathing exercises, Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY); is the only form that has evidenced-based clinical recommen-
6492-8623 dations (30 min/day) as a treatment modality for stress, anxi-
ety, and depression [14]. SKY is a yoga method that uses a
Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, 8-35-1 combined series of self-regulated yogic breathing techniques
Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8520, Japan and meditation without physical postures/exercise (asanas)
Sri Sri Institute for Advanced Research, Bangalore, India while seated upright [14].
Sleep Breath

Agte et al. found that practicing SKY for 30 min/day for From the available survey, we classified SKY practitioners
8 weeks significantly reduced anxiety more than once weekly into the following three categories, occasional (≤ 1/month),
in adult practitioners [15]. Although there is evidence for SKY weekly (1–3 days/week), and daily (≥ 5 days/week)
and mental health association, research for the relationship practitioners.
between SKY and SQ is lacking. To date, only one investiga-
tion has been conducted on SKY and sleep. Sulekha et al. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
found that daily SKY practice was associated with some ob-
jective markers of better sleep in middle-aged men [16]. To The PSQI has been validated across a broad range of popula-
date, no investigations have compared the frequency of SKY tions. The PSQI contains seven components reflected over a
practice with SQ in men and women. Although sleep medi- 4-week interval: subjective sleep quality, latency, duration,
cine researchers have recently discussed yogic breathing’s po- efficiency, disturbances, medication, and daytime dysfunc-
tential to improve SQ, there is a dearth of evidence [12, 17]. tion. Nineteen questions rated on a 4-point Likert scale are
Therefore, this cross-sectional study aimed to determine used to determine the PSQI global score ranging from 0~21
the association of SKY with SQ across different practice points. A PSQI global score > 5 is the universal marker for
frequencies. poor SQ [19].

Methods Covariates

De-identified secondary data were obtained from a health and Study covariates included self-reported age (continuous), gen-
wellness survey conducted by the Art of Living Foundation der (male or female), ethnicity (Indian, other), marital status
and the Sri Sri Institute for Advanced Research in Singapore. (married, divorced, widowed, or single), education (graduate
Singapore is a cosmopolitan island city-state located in the school or not), current smoker (yes or no), drinks alcohol (yes
southeast region of Asia. The Art of Living Foundation is a or no), stress (high or < high), and self-rated health (≥ good or
nonprofit humanitarian and educational organization that pro- < good). Self-rated health is a valid measure of general health
vides community capacity building for SKY programs status and consists of a single question rated on a Likert scale
throughout Singapore and globally. [20]. Less than good ratings have been found as significantly
SKY practice sessions are commonly held at community associated with a higher likelihood of chronic disease, health
centers, worksites, universities, and households. The survey care utilization, and physical and mental decline [20]. The
was conducted by convenience sampling before the start of a stress level was determined by using the Personal Stress Scale
SKY practice session from July 2019~November 2019. (PSS). The PSS uses ten 5-point Likert scale questions about
Participation in the survey was voluntary, and informed con- feelings and thoughts experienced in the most recent 4 weeks to
sent was obtained from respondents. The Institutional Review determine a summary score ranging between 0~40. Global
Board of the Sri Sri Institute for Advanced Research ethics scores, ≥ 27, indicated high stress [21]. Body mass index cate-
committee in India approved this cross-sectional study. Once gorization was based on the World Health Organization report
engaged, the survey was explained to the practitioners, and for Asians (< 23, 23–26.9, ≥ 27 kg/m2) [22].
consent was obtained to complete a brief paper-based or on-
line survey. All participants were English speaking. Inclusion
criteria for SKY practitioners were if they previously complet- Analysis
ed an official SKY course provided by the Art of Living
Foundation and had participated in at least one SKY session Descriptive statistics were calculated for study variables.
within the past 6 weeks. Overall, a total of 385 practitioners Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (OR)
completed the survey. and 95% confidence intervals (CI). SKY practice frequency
was divided into three participation groups: occasionally
Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (referent), weekly, and daily. Odds ratios were provided
for three models (unadjusted, age-adjusted, and multivari-
SKY is a method of cyclical and rhythmic breathing practice ate-adjusted). The multivariate model adjusted for age and
aimed at promoting calmness that takes ~ 30 min per session all covariates. p < 0.05 was considered statistically signifi-
[14]. SKY practice consists of four distinct yogic breathing cant. The post hoc power analysis was performed to justify
stages that use a range of slow, moderate, and fast breaths per the sample size for this secondary data analysis. Based on
minute. A SKY session is done in an upright seated posture, the observed OR = 0.52 of reporting poor SQ amongst daily
with closed eyes during practice. A more extensive descrip- practitioners when compared to infrequent practitioners, it
tion of SKY can be found in previous publications [14, 18]. was estimated that the sample size of 385 was sufficient to
Sleep Breath

achieve approximately 90% statistical power at an alpha and frequency of SKY practice are available in Table 2. The
level of 0.05. mean age was 42.5 ± 9.9 and the age range was 19 to 76 years
The Statistical Package for Social Science (version 18.0) old. The majority of practitioners were of East Indian ethnicity
was used for statistical analysis (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, (~ 85%) and reported being in good health (~ 85%). The prev-
USA). alence of poor SQ in our sample was ~ 32% (N = 124). Table 3
presents the unadjusted, age-adjusted, and multivariate-
adjusted ORs and 95% CIs estimating independent associa-
Results tions for SKY practice frequency and the likelihood of poor
SQ. The results showed that weekly practice compared to
The demographic characteristics of the study sample are pre- occasional practice was not significantly associated with low-
sented in Table 1. Descriptive statistics of PSQI components er odds of poor SQ. The daily SKY group had lower odds of
poor SQ (unadjusted OR = 0.46, 95% CI = 0.26–0.80) com-
Table 1 Demographic characteristics of the participants pared to the occasional practitioner group. After adjusting for
all study covariates, individuals in the daily SKY group main-
tained significantly lower odds of poor SQ (OR = 0.52; 95%
Total Good SQ Poor SQ p value* CI = 0.28–0.94). Overall, the magnitude and direction (p =
0.03) of the post hoc trend analysis indicated an inverse asso-
N (%) 385 261 (67.8) 124 (32.2) < 0.001 ciation for a higher frequency of SKY practice and a lower
Age n (%) likelihood of poor SQ.
< 50 years 299 (77.7) 204 (78.2) 95 (76.6) 0.71
≥ 50 years 86 (22.3) 57 (21.8) 29 (23.4)
Gender n (%) Discussion
Male 144 (37.4) 100 (38.3) 44 (35.5) 0.69
Female 241 (62.6) 161 (61.7) 80 (64.5) This study aimed to examine the association of the frequency
Ethnicity n (%) of SKY practice with SQ amongst adults in Singapore. After
Indian 327 (84.9) 225 (86.20) 102 (82.3) 0.17 adjusting for possible confounding variables, we found that
Others 58 (15.1) 36 (13.8) 22 (17.7) daily SKY practice was independently associated with lower
Marital status n (%) odds of poor SQ. Also, the trend analysis shows a possible
Married 318 (82.6) 216 (82.8) 102 (82.3) 0.08 dose-response association. The findings for daily SKY
Unmarried 67 (17.4) 45 (17.2) 22 (17.7)
Education n (%)
Table 2 Descriptive statistics of PSQI (N = 385)
Grad and above 311 (80.8) 214 (82.0) 97 (78.2) 0.27
Others 74 (19.2) 47 (18.0) 27 (21.8) Total (PSQI)a p value
Self-reported health n (%)
Good SQ Poor SQ
≥ Good 323 (83.9) 227 (87.0) 96 (77.4) 0.14
< Good 62 (16.1) 34 (13.0) 28 (22.6) PSQI componentsa
High stress n (%) Duration 0.65 (0.76) 0.52 (0.65) 1.48 (0.9) < 0.001
Yes 9 (2.3) 5 (1.9) 4 (3.2) 0.10 Disturbance 0.97 (0.48) 0.91 (0.45) 1.37 (0.51) < 0.001
No 376 (97.7) 256 (98.1) 120 (96.8) Latency 0.77 (0.84) 0.61 (0.71) 1.84 (0.9) < 0.001
BMI n (%) Dysfunction 0.73 (0.67) 0.63 (0.61) 1.37 (0.72) < 0.001
< 23 kg/m2 135 (35.1) 87 (33.3) 48 (38.7) 0.86 Efficiency 0.02 (0.22) 0 (0.04) 0.12 (0.59) < 0.001
23–26.99 kg/m2 155 (40.3) 108 (41.4) 47 (37.9) Quality 0.13 (0.36) 0.05 (0.22) 0.62 (0.6) < 0.001
≥ 27 kg/m2 95 (24.7) 66 (25.3) 29 (23.4) Medication 0.02 (0.17) 0 (0.04) 0.14 (0.43) < 0.001
Alcohol n (%) Total PSQI scores 3.29 (1.92) 2.73 (1.28) 6.94 (1.34) < 0.001
Yes 115 (29.9) 73 (28.0) 42 (33.9) 0.08 Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY)b
No 270 (70.1) 188 (72.0) 82 (66.1) Occasionally 98 59 (60.2%) 39 (39.8%)
Smoker n (%) 0.01 Weekly 145 93 (64.1%) 52 (35.9%)
Yes 12 (3.1) 5 (1.9) 7 (5.6) Daily 142 109 (76.7%) 33 (23.3%)
No 373 (96.9) 256 (98.1) 117 (94.4)
The score range of PSQI components was from 0 (better) to 3 (worse)
p value based on one-way ANOVA; *p < 0.05 considered significance and total PSQI scores ranged from 0 (better) to 21 (worse)
PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; SQ, sleep quality; BMI, body mass b
The practice groups of SKY were created based on occasionally(≤ 1/
index month), weekly (1–3/week), and daily (≥ 5days/week)
Sleep Breath

Table 3 Independent association

of SKY with poor sleep quality Frequency of SKY Infrequently Weekly Daily p for trend

N = 385 98 145 142

Poor sleep quality n (%) 39 (39.8) 52 (35.9) 33 (23.3)
Unadjusted OR (95% CI) 1.00 0.85 (0.50–1.43) 0.46 (0.26–0.80) 0.01
Age adjusted OR (95% CI) 1.00 0.84 (0.49–1.42) 0.45 (0.26–0.79) 0.01
Multivariate OR* (95% CI) 1.00 0.87 (0.49–1.49) 0.52 (0.28–0.94) 0.03

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval. Values are odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals estimated from
logistic regression models predicting the likelihood of having poor sleep quality
*Adjusted for age, gender, ethnic group, marital status, education, BMI, smoker, alcohol, stress, and self-reported

practice are in line with previous mental health clinical treat- pressure treatment [13, 17]. From our investigation and the
ment recommendations [14]. To the best of our knowledge, limited literature, it is unclear if SKY’s effects occur from
this is the first study to report the inverse relationship between acute or chronic practice. To what extent temporality plays a
SKY and poor SQ in a moderately sized adult population. role is also unclear.
Our findings are broadly in accordance with the limited
literature available on SKY/breathing exercises with SQ. In Limitations
a sleep laboratory study of men (N = 26) aged 31 to 55, it was
found that daily SKY practitioners retained better slow-wave This investigation’s primary limitation is that it was a cross-
sleep and reached rapid eye movement in a shorter time than sectional study; therefore, we cannot determine causation or
the control group [16]. Comparably, we found that daily prac- rule out a bidirectional association. Second, we used conve-
tice was associated with reducing subjectively measured poor nience sampling to observe a multiethnic Asian population;
SQ in a larger population of adults across a broad age range therefore, these results’ generalizability may be limited.
and an array of confounders. Lastly, we cannot rule out the potential for recall bias because
The limited evidence for the effectiveness of breathing ex- of the self-report method.
ercises on SQ in clinical populations also supports our find-
ings. Two recent experimental studies used the same overall
SQ outcome measured by PSQI as we did. It was found that
newly pregnant women suffering from poor SQ who practiced Conclusion
2 weeks of daily yogic breathing exercises improved their
overall SQ score by 4.4 points [23]. Similarly, overall SQ Our findings show that daily SKY practice is associated with
scores improved by 3.4 points after a 4-week yogic breathing better SQ. Concurrently; we found that as SKY practice days
intervention in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary increase, the risk of poor SQ decreases. Further experimental
disease [24]. Lastly, Tsai et al. found that when insomniacs studies should examine the impact of SKY with SQ. Basic
did slow-paced breathing for 20 min before bedtime, objec- research should be conducted to understand better SKY’s role
tively measured SQ components significantly improved (i.e., and its components with causal mechanisms of better sleep.
latency, efficiency, awakenings) [25].
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Mr. Manish Doshi, Ms.
While the mechanisms for the relationship between SKY Lalita Bajwa, and Ms. Suman Balani from Singapore for their support
and SQ require further investigation, evidence suggests that for the data collection.
SKY practice may induce vagus nerve stimulation, resulting
in a calming effect [18]. Enhanced vagal activity from yogic Code availability Not applicable
breathing normalizes sympathetic nervous system activity and
Authors’ contributions RS contributed in the conception, design, statisti-
increases parasympathetic nervous system tone marked by cal analysis, and manuscript drafting. DK contributed to the data collection
increased heart rate variability [25, 26]. SKY has also been and manuscript editing.
shown to reduce cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone
levels related to stress reduction [27]. Concomitantly, sleep Funding The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
medicine researchers have asserted that regular practice of port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Mr.
KM Yee of Singapore supports this work.
yogic breathing may improve SQ because it may mimic some
of the enhancements (lung capacity, respiratory function, up- Data availability The data that support the findings of this study are
per airway patency) provided by continuous positive airway available from the Sri Sri Institute for Advanced Research in Singapore
Sleep Breath

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